Bundy Caught Lying about "Ancestral Rights"

PS...who do you think works in the factories that make ammo?

Do you think those factories are manned by government dupes like the ones we see posting here...

Or do you think they're manned by people who will object to tyranny? Do you think the men and women who load ammo are lefties...or righties? Christian, or atheist?

I can tell you who they are....

Well who are they?
So you think its perfectly fair a federal government agency can put people out of business in a state because of a tortoise?

You are worse than a jackbooted thug, because you are too cowardly to put on the jackboot and do it yourself. You let the government do it and cheer on like the pussy you are.

Yes. If the people dont own the land its fair. Stop whining and grow a pair. Its the cost of business.

he does own the land as a member of the public. You keep acting like the BLM owns it. They do not. they run it in trust. Again, should the BLM put him out of business over a tortoise?

The sad thing is, what the BLM has done actually has led to a decline in the tortoise population. They live off of the cow pies. Take those away and they die.
You dont have a right to be in business if you cant afford the operating costs. Where did you get your business degree? Out of a crackerjack box?

So you think its perfectly fair a federal government agency can put people out of business in a state because of a tortoise?

You are worse than a jackbooted thug, because you are too cowardly to put on the jackboot and do it yourself. You let the government do it and cheer on like the pussy you are.

The government has occasionally done stuff that makes my life more difficult...I don't throw a hissy fit and hide behind women and children and LIE about my status.

So trying to exercise your rights is now a"hissy fit"?

Also, prove your second statement or fuck off.

Finally, as we have discussed, the statement he made was vague, and the evidence presented does not show any clear cut lie. You have to make crap up to get to it being a hard "lie"
We all know that Bundy broke to law.

This is not just about Bundy.
It's about Federal abuse that has been going on for 40 years and very heavily for the last 20.
The Feds with over regulation, certain endangered species that really are not endangered and water rights.
It is about the Feds who have been putting cattle ranches out of businesses for 40 years.
Why do the Feds want our beef ranches gone?
What is their real agenda, is the question all of us should be asking and the answer is not just the land for energy either.
They want the cattle ranches to go out of business.

So now its not about Bundy? Can you guys take a stand on something?
The BLM is above the law, at least according to people like you, and especially when it screws over people you don't like. His statement wasn't specific enough, and the evidence shown isn't detailed enough to call anything a "lie" except in the minds of people who have the answer before even asking the question.

Did the BLM allow him to graze previously?
Did the BLM change the amount of cattle he was allowed to graze?
Is that amount below the number needed to make his business viable?
Was the intent of the new reg to put ranchers out of business to protect a tortoise?

He's not my champion. His strongest point is probably that he's pissing off government stooges like you.

Now go slurp some government dick. its time.

I dont think you get how this works. The BLM is in charge of managing the land for the public. They are not there to make life easier for some random ranchers. They set the rules and regulations not the other way around. Get over it. I've never been mad at Bundy. I thought he was a joke the moment I researched the story. Its been pure comedy every since watching you retards support him.

it's also not supposed to put him out of business. That was the intent of the regulations.

So is Bundy not a member of the public? This isn't park land to be reserved, this is public land to be USED by the public. Grazing is a legitimate use and always has been.

Why not? How do you know what the intent was? Bundy is a member of the public. He lost his rights to graze once he stopped paying his fees. What makes him special that he doesnt have to pay?
So you think its perfectly fair a federal government agency can put people out of business in a state because of a tortoise?

You are worse than a jackbooted thug, because you are too cowardly to put on the jackboot and do it yourself. You let the government do it and cheer on like the pussy you are.

Yes. If the people dont own the land its fair. Stop whining and grow a pair. Its the cost of business.

he does own the land as a member of the public. You keep acting like the BLM owns it. They do not. they run it in trust. Again, should the BLM put him out of business over a tortoise?

Yes there are such things as laws. Where did the BLM break any laws? Your opinion of what happened is just your misinformed opinion. They guy was busted lying and you look stupid supporting him. Of course you are not a sheep. This guy had a really good emotional story for someone weak minded to get caught up in. You fought the good fight but you have been proven wrong. Your champion is simply a liar and a freeloader.

The BLM is above the law, at least according to people like you, and especially when it screws over people you don't like. His statement wasn't specific enough, and the evidence shown isn't detailed enough to call anything a "lie" except in the minds of people who have the answer before even asking the question.

Did the BLM allow him to graze previously?
Did the BLM change the amount of cattle he was allowed to graze?
Is that amount below the number needed to make his business viable?
Was the intent of the new reg to put ranchers out of business to protect a tortoise?

He's not my champion. His strongest point is probably that he's pissing off government stooges like you.

Now go slurp some government dick. its time.

I dont think you get how this works. The BLM is in charge of managing the land for the public. They are not there to make life easier for some random ranchers. They set the rules and regulations not the other way around. Get over it. I've never been mad at Bundy. I thought he was a joke the moment I researched the story. Its been pure comedy every since watching you retards support him.

Cattle ranchers are for the public, they supply our beef.
BLM has been putting them out of business.
The BLM is above the law, at least according to people like you, and especially when it screws over people you don't like. His statement wasn't specific enough, and the evidence shown isn't detailed enough to call anything a "lie" except in the minds of people who have the answer before even asking the question.

Did the BLM allow him to graze previously?
Did the BLM change the amount of cattle he was allowed to graze?
Is that amount below the number needed to make his business viable?
Was the intent of the new reg to put ranchers out of business to protect a tortoise?

He's not my champion. His strongest point is probably that he's pissing off government stooges like you.

Now go slurp some government dick. its time.

I dont think you get how this works. The BLM is in charge of managing the land for the public. They are not there to make life easier for some random ranchers. They set the rules and regulations not the other way around. Get over it. I've never been mad at Bundy. I thought he was a joke the moment I researched the story. Its been pure comedy every since watching you retards support him.

Cattle ranchers are for the public, they supply our beef.
BLM has been putting them out of business.

If your business depends on using something you don't own, I call that stupid and scary. Somehow I doubt Bundy supplies all of our beef. Besides beef is not good for you.
Ascep. is fine with totalitarianism.

He's already stated he anticipates (with glee) the government firing on American citizens protecting their property.
Ascep. is fine with totalitarianism.

He's already stated he anticipates (with glee) the government firing on American citizens protecting their property.

if this were poor blacks in the "inner city" you'd be saying they should be gunned down.

What utter horseshit, and completely unexcusable. I've never said anything of the like, and I never will.

How pathetic of you to make stuff up when you don't have a leg to stand on. I thought better of you.
Ascep. is fine with totalitarianism.

He's already stated he anticipates (with glee) the government firing on American citizens protecting their property.

if this were poor blacks in the "inner city" you'd be saying they should be gunned down.

What utter horseshit, and completely unexcusable. I've never said anything of the like, and I never will.

How pathetic of you to make stuff up when you don't have a leg to stand on. I thought better of you.

You just made up something about me!!! :lol:
And just to set the record straight, I have nothing but pity for the poor people of the cities, and I despise elitist scumbags who think those people exist to vote for their crap policies that actually harm that population of people.

I also find it disgusting and low that you are trying to make this an issue of race, when there is absolutely nothing about race in this discussion. All it does is illustrate your own racism.
if this were poor blacks in the "inner city" you'd be saying they should be gunned down.

What utter horseshit, and completely unexcusable. I've never said anything of the like, and I never will.

How pathetic of you to make stuff up when you don't have a leg to stand on. I thought better of you.

You just made up something about me!!! :lol:

Actually, no, I didn't. You posted more than once about peopel "like me" (a.k.a., anyone who stands against federal tyranny)) getting gunned down.
I dont think you get how this works. The BLM is in charge of managing the land for the public. They are not there to make life easier for some random ranchers. They set the rules and regulations not the other way around. Get over it. I've never been mad at Bundy. I thought he was a joke the moment I researched the story. Its been pure comedy every since watching you retards support him.

Cattle ranchers are for the public, they supply our beef.
BLM has been putting them out of business.

If your business depends on using something you don't own, I call that stupid and scary. Somehow I doubt Bundy supplies all of our beef. Besides beef is not good for you.

So a business that depends on roads is thus "stupid and scary?" My house is stupid and scary because I rely on electricity water and gas from something "I don't own?"

He provides beef that is raised the way the treehuggers and animal lovers want it to be. On the open range, and not in feedlots.

Do you think before you post?
Yes. If the people dont own the land its fair. Stop whining and grow a pair. Its the cost of business.

he does own the land as a member of the public. You keep acting like the BLM owns it. They do not. they run it in trust. Again, should the BLM put him out of business over a tortoise?


We all knew you were an asshole, at least now we have proof of it.

Again, you have your answer, now you keep adding crap to justify it.

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