Bunker inspection


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018
So, it turns out dOnald tRump only went to the bunker to inspect it, for a "tiny amount of time".

Oh, and the peaceful protesters in the park were attacking police before the teargassing. Even though it's all in video and we can see that they weren't.

Anybody buying any of this?

So, it turns out dOnald tRump only went to the bunker to inspect it, for a "tiny amount of time".

Oh, and the peaceful protesters in the park were attacking police before the teargassing. Even though it's all in video and we can see that they weren't.

Anybody buying any of this?

You should stop the teasing about the bunker thing. Things seemed hairy outside. Remember 9/11? They wouldn't even let Bush LAND. They're going to protect the First Family and the President. It's precautionary. I don't think you'd be teasing if something similar had happened to Obama.
So, it turns out dOnald tRump only went to the bunker to inspect it, for a "tiny amount of time".

Oh, and the peaceful protesters in the park were attacking police before the teargassing. Even though it's all in video and we can see that they weren't.

Anybody buying any of this?

You should stop the teasing about the bunker thing. Things seemed hairy outside. Remember 9/11? They wouldn't even let Bush LAND. They're going to protect the First Family and the President. It's precautionary. I don't think you'd be teasing if something similar had happened to Obama.
I have no problem with the secret service taking him to the bunker. I have a problem with him trying to revise history with his lies.
Any response to post?



Why does that even matter to you what he does...so what if he went to the bunker. He is well aware of the rioting situation. Duh!
If you had bothered to read the thread you would know I have no problem with him going to a bunker.

I have a problem with him lying about it.

You apparently don't, I can only surmise it's because you enjoy lying too, considering our exchanges in other threads.
So, it turns out dOnald tRump only went to the bunker to inspect it, for a "tiny amount of time".

Oh, and the peaceful protesters in the park were attacking police before the teargassing. Even though it's all in video and we can see that they weren't.

Anybody buying any of this?

You should stop the teasing about the bunker thing. Things seemed hairy outside. Remember 9/11? They wouldn't even let Bush LAND. They're going to protect the First Family and the President. It's precautionary. I don't think you'd be teasing if something similar had happened to Obama.
You are right, but you gotta admit, it is funny it got out so fast. Those people do not know how to hire or maintain information security.
So, it turns out dOnald tRump only went to the bunker to inspect it, for a "tiny amount of time". Oh, and the peaceful protesters in the park were attacking police before the teargassing. Even though it's all in video and we can see that they weren't.
Probably having flashbacks to Berlin, 1945.
So, it turns out dOnald tRump only went to the bunker to inspect it, for a "tiny amount of time".

Oh, and the peaceful protesters in the park were attacking police before the teargassing. Even though it's all in video and we can see that they weren't.

Anybody buying any of this?

That was the only way they could lure him into the bunker. If they told him he was going down for his own protection, he would have acted like a toddler having to take a bath.
So, it turns out dOnald tRump only went to the bunker to inspect it, for a "tiny amount of time".

Oh, and the peaceful protesters in the park were attacking police before the teargassing. Even though it's all in video and we can see that they weren't.

Anybody buying any of this?

You should stop the teasing about the bunker thing. Things seemed hairy outside. Remember 9/11? They wouldn't even let Bush LAND. They're going to protect the First Family and the President. It's precautionary. I don't think you'd be teasing if something similar had happened to Obama.
It's not the going to the bunker. It's the fibbing about it. Trump said he went there during the day to 'inspect' the bunker, as one does. He 'inspected' it that day. Why the incredulous story?
Any response to post?



Why does that even matter to you what he does...so what if he went to the bunker. He is well aware of the rioting situation. Duh!
If you had bothered to read the thread you would know I have no problem with him going to a bunker.

I have a problem with him lying about it.

You apparently don't, I can only surmise it's because you enjoy lying too, considering our exchanges in other threads.

It's not the going to the bunker. It's the fibbing about it. Trump said he went there during the day to 'inspect' the bunker, as one does. He 'inspected' it that day. Why the incredulous story?


What about the lies Democrats used to obtain FISA warrants to illegally spy on President Trump?
Any response to post?



Why does that even matter to you what he does...so what if he went to the bunker. He is well aware of the rioting situation. Duh!
If you had bothered to read the thread you would know I have no problem with him going to a bunker.

I have a problem with him lying about it.

You apparently don't, I can only surmise it's because you enjoy lying too, considering our exchanges in other threads.
MAYBE, being Trump, he told the SS he wasn't gonna go to any damned bunker. Probably had his nose glued to the window watching his beloved security forces fight the mob. So MAYBE they said, It's just to look it over, sir; might as well be familiar with it, just in case we ever need it.

HE KNEW HE WOULD BE MOCKED and you ought to quit.
So, it turns out dOnald tRump only went to the bunker to inspect it, for a "tiny amount of time".

Oh, and the peaceful protesters in the park were attacking police before the teargassing. Even though it's all in video and we can see that they weren't.

Anybody buying any of this?

You should stop the teasing about the bunker thing. Things seemed hairy outside. Remember 9/11? They wouldn't even let Bush LAND. They're going to protect the First Family and the President. It's precautionary. I don't think you'd be teasing if something similar had happened to Obama.
You are right, but you gotta admit, it is funny it got out so fast. Those people do not know how to hire or maintain information security.
That is for damned sure. Did staff do the same thing to Obama like this?
It's not the going to the bunker. It's the fibbing about it. Trump said he went there during the day to 'inspect' the bunker, as one does. He 'inspected' it that day. Why the incredulous story?


What about the lies Democrats used to obtain FISA warrants to illegally spy on President Trump?
It's just a silly razz. But your whatabout is horseshit. It wasn't "Democrats." It was the FBI. Saying everything you don't like is committed by a Democrat makes you sound like a partisan goof ball. And it wasn't President Trump, it was a staff member. You don't like the FISA Court? Fine, join the club. I hear there are plenty of people who don't. Put pressure on your legislators to disband it if you feel it is being abused.
So, it turns out dOnald tRump only went to the bunker to inspect it, for a "tiny amount of time".

Oh, and the peaceful protesters in the park were attacking police before the teargassing. Even though it's all in video and we can see that they weren't.

Anybody buying any of this?

It's not the going to the bunker. It's the fibbing about it. Trump said he went there during the day to 'inspect' the bunker, as one does. He 'inspected' it that day. Why the incredulous story?


What about the lies Democrats used to obtain FISA warrants to illegally spy on President Trump?
Always the victim. What snowflakes you are!

And my concern is there may be no one to stop that idiot before he goes full Tianemen Square!
So, it turns out dOnald tRump only went to the bunker to inspect it, for a "tiny amount of time".

Oh, and the peaceful protesters in the park were attacking police before the teargassing. Even though it's all in video and we can see that they weren't.

Anybody buying any of this?

You should stop the teasing about the bunker thing. Things seemed hairy outside. Remember 9/11? They wouldn't even let Bush LAND. They're going to protect the First Family and the President. It's precautionary. I don't think you'd be teasing if something similar had happened to Obama.
You are right, but you gotta admit, it is funny it got out so fast. Those people do not know how to hire or maintain information security.
That is for damned sure. Did staff do the same thing to Obama like this?
Not that I remember. Most presidents can find loyal staff, but then most president are a lot more normal than trump. I do not remember Bush (son-of-a-Bush) or George Bush Sr. having the problem, but they were somewhat conservative, whether you liked what they did or not, and at least knew how to hire help and knew how government worked, as the whole family had been in politics for a long time. This is strictly amateur hour 3-1/2 years in. Problem probably is not enough party support to have a working pool to choose from, and rank and file trumpers cannot be trusted any more than their figurehead. Or just hiring and hoping for the best with no particular strategy or plan, which might explain all the firings. Like Walburg told the oil exec in Deepwater Horizon, just before everything went up in flames, "Hope is not a tactic, no siree."

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