Bunter Hiden Settles out of Court With Baby Mommy Stripper to Avoid Going Under Oath


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Wow, doesnt he make you proud? I am glad my two kids have a gazzillion times more character. Maybe Burisma should have given them a million annually for ten years?

Hunter Biden Settles With Baby-Mama After Judge Rejects Coronavirus Excuse

According to the Washington Free Beacon, Arkansas circuit judge Holly Meyer admonished Biden for his repeated attempts at delaying the inevitable.

"For context in ruling on this Motion the Court has reviewed the history of this litigation and finds that the Defendant has been given considerable leniency regarding continuances and delay," she wrote in her order. "The defendant’s attempts to delay this case are mounting such that one begins to see a pattern of delay."

On Wednesday morning, lawyers for plaintiff Lunden Alexis Roberts alerted the judge that they had reached a final settlement with Biden that, pending court approval, will end the nearly 10-month-long legal battle.

"Late last night, after the court entered the order, we reached a global, final settlement of all issues," Roberts's lawyer wrote in an email to Judge Meyer.

The agreement comes after months of delays from Biden, who is now on his second legal team for the child support case. Lawyers for Roberts last Friday called for Biden to be held in contempt for his continued failure to submit financial documents, which would likely shed light on just how much he earned through connections to foreign companies, including his lucrative position on the board of Ukrainian gas company Burisma. -Washington Free Beacon

Judge Meyer added that Biden was aware his wife's due date was approaching when he originally agreed to this week's deposition, and made clear that her presence "is not required nor even suggested."

As to the "intense media scrutiny," the judge noted that he will continue to be a public figure.

"The defense second cites ongoing publicity surrounding the 2020 primary and presidential elections, as well as media attention as good cause to continue this case," her order states. "The Court cannot foresee this subsiding as Mr. Biden is a public figure and interest in his person will continue."​

But then again, he is just another typical Democrat Untouchable Princeling, above the law.

Only people who spawn offspring with such nonchalance are so callous regarding their own offspring, just like the Kennedy's who ran brothels all over New England.
Well, he's shown he can lay pipe.

It's the first qualification I've seen yet for the Burisma gig....
IOW, Biden does a Tramp University!!!!!
Funny how the Tramp Nazis had no problem with Nazi Don settling out of court to avoid going under oath!!!!!
I thought Bill Barr was supposed to be putting him under oath once he issues all of these indictments against the Bidens....
Joe`s alleged "quid pro quo" scandal died on them just like Burisma. They`ve run out of ammo.
A stripper who got knocked up is the GOP"s new hero.

You don't get it.

It has nothing to do the this stripper at all.

It has to do with the Biden Family, who the Far Left was to put in the WH, having a record of not living up to their responsibilities.

In addition, it shows the Hypocrisy of the Left, who has made the whole theme of their campaign how the Trumps are "immoral" when they are worse, Far worse.
A stripper who got knocked up is the GOP"s new hero.

You don't get it.

It has nothing to do the this stripper at all.

It has to do with the Biden Family, who the Far Left was to put in the WH, having a record of not living up to their responsibilities.

In addition, it shows the Hypocrisy of the Left, who has made the whole theme of their campaign how the Trumps are "immoral" when they are worse, Far worse.

No one is putting Hunter Biden in office.
A stripper who got knocked up is the GOP"s new hero.

You don't get it.

It has nothing to do the this stripper at all.

It has to do with the Biden Family, who the Far Left was to put in the WH, having a record of not living up to their responsibilities.

In addition, it shows the Hypocrisy of the Left, who has made the whole theme of their campaign how the Trumps are "immoral" when they are worse, Far worse.

No one is putting Hunter Biden in office.

So what?

Dubya was attacked by the libs because his grandfather had interest in a company that did business in Germany between the two world wars.

And Trump was brutalized because someone with the same name as his dad was pinched in the vicinity of a Triple K rally, long before he was born.

Time to hold libs to the same standards as they hold others
Joe`s alleged "quid pro quo" scandal died on them just like Burisma. They`ve run out of ammo.

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