Burger King Moves North to Canada for Tax Reasons.

...and yet, the president does not set tax rates. Congress does, and the House is controlled by Republicans....

Yeah, but everyone knowes that a Republican House does not do anything, including passing tax law. Obama said so....and I believe everything he says.
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...and yet, the president does not set tax rates. Congress does, and the House is controlled by Republicans....

The House doesn't control tax rates, the President and Senate do that as well. Do you have any more points to waste our time or is this pretty much it?
I sincerely hope that the next embicile who is "elected" to the White House understands that if you run your corporations out of America - there will be fewer and fewer jobs. Good God - this country has lost it's mind.

You're claiming that BK plans to close its stores here? Just because they move a corporate HQ?

It's every patriotic American's duty to avoid taxes to the fullest extent possible. Note the difference between "avoid" and "evade".

Though you liberals fail to comprehend anything THAT complex. Not your fault, though, it's the result of your having been indoctrinated rather than educated.

LOL, I'm a liberal again? And WTF Harry? You think a liberal will congratulate a corporation for avoiding taxes? What are you smoking?

And I'm for avoidance or evasion, either way, you starve the dragon that our government has become.
So to escape oppressive American federal taxes on businesses, Burger King is engaged in negotiations with Tim Horton to acquire the Canadian company and move the headquarters there making Burger King a Canadian company and lowering their tax rates from 35% to 15%. Great for them, they are looking out for their stockholders and customers by keeping returns up and prices down. They are great Americans!

Great Americans do not give government money because our greedy politicians want it for their greedy liberal voters. Great Americans do the right thing, and that is what Burger King is trying to do.

Hey, remember how all the liberals keep saying our corporate tax rates are not high, they are low? So why are all these American companies trying to get out?

Burger King is not the bad guy here, the Triad regime of Obama, Harry and Nancy are. Let's not attack Burger King for wanting to leave, let's make it attractive for them to stay. THAT, is the right thing to do...

And the OP is dramatically incorrect, in that it ignores that Burger King would have to pay at least another 10% in province taxes, probably more.

And in the US, they also pay State taxes.
You go where you get the best deal. Nothing wrong with that. Pretty sad that Canuckistan is more business friendly than the US, but such are the pains of socialization.

Personally, I think it's a good match as IMO both of them suck in their respective endeavors.
So ... in the real tax universe, the United States taxes overseas earnings, and every other country on the planet only taxes sovereign earnings. It is easy to understand why companies want to flee the imperialism of the US government. Most of us liberals recognize imperialism when we see it.

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I think I understand what the Right wants. Even though Obama does not have the constitutional right to change tax rates, they want him to do it by executive order....

Didn't read my original post, sparky. I didn't say "Obama," I actually said Obama, Harry and Nancy.
Canada dumped their loony Communists. And we should too. We need to keep businesses here.
...and yet, the president does not set tax rates. Congress does, and the House is controlled by Republicans....

The House doesn't control tax rates, the President and Senate do that as well. Do you have any more points to waste our time or is this pretty much it?

I recommend that you repeat 8th grade Civics. You can not blame the president for tax rates unless he vetoes a congressional bill that would change it.
The Ceo of Burger King needs a big gold crown..........

Instead of arguing over who is at fault for the near 35% corporate tax rate, why not see the value in lowering it an solve all these problems??

We early Americans left England over unfair taxation........
Can you takers and moochers not see how you are destroying this country??

When there is no more industry in America will you all then be happy??

Why would you enact laws to keep companies from leaving when it is easier to drop the tax rate??

Never heard the old adage, you catch more flies with sugar than vinegar...............
What is Burger King's "effective" tax rate in the U.S.? What will it be in Canada?

Are you thinking Burger King didn't think of that? They'll do all this and not save on their taxes? You should probably write them a letter.

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