Burger King Moves North to Canada for Tax Reasons.

It's a pretty sad commentary when a high tax quasi-socialist nation like Canada is considered a better business climate than the U.S.A.
Canada has lower tax rates on business because without those businesses there are no jobs. And with a lack of jobs, Canada's government coffers can dry up very quickly.
Canada's social safety net funding could dry up very quickly in times of high unemployment
So while the US tax system is progressive and reduces inequality, the US welfare state is much less effective at reducing inequality. And because the US has a very unequal distribution of income from capital and a much wider wage distribution than many other OECD countries, it ends up as a relatively unequal country after taxes and benefits..

I swear, sometimes I think you Lefties lose sight of what income inequality actually measures. You can increase income inequality even with putting a cap on top income when you start importing more poor people. Now the bottom is falling out while the top is capped. From the Washington Post:

From 1990 to 2007, the entire increase in official poverty was among Hispanics.
There's been plenty of progress but that's all hidden when for every poor American we lift out of poverty we import an uneducated peasant from Latin America.

Think of the poor in America as riding in a ship, and the higher the tide lifts the ship, the wealthier everyone is. Liberals are down in the bowels of the ship drilling holes into the hole and helping flood the ship. The tide is rising but liberals are helping to sink the ship. Importing poor, uneducated peasants is not the road to national riches.

"But poverty has risen among Hispanics. Poverty data for Hispanics, who can be of any race, wasn’t collected until 1972. That year, 22.8% lived below the poverty threshold. In 2012, the share of Hispanics in poverty had risen to 25.6%. But the U.S. Hispanic population has quintupled over that time. As a result, more than half of the 22 million-person increase in official poverty between 1972 and 2012 was among Hispanics."

And your point?
What company would want to stay in America and pay taxes to support liberal welfare policies? What company wants to operate under all the liberal anti-business restrictions?
Ones that can get slave labor from Mexico, and if Dims continue their pro illegal immigration they'll keep getting all that slave labor they need.

B-bu-but wasn't it you, maybe it was some other Republican, that said Republicans have more initiative, start more businesses, are more entrepreneurial...? How do you square that with -- "Ones that can get slave labor from Mexico, and if Dims continue their pro illegal immigration they'll keep getting all that slave labor they need." -pewsh!-
Did Obama just chases the King across the border.?

No, he didn't. As your own article states, Burger King is purchasing a large chain based in Canada, and is considering moving their headquarters to Canada as a result of that.

Stop being such a bigot and read your damn articles.

The bottom line is that Burger King is moving it's headquarters from Miami to Canada for tax purposes.
How is this article or my response even remotely being bigoted?
This is funny and hugely ironic, given that Canada is far more "liberal" and socialist than the U.S. They have real national health care and APPARENTLY lower tax rates. LOL
No,......That is incorrect Canadians endure very high income taxes as well as General Sales Taxes and Provincial Sales taxes.
Plus Canada charges very high taxes on motor fuels and heating oil. The country also has extremely high taxes on autos and other hard goods. The out of country purchase taxes are even more confiscatory.
For example, Canadians pay expensive taxes should they elect to go to the US to purchase cars, rv's or boats.

And all those taxes go to pay for my "free" health care :lol:
Did Obama just chases the King across the border.?
US Corporate Tax Rate 35% the highest in the industrialized world
Canada's Corporate Tax Rate 15%

Burger King looking at crossing the border: The iconic American fast-food brand is in talks to buy coffee-and-donuts chain Tim Hortons and move its headquarters to Canada.

A Tax Inversion Deal Is On The Menu For Burger King - Forbes


Looks like you're getting played......
Did Obama just chases the King across the border.?

Presidents don't set the corporate tax rate, idiot.

US Corporate Tax Rate 35% the highest in the industrialized world

And practically no one pays it.

This is just more corporate greed that needs to be reigned in by Congress.

Spot on Synthaholic, the GAO says "Large, profitable U.S. corporations paid an average effective federal tax rate of 12.6% in 2010"


"U.S. corporate tax collection totaled 2.6% of GDP in 2011, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. That was the eleventh lowest in a ranking of 27 wealthy nations."
Did Obama just chases the King across the border.?
US Corporate Tax Rate 35% the highest in the industrialized world
Canada's Corporate Tax Rate 15%

Burger King looking at crossing the border: The iconic American fast-food brand is in talks to buy coffee-and-donuts chain Tim Hortons and move its headquarters to Canada.

A Tax Inversion Deal Is On The Menu For Burger King - Forbes


Looks like you're getting played......

Here's 2012. From this article:
Canadian business tax rate among world's lowest
PricewaterhouseCoopers survey places U.S. in 69th out of 185 countries
The Canadian Press Posted: Dec 03, 2012 9:31 AM ET Last Updated: Dec 03, 2012 12:26 PM ET

"Among Canada's direct economic competitors, the United Kingdom scores the closest at number 16, followed by France at 53, the United States, 69, Germany 72, Japan, 127 and Italy, 131."

Canada's total average tax rate on medium-sized domestic companies is listed as 26.9 per cent, the U.K.'s at 35.5 per cent and the United States at 46.7 per cent."

Canadian business tax rate among world s lowest - Business - CBC News
Here's 2012. From this article:
Canadian business tax rate among world's lowest
PricewaterhouseCoopers survey places U.S. in 69th out of 185 countries
The Canadian Press Posted: Dec 03, 2012 9:31 AM ET Last Updated: Dec 03, 2012 12:26 PM ET

"Among Canada's direct economic competitors, the United Kingdom scores the closest at number 16, followed by France at 53, the United States, 69, Germany 72, Japan, 127 and Italy, 131."

Canada's total average tax rate on medium-sized domestic companies is listed as 26.9 per cent, the U.K.'s at 35.5 per cent and the United States at 46.7 per cent."

Canadian business tax rate among world s lowest - Business - CBC News

Then why is our ACTUAL rate lower?
With corporate tax rates the way they are, it's hard to blame businesses from wanting to cut their rate.

Of course Obama will now call Burger King unpatriotic.

He should do the same with any American company/foreign company operating in America that is not employing Americans but instead employing foreigners in foreign countries.

Then he should hit them with a special tax.
A tax so punitive that they will employ Americans in America.

Companies in America being allowed to send American jobs to India, the Philippines etc because of 'slave' labour and massive tax breaks....baaah!
There oughta be a law!

Obama should start a govt-owned burger chain..."American Burgers.."
with only American produce used and only American staff employed.
Yeah, because that is what our government should be. Punishers for not following an authoritarian ideology like progressive-ism.

Your govt should be stopping corporations operating on its soil from sending American jobs overseas.
It ain't progressive-ism to let corporations 'rob' Americans of jobs and therefore their "lives".
Foreign companies operating in America who are not employing Americans should be taxed extra...much extra.

Illegals who are 'stealing' the jobs of Americans should be deported.
The employers hiring them should be punished.

Here's 2012. From this article:
Canadian business tax rate among world's lowest
PricewaterhouseCoopers survey places U.S. in 69th out of 185 countries
The Canadian Press Posted: Dec 03, 2012 9:31 AM ET Last Updated: Dec 03, 2012 12:26 PM ET

"Among Canada's direct economic competitors, the United Kingdom scores the closest at number 16, followed by France at 53, the United States, 69, Germany 72, Japan, 127 and Italy, 131."

Canada's total average tax rate on medium-sized domestic companies is listed as 26.9 per cent, the U.K.'s at 35.5 per cent and the United States at 46.7 per cent."

Canadian business tax rate among world s lowest - Business - CBC News

Then why is our ACTUAL rate lower?

One of the reasons why our actual tax rate is lower than our nominal tax rate is because American corporations do things like inversions to lower their tax rate.
Did Obama just chases the King across the border.?
US Corporate Tax Rate 35% the highest in the industrialized world
Canada's Corporate Tax Rate 15%

Burger King looking at crossing the border: The iconic American fast-food brand is in talks to buy coffee-and-donuts chain Tim Hortons and move its headquarters to Canada.

A Tax Inversion Deal Is On The Menu For Burger King - Forbes

who could blame them

who ever thought it would come to this

I did. I knew it was coming. It's not rocket science. When you import people from socialist countries and they're mostly from the peasant class, then they're going to vote the same way here that they voted in the nation of their birth.

When you change the people of a country, then you change the culture and values too. Does Mexico strike people as a free market paradise?

Who could blame them? Health care professionals, Moms and Dads who care about their kids' health, and anyone with a brain who understands that greed is a deadly sin (nearly as deadly as fast food).

it isnt like they owe anyone a job for gods sake

plus i am pretty sure there will still be burger king franchises here in the states

No, they don't owe anyone a job, of course without minimum wage employees - and employees not legally able to work in the US - they might have trouble selling all that food.

Of course that might be a good thing, fewer cardiovascular deaths and less obesity.

It's sad, once we were a nation that valued things other than profit. Anyone remember when a Craftsman Tool was guaranteed for life? Now Sears is all about the bottom line, and soon to be no more. Yes, greed is a deadly sin, for people and corporations.

well if the move it is a good thing

what the fck you bitching about
Berkshire structures almost all of their acquisitions as tax free exchanges of stock plus he's moved all his personal wealth to a tax free trust
Imagine that, Canada is a more tax friendly place than the US.
But they're merging BK with Tim Horton's coffee shops, so at least I can avoid two places at once. :D

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