Burger King Moves North to Canada for Tax Reasons.

Did Obama just chases the King across the border.?
US Corporate Tax Rate 35% the highest in the industrialized world
Canada's Corporate Tax Rate 15%

Burger King looking at crossing the border: The iconic American fast-food brand is in talks to buy coffee-and-donuts chain Tim Hortons and move its headquarters to Canada.

A Tax Inversion Deal Is On The Menu For Burger King - Forbes

who could blame them

who ever thought it would come to this

I did. I knew it was coming. It's not rocket science. When you import people from socialist countries and they're mostly from the peasant class, then they're going to vote the same way here that they voted in the nation of their birth.

When you change the people of a country, then you change the culture and values too. Does Mexico strike people as a free market paradise?

Who could blame them? Health care professionals, Moms and Dads who care about their kids' health, and anyone with a brain who understands that greed is a deadly sin (nearly as deadly as fast food).
Did Obama just chases the King across the border.?
US Corporate Tax Rate 35% the highest in the industrialized world
Canada's Corporate Tax Rate 15%

Burger King looking at crossing the border: The iconic American fast-food brand is in talks to buy coffee-and-donuts chain Tim Hortons and move its headquarters to Canada.

A Tax Inversion Deal Is On The Menu For Burger King - Forbes

who could blame them

who ever thought it would come to this

I did. I knew it was coming. It's not rocket science. When you import people from socialist countries and they're mostly from the peasant class, then they're going to vote the same way here that they voted in the nation of their birth.

When you change the people of a country, then you change the culture and values too. Does Mexico strike people as a free market paradise?

Who could blame them? Health care professionals, Moms and Dads who care about their kids' health, and anyone with a brain who understands that greed is a deadly sin (nearly as deadly as fast food).

it isnt like they owe anyone a job for gods sake

plus i am pretty sure there will still be burger king franchises here in the states

Did Obama just chases the King across the border.?
US Corporate Tax Rate 35% the highest in the industrialized world
Canada's Corporate Tax Rate 15%

Burger King looking at crossing the border: The iconic American fast-food brand is in talks to buy coffee-and-donuts chain Tim Hortons and move its headquarters to Canada.

A Tax Inversion Deal Is On The Menu For Burger King - Forbes

who could blame them

who ever thought it would come to this

I did. I knew it was coming. It's not rocket science. When you import people from socialist countries and they're mostly from the peasant class, then they're going to vote the same way here that they voted in the nation of their birth.

When you change the people of a country, then you change the culture and values too. Does Mexico strike people as a free market paradise?

Who could blame them? Health care professionals, Moms and Dads who care about their kids' health, and anyone with a brain who understands that greed is a deadly sin (nearly as deadly as fast food).

it isnt like they owe anyone a job for gods sake

plus i am pretty sure there will still be burger king franchises here in the states

No, they don't owe anyone a job, of course without minimum wage employees - and employees not legally able to work in the US - they might have trouble selling all that food.

Of course that might be a good thing, fewer cardiovascular deaths and less obesity.

It's sad, once we were a nation that valued things other than profit. Anyone remember when a Craftsman Tool was guaranteed for life? Now Sears is all about the bottom line, and soon to be no more. Yes, greed is a deadly sin, for people and corporations.
Did Obama just chases the King across the border.?
US Corporate Tax Rate 35% the highest in the industrialized world
Canada's Corporate Tax Rate 15%

Burger King looking at crossing the border: The iconic American fast-food brand is in talks to buy coffee-and-donuts chain Tim Hortons and move its headquarters to Canada.

A Tax Inversion Deal Is On The Menu For Burger King - Forbes

who could blame them

who ever thought it would come to this

I did. I knew it was coming. It's not rocket science. When you import people from socialist countries and they're mostly from the peasant class, then they're going to vote the same way here that they voted in the nation of their birth.

When you change the people of a country, then you change the culture and values too. Does Mexico strike people as a free market paradise?

Who could blame them? Health care professionals, Moms and Dads who care about their kids' health, and anyone with a brain who understands that greed is a deadly sin (nearly as deadly as fast food).

it isnt like they owe anyone a job for gods sake

plus i am pretty sure there will still be burger king franchises here in the states

No, they don't owe anyone a job, of course without minimum wage employees - and employees not legally able to work in the US - they might have trouble selling all that food.

Of course that might be a good thing, fewer cardiovascular deaths and less obesity.

It's sad, once we were a nation that valued things other than profit. Anyone remember when a Craftsman Tool was guaranteed for life? Now Sears is all about the bottom line, and soon to be no more. Yes, greed is a deadly sin, for people and corporations.

Yes, enough fast saturated fat available to delete one.
Actually, the effective rate for a corporation the size of Burger King is around 12.5%; add in increased labor & import costs, this is great way too LOSE money.

You should short the stock then. Maybe send Burger King an email that they're going to lose money.

I doubt BK INTERnational will care, but if enough in the USA buy elsewhere, well.....

They're not being Anti-American, they're simply anti-liberal. The US is going hog-wild in terms of socialism and it's too damn expensive to do business here. This is a signal that the US needs to get it's spending under control.

Look at Canada - their fiscal house is in order, they've actually had balanced budgets for a string of years. Meanwhile, the US has the most progressive taxation scheme in the world, one of the highest corporate tax rates, and still manages to have massive annual deficits. We've got boatloads of tax revenue coming in but we have no spending discipline. It's utter insanity for the government to be encouraging illegal infiltrators to sign up for food stamps and other programs. Insanity.

No wonder we have such a socialist welfare system and the spending that is bankrupting us, we encourage poor peasants to come here and suck at the teat.

I'm going to presume you forgot, rather than purposely left out 'redistribution' as the most important side of the equation to which you allude?

"So while the US tax system is progressive and reduces inequality, the US welfare state is much less effective at reducing inequality. And because the US has a very unequal distribution of income from capital and a much wider wage distribution than many other OECD countries, it ends up as a relatively unequal country after taxes and benefits.

If you look at Nordic countries, they all have much less progressive tax systems than the USA, but they collect a lot more in taxes (including in VAT). They then spend this much higher tax revenue on social security and services, and it is this side of the equation that is most important in reducing inequality."
What company would want to stay in America and pay taxes to support liberal welfare policies? What company wants to operate under all the liberal anti-business restrictions?
Ones that can get slave labor from Mexico, and if Dims continue their pro illegal immigration they'll keep getting all that slave labor they need.
It's sad, once we were a nation that valued things other than profit. Anyone remember when a Craftsman Tool was guaranteed for life? Now Sears is all about the bottom line, and soon to be no more. Yes, greed is a deadly sin, for people and corporations.

I hear about that old America from my grandparents and from my wife's grandparents. I ask them why they destroyed that more cohesive sense of American identity and community by standing idle when liberals shoved multiculturalism onto the nation. They tell me that they never thought American identity would ever erode as much as it has.

All that's left is mercenary profit taking and rampant individualism. The left has been attacking community standards forever.

What did you expect? It makes sense - when you guys destroy all that was old fashioned America, your strip it bare, all that's left is "profit."
With corporate tax rates the way they are, it's hard to blame businesses from wanting to cut their rate.

Of course Obama will now call Burger King unpatriotic.

He should do the same with any American company/foreign company operating in America that is not employing Americans but instead employing foreigners in foreign countries.

Then he should hit them with a special tax.
A tax so punitive that they will employ Americans in America.

Companies in America being allowed to send American jobs to India, the Philippines etc because of 'slave' labour and massive tax breaks....baaah!
There oughta be a law!

Obama should start a govt-owned burger chain..."American Burgers.."
with only American produce used and only American staff employed.

A tax so punitive that they just leave period. Maybe democrats will go full on North Korea.
Actually, the effective rate for a corporation the size of Burger King is around 12.5%; add in increased labor & import costs, this is great way too LOSE money.

You should short the stock then. Maybe send Burger King an email that they're going to lose money.

I doubt BK INTERnational will care, but if enough in the USA buy elsewhere, well.....

They're not being Anti-American, they're simply anti-liberal. The US is going hog-wild in terms of socialism and it's too damn expensive to do business here. This is a signal that the US needs to get it's spending under control.

Look at Canada - their fiscal house is in order, they've actually had balanced budgets for a string of years. Meanwhile, the US has the most progressive taxation scheme in the world, one of the highest corporate tax rates, and still manages to have massive annual deficits. We've got boatloads of tax revenue coming in but we have no spending discipline. It's utter insanity for the government to be encouraging illegal infiltrators to sign up for food stamps and other programs. Insanity.

No wonder we have such a socialist welfare system and the spending that is bankrupting us, we encourage poor peasants to come here and suck at the teat.

I'm going to presume you forgot, rather than purposely left out 'redistribution' as the most important side of the equation to which you allude?

"So while the US tax system is progressive and reduces inequality, the US welfare state is much less effective at reducing inequality. And because the US has a very unequal distribution of income from capital and a much wider wage distribution than many other OECD countries, it ends up as a relatively unequal country after taxes and benefits.

If you look at Nordic countries, they all have much less progressive tax systems than the USA, but they collect a lot more in taxes (including in VAT). They then spend this much higher tax revenue on social security and services, and it is this side of the equation that is most important in reducing inequality."

I'll tell you what, I'll go along with a Nordic Welfare State when you propose and implement a plan to remake the US population so that it matches the demography of the Nordic countries. Demography of Finland

So while the US tax system is progressive and reduces inequality, the US welfare state is much less effective at reducing inequality. And because the US has a very unequal distribution of income from capital and a much wider wage distribution than many other OECD countries, it ends up as a relatively unequal country after taxes and benefits..

I swear, sometimes I think you Lefties lose sight of what income inequality actually measures. You can increase income inequality even with putting a cap on top income when you start importing more poor people. Now the bottom is falling out while the top is capped. From the Washington Post:

From 1990 to 2007, the entire increase in official poverty was among Hispanics.
There's been plenty of progress but that's all hidden when for every poor American we lift out of poverty we import an uneducated peasant from Latin America.

Think of the poor in America as riding in a ship, and the higher the tide lifts the ship, the wealthier everyone is. Liberals are down in the bowels of the ship drilling holes into the hole and helping flood the ship. The tide is rising but liberals are helping to sink the ship. Importing poor, uneducated peasants is not the road to national riches.
It's sad, once we were a nation that valued things other than profit. Anyone remember when a Craftsman Tool was guaranteed for life? Now Sears is all about the bottom line, and soon to be no more. Yes, greed is a deadly sin, for people and corporations.

I hear about that old America from my grandparents and from my wife's grandparents. I ask them why they destroyed that more cohesive sense of American identity and community by standing idle when liberals shoved multiculturalism onto the nation. They tell me that they never thought American identity would ever erode as much as it has.

All that's left is mercenary profit taking and rampant individualism. The left has been attacking community standards forever.

What did you expect? It makes sense - when you guys destroy all that was old fashioned America, your strip it bare, all that's left is "profit."

Do you have an example of the left attacking community standards? Might one of those community standards attacked be the believe in separate but equal education?
It's sad, once we were a nation that valued things other than profit. Anyone remember when a Craftsman Tool was guaranteed for life? Now Sears is all about the bottom line, and soon to be no more. Yes, greed is a deadly sin, for people and corporations.

I hear about that old America from my grandparents and from my wife's grandparents. I ask them why they destroyed that more cohesive sense of American identity and community by standing idle when liberals shoved multiculturalism onto the nation. They tell me that they never thought American identity would ever erode as much as it has.

All that's left is mercenary profit taking and rampant individualism. The left has been attacking community standards forever.

What did you expect? It makes sense - when you guys destroy all that was old fashioned America, your strip it bare, all that's left is "profit."

Do you have an example of the left attacking community standards? Might one of those community standards attacked be the believe in separate but equal education?

Whether you agree with religion or not, the Christian culture which permeated America was a community standard. You guys have driven this out of the public square. You've put a lid on Assimilation and instead fertilized the ground for multiculturalism. You can't have multiculturalism and community standards - they work in opposition to each other.

The mission of the Left is to tear down social standards and replace them with either a leftist vision or with multiple standards. "Do what's good for you, man."

Marriage used to be a community standard. The community policed itself. There was a whole lot of social approbation to living together, to having children out of wedlock, to having children as a single parent. All the stigma that was used as a policing method to insure community standards has been neutralized by lefties. And I understand why liberals, being outcasts as they are, hated standards - it sucks to be on the receiving end of stigma. The trouble is that when standards are gutted, there's little left to bind a community together. If your custom is to have your daughters circumcised and my standard is to view that as barbarism, we have little in common, but you're still my next door neighbor. The proximity of being neighbors isn't actually the key ingredient in forming communities.
Actually, the effective rate for a corporation the size of Burger King is around 12.5%; add in increased labor & import costs, this is great way too LOSE money.

You should short the stock then. Maybe send Burger King an email that they're going to lose money.

I doubt BK INTERnational will care, but if enough in the USA buy elsewhere, well.....

They're not being Anti-American, they're simply anti-liberal. The US is going hog-wild in terms of socialism and it's too damn expensive to do business here. This is a signal that the US needs to get it's spending under control.

Look at Canada - their fiscal house is in order, they've actually had balanced budgets for a string of years. Meanwhile, the US has the most progressive taxation scheme in the world, one of the highest corporate tax rates, and still manages to have massive annual deficits. We've got boatloads of tax revenue coming in but we have no spending discipline. It's utter insanity for the government to be encouraging illegal infiltrators to sign up for food stamps and other programs. Insanity.

No wonder we have such a socialist welfare system and the spending that is bankrupting us, we encourage poor peasants to come here and suck at the teat.

I'm going to presume you forgot, rather than purposely left out 'redistribution' as the most important side of the equation to which you allude?

"So while the US tax system is progressive and reduces inequality, the US welfare state is much less effective at reducing inequality. And because the US has a very unequal distribution of income from capital and a much wider wage distribution than many other OECD countries, it ends up as a relatively unequal country after taxes and benefits.

If you look at Nordic countries, they all have much less progressive tax systems than the USA, but they collect a lot more in taxes (including in VAT). They then spend this much higher tax revenue on social security and services, and it is this side of the equation that is most important in reducing inequality."

I'll tell you what, I'll go along with a Nordic Welfare State when you propose and implement a plan to remake the US population so that it matches the demography of the Nordic countries. Demography of Finland


Fookin' racist are ya?
Thank you Daddy war-bucks Mittens has moved his over paying company out of the US, just like all the rest but one???
Umm Non sequitur.
Stay on point or be silent.
It is the stupid US Tax Code that is causing this to occur.
35% is confiscatory. No other industrialized nation has a corp tax that is more than 20%.
Did Obama just chases the King across the border.?

No, he didn't. As your own article states, Burger King is purchasing a large chain based in Canada, and is considering moving their headquarters to Canada as a result of that.

Stop being such a bigot and read your damn articles.
Do you......are you really THAT naive that you can with a stright face boil this business transaction and the supporting commentary down to the vapid notion of racism?
You are a charter member of the low IQ club.
Now go bash your head into a wall until told to stop,
Did Obama just chases the King across the border.?

No, he didn't. As your own article states, Burger King is purchasing a large chain based in Canada, and is considering moving their headquarters to Canada as a result of that.

Stop being such a bigot and read your damn articles.

The bottom line is that Burger King is moving it's headquarters from Miami to Canada for tax purposes.
How is this article or my response even remotely being bigoted?
Because these insipid liberals have nothing of substance with which to respond.
The gummint doesn't tell us, "we'll give you $1000 every month you don't murder someone." Rather, they say, "if you murder someone, we'll put you in prison for the rest of your life or execute you."
Likewise, companies should be penalized for moving to another country to avoid paying taxes, not rewarded with economy-busting tax cuts for doing the right thing; that is, NOT moving their operations abroad.

But then again, running an economy to benefit—and pander to— those who like to call themselves The Elite is an inferior way of doing things.:rolleyes:
Penalized? Umm, US Tax Code penalizes companies for basing in the US.
Fookin' racist are ya?

You must be a liberal. I've beat you in an argument and so you pull "Liberal Directive #001" tactic to "win" the argument by calling me a racist.

That's your response? That's it? You have nothing to say about the idiotic notion of replicating a social welfare system BUILT on high levels of racial and cultural homogeneity and transplanting it here to the multiculturalist hell of America which lacks the necessary social bonds which underlie and support that high degree of sharing? Just silent on that?

Here's a hint to help you in future debates - don't look to homogeneous societies for solutions to the problems found in heterogeneous societies, look instead to other heterogeneous societies. Look to Brazil for solutions which might apply to America.
Did Obama just chases the King across the border.?

No, he didn't. As your own article states, Burger King is purchasing a large chain based in Canada, and is considering moving their headquarters to Canada as a result of that.

Stop being such a bigot and read your damn articles.

The bottom line is that Burger King is moving it's headquarters from Miami to Canada for tax purposes.
How is this article or my response even remotely being bigoted?
This is funny and hugely ironic, given that Canada is far more "liberal" and socialist than the U.S. They have real national health care and APPARENTLY lower tax rates. LOL
No,......That is incorrect Canadians endure very high income taxes as well as General Sales Taxes and Provincial Sales taxes.
Plus Canada charges very high taxes on motor fuels and heating oil. The country also has extremely high taxes on autos and other hard goods. The out of country purchase taxes are even more confiscatory.
For example, Canadians pay expensive taxes should they elect to go to the US to purchase cars, rv's or boats.

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