Burn the Koran on 9-11

Remember, Christianity was used as a justification for segregation and violent subjugation of blacks in the American South just 40 years ago.

Simply because people are doing bad things in the name of religion does not mean that is what the religion stands for.

Please show me a quote where anyone said that Jesus said to treat blacks as non people. Just one quote. One verse from the Bible which supports your claim.

Or you can do the usual leftie limbo and run from this thread for two pages and then come back hoping the thread has forgotten about your absurd claims.


Biblical justification for segregation (used frequently by pro-segregationists)

Acts 17:26 : "[God] hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation."
So, your position is that is just an act of charity that Islam wants a Mosque at the site of the worst attack on the West by Islam?

You're either very gullible or very stupid.
Uh.. why build a Mosque there? I know why, but I want to hear your answer.

Ask them. I'm not a Muslim. I don't give a shit what religion wants to put what where. I'm only concerned about how freedom is applied in this country.

Allowing a mosque to be built two blocks from the WTC site represents everything that is great in this country.

It does reflect well on New York City that after what they went through they are not joining the "All Muslims are evil" group and are accepting a cultural center near ground zero. Police and Firefighters did not ask the religion of those they were trying to save.

Mayor Bloomberg made one of the most inspirational speeches of tolerance and the rights of religion in this country i have ever heard

Mike Bloomberg is a gutless, unprincipaled coward. But he sure is tough on transfats and salt!
Uh.. why build a Mosque there? I know why, but I want to hear your answer.

Ask them. I'm not a Muslim. I don't give a shit what religion wants to put what where. I'm only concerned about how freedom is applied in this country.

Allowing a mosque to be built two blocks from the WTC site represents everything that is great in this country.

It does reflect well on New York City that after what they went through they are not joining the "All Muslims are evil" group and are accepting a cultural center near ground zero. Police and Firefighters did not ask the religion of those they were trying to save.

Mayor Bloomberg made one of the most inspirational speeches of tolerance and the rights of religion in this country i have ever heard

I'm not going to just let you walk away from your hypocrisy RW, why are you not against the mosque?
Uh.. why build a Mosque there? I know why, but I want to hear your answer.

Ask them. I'm not a Muslim. I don't give a shit what religion wants to put what where. I'm only concerned about how freedom is applied in this country.

Allowing a mosque to be built two blocks from the WTC site represents everything that is great in this country.


stop being dishonest if you want an honest debate. The vast majority of people do not want this mosque banned, they want the Muslims to CHOOSE not to build it. Are you really so stupid that you don't understand the difference, or do you understand the difference but just prefer to keep lying?

Hey, I want you to choose to STFU and stop acting like an intolerant redneck. But hey, we can't have everything.

Clearly, you see this as an attack by Islam on a Christian nation. You see this as a religious war. What other possible reason can there be for opposing the building of a mosque there?

If they choose not to build there, I don't care. I don't care one way or the other. This is not a religious war.
Uh.. why build a Mosque there? I know why, but I want to hear your answer.

Ask them. I'm not a Muslim. I don't give a shit what religion wants to put what where. I'm only concerned about how freedom is applied in this country.

Allowing a mosque to be built two blocks from the WTC site represents everything that is great in this country.

Wow. Really?Somehow I think your position would be somewhat different if it were a Synagogue or Church.

Trinity Church is only two blocks away. I do not have any problem with a church, mosque or synagogue being built anywhere. I happen to value the Constitution and support the first amendment.

Unlike those who only support religious freedom for their own religion
Uh.. why build a Mosque there? I know why, but I want to hear your answer.

Ask them. I'm not a Muslim. I don't give a shit what religion wants to put what where. I'm only concerned about how freedom is applied in this country.

Allowing a mosque to be built two blocks from the WTC site represents everything that is great in this country.

It does reflect well on New York City that after what they went through they are not joining the "All Muslims are evil" group and are accepting a cultural center near ground zero. Police and Firefighters did not ask the religion of those they were trying to save.

Mayor Bloomberg made one of the most inspirational speeches of tolerance and the rights of religion in this country i have ever heard

Same with Bush.

Bush made a speech shortly after 9/11 saying that this was not a war on Islam. And its not.
Ask them. I'm not a Muslim. I don't give a shit what religion wants to put what where. I'm only concerned about how freedom is applied in this country.

Allowing a mosque to be built two blocks from the WTC site represents everything that is great in this country.

It does reflect well on New York City that after what they went through they are not joining the "All Muslims are evil" group and are accepting a cultural center near ground zero. Police and Firefighters did not ask the religion of those they were trying to save.

Mayor Bloomberg made one of the most inspirational speeches of tolerance and the rights of religion in this country i have ever heard

I'm not going to just let you walk away from your hypocrisy RW, why are you not against the mosque?

Because he's not intolerant and doesn't see the War on Terror as a proxy for The War on Islam.
Ask them. I'm not a Muslim. I don't give a shit what religion wants to put what where. I'm only concerned about how freedom is applied in this country.

Allowing a mosque to be built two blocks from the WTC site represents everything that is great in this country.


stop being dishonest if you want an honest debate. The vast majority of people do not want this mosque banned, they want the Muslims to CHOOSE not to build it. Are you really so stupid that you don't understand the difference, or do you understand the difference but just prefer to keep lying?

Hey, I want you to choose to STFU and stop acting like an intolerant redneck. But hey, we can't have everything.

Clearly, you see this as an attack by Islam on a Christian nation. You see this as a religious war. What other possible reason can there be for opposing the building of a mosque there?

If they choose not to build there, I don't care. I don't care one way or the other. This is not a religious war.

So, calling somebody a redneck is your way of professing your tolerance?

See it as an attack? Islam stated it was an attack on the west by Islam.
Ask them. I'm not a Muslim. I don't give a shit what religion wants to put what where. I'm only concerned about how freedom is applied in this country.

Allowing a mosque to be built two blocks from the WTC site represents everything that is great in this country.

It does reflect well on New York City that after what they went through they are not joining the "All Muslims are evil" group and are accepting a cultural center near ground zero. Police and Firefighters did not ask the religion of those they were trying to save.

Mayor Bloomberg made one of the most inspirational speeches of tolerance and the rights of religion in this country i have ever heard

I'm not going to just let you walk away from your hypocrisy RW, why are you not against the mosque?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances

Poetic isn't it?
Ask them. I'm not a Muslim. I don't give a shit what religion wants to put what where. I'm only concerned about how freedom is applied in this country.

Allowing a mosque to be built two blocks from the WTC site represents everything that is great in this country.


stop being dishonest if you want an honest debate. The vast majority of people do not want this mosque banned, they want the Muslims to CHOOSE not to build it. Are you really so stupid that you don't understand the difference, or do you understand the difference but just prefer to keep lying?

Hey, I want you to choose to STFU and stop acting like an intolerant redneck. But hey, we can't have everything.

Clearly, you see this as an attack by Islam on a Christian nation. You see this as a religious war. What other possible reason can there be for opposing the building of a mosque there?

If they choose not to build there, I don't care. I don't care one way or the other. This is not a religious war.

No, I seen 9/11 as an attack on the US by Islamic nutt jobs. That is exactly what it was. If you can't admit that, we can't have a legitimate discussion.

It may not be a religious war to YOU ,but it certainly is to THEM.

stop being dishonest if you want an honest debate. The vast majority of people do not want this mosque banned, they want the Muslims to CHOOSE not to build it. Are you really so stupid that you don't understand the difference, or do you understand the difference but just prefer to keep lying?

Hey, I want you to choose to STFU and stop acting like an intolerant redneck. But hey, we can't have everything.

Clearly, you see this as an attack by Islam on a Christian nation. You see this as a religious war. What other possible reason can there be for opposing the building of a mosque there?

If they choose not to build there, I don't care. I don't care one way or the other. This is not a religious war.

So, calling somebody a redneck is your way of professing your tolerance?

See it as an attack? Islam stated it was an attack on the west by Islam.

All of Islam? All, what, one billion followers in unity?

Because I provided links to various condemnations by Muslims for the acts of 9/11 and terrorism.
Ask them. I'm not a Muslim. I don't give a shit what religion wants to put what where. I'm only concerned about how freedom is applied in this country.

Allowing a mosque to be built two blocks from the WTC site represents everything that is great in this country.

It does reflect well on New York City that after what they went through they are not joining the "All Muslims are evil" group and are accepting a cultural center near ground zero. Police and Firefighters did not ask the religion of those they were trying to save.

Mayor Bloomberg made one of the most inspirational speeches of tolerance and the rights of religion in this country i have ever heard

Same with Bush.

Bush made a speech shortly after 9/11 saying that this was not a war on Islam. And its not.

Allowing the mosque to be built shows that Bush was right.
It does reflect well on New York City that after what they went through they are not joining the "All Muslims are evil" group and are accepting a cultural center near ground zero. Police and Firefighters did not ask the religion of those they were trying to save.

Mayor Bloomberg made one of the most inspirational speeches of tolerance and the rights of religion in this country i have ever heard

I'm not going to just let you walk away from your hypocrisy RW, why are you not against the mosque?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances

Poetic isn't it?

Sure is. People like you have used that poetry to ensure that a Manger scene cannot be erected in the public square. But then again, that is Christian and therefore bad.
I'm still waiting for an explanation as to why Islam, is spite of the fact that the vast majority of people do not want the Mosque there, insists on building it there anyway?
So, calling somebody a redneck is your way of professing your tolerance?

See it as an attack? Islam stated it was an attack on the west by Islam.

Islam is not at war with Christianity anymore than Christianity is at war with Islam.

Radical Islam is at war with everyone who doesn't agree with them. They are barbarians. But they do not represent mainstream Islam any more than Fred Phelps or Pastor Hagee represent mainstream Christians.
Hey, I want you to choose to STFU and stop acting like an intolerant redneck. But hey, we can't have everything.

Clearly, you see this as an attack by Islam on a Christian nation. You see this as a religious war. What other possible reason can there be for opposing the building of a mosque there?

If they choose not to build there, I don't care. I don't care one way or the other. This is not a religious war.

So, calling somebody a redneck is your way of professing your tolerance?

See it as an attack? Islam stated it was an attack on the west by Islam.

All of Islam? All, what, one billion followers in unity?

Because I provided links to various condemnations by Muslims for the acts of 9/11 and terrorism.

Have some honesty for dinner tonight, NO ONE is saying that all Muslims were responsible for 9/11. That doesn't change the fact that a mosque is a symbol of the religeon which was used to justify 9/11 and as such is insensitive to those who died on that horrible day.

Let's say a black church member was killed by a few KKK members and some other KKK members bought the property 1/2 mile from the church and build a giant KKK center. Would that be insensitive? I mean those KKK members aren't the ones who killed the black church member, and in fact most KKK members have never and will never assaulted anyone.

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