Burn them down!!

Whatcha talking about, Willis?

Remember the rest of us can't hear the voices in your head, you have to tell us what they are saying.

Most people are educated enough to know that the teapers at the Bundy ranched threatened to put women on the front line during their most recent effort to start an armed insurrection. Either that, or you remain willfully ignorant because you don't care how violent and racist Teapers actually are.

So if anyone who calls themselves a tea partier does anything, then all tea partiers are responsible for it. Hmm...I don't recall you holding the left to that standard...

I will hold the left to that standard as soon as you start recognizing the racism, violence and hate the Teapers spew. If only a small majority of these 'Teapers,' why don't you call them out for ruining your 'movement'.

AND, I hold Teapers to a MUCH higher standard because they claim to be conservatives and are a fringe of the GOP, my party. I will not allow racist and violent Teapers destroy the good name of the GOP and true conservatism.
So cutting taxes and spending is racist. You on the other hand, lily white, open minded liberal that you are, know that some darkie can't make it on their own, they need government handouts, which you want to give them. So you're not racist, they are for not recognizing that negroes can't live by the same rules everyone else can.

Just as idiotic and vacuous as everything else you post.
Case in point...

Yes, I don't think blacks can't make it on their own and I don't think they need special treatment or handouts anymore than anyone else. Just whacked, aren't I?
The whacked part is you think other people think that.

It's twitter. I'll weigh more heavily the action on twitter right after you point out that Katzndogs lies on the forum. Otherwise, it's simply pathetic whining about twitter.
At least, that's what some liberals had to say after Hobby Lobby was handed a victory by the Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision this morning. I can see they were rather.. erhm.. displeased.

Typical indulgence in hysterical emotionalism by the 'sensitive' little dears out there on the left.
They are right in one respect. The Koch brothers and other billionaires are buying the votes with these decisions....that's quite obvious.I look forward to the day the SC is nothing but a smoking ruin. :)

See you idiots don't seem to be aware that :
Of those 22 billionaires, 13 -- or more than half -- gave predominantly to liberal groups or groups affiliated with the Democratic Party. The other nine gave predominantly to conservative groups. (A list of billionaires and how much they donated can be found here.)
Among the liberal-leaning donors are former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and business magnate George Soros. On the conservative side are S. Daniel Abraham, who founded SlimFast, and Vincent McMahon, who owns World Wrestling Entertainment.
California billionaire Tom Steyer, who has given more than $11 million and has pledged to spend at last $50 million. His group, NextGen Climate, plans to attack Republican candidates in several competitive races on climate change. Some have called Steyer’s initiative a liberal answer to the Koch brothers.
That said, there were some notable liberal billionaire donors in 2012, as well, including filmmaker Steven Spielberg and LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman.
the top Democratic Party committees have raised more than $725 million, according to Open Secrets. The top Republican Party committees have raised more than $600 million.
Most people are educated enough to know that the teapers at the Bundy ranched threatened to put women on the front line during their most recent effort to start an armed insurrection. Either that, or you remain willfully ignorant because you don't care how violent and racist Teapers actually are.

So if anyone who calls themselves a tea partier does anything, then all tea partiers are responsible for it. Hmm...I don't recall you holding the left to that standard...

I will hold the left to that standard as soon as you start recognizing the racism, violence and hate the Teapers spew. If only a small majority of these 'Teapers,' why don't you call them out for ruining your 'movement'.

AND, I hold Teapers to a MUCH higher standard because they claim to be conservatives and are a fringe of the GOP, my party. I will not allow racist and violent Teapers destroy the good name of the GOP and true conservatism.

What I recognize is what a race baiting whore you and the party you support are. Small government is not racist. Clearly the idea that small government is racist is racist as you're saying blacks need government more than anyone else.
Maybe it's time we become a fully divided sectarian country like Iraq.

Maybe it's NOT time for you to do your Chicken Little act again for the 10,000,000,000th time.

I agree with Katzndogs. There is no way for the two diametrically-opposed religions to exist in the same country at the same time "as one". Christianity in Jude 1 spells out clearly and concisely that if you abet the spread of homosexuality or a homosexual subculture, you go to hell with them for eternity. The cult of LGBT says that if you don't allow them to have inroads into even christianity itself, then they will ruin your career, blackmail you or burn your Hobby Lobby down.

Cults get really pissy and violent when their dogma is threatened at its core. They see this as a victory for religion. Expect a violent reaction. It's how they always operate. I'm suprised that anyone is surprised by the reaction to this news from the church of LGBT. :cuckoo: What did you think they would do, meekly submit to democracy?
Case in point...

Yes, I don't think blacks can't make it on their own and I don't think they need special treatment or handouts anymore than anyone else. Just whacked, aren't I?
The whacked part is you think other people think that.

I don't know what you think, I'm not even sure that you do. What I do know is you said small government is racist. The tea party support cutting taxes and spending and focusing on fiscal issues. Race has nothing to do with that, and it's racist to suggest that it is and blacks need government more than the rest of us.

Race baiting whores never recognize yourselves for what you are, do you?
So if anyone who calls themselves a tea partier does anything, then all tea partiers are responsible for it. Hmm...I don't recall you holding the left to that standard...

I will hold the left to that standard as soon as you start recognizing the racism, violence and hate the Teapers spew. If only a small majority of these 'Teapers,' why don't you call them out for ruining your 'movement'.

AND, I hold Teapers to a MUCH higher standard because they claim to be conservatives and are a fringe of the GOP, my party. I will not allow racist and violent Teapers destroy the good name of the GOP and true conservatism.

What I recognize is what a race baiting whore you and the party you support are. Small government is not racist. Clearly the idea that small government is racist is racist as you're saying blacks need government more than anyone else.

Wow, you have some real comprehension problems. That is why most Teapers are stupid...who said Teapers are racist because they want small government? That is actually one of their more admirable stances. Teapers are racist because most of the people in your movement spew racist nonsense and want an armed revolution. You know, people like SJ, Godboy, and the rest of YOUR ilk. Perhaps I wouldn't think TEAPERS were so racist if you would condemn it when your fellow Teapers spew their hate. Start doing that, I would be more supportive. Until then, I will join right minded conservatives in their effort to rid the GOP of the Teaper HATE faction.
Maybe it's time we become a fully divided sectarian country like Iraq.

Maybe it's NOT time for you to do your Chicken Little act again for the 10,000,000,000th time.

I agree with Katzndogs. There is no way for the two diametrically-opposed religions to exist in the same country at the same time "as one". Christianity in Jude 1 spells out clearly and concisely that if you abet the spread of homosexuality or a homosexual subculture, you go to hell with them for eternity. The cult of LGBT says that if you don't allow them to have inroads into even christianity itself, then they will ruin your career, blackmail you or burn your Hobby Lobby down.

Cults get really pissy and violent when their dogma is threatened at its core. They see this as a victory for religion. Expect a violent reaction. It's how they always operate. I'm suprised that anyone is surprised by the reaction to this news from the church of LGBT. :cuckoo: What did you think they would do, meekly submit to democracy?
The only ones who think it's a cult are a few nutters like you, and you've already lost this fight. Carry on...
What I do know is you said small government is racist.
I never said anything of the kind. That's the problem, you keep making up what you believe people said, when they didn't.

That is the only way teapers can justify their nonsense, by attributing false arguments to anyone who disagrees with them. They are a pathetic bunch. They manufacture nonsense to rationalize their hate.
Historically, has there been alot of pro-choice terrorism in this country?

...as opposed anti-abortion terrorism, that is.

Funny thing about that. We wouldn't really need to resort to posting TWEETS by pro-lifers to show how extremist they are.

We could just post news stories.
Historically, has there been alot of pro-choice terrorism in this country?

...as opposed anti-abortion terrorism, that is.

Funny thing about that. We wouldn't really need to resort to posting TWEETS by pro-lifers to show how extremist they are.

We could just post news stories.

I don't know, a couple million dead every year at the alter no pro-life seems pretty damn hostile to me.
Yes, I don't think blacks can't make it on their own and I don't think they need special treatment or handouts anymore than anyone else. Just whacked, aren't I?
The whacked part is you think other people think that.

I don't know what you think, I'm not even sure that you do. What I do know is you said small government is racist. The tea party support cutting taxes and spending and focusing on fiscal issues. Race has nothing to do with that, and it's racist to suggest that it is and blacks need government more than the rest of us.

Race baiting whores never recognize yourselves for what you are, do you?

When you believe that the bigger federal government shouldn't be able to prevent smaller state governments from legalizing racial discrimination,

you are racist, or if you need a more precise description, you condone and support racism.
Historically, has there been alot of pro-choice terrorism in this country?

...as opposed anti-abortion terrorism, that is.

Funny thing about that. We wouldn't really need to resort to posting TWEETS by pro-lifers to show how extremist they are.

We could just post news stories.

I don't know, a couple million dead every year at the alter no pro-life seems pretty damn hostile to me.

That's your rationale for anti-abortion terrorism? That's why you support it?
Angry liberals tweet over a Supreme Court decision.

But a decision like Roe v Wade? Angry conservatives blow up abortion clinics and murder abortion doctors.

There is a material difference, your denials notwithstanding.
Absolutely ridiculous. I can't understand that level of outrage...I think it is more anti-Christianity than outrage over the decision.

Then again, at least they aren't like the Teapers, threatening an armed insurrection because we have a 2 term black President.

America is fucked, looney liberals and hate mongering Teapers. Maybe they can go to war with each other. I will watch, and indiscriminately take out anyone from either side that comes to close to my lawn.

Grow up.

You deny their are reactionaries on both sides?

You are ridiculous if you think otherwise and you are the one who needs to grow up.


This obsession with the Tea Party borders on outright creepy. You are rediculous if you think you can disguise your lack of objectivity by saying "both sides do it." You still haven't shown me explicitly how the Tea Party is anything you say it is. You are nothing but a propagandist.

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