Burn them down!!


It's twitter. I'll weigh more heavily the action on twitter right after you point out that Katzndogs lies on the forum. Otherwise, it's simply pathetic whining about twitter.

So, you condone this kind of language? Okay. That says a lot about you, Miss.
Historically, has there been alot of pro-choice terrorism in this country?

...as opposed anti-abortion terrorism, that is.

Funny thing about that. We wouldn't really need to resort to posting TWEETS by pro-lifers to show how extremist they are.

We could just post news stories.

I don't know, a couple million dead every year at the alter no pro-life seems pretty damn hostile to me.

That's your rationale for anti-abortion terrorism? That's why you support it?

I will lose my "far left liberal" tag it appears; those who believe life begins at conception believe the pill, morning after drug, and first term abortion, are murder. Their religious and moral beliefs are also protected under the Constitution. I also am troubled by abortion, I admit the fact.

It's twitter. I'll weigh more heavily the action on twitter right after you point out that Katzndogs lies on the forum. Otherwise, it's simply pathetic whining about twitter.

So, you condone this kind of language? Okay. That says a lot about you, Miss.

It's twitter. This isn't the first time that you have used twitter as the be all and end all. As soon as you start going after the out and out lies and right wing socks then I will start to take you seriously.

You deny their are reactionaries on both sides?

You are ridiculous if you think otherwise and you are the one who needs to grow up.


This obsession with the Tea Party borders on outright creepy. You are rediculous if you think you can disguise your lack of objectivity by saying "both sides do it." You still haven't shown me explicitly how the Tea Party is anything you say it is. You are nothing but a propagandist.

You just don't pay attention when I give you clear examples of Teaper nonsense. You have been clouded and deceived by the Teaper's smoke and mirrors.

You will learn. Godboy is a professed TEaper...why don't you check out his posts and get back to me.
I don't know, a couple million dead every year at the alter no pro-life seems pretty damn hostile to me.

That's your rationale for anti-abortion terrorism? That's why you support it?

I will lose my "far left liberal" tag it appears; those who believe life begins at conception believe the pill, morning after drug, and first term abortion, are murder. Their religious and moral beliefs are also protected under the Constitution. I also am troubled by abortion, I admit the fact.

If Hobby Lobby believes abortion is murder then they should refuse to give their employees money that could be used for an abortion.
That's your rationale for anti-abortion terrorism? That's why you support it?

I will lose my "far left liberal" tag it appears; those who believe life begins at conception believe the pill, morning after drug, and first term abortion, are murder. Their religious and moral beliefs are also protected under the Constitution. I also am troubled by abortion, I admit the fact.

If Hobby Lobby believes abortion is murder then they should refuse to give their employees money that could be used for an abortion.

No pay, no employees. Abortion, and the Death Penalty, will continue to divide us; after two wars, I expect discord.

It's twitter. I'll weigh more heavily the action on twitter right after you point out that Katzndogs lies on the forum. Otherwise, it's simply pathetic whining about twitter.

So, you condone this kind of language? Okay. That says a lot about you, Miss.

It's twitter. This isn't the first time that you have used twitter as the be all and end all. As soon as you start going after the out and out lies and right wing socks then I will start to take you seriously.

You simply cannot understand that this language is unacceptable from liberals too.

Answer my question. Do you condone this language or not? If these were Republicans, you would be howling. And YOU are calling ME a hypocrite?


At least, that's what some liberals had to say after Hobby Lobby was handed a victory by the Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision this morning. I can see they were rather.. erhm.. displeased.

I also don't see how this is acceptable behavior by anyone.

Fuck you, Hobby Lobby, you narrow-minded, anti-women pieces of shit!!!!!!
Sandra McMahan (@SandraMcMahan) June 30, 2014
Let it all out. Exhale.
Stay classy. And peaceful:
#HobbyLobby are scum of the earth. Burn every single one down, build a homeless shelter there instead.—
Costa Koutsoutis (@costa_kout) June 30, 2014
'Fu*k you:' Left-wingers want to 'burn down' Hobby Lobby after SCOTUS win | Twitchy

Of course you don't post follow-up tweets like this, from one of those you whose one tweet you posted:


Don't be ridiculous, I would never actually burn Hobby Lobby down. That's more of a religious fundamentalist gig.

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At least, that's what some liberals had to say after Hobby Lobby was handed a victory by the Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision this morning. I can see they were rather.. erhm.. displeased.

I also don't see how this is acceptable behavior by anyone.

Let it all out. Exhale.
Stay classy. And peaceful:
'Fu*k you:' Left-wingers want to 'burn down' Hobby Lobby after SCOTUS win | Twitchy

I could care less about Hobby Lobby. But it will be interesting when corporations start saying they have religious grounds for denying all sorts of health care to their employees. :D

Yeah, I can see a bunch of companies suddenly declaring themselves to be "Christian Science" and denying all healthcare, because they only pray for healing.
I will lose my "far left liberal" tag it appears; those who believe life begins at conception believe the pill, morning after drug, and first term abortion, are murder. Their religious and moral beliefs are also protected under the Constitution. I also am troubled by abortion, I admit the fact.

O M'Gosh! A heretic!! BURN HER!!

*Shakes Peach's hand*

Welcome to the just left of middle club Peaches. Where the sane people live... When you can see the logic your opposition is trying to grasp at, however desperately and misguided, that's when you walk across the bridge to sanity. It means you are a free-thinker and no longer bound by blind dogmatic rule and "belonging to the powerful group". One is an angel, the other a mere monkey in a troop in the jungle.. "OOga Booga" says the far left monkeys. "OOga Booga" replies the far right monkeys in return.
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You deny their are reactionaries on both sides?

You are ridiculous if you think otherwise and you are the one who needs to grow up.


This obsession with the Tea Party borders on outright creepy. You are rediculous if you think you can disguise your lack of objectivity by saying "both sides do it." You still haven't shown me explicitly how the Tea Party is anything you say it is. You are nothing but a propagandist.

You just don't pay attention when I give you clear examples of Teaper nonsense. You have been clouded and deceived by the Teaper's smoke and mirrors.

You will learn. Godboy is a professed TEaper...why don't you check out his posts and get back to me.

No, you can show me his posts, or stop with this ridiculous whining. Your 'clear examples' are no more clearer than staring through a wall. Nobody has X-Ray vision, so I suggest you give cogent examples.

1. How are they racist?

2. How do they hate women?

3. How do they want to destroy America?

Inquiring minds want to know. You profess to be the cornucopia of knowledge about these 'teapers.' Time for you to put up or shut up.

So, you condone this kind of language? Okay. That says a lot about you, Miss.

It's twitter. This isn't the first time that you have used twitter as the be all and end all. As soon as you start going after the out and out lies and right wing socks then I will start to take you seriously.

You simply cannot understand that this language is unacceptable from liberals too.

Answer my question. Do you condone this language or not? If these were Republicans, you would be howling. And YOU are calling ME a hypocrite?



I understand it just fine. Hence the reason that I posted. I keep telling you that I hate twitter. I don't like it when people lash out in 140 characters. I don't like people that take it too seriously.

Now, your fucking turn.
Absolutely ridiculous. I can't understand that level of outrage...I think it is more anti-Christianity than outrage over the decision.

Then again, at least they aren't like the Teapers, threatening an armed insurrection because we have a 2 term black President.

America is fucked, looney liberals and hate mongering Teapers. Maybe they can go to war with each other. I will watch, and indiscriminately take out anyone from either side that comes to close to my lawn.

In reality, they probably are teapees pretending to be liberals.
It's twitter. This isn't the first time that you have used twitter as the be all and end all. As soon as you start going after the out and out lies and right wing socks then I will start to take you seriously.

You simply cannot understand that this language is unacceptable from liberals too.

Answer my question. Do you condone this language or not? If these were Republicans, you would be howling. And YOU are calling ME a hypocrite?



I understand it just fine. Hence the reason that I posted. I keep telling you that I hate twitter. I don't like it when people lash out in 140 characters. I don't like people that take it too seriously.

Now, your fucking turn.

Perhaps you missed this?

TemplarKormac said:
I also don't see how this is acceptable behavior by anyone.

And weren't you just whining about what Katz was doing? This board is nothing but twitter on steroids, but you certainly don't mind posting here. Earth to you!

So, you condone this kind of language? Okay. That says a lot about you, Miss.

It's twitter. This isn't the first time that you have used twitter as the be all and end all. As soon as you start going after the out and out lies and right wing socks then I will start to take you seriously.

You simply cannot understand that this language is unacceptable from liberals too.

Answer my question. Do you condone this language or not? If these were Republicans, you would be howling. And YOU are calling ME a hypocrite?



Why didn't you post the context, like I did in my example, to show the tweeters that weren't literal or serious??

Because you didn't bother to check, did you? You didn't bother to take the 3 minutes I took, and hell I barely know how to use twitter,

and I find out with the first person I check that he wasn't being serious and literal.

That's what makes you a fucktard. Real life fucktardism in action.
It's twitter. This isn't the first time that you have used twitter as the be all and end all. As soon as you start going after the out and out lies and right wing socks then I will start to take you seriously.

You simply cannot understand that this language is unacceptable from liberals too.

Answer my question. Do you condone this language or not? If these were Republicans, you would be howling. And YOU are calling ME a hypocrite?



Why didn't you post the context, like I did in my example, to show the tweeters that weren't literal or serious??

Because you didn't bother to check, did you? You didn't bother to take the 3 minutes I took, and hell I barely know how to use twitter,

and I find out with the first person I check that he wasn't being serious and literal.

That's what makes you a fucktard. Real life fucktardism in action.

But, of course when Palin was using the "target" symbol when discussing targeting certain districts she most certainly meant that she wanted people to pull out their scopes and shoot the democratic candidates.

Jeez...you are truly pathetic.
Absolutely ridiculous. I can't understand that level of outrage...I think it is more anti-Christianity than outrage over the decision.

Then again, at least they aren't like the Teapers, threatening an armed insurrection because we have a 2 term black President.

America is fucked, looney liberals and hate mongering Teapers. Maybe they can go to war with each other. I will watch, and indiscriminately take out anyone from either side that comes to close to my lawn.

In reality, they probably are teapees pretending to be liberals.

And there you have it....

Progressives never do anything wrong.
Progressives never say anything wrong.

Pathetic way to think Ravi.
You simply cannot understand that this language is unacceptable from liberals too.

Answer my question. Do you condone this language or not? If these were Republicans, you would be howling. And YOU are calling ME a hypocrite?



I understand it just fine. Hence the reason that I posted. I keep telling you that I hate twitter. I don't like it when people lash out in 140 characters. I don't like people that take it too seriously.

Now, your fucking turn.

Perhaps you missed this?

TemplarKormac said:
I also don't see how this is acceptable behavior by anyone.

And weren't you just whining about what Katz was doing? This board is nothing but twitter on steroid, but you certainly don't mind posting here. Earth to you!

Saying that and demanding the same from "your team" is what is at odds here. Katz fucking lies. http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...rotects-a-gauntlet-of-horror.html#post9354290

You have right wing socks that play amongst the shit. But, you..................pull up twitter and have a knipshit.

Grow the fuck up-T. It's either all bad or just bad when the other alleged "team" does it.

This board wouldn't be twitter on steroids if it became unacceptable. Earth to you!

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