Burn them down!!

At least, that's what some liberals had to say after Hobby Lobby was handed a victory by the Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision this morning. I can see they were rather.. erhm.. displeased.

I also don't see how this is acceptable behavior by anyone.

Let it all out. Exhale.
Stay classy. And peaceful:
'Fu*k you:' Left-wingers want to 'burn down' Hobby Lobby after SCOTUS win | Twitchy

I could care less about Hobby Lobby. But it will be interesting when corporations start saying they have religious grounds for denying all sorts of health care to their employees. :D
No...The all or nothing straw man mantra is the exclusive province of the political left.
Just kids blowing off steam. Relax drama queen.

The interweb is funny that way

You can anonymously post any crap you want. However, history has shown abortion clinics are more likely to be attacked than Hobby Lobby ever will

The Occupy movement showed what a lie that is, there are a lot more violent extremists on the left than the right.

Who did they burn down? Who did they bomb? Who did they kill?

Abortion clinics have born the brunt of terrorist attacks
I look forward to the day the SC is nothing but a smoking ruin.

I look forward to seeing you on the evening news being frog-marched into a federal courthouse with a jacket over your head.

Just kidding, everyone knows you're too much of an empty, big-mouth pussy to ever act out your violent little fantasies. Good thing for you too.
At least, that's what some liberals had to say after Hobby Lobby was handed a victory by the Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision this morning. I can see they were rather.. erhm.. displeased.

I also don't see how this is acceptable behavior by anyone.

Let it all out. Exhale.
Stay classy. And peaceful:
'Fu*k you:' Left-wingers want to 'burn down' Hobby Lobby after SCOTUS win | Twitchy

I could care less about Hobby Lobby. But it will be interesting when corporations start saying they have religious grounds for denying all sorts of health care to their employees. :D

I wonder if this ruling will be used as a basis to attempt to fire employees who violate religious laws. After all, the company is now being treated as an individual with 1st amendment rights.
Wow....libs are just imploding everywhere. Here's my advice to them, the same advice they give conservatives that were upset that Obama was re-elected.......GET OVER IT!!!!
Last edited:
Just kids blowing off steam. Relax drama queen.

As opposed to the Tea Party who aren't violent at all and should scare the crap out of us...

Teabaggers aren't scary, however their ignorance and racism can be disturbing. The zits of American politics and zits are annoying, not scary.

So cutting taxes and spending is racist. You on the other hand, lily white, open minded liberal that you are, know that some darkie can't make it on their own, they need government handouts, which you want to give them. So you're not racist, they are for not recognizing that negroes can't live by the same rules everyone else can.

Just as idiotic and vacuous as everything else you post.
This is why we need a dictator instead of a legal system. A dictator wouldn't be troubled by a supreme court decision because there wouldn't be a supreme court.

Right now obama has his lawyers looking for an executive order that will overrule a Supreme Court decision.
Just kids blowing off steam. Relax drama queen.

As opposed to the Tea Party who aren't violent at all and should scare the crap out of us...

Yeah, threatening to put women and children on the front line during a standoff against the government is not violent at all. :doubt:

Whatcha talking about, Willis?

Remember the rest of us can't hear the voices in your head, you have to tell us what they are saying.
At least, that's what some liberals had to say after Hobby Lobby was handed a victory by the Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision this morning. I can see they were rather.. erhm.. displeased.

I also don't see how this is acceptable behavior by anyone.

'Fu*k you:' Left-wingers want to 'burn down' Hobby Lobby after SCOTUS win | Twitchy

I could care less about Hobby Lobby. But it will be interesting when corporations start saying they have religious grounds for denying all sorts of health care to their employees. :D

I wonder if this ruling will be used as a basis to attempt to fire employees who violate religious laws. After all, the company is now being treated as an individual with 1st amendment rights.

Not fire them, but there are lots of employees who would like to see all companies not exercise any religious rights at all.

You work for Chick Fil A. Due to a religious belief they are closed on Sunday. You show up at your store on Sunday ready to go to work. The store is closed. How do you sue them for exercising their religious rights?
As opposed to the Tea Party who aren't violent at all and should scare the crap out of us...

Yeah, threatening to put women and children on the front line during a standoff against the government is not violent at all. :doubt:

Whatcha talking about, Willis?

Remember the rest of us can't hear the voices in your head, you have to tell us what they are saying.

Most people are educated enough to know that the teapers at the Bundy ranched threatened to put women on the front line during their most recent effort to start an armed insurrection. Either that, or you remain willfully ignorant because you don't care how violent and racist Teapers actually are.
The interweb is funny that way

You can anonymously post any crap you want. However, history has shown abortion clinics are more likely to be attacked than Hobby Lobby ever will

The Occupy movement showed what a lie that is, there are a lot more violent extremists on the left than the right.

Who did they burn down? Who did they bomb? Who did they kill?

Abortion clinics have born the brunt of terrorist attacks

You said "a lot more violent extremists."

There were a few whack jobs in the 90s who bombed a few clinics, and very few people were hurt. There were also a couple murders. That was a handful of people. And they pretty well ended it, good job to arresting the nuts.

The occupy movement showed the large number of violent whack jobs on the Marxist left on our TV screens. As does going to a G-7/8 conference like in Seattle.
As opposed to the Tea Party who aren't violent at all and should scare the crap out of us...

Teabaggers aren't scary, however their ignorance and racism can be disturbing. The zits of American politics and zits are annoying, not scary.

So cutting taxes and spending is racist. You on the other hand, lily white, open minded liberal that you are, know that some darkie can't make it on their own, they need government handouts, which you want to give them. So you're not racist, they are for not recognizing that negroes can't live by the same rules everyone else can.

Just as idiotic and vacuous as everything else you post.
Case in point...
Yeah, threatening to put women and children on the front line during a standoff against the government is not violent at all. :doubt:

Whatcha talking about, Willis?

Remember the rest of us can't hear the voices in your head, you have to tell us what they are saying.

Most people are educated enough to know that the teapers at the Bundy ranched threatened to put women on the front line during their most recent effort to start an armed insurrection. Either that, or you remain willfully ignorant because you don't care how violent and racist Teapers actually are.

So if anyone who calls themselves a tea partier does anything, then all tea partiers are responsible for it. Hmm...I don't recall you holding the left to that standard...
Teabaggers aren't scary, however their ignorance and racism can be disturbing. The zits of American politics and zits are annoying, not scary.

So cutting taxes and spending is racist. You on the other hand, lily white, open minded liberal that you are, know that some darkie can't make it on their own, they need government handouts, which you want to give them. So you're not racist, they are for not recognizing that negroes can't live by the same rules everyone else can.

Just as idiotic and vacuous as everything else you post.
Case in point...

Yes, I don't think blacks can't make it on their own and I don't think they need special treatment or handouts anymore than anyone else. Just whacked, aren't I?
At least, that's what some liberals had to say after Hobby Lobby was handed a victory by the Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision this morning. I can see they were rather.. erhm.. displeased.

I also don't see how this is acceptable behavior by anyone.

Fuck you, Hobby Lobby, you narrow-minded, anti-women pieces of shit!!!!!!
Sandra McMahan (@SandraMcMahan) June 30, 2014
Let it all out. Exhale.
Stay classy. And peaceful:
#HobbyLobby are scum of the earth. Burn every single one down, build a homeless shelter there instead.—
Costa Koutsoutis (@costa_kout) June 30, 2014
'Fu*k you:' Left-wingers want to 'burn down' Hobby Lobby after SCOTUS win | Twitchy

Ummm...it's not "anti-woman" they're angry about.... It's anti-gay.

A precedent for protecting religious freedoms over sexual behavior ones is not sitting well right now with the LGBT cult. Here's a little more on why that is. Suddenly I think the 14th isn't going to triumph over the 1st. And I think they're thinking that too.. Heck, they won't even make the 14th as incomplete as a group 'LGBT' is..



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