Burn them down!!

Absolutely ridiculous. I can't understand that level of outrage...I think it is more anti-Christianity than outrage over the decision.

Then again, at least they aren't like the Teapers, threatening an armed insurrection because we have a 2 term black President.

America is fucked, looney liberals and hate mongering Teapers. Maybe they can go to war with each other. I will watch, and indiscriminately take out anyone from either side that comes to close to my lawn.

In reality, they probably are teapees pretending to be liberals.

And there you have it....

Progressives never do anything wrong.
Progressives never say anything wrong.

Pathetic way to think Ravi.

Where did I say that? These twitter posts often turn out to be asses just looking for attention. That you can't admit it is hysterical. Looks like you believe everything that is on the internet. :lol:
They are right in one respect. The Koch brothers and other billionaires are buying the votes with these decisions....that's quite obvious.I look forward to the day the SC is nothing but a smoking ruin. :)

They've shown this past week that they are no longer an independent, objective branch of government. Actually, they showed that in 2010 with Citizens United. They're bought just like any of the other Koch 'hos.
They are right in one respect. The Koch brothers and other billionaires are buying the votes with these decisions....that's quite obvious.I look forward to the day the SC is nothing but a smoking ruin. :)

They've shown this past week that they are no longer an independent, objective branch of government. Actually, they showed that in 2010 with Citizens United. They're bought just like any of the other Koch 'hos.

And yet another far left Obama drone post filled with propaganda and talking points.

Seriously can we get them one ID since this will be the programed narrative of every far left poster on this board?
What I do know is you said small government is racist.
I never said anything of the kind. That's the problem, you keep making up what you believe people said, when they didn't.

The tea party stands for small government, you said that's racist. Look man, have the cojones to stand behind your crap. Stop posting and running from what you said.

I'm sick of useless dicks like you who can't argue with words and ideas, you have to just run around calling anyone who disagrees with you racist. And then you act like you're the one who's practicing civil discord.
What I do know is you said small government is racist.
I never said anything of the kind. That's the problem, you keep making up what you believe people said, when they didn't.

The tea party stands for small government, you said that's racist. Look man, have the cojones to stand behind your crap. Stop posting and running from what you said.

I'm sick of useless dicks like you who can't argue with words and ideas, you have to just run around calling anyone who disagrees with you racist. And then you act like you're the one who's practicing civil discord.

:lmao: You are pathetic. He said nothing of the sort. And if you think the only thing a Teaper stands for is small government...you are truly stupid and have no idea what you support.

I suggest you put down your handbook and educate yourself on Teaper hate, violence, and desire for an armed insurrection.

Teaper drones are funny.
I will hold the left to that standard as soon as you start recognizing the racism, violence and hate the Teapers spew. If only a small majority of these 'Teapers,' why don't you call them out for ruining your 'movement'.

AND, I hold Teapers to a MUCH higher standard because they claim to be conservatives and are a fringe of the GOP, my party. I will not allow racist and violent Teapers destroy the good name of the GOP and true conservatism.

What I recognize is what a race baiting whore you and the party you support are. Small government is not racist. Clearly the idea that small government is racist is racist as you're saying blacks need government more than anyone else.

Wow, you have some real comprehension problems. That is why most Teapers are stupid...who said Teapers are racist because they want small government? That is actually one of their more admirable stances. Teapers are racist because most of the people in your movement spew racist nonsense and want an armed revolution. You know, people like SJ, Godboy, and the rest of YOUR ilk. Perhaps I wouldn't think TEAPERS were so racist if you would condemn it when your fellow Teapers spew their hate. Start doing that, I would be more supportive. Until then, I will join right minded conservatives in their effort to rid the GOP of the Teaper HATE faction.

I see, so you wanted civil, logical discussion about how you don't have a dick and can't debate the tea party's ideas, so you have to resort to petty demagoguery and pious sanctimony.

I'll note that for future reference. Here's the 411 on life, bitch. If you want to resort to petty name calling and slander, that's what you are likely to get back. Grow a pair and debate the tea party's points, stop repeating the idiot cartoon caricatures of them that mindless leftist drones keep parroting.
I could care less about Hobby Lobby. But it will be interesting when corporations start saying they have religious grounds for denying all sorts of health care to their employees. :D

Why does an employer need any grounds for their employee compensation other than employees working the best deal they can? Seriously, not paying for contraceptives is "denying" healthcare? Man.

I agree but I just want to point out, I believe it's only the morning after pill that hobby lobby had a problem with, alternative birth control is still an option.
I understand it just fine. Hence the reason that I posted. I keep telling you that I hate twitter. I don't like it when people lash out in 140 characters. I don't like people that take it too seriously.

Now, your fucking turn.

Perhaps you missed this?

TemplarKormac said:
I also don't see how this is acceptable behavior by anyone.

And weren't you just whining about what Katz was doing? This board is nothing but twitter on steroid, but you certainly don't mind posting here. Earth to you!

Saying that and demanding the same from "your team" is what is at odds here. Katz fucking lies. http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...rotects-a-gauntlet-of-horror.html#post9354290

You have right wing socks that play amongst the shit. But, you..................pull up twitter and have a knipshit.

Grow the fuck up-T. It's either all bad or just bad when the other alleged "team" does it.

This board wouldn't be twitter on steroids if it became unacceptable. Earth to you!

You know what? You're just angry. All of you are. Freedom of Speech is not subject to your interpretation. The only one that matters is what is defined in the Constitution.

And I don't even know what that last part even meant. You readily dismiss comments made by these liberals because 'you hate twitter,' even though you would condemn the same comments by conservatives.

You'll have to do better than that. And that's just the thing. I don't belong to a 'team.' But you do. It is clear by your comments.

So, you need to do some growing up, not me. Stop throwing your tantrum and deal with the reality that the Supreme Court disagrees with your worldview.
Last edited:
What I recognize is what a race baiting whore you and the party you support are. Small government is not racist. Clearly the idea that small government is racist is racist as you're saying blacks need government more than anyone else.

Wow, you have some real comprehension problems. That is why most Teapers are stupid...who said Teapers are racist because they want small government? That is actually one of their more admirable stances. Teapers are racist because most of the people in your movement spew racist nonsense and want an armed revolution. You know, people like SJ, Godboy, and the rest of YOUR ilk. Perhaps I wouldn't think TEAPERS were so racist if you would condemn it when your fellow Teapers spew their hate. Start doing that, I would be more supportive. Until then, I will join right minded conservatives in their effort to rid the GOP of the Teaper HATE faction.

I see, so you wanted civil, logical discussion about how you don't have a dick and can't debate the tea party's ideas, so you have to resort to petty demagoguery and pious sanctimony.

I'll note that for future reference. Here's the 411 on life, bitch. If you want to resort to petty name calling and slander, that's what you are likely to get back. Grow a pair and debate the tea party's points, stop repeating the idiot cartoon caricatures of them that mindless leftist drones keep parroting.
:lol: Since when has a Teaper wanted to debate the points of their ideas without resorting to the same old talking points.

You are a liberal
You are a drone
You are a racist
You are stupid
You are deceived by the evil liberal media


So tell me, what are the Teaper ideas and what have they done to accomplish them...besides obstructionism. Teapers look up to Reagan, why don't they follow Reagan principles?
What I do know is you said small government is racist.
I never said anything of the kind. That's the problem, you keep making up what you believe people said, when they didn't.

That is the only way teapers can justify their nonsense, by attributing false arguments to anyone who disagrees with them. They are a pathetic bunch. They manufacture nonsense to rationalize their hate.

That's how you justify your 50 IQ and inability to debate their ideas, by repeating mindless idiocy. Not having government there to write checks to you scares you so bad that this is what anyone who threatens them will get.

The tea party is about smaller government. The left is a cult, incapable of independent thought. So if they take a picture of a southern flag and claim that it's what the tea party stands for, you're going to be there repeating their drivel like the mindless drone you are.

Here's an idea, debate the tea party's points, what a concept.

You know, like government should not be able to use guns to force private companies and churches to distribute birth control.
They are right in one respect. The Koch brothers and other billionaires are buying the votes with these decisions....that's quite obvious.I look forward to the day the SC is nothing but a smoking ruin. :)

They've shown this past week that they are no longer an independent, objective branch of government. Actually, they showed that in 2010 with Citizens United. They're bought just like any of the other Koch 'hos.

So uh, what was your opinion of the Supreme Court when they upheld Obamacare? Hmm? Funny, you weren't saying that then.
Wow, you have some real comprehension problems. That is why most Teapers are stupid...who said Teapers are racist because they want small government? That is actually one of their more admirable stances. Teapers are racist because most of the people in your movement spew racist nonsense and want an armed revolution. You know, people like SJ, Godboy, and the rest of YOUR ilk. Perhaps I wouldn't think TEAPERS were so racist if you would condemn it when your fellow Teapers spew their hate. Start doing that, I would be more supportive. Until then, I will join right minded conservatives in their effort to rid the GOP of the Teaper HATE faction.

I see, so you wanted civil, logical discussion about how you don't have a dick and can't debate the tea party's ideas, so you have to resort to petty demagoguery and pious sanctimony.

I'll note that for future reference. Here's the 411 on life, bitch. If you want to resort to petty name calling and slander, that's what you are likely to get back. Grow a pair and debate the tea party's points, stop repeating the idiot cartoon caricatures of them that mindless leftist drones keep parroting.
:lol: Since when has a Teaper wanted to debate the points of their ideas without resorting to the same old talking points.

You are a liberal
You are a drone
You are a racist
You are stupid
You are deceived by the evil liberal media


So tell me, what are the Teaper ideas and what have they done to accomplish them...besides obstructionism. Teapers look up to Reagan, why don't they follow Reagan principles?

Oh my the irony of those far left racist Obama drone comments!
Damn you must really have a hard time understanding what you read. He said that kind of language shouldn't be used by ANYONE. Obviously this means EVERYONE. What is your malfunction?

I understand it just fine. Hence the reason that I posted. I keep telling you that I hate twitter. I don't like it when people lash out in 140 characters. I don't like people that take it too seriously.

Now, your fucking turn.

Perhaps you missed this?

TemplarKormac said:
I also don't see how this is acceptable behavior by anyone.

And weren't you just whining about what Katz was doing? This board is nothing but twitter on steroid, but you certainly don't mind posting here. Earth to you!

Saying that and demanding the same from "your team" is what is at odds here. Katz fucking lies. http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...rotects-a-gauntlet-of-horror.html#post9354290

You have right wing socks that play amongst the shit. But, you..................pull up twitter and have a knipshit.

Grow the fuck up-T. It's either all bad or just bad when the other alleged "team" does it.

This board wouldn't be twitter on steroids if it became unacceptable. Earth to you!
I never said anything of the kind. That's the problem, you keep making up what you believe people said, when they didn't.

The tea party stands for small government, you said that's racist. Look man, have the cojones to stand behind your crap. Stop posting and running from what you said.

I'm sick of useless dicks like you who can't argue with words and ideas, you have to just run around calling anyone who disagrees with you racist. And then you act like you're the one who's practicing civil discord.

:lmao: You are pathetic. He said nothing of the sort. And if you think the only thing a Teaper stands for is small government...you are truly stupid and have no idea what you support.

I suggest you put down your handbook and educate yourself on Teaper hate, violence, and desire for an armed insurrection.

Teaper drones are funny.

I'll study Democratic blogs and the bigotry of the liberal media about it like you do.
Wow, you have some real comprehension problems. That is why most Teapers are stupid...who said Teapers are racist because they want small government? That is actually one of their more admirable stances. Teapers are racist because most of the people in your movement spew racist nonsense and want an armed revolution. You know, people like SJ, Godboy, and the rest of YOUR ilk. Perhaps I wouldn't think TEAPERS were so racist if you would condemn it when your fellow Teapers spew their hate. Start doing that, I would be more supportive. Until then, I will join right minded conservatives in their effort to rid the GOP of the Teaper HATE faction.

I see, so you wanted civil, logical discussion about how you don't have a dick and can't debate the tea party's ideas, so you have to resort to petty demagoguery and pious sanctimony.

I'll note that for future reference. Here's the 411 on life, bitch. If you want to resort to petty name calling and slander, that's what you are likely to get back. Grow a pair and debate the tea party's points, stop repeating the idiot cartoon caricatures of them that mindless leftist drones keep parroting.
:lol: Since when has a Teaper wanted to debate the points of their ideas without resorting to the same old talking points.

You are a liberal
You are a drone
You are a racist
You are stupid
You are deceived by the evil liberal media


So tell me, what are the Teaper ideas and what have they done to accomplish them...besides obstructionism. Teapers look up to Reagan, why don't they follow Reagan principles?

I hear ya man, you convinced me. The Democratic party would never lie to you. I'm sure in fact they realize that demogogging the Tea Party being in their pure selfish interest disturbs them because all they care about is the truth and don't want it to appear that a blatant conflict of interest could be their motivation, but hey, they just care about truth damn it. That's why the Democratic party is always pointing out any fact or data that conflicts with their views, they just want an honest debate about the truth and the best idea to win.

LOL, what a sheep. Here's another shot of kool-aid for you...
Perhaps you missed this?

And weren't you just whining about what Katz was doing? This board is nothing but twitter on steroid, but you certainly don't mind posting here. Earth to you!

Saying that and demanding the same from "your team" is what is at odds here. Katz fucking lies. http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...rotects-a-gauntlet-of-horror.html#post9354290

You have right wing socks that play amongst the shit. But, you..................pull up twitter and have a knipshit.

Grow the fuck up-T. It's either all bad or just bad when the other alleged "team" does it.

This board wouldn't be twitter on steroids if it became unacceptable. Earth to you!

You know what? You're just angry. All of you are. Freedom of Speech is not subject to your interpretation. The only one that matters is what is defined in the Constitution.

And I don't even know what that last part even meant. You readily dismiss comments made by these liberals because 'you hate twitter,' even though you would condemn the same comments by conservatives.

You'll have to do better than that. And that's just the thing. I don't belong to a 'team.' But you do. It is clear by your comments.

Keep trying to minimize there, buckaroo.
Damn you must really have a hard time understanding what you read. He said that kind of language shouldn't be used by ANYONE. Obviously this means EVERYONE. What is your malfunction?

Perhaps you missed this?

And weren't you just whining about what Katz was doing? This board is nothing but twitter on steroid, but you certainly don't mind posting here. Earth to you!

Saying that and demanding the same from "your team" is what is at odds here. Katz fucking lies. http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...rotects-a-gauntlet-of-horror.html#post9354290

You have right wing socks that play amongst the shit. But, you..................pull up twitter and have a knipshit.

Grow the fuck up-T. It's either all bad or just bad when the other alleged "team" does it.

This board wouldn't be twitter on steroids if it became unacceptable. Earth to you!

It's a pattern, sweet pea.
Saying that and demanding the same from "your team" is what is at odds here. Katz fucking lies. http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...rotects-a-gauntlet-of-horror.html#post9354290

You have right wing socks that play amongst the shit. But, you..................pull up twitter and have a knipshit.

Grow the fuck up-T. It's either all bad or just bad when the other alleged "team" does it.

This board wouldn't be twitter on steroids if it became unacceptable. Earth to you!

You know what? You're just angry. All of you are. Freedom of Speech is not subject to your interpretation. The only one that matters is what is defined in the Constitution.

And I don't even know what that last part even meant. You readily dismiss comments made by these liberals because 'you hate twitter,' even though you would condemn the same comments by conservatives.

You'll have to do better than that. And that's just the thing. I don't belong to a 'team.' But you do. It is clear by your comments.

Keep trying to minimize there, buckaroo.

Funny, I believe you're the one doing that today.

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