Burn them down!!

Yes, I'm the lemming, you just want an honest debate about that people you disagree with are racists because you can't argue their points so you attack them. I mean the liberal media told you that, it must be true. The tea party wants smaller government. Less taxes, less spending, focus on fiscal issues. That is what they are about. Their agenda has nothing to do with race, they want that for all Americans. It's you and PMH who insist that race is the motivator for that, so it's on you to explain why smaller government harms blacks.

I have posted the true agenda of the tea party many a time. I have even started a number of threads on Teaper racism. I don't need liberal media to tell me that your Teaper allies are racist pieces of shit. I don't need liberal media to show me that people like you either applaud or remain silent when your teaper comrades spew racist nonsense.

What has the tea party done to make the government smaller, lower taxes, spend less or focus on fiscal issues? It is all empty rhetoric! Obstructionism is NOT the answer. It is not Reagan-esque and only harms America. Obama is going to naturalize a bunch of illegals on Friday and take executive action as he sees fir...that is because Teapers won't allow Congress to fix the issue.

You are against illegal immigration, right? Do you think a court case is gonna stop it?

You have posted the racist far left Obama drone propaganda not ybased in reality.

Proof that you support Obama and the far left..

Whatever you say, lemming!
I have posted the true agenda of the tea party many a time. I have even started a number of threads on Teaper racism. I don't need liberal media to tell me that your Teaper allies are racist pieces of shit. I don't need liberal media to show me that people like you either applaud or remain silent when your teaper comrades spew racist nonsense.

What has the tea party done to make the government smaller, lower taxes, spend less or focus on fiscal issues? It is all empty rhetoric! Obstructionism is NOT the answer. It is not Reagan-esque and only harms America. Obama is going to naturalize a bunch of illegals on Friday and take executive action as he sees fir...that is because Teapers won't allow Congress to fix the issue.

You are against illegal immigration, right? Do you think a court case is gonna stop it?

You have posted the racist far left Obama drone propaganda not ybased in reality.

Proof that you support Obama and the far left..

Whatever you say, lemming!

More proof that racist far left Obama drones can not admit to what they are.
You have posted the racist far left Obama drone propaganda not ybased in reality.

Proof that you support Obama and the far left..

Whatever you say, lemming!

More proof that racist far left Obama drones can not admit to what they are.

More proof teaper lemmings have no independent thought and can't defend their ideology when challenged.
just waiting for GM, Edison, insurance companies etc....to claim they have religious objection to pay for on the job mishaps..

Seriously? Do you want to be a racist far left Obama drone?

Oh my the propaganda from the far left seems to have reached saturation point.
the sheer idiocy of the fringe right reached critical mass years ago..
now we're gonna be stuck cleaning up the mess for decades to come ....
or to be more rational , sooner or later some religofacist will point out by they're action just how stupid this decision was ...
Just kids blowing off steam. Relax drama queen.

The interweb is funny that way

You can anonymously post any crap you want. However, history has shown abortion clinics are more likely to be attacked than Hobby Lobby ever will
How could "history" show that?

You're right about the crap though, obviously.
history already has...the likely hood of some one attacking a hobby lobby store for the reasons being discussed here is negligible,
on the other hand ,some right wing ass hat claiming any kind of damage done by anyone for any reason will be the work leftie commie faggot drones especially when it's clearly not....
Benghazi. Comes to mind...
(some of the above is sarcasm)
The interweb is funny that way

You can anonymously post any crap you want. However, history has shown abortion clinics are more likely to be attacked than Hobby Lobby ever will
How could "history" show that?

You're right about the crap though, obviously.
history already has...the likely hood of some one attacking a hobby lobby store for the reasons being discussed here is negligible,
on the other hand ,some right wing ass hat claiming any kind of damage done by anyone for any reason will be the work leftie commie faggot drones especially when it's clearly not....
Benghazi. Comes to mind...
(some of the above is sarcasm)
Obviously an imbecile, but are you a lefty commie faggot drone?
just waiting for GM, Edison, insurance companies etc....to claim they have religious objection to pay for on the job mishaps..

Seriously? Do you want to be a racist far left Obama drone?

Oh my the propaganda from the far left seems to have reached saturation point.
the sheer idiocy of the fringe right reached critical mass years ago..
now we're gonna be stuck cleaning up the mess for decades to come ....
or to be more rational , sooner or later some religofacist will point out by they're action just how stupid this decision was ...

Proof that the racist far left Obama drones follow a set program not based on reality.
How could "history" show that?

You're right about the crap though, obviously.
history already has...the likely hood of some one attacking a hobby lobby store for the reasons being discussed here is negligible,
on the other hand ,some right wing ass hat claiming any kind of damage done by anyone for any reason will be the work leftie commie faggot drones especially when it's clearly not....
Benghazi. Comes to mind...
(some of the above is sarcasm)
Obviously an imbecile, but are you a lefty commie faggot drone?
why yes, you are Obviously an imbecile..
thanks for sharing...
answers like that mean I've hit center mass again..
The interweb is funny that way

You can anonymously post any crap you want. However, history has shown abortion clinics are more likely to be attacked than Hobby Lobby ever will
How could "history" show that?

You're right about the crap though, obviously.
history already has...the likely hood of some one attacking a hobby lobby store for the reasons being discussed here is negligible,
on the other hand ,some right wing ass hat claiming any kind of damage done by anyone for any reason will be the work leftie commie faggot drones especially when it's clearly not....
Benghazi. Comes to mind...
(some of the above is sarcasm)

And the racist far left Obama drone propaganda rolls on..

Note: That hobby lobby is a private company and this ruling only effects a very small parentage of companies out there.

However it will not stop the racist far left Obama drones armed with their propaganda bombs.
Seriously? Do you want to be a racist far left Obama drone?

Oh my the propaganda from the far left seems to have reached saturation point.
the sheer idiocy of the fringe right reached critical mass years ago..
now we're gonna be stuck cleaning up the mess for decades to come ....
or to be more rational , sooner or later some religofacist will point out by they're action just how stupid this decision was ...

Proof that the racist far left Obama drones follow a set program not based on reality.
the right lost touch with reality when they elected Reagan....he set the program they still follow..
the we're the independent thinkers ploy by you silly fucks is the surest sign that you're not...
history already has...the likely hood of some one attacking a hobby lobby store for the reasons being discussed here is negligible,
on the other hand ,some right wing ass hat claiming any kind of damage done by anyone for any reason will be the work leftie commie faggot drones especially when it's clearly not....
Benghazi. Comes to mind...
(some of the above is sarcasm)
Obviously an imbecile, but are you a lefty commie faggot drone?
why yes, you are Obviously an imbecile..
thanks for sharing...
answers like that mean I've hit center mass again..
OK, I realize you're trying hard to come off as novel, cool and hyper radical, but you can't pass the smell test. Just another dime-a-dozen amped out punk. How's that for dead center?:D
Just kids blowing off steam. Relax drama queen.

The interweb is funny that way

You can anonymously post any crap you want. However, history has shown abortion clinics are more likely to be attacked than Hobby Lobby ever will

The Occupy movement showed what a lie that is, there are a lot more violent extremists on the left than the right.
Really? I disagree. While I'm not defending the posts shown in the OP, I would not discount the rage exhibited by Right Wingers as benign. After all, you are the guys with guns. You are the guys assassinating abortion doctors and intimidating those women seeking a legal medical procedure. You are the guys calling for armed insurrection, secession and a radical take over of government. You were the guys with hoods and nooses in the Jim Crow south. You were the Chicago cops cracking heads in 1968. You were the National Guard at Kent State in 1970. You were the guys spraying pepper spray at point blank range at Berkley. You were Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols.
How could "history" show that?

You're right about the crap though, obviously.
history already has...the likely hood of some one attacking a hobby lobby store for the reasons being discussed here is negligible,
on the other hand ,some right wing ass hat claiming any kind of damage done by anyone for any reason will be the work leftie commie faggot drones especially when it's clearly not....
Benghazi. Comes to mind...
(some of the above is sarcasm)

And the racist far left Obama drone propaganda rolls on..

Note: That hobby lobby is a private company and this ruling only effects a very small parentage of companies out there.

However it will not stop the racist far left Obama drones armed with their propaganda bombs.
false...the company employs better than 21,000 thousand and growing not small at all ..

1000-1500 is considered a small company...
talk about propaganda
I also don't see how this is acceptable behavior by anyone.
Just kids blowing off steam. Relax drama queen.

The interweb is funny that way

You can anonymously post any crap you want. However, history has shown abortion clinics are more likely to be attacked than Hobby Lobby ever will

Fact is, abortion protesters have been assaulted dozens of times more frequently than abortion providers.


Hey, You're a Communist - of course you lie - it's your nature.
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