Bush and Officials Lied leading up to Iraq war

I know what you mean but some people just don’t grasp the subtle differences.

just because the difference between lying and telling the truth might be subtle, does not change the fact that a lie is a lie.

Shooter would rather ignore that fact than admit it.
Does anyone actually listen to a cheerleader and what she's saying at a football game.....................or just look at her ass..................maybe we should stop electing cheerleaders!!!!!!!!!!!!:eusa_whistle:
just because the difference between lying and telling the truth might be subtle, does not change the fact that a lie is a lie.

Shooter would rather ignore that fact than admit it.

Ohh we get the subtlety , your attempts to lie are obvious. Then you make every excuse for anyone with a D behind their name. Durbin, Waters, Pelosi, Reid , Kennedy, Murtha, they are just "mistaken" . We absolutely get it from you guys.
Ohh we get the subtlety , your attempts to lie are obvious. Then you make every excuse for anyone with a D behind their name. Durbin, Waters, Pelosi, Reid , Kennedy, Murtha, they are just "mistaken" . We absolutely get it from you guys.

the thread topic is Bush's LIES.... if you would like to talk about them, then do so. I point out the difference between Bush stating that there IS NO DOUBT and stating that He has no doubt. Do you care to ignore that like you always do, or will you admit that there IS a substantive difference...and the former is a lie while the latter might have been the truth.
the thread topic is Bush's LIES.... if you would like to talk about them, then do so. I point out the difference between Bush stating that there IS NO DOUBT and stating that He has no doubt. Do you care to ignore that like you always do, or will you admit that there IS a substantive difference...and the former is a lie while the latter might have been the truth.

No, my point is Bush NEITHER LIED nor MISLED and you can not, no matter how hard you twist prove he did AND that all your twisting WHILE making excuses for YOUR party are patently obvious and perfect examples of YOUR bias and Subtlety.

I see Captain Tryptophan has arrived to cheer on the Bush admit through thick and thin.
No, my point is Bush NEITHER LIED nor MISLED and you can not, no matter how hard you twist prove he did AND that all your twisting WHILE making excuses for YOUR party are patently obvious and perfect examples of YOUR bias and Subtlety.

of course I can. There WAS doubt. Many analysts have come forward saying that they had doubts and that their doubts were contained in the intelligence that Bush received. Just because he BELIEVED that their doubts were nothing he cared to put much stock in, does NOT mean that those doubts of theirs did not exist. Bush did NOT say that "I have no doubt", he said that "There is no doubt". The former is a statement of his belief. The latter is a statement of fact that is incorrect... and he clearly knew about the presence of doubts in others whether or not there was any in his mind or not.

And again...if you wish to discuss the statements of democrats, make a thread and we'll talk about it. This thread is about Bush's lies and I have laid out my case clearly. you cannot refute it except by mistakenly talking about what Bush believed to be true... he misspoke if he had meant to discuss his beliefs. His actual words were a statement of fact.

I have no doubts that RGS has miller lite cans in his trash.

There is no doubt that RGS has miller lite cans in his trash.

one a statement of personal belief..the other a statement of fact.
We all seem to be sitting here trying to make nitwits of eachother...............WHEN THE ACTUAL UNDENIABLE NITWITS ARE HORRIBLY SELFEVIDENT.............................THE WORLD SEES IT AND CONTINUES TO SLICE AND DICE US AT WILL..................like we're a bunch of fucking retards!!!!!!!!!!!:eusa_whistle:
Ohh look the troll that almost never posts anything related to the thread at it again, where is a moderator when you need one?

You'd better go find one and start crying on their shoulder... Your tampon is starting to leak!

HA! RGS just accused me of not adding to a thread beyond tolling! HAHAHAHAA!

Holy SHIT that's rich!


You must have PTSD from all the times i've scared you into a corner with a mountain of evidence, dude.... But, please, call me out again. It's funny as shit to see you say something so stupid when anyone who can read knows I have a hairtrigger for posting evidence.
just because the difference between lying and telling the truth might be subtle, does not change the fact that a lie is a lie.

Shooter would rather ignore that fact than admit it.

I meant tht there is a subtle difference between “I have no doubt” and “There is no doubt”.
You always say that to a Dem when they refute a point...You guys always say..WHERES THE LINK !!!!! Well where are the links on your part to prove him wrong? Fact is it's all opinion. But Gunny, you are a smart person I can tell and I know you like Bush. But you can't really sit there and think that information wasn't fabricated just a little to get us into this war. Can you really sit there with a straight face Gunny and tell us you believe the Gov't told the truth and didn't twist one fact about the reasons for going into Iraq? That they are truly on the up and up? Do you really honestly think that? I think all politicians are liars, dem or republican, it doesn't matter, they all have their agendas to push.

Unsupported supposition on your part.
Yet there is NO doubt when you claim that Liberals have done the exact same thing as Bush and that they were not lying, just mistaken.

Any democrat who expressed absolute certainty about Saddam's WMD's was lying.

But again...this thread is about Bush... care to explain to me how "I have no doubt" and "there is no doubt" mean the same thing?
Are all the members of our so called "intelligence" agencies either republicrats or demuplicans.......................I don't think so................BUT ALL WERE CONFESSED INEPT AND INCOMPETENT...................to say the very least............and the heads jumped ship like the rat bastard geeks that they are.....................and again the shit flows down hill and our kids pay the price..............:eusa_wall: :eusa_whistle:
Any democrat who expressed absolute certainty about Saddam's WMD's was lying.

But again...this thread is about Bush... care to explain to me how "I have no doubt" and "there is no doubt" mean the same thing?

Care to explain how they arent?

If the Dems lied, by your opinion, why arent you attacking them?

You are the liar, LIAR. You have the burden of proof to show the state of mind and thought of PRESIDENT Bush and all the Dems who also believed that Saddam had WMD's, as did a vast majority of decision makers, leaders of political parties and leaders of countries, WORLD WIDE.


Show us the proof, "BRING IT ON !!!!!!!!"
Care to explain how they arent?

If the Dems lied, by your opinion, why arent you attacking them?

You are the liar, LIAR. You have the burden of proof to show the state of mind and thought of PRESIDENT Bush and all the Dems who also believed that Saddam had WMD's, as did a vast majority of decision makers, leaders of political parties and leaders of countries, WORLD WIDE.


Show us the proof, "BRING IT ON !!!!!!!!"

You missed it, he keeps resorting to "its my opinion" when ask for legal proof. Meanwhile in between being forced to admit occasionally it is just his opinion he acts like everything he says is true and real evidence.

Lying to Congress is an Impeachable Offense. If Bush lied 900 times to Congress, why has no Impeachment been brought? Why is there in fact a Statement from the Democratic Leaders of the House that NO impeachment will be sought?

Now ask Maineman if Clinton Perjured himself and read how since he was never convicted ( but admitted it) he never actually committed perjury because that is only a criminal complaint or charge. Then reread how Bush lied ( a crime) to Congress and remind him no charge much less a conviction ever occurred. And watch the tap dancing begin.
You missed it, he keeps resorting to "its my opinion" when ask for legal proof. Meanwhile in between being forced to admit occasionally it is just his opinion he acts like everything he says is true and real evidence.

Lying to Congress is an Impeachable Offense. If Bush lied 900 times to Congress, why has no Impeachment been brought? Why is there in fact a Statement from the Democratic Leaders of the House that NO impeachment will be sought?

Now ask Maineman if Clinton Perjured himself and read how since he was never convicted ( but admitted it) he never actually committed perjury because that is only a criminal complaint or charge. Then reread how Bush lied ( a crime) to Congress and remind him no charge much less a conviction ever occurred. And watch the tap dancing begin.

there is a fact... that fact is: there is a difference between claiming that you, personally, have no doubt about something, and claiming that there exists NO DOUBT about that same thing.

Lying is not a "crime" in and of itself. It is merely lying. Lying under oath is only a crime when it is proven to be material to the case involved, and prosecuted as a crime.

I have never suggested that there was any criminal offense that Bush could or should be charged with. I have only stated that he lied. Lots of politicians lie all the time... it is extremely infrequent when such lies lead a country into war. Bush's have... again...nothing criminal about those lies..they weren't under oath and they weren't material to any crime... but they were lies. without question.
there is a fact... that fact is: there is a difference between claiming that you, personally, have no doubt about something, and claiming that there exists NO DOUBT about that same thing.

Lying is not a "crime" in and of itself. It is merely lying. Lying under oath is only a crime when it is proven to be material to the case involved, and prosecuted as a crime.

I have never suggested that there was any criminal offense that Bush could or should be charged with. I have only stated that he lied. Lots of politicians lie all the time... it is extremely infrequent when such lies lead a country into war. Bush's have... again...nothing criminal about those lies..they weren't under oath and they weren't material to any crime... but they were lies. without question.

And here is the beginning. He claims Bush purposefully mislead Congress, that he illegally impaired their ability to judge events on a vote for war. That Bush Lied and caused the Intelligence Agencies to also lie for him TO Congress. But none of that is a crime and of course none of what he claims as a lie is provable in any court under ANY stretch of the imagination. However IN the Senate it could in fact be , if true a reason to convict on Impeachment. Yet he does not claim that to be the case. WHY? Because then he would have to explain why his OWN party leaders do NOT legally agree with him. He would have to explain why every Commission ever impaneled by Congress ,Republican and Democrat, has found that IN FACT Bush did NOT lie. He would have to explain why HIS own party absolutely REFUSES to even entertain the idea. An IDEA they all ran on to get elected. A Promise they "implied" or outright stated in the 2006 election cycle.

In fact using Maineman's own definitions and excuses, every democrat that "implied" or Stated they would seek impeachment , except what? 40 of them? LIED to the American people.

Explain that Maineman?

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