Bush and Officials Lied leading up to Iraq war


Certainly you have every right to wave whatever pennant you prefere but i'll believe that liberal dems are looking to vote for Mccain over Obama when I see it.... and I'll go ahead and stick to predicting that Brit Hume is going to have another early election night than believe this nation is ready for another round of republican silliness.

but, since you are from new jersey.. can you explain what the hell is going on with this?

New Jersey Freakshows

Absolutely... I'd be glad to help...Looks like you have come across some shots from the Obama fundraiser held by Don King in Newark NJ...

The impact he has had on the white youth in the NYC suburbs is incredible!!!!...
YOU may not want to believe that Bush lied much like every single mother who births a child thinks that THEIR KID is smart, pretty and special but..
that doesn't make it true.
You're right.
What makes it true is the fact that what he did/said does not fit the definition of a lie.

Unless, of course, you can show that he did not believe what he was saying.
You're right.
What makes it true is the fact that what he did/said does not fit the definition of a lie.

Unless, of course, you can show that he did not believe what he was saying.

how could he think that nobody else had any doubts about Iraq's WMD's when the intelligence reports contained doubts?
Absolutely... I'd be glad to help...Looks like you have come across some shots from the Obama fundraiser held by Don King in Newark NJ...

The impact he has had on the white youth in the NYC suburbs is incredible!!!!...

Im not sure if that's an Obama thing or a New Jersey thing... I'd be willing to bet on the latter. Then again, I've always heard that NJ is the armpit of America so who knows. I mean, you've got bon jovi, right?
You're right.
What makes it true is the fact that what he did/said does not fit the definition of a lie.

Unless, of course, you can show that he did not believe what he was saying.

In fact, I'm the one who quoed the mans very own words and highlighted exactly what was a lie. I guess you can scroll up to see it or sit there and bleed.. your call. I'm betting that you wouldn't let a used car dealer sell you the same caliber of lie as Bush did in the run up to the war but... as long as he's wearing your team jersey you are kinda obligated to insist that Bush was some poor misguided dude who didn't know any better. Is that what "NO DOUBT" means to you? It sure as hell falls in line with the definitions of LIE that I've posted.

See you at the polls, sucker.
In fact, I'm the one who quoed the mans very own words and highlighted exactly what was a lie.
Did you show that GWB did not believe what he was saying?
Then you did nothing, other than illustrate your bigotry.

Knowing that you are making a false statement is a necessary condition for a lie to exist. No matter how often you ignore this, it will always be true.
00 sure wasn't. And 04 was the product of your kind whipping up the phantom WMD frenzy
So, just to be clear:
Bush -did- win the popular vote in 2004, contrary to your statement to that effect.

And, again, just to be clear:
A President doesn't need a majority of the popular vote to legitimately govern.
Like in 1992 and 1996.
Did you show that GWB did not believe what he was saying?
Then you did nothing, other than illustrate your bigotry.

Knowing that you are making a false statement is a necessary condition for a lie to exist. No matter how often you ignore this, it will always be true.

and no matter how often you ignore THIS, when all the intelligence comes laden with caveats and qualifiers, that means that there IS doubt.... so to say that there IS NO doubt, is a lie.
Did you show that GWB did not believe what he was saying?
Then you did nothing, other than illustrate your bigotry.

Knowing that you are making a false statement is a necessary condition for a lie to exist. No matter how often you ignore this, it will always be true.

BELIEF is no more a backdoor out of a Lie than claiming to be a God in Egypt in order to facilitate power was merely an innocent half-truth when slaves were building pyrimids. If you can't come to grasp with that in this hindsight election then so be it. Hell, it won't be the first time you've fooled yourself for the sake of a political party.

Indeed, considering how far you will go to pretend that bush wasn't lying about having "NO DOUBT" about phantom WMDs it's pretty humorous that you claim to know anything about truth. Hell, HITLER didn't KNOW that jews weren't inferior to aryans either... but I get the feeling that your bend-over-backward attempt to rationalize your presidential pony only applies to GOP nominees.

he could have been objective to criticism.. Was he? DID he take the chance to consider that he was wrong? nope. Valarie Plame got to bite that bullet. But do keep insisting that what one "BELIEVES" makes a small white fib out of the giant lie of "NO DOUBT", dude. I never get tired of reminding people like you about aluminium tubes and yellow cake from niger.

So, just to be clear:
Bush -did- win the popular vote in 2004, contrary to your statement to that effect.

And, again, just to be clear:
A President doesn't need a majority of the popular vote to legitimately govern.
Like in 1992 and 1996.

Indeed, there was that 04 MANDATE, want there *snicker snicker*

And just to be clear

92 Clinton Daddy Bush Perot
Popular vote 44,909,806 39,104,550 19,743,821
Percentage 43.0% 37.4% 18.9%

96 Clinton Dole
Popular vote 47,400,125 39,198,755
Percentage 49.2% 40.7%


Indeed, there was that 04 MANDATE, want there *snicker snicker*
I'll take that as you admitting you were wrong re: 2004.

And just to be clear
92 Clinton Daddy Bush Perot
Popular vote 44,909,806 39,104,550 19,743,821
Percentage 43.0% 37.4% 18.9%
96 Clinton Dole
Popular vote 47,400,125 39,198,755
Percentage 49.2% 40.7%
So... in 1992 and 1996, the majority of people did not vote for Clinton; Bill Clinton was not elected with a majority of the popular vote in either year.

What's your point?
I mean, other than you apparently agree that a President doesn't need a majority of the popular vote to legitimately govern.
BELIEF is no more a backdoor out of a Lie...
KNOWING that you are saying something wrong is a -necessary- condition to a lie. You have to KNOW that what you're telling someone is wrong. If someone believes what they say to be correct, then it is impossible to argue that they know it wrong -- and therefore there can be no lie.

If you can't come to grasp with that... well... I was going to say you're a bigger bigot than I thought --- but that's not possible.
Trying to prove actual individual lies, with the levels of totally inept, confessed incompetent and criminal behavior displayed for as long as I can remember in this gubment on both sides of the aisle.................... is like trying to isolate a snowflake in a blizzard.................:eusa_whistle:
Do yu want to rescan those numbers or would you rather wait for me to do the monkey dance while laughing at you?

04 was to Bush what joe goebles was to the nazi party. Had there been no, get this, reason to insist that there were PHANTOM WMDs in IRAQ then Bush wold have lost. But, I'll give you 04 anyway. Yes, he won even if it was due to a giant LIE. Congrats on winning that conceded point.

Now, back to those numbers... maybe of you follow the linky-linky
"I have no doubt in my mind that Saddam has WMD's"
supposedly TRUE
"There is no doubt that Saddam has WMD's"

"There is no racism in my heart"
"There is no racism."
KNOWING that you are saying something wrong is a -necessary- condition to a lie. You have to KNOW that what you're telling someone is wrong. If someone believes what they say to be correct, then it is impossible to argue that they know it wrong -- and therefore there can be no lie.

If you can't come to grasp with that... well... I was going to say you're a bigger bigot than I thought --- but that's not possible.

Not true at all. IM the guy who posted an actual definition of the word LIE remember? Calling me a bunch of names only indicates that you know that me, and the rest of America not trying to save political face, are making an obvious deduction considering Bush's own words and motivations. Try reading the actual definition instead of trying to cherry pick.

Hell, am I lying if I tell you that I'm the son of god? I believe it, you know. You should send me money because I am your saviour. You can't prove otherwise nor can you prove what I do or don't believe. Hence, I must not being lying.


Hey, I don't KNOW that the capitol of New Zealand isn't being raided by a co-mingled force of DEMONS and ALIENS so please allow me to not lie to you while I tell you that I have NO DOUBT that the anti-christ is upon our southern hemisphere!

"I have no doubt in my mind that Saddam has WMD's"
supposedly TRUE
"There is no doubt that Saddam has WMD's"

"There is no racism in my heart"
"There is no racism."

I know what you mean but some people just don’t grasp the subtle differences.
Was Cheney's promise of the fucking Iraqi rendition of the tournament of roses parade a lie..............................because shit I've been standing here waiting with my flippin' handicam waiting for the floats..............:eusa_whistle:
Do yu want to rescan those numbers or would you rather wait for me to do the monkey dance while laughing at you?
Neither set of numbers indicate that Clinton won with a majority of the popular vote.

1992: 43.0% <- not a majority
1996: 49.2% <- not a majority

So, again:
What's your point?
I mean, other than you apparently agree that a President doesn't need a majority of the popular vote to legitimately govern.

Congrats on winning that conceded point.
Congrats on having the honesty to admit you were wrong.
I didn't think you had it in you.

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