Bush and Officials Lied leading up to Iraq war

:eusa_think: Ummmm I agree 100%. I dont really know how my quote meant that american soldiers should run if they are afraid of what the next club might do in the future. My point was I think countries should be able to do what is in their best interest without having to ask anyone for permission.

Then the USA should leave the UN.
Other than a comment by Annan be so kind as to provide us with the UN sanctions, the UN declaration of illegal activity, the UN paper work declaring the US and ALL her allies acted against the UN charter. I know you can not, because none of those things occured.

Now if your going to claim because the Senior person in the UN made a comment that makes it official, then I guess we get to remind you of all the things Bush has said and claim thats all it takes to make it official.

Annan called for NO action because he knew he was talking out of his ass.

No. Annan called for no action because he would be fighting against one of the most powerful nations on earth.
Afghanistan, Albania, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Colombia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, the Philippines, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom and Uzbekistan.

Source: US State Department

If we measure their support of this invasion by the number of troops they sent, then I'd say it wasn't just thin, it was practically non-existence: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ops/iraq_orbat_coalition.htm
If we measure their support of this invasion by the number of troops they sent, then I'd say it wasn't just thin, it was practically non-existence: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ops/iraq_orbat_coalition.htm

Usual response when forced to face the fact it was NOT UNILATERAL. Just another talking point lie of the left and anti war crowd. Just like the claim all those nations violated the UN charter, yet no action was taken.

Here lets play Maineman's game. Clinton was never convicted of perjury there fore he never committed it. Now ask him if the US violated the UN charter.
Other than a comment by Annan be so kind as to provide us with the UN sanctions, the UN declaration of illegal activity, the UN paper work declaring the US and ALL her allies acted against the UN charter. I know you can not, because none of those things occured.

Now if your going to claim because the Senior person in the UN made a comment that makes it official, then I guess we get to remind you of all the things Bush has said and claim thats all it takes to make it official.

Annan called for NO action because he knew he was talking out of his ass.

The lack of those things doesn't signify the UN's endorsement. What good would it have done anyway? It would have been a totally symbolic gesture, as was Annan's statement.
Usual response when forced to face the fact it was NOT UNILATERAL. Just another talking point lie of the left and anti war crowd. Just like the claim all those nations violated the UN charter, yet no action was taken.

Here lets play Maineman's game. Clinton was never convicted of perjury there fore he never committed it. Now ask him if the US violated the UN charter.

Lol, whatever you say. Where's all that support now? And who's been footing the bill? I can't believe lying us into a war even brings out the Clinton BJ card. Is that all ya got? What about the Bosnia card? Or the Somalia card? I can't do all the work here.
CIA, Environmental Protection Agency, SEC are "independent" agencies, because they don't fall under one of the traditional Executive Branche DEPARTMENTS like Defense, Treasury, or Commerce. Because they were formed with a specifiic purpose in mind, which doesn't fall under on of the traditional branches.

CIA is still under the Executive Branch, and Bush appoints and chooses all the leadership positions for CIA. Just as he does with the Environmental Protection Agency.

If CIA was "Independent" in your understanding of the word, why is Bush picking their leadership? Why isn't their leadership chosen by an independent, non-partisan body???

Uh huh. Who appoints the head of the CIA?
You do NOT get to claim that because the UN did not pass a resolution FOR the Invasion, the Invasion was in violation of the UN charter. Only the UN gets to make that charge and guess what? They have NOT. You can not even claim that the US and her allies prevented the action, since no motion to do so was EVER made at all.

The US laid out why the Invasion met the requirements of the relevant UN treaties we are signed up to. Thus eliminating the claim it was an illegal action. Unless the UN takes official action then the simple fact is the US did NOT violate the treaties we are signed with at the UN.

The US STATED why the invasion met the UN charter and unless the UN takes official action to declare and justify those claims are false, they STAND. END of STORY.
Shouldn't I get an award for beginning the "Never Ending Thread."

Uh huh. Who appoints the head of the CIA?

The head of the CIA does not gather nor collect nor correlate or decipher intelligence assets or intercepts. He simply insures the Agency has a boss. And the CIA head up to and after the US invasion was not even a Bush appointee. He was appointed by Clinton.
Usual response when forced to face the fact it was NOT UNILATERAL. Just another talking point lie of the left and anti war crowd. Just like the claim all those nations violated the UN charter, yet no action was taken.

Here lets play Maineman's game. Clinton was never convicted of perjury there fore he never committed it. Now ask him if the US violated the UN charter.

I never had suggested that Clinton did not lie under oath...only that he is not guilty of the crime of perjury - anymore that Teddy Kennedy is guilty of the crime of murder....both crimes your repeatedly claim they are guilty of.

Republicans bitch 24/7 about how useless the United Nations is, yet use UN resolutions as justification for going to war to disarm a guy who had no arms.

go figure.
You do NOT get to claim that because the UN did not pass a resolution FOR the Invasion, the Invasion was in violation of the UN charter. Only the UN gets to make that charge and guess what? They have NOT. You can not even claim that the US and her allies prevented the action, since no motion to do so was EVER made at all.

The US laid out why the Invasion met the requirements of the relevant UN treaties we are signed up to. Thus eliminating the claim it was an illegal action. Unless the UN takes official action then the simple fact is the US did NOT violate the treaties we are signed with at the UN.

The US STATED why the invasion met the UN charter and unless the UN takes official action to declare and justify those claims are false, they STAND. END of STORY.

So you get to claim that the UN, by its inaction, DID approve it or at least that it's legal for that reason, regardless of Annan's statement?

The UN has sanctioned Israel, 66 times, and every time the US was the sole veto. So, they're going to waste their time sanctioning the US? There's a certain amount of common sense you have to apply to this proposition.

The UN is pretty much irrelevant when it comes to this war. I bet we can agree on that.
The head of the CIA does not gather nor collect nor correlate or decipher intelligence assets or intercepts. He simply insures the Agency has a boss. And the CIA head up to and after the US invasion was not even a Bush appointee. He was appointed by Clinton.

Yes he was, and he was fruiously kissing ass to keep his job - earned him medal of freedom. Are we really going to lay out the job description and powers of the the director of the CIA now? He has the power to hire, fire, and direct how, who and what will be investigated. If appointing the CIA director doesn't give the president power over the CIA, what else could? It's kind of like appointing Gonzo head of the Justice Dept., who certainly did Bush's bidding.
It is a parallel and fine comparison.

It's moronic, posted by a person with a brain smaller than a walnut.

Iraq is probably THE most VITAL strategic location on earth. It sits at the top of the most vital waterway in the world and next to world's biggest threat to that waterway.

The fact you don't get that proves you have no cognitive thinking ability at all.

Now go do something you can actually do....like pick your own naval lint.
CIA, Environmental Protection Agency, SEC are "independent" agencies, because they don't fall under one of the traditional Executive Branche DEPARTMENTS like Defense, Treasury, or Commerce. Because they were formed with a specifiic purpose in mind, which doesn't fall under on of the traditional branches.

CIA is still under the Executive Branch, and Bush appoints and chooses all the leadership positions for CIA. Just as he does with the Environmental Protection Agency.

If CIA was "Independent" in your understanding of the word, why is Bush picking their leadership? Why isn't their leadership chosen by an independent, non-partisan body???

The CIA director is appointed by the President by the advisement and confirmation of the Senate.
CIA, Environmental Protection Agency, SEC are "independent" agencies, because they don't fall under one of the traditional Executive Branche DEPARTMENTS like Defense, Treasury, or Commerce. Because they were formed with a specifiic purpose in mind, which doesn't fall under on of the traditional branches.

CIA is still under the Executive Branch, and Bush appoints and chooses all the leadership positions for CIA. Just as he does with the Environmental Protection Agency.

If CIA was "Independent" in your understanding of the word, why is Bush picking their leadership? Why isn't their leadership chosen by an independent, non-partisan body???

That would be your opinion right, not based upon facts correct?
I never had suggested that Clinton did not lie under oath...only that he is not guilty of the crime of perjury - anymore that Teddy Kennedy is guilty of the crime of murder....both crimes your repeatedly claim they are guilty of.

Republicans bitch 24/7 about how useless the United Nations is, yet use UN resolutions as justification for going to war to disarm a guy who had no arms.

go figure.

That actual legality of going back into Iraq was the violation of the cease fire. Sadaam did that over 1000 times. One was enough under international law to resume hostilities. UN resolutions and even congressional approval were irrelevant. The ORIGINAL congressional resolution from 1990 was enough, as the conflict it authorized was never concluded, only PAUSED under mutual agreement, and agreement Sadaam violated over 1000 times.
It's moronic, posted by a person with a brain smaller than a walnut.

Iraq is probably THE most VITAL strategic location on earth. It sits at the top of the most vital waterway in the world and next to world's biggest threat to that waterway.

The fact you don't get that proves you have no cognitive thinking ability at all.

Now go do something you can actually do....like pick your own naval lint.

anyone who professes that Al Qaeda are shiites really should not be participating in this discussion and should go back to the kid's table to talk about their favorite boy bands.

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