Bush and Officials Lied leading up to Iraq war

Again...an analogy: MY wife has set my kithen on fire cooking bacon, my son has cut his fingers off on the table saw in the garage, my daughter is getting gang raped by a motorcycle gang in the front yard, and I have termites.

Bush's response, were he in my shoes: Call Terminex!!!! The fact that you side with Bush in this prioritization is all we really need to know.

Here you go...another false premise see the previous post. Round and Round we go, in circles without facts and support....
That actual legality of going back into Iraq was the violation of the cease fire. Sadaam did that over 1000 times. One was enough under international law to resume hostilities. UN resolutions and even congressional approval were irrelevant. The ORIGINAL congressional resolution from 1990 was enough, as the conflict it authorized was never concluded, only PAUSED under mutual agreement, and agreement Sadaam violated over 1000 times.

and in the post 9/11 world, holding Saddam accountable for decades old UN sanctions was more important than rooting out and destroying the islamic extremists that attacked us??????
That actual legality of going back into Iraq was the violation of the cease fire. Sadaam did that over 1000 times. One was enough under international law to resume hostilities. UN resolutions and even congressional approval were irrelevant. The ORIGINAL congressional resolution from 1990 was enough, as the conflict it authorized was never concluded, only PAUSED under mutual agreement, and agreement Sadaam violated over 1000 times.

To bad that wasn't their reason for invading. THAT would have had substance.
and in the post 9/11 world, holding Saddam accountable for decades old UN sanctions was more important than rooting out and destroying the islamic extremists that attacked us??????

Yes, every bit. We did both. Iran is next. Enjoy the ride.
and in the post 9/11 world, holding Saddam accountable for decades old UN sanctions was more important than rooting out and destroying the islamic extremists that attacked us??????

WHAT? In what universe did islamic extremists who attacked us come from Iraq? Even Cheney admits there's no connection!

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The 9/11 Commission confirmed there was no Al Qaeda in Iraq.


The only one Bin Laden hated more than the US was Sadam.
Yes he was, and he was fruiously kissing ass to keep his job - earned him medal of freedom. Are we really going to lay out the job description and powers of the the director of the CIA now? He has the power to hire, fire, and direct how, who and what will be investigated. If appointing the CIA director doesn't give the president power over the CIA, what else could? It's kind of like appointing Gonzo head of the Justice Dept., who certainly did Bush's bidding.

Who do you work for your employer right, who's your boss, who pays you right, well that's Congress's job not the President.
Who do you work for your employer right, who's your boss, who pays you right, well that's Congress's job not the President.

I gave you the official US Government website, that said CIA was in the Executive Branch.

You gonna admit you were wrong?

Originally Posted by jreeves

According to you, the CIA operates in the Executive branch....LOL
Proof please, without a reference to your mother being raped,termites, your belonging to a tic-tac-toe club, should I go on or do you get the point.....LOL

First of all, I didn't say any of that. Clean your glasses will ya? Second, he/she already gave you the link. I'm not sure what other proof you need.
Yes, every bit. We did both. Iran is next. Enjoy the ride.

so..while we have 150K americans in Iraq, the REAL bad guys can hold a televised outdoor graduation ceremony for 300 suicide bombers in Afghanistan and we are so weakly represented there that not only do we not respond by killing everyone present, we don't even KNOW about it til the day after it happened? NO...we are NOT doing both. Put down the koolaid and wake the fuck up!
Who do you work for your employer right, who's your boss, who pays you right, well that's Congress's job not the President.

The last time congress tried to use the purse strings against a president, was Eisenhower, who also, ironically, tried to invoke this unitary executive theory. It didn't work. The Supreme Court made them pay.

But you're going to extremes here to make a case that the Congress controls the CIA. Does that mean they control every other government agency and employee, including the President, under your premise?
To bad that wasn't their reason for invading. THAT would have had substance.

It was one of many reasons. But the primary reason had nothing to do with any of the arguments posted in this marathon thread. We are there for STRATEGIC reasons that go way beyond pointless things like WMD's, Bush's revenge, bringing democracy to the people of Iraq.

All those things were to sell it all to the clueless American citizens who are, for the most part, disconnected with just about everything in the world that doesn't have to do with the latest Brittany Spears meltdown or next X-Box 360 title coming out.

If you doubt that, get out a map. Locate the most vital region on the planet. It's called the Persian Gulf. It must remain open for commerce at ALL costs. Look at where the most dangerous threat to that waterway sits. Look at where Iraq and Afgahnistan sit in relation to that threat.

Then look at the next great resource region on the planet. The Caspian-Aral Sea oil and gas fields. Look where Iraq an Aghanistan sit in relation to that?

Add 2+2 and see if you can get 4. It's easy. THAT;s why we are where we are today and why we will be there for the duration of your lifetime, REGARDLESS of which political party controls congress or the white house.

The reason Bush and Clinton before Bush and Bush before Clinton had to use all these other platitudes is what the Russians call "maskarovka". The stupid people of this country can't understand or fathom 100 year long strategy and geo-polotik, they think in terms of only tomorrow and next week, not next decade, next 50-100 years. So they have to be "sold" like the largely dunderheaded sheep they are, so they can get back to their celebrity worship and video games.
Send the link on over...

According to you, the CIA operates in the Executive branch....LOL

Official CIA Website:

The CIA's policy, as with many other Executive Branch agencies, is to automatically handle PA requests under the provisions of both the PA and the FOIA.


Federal Executive Branch

source: http://www.usa.gov/Agencies/Federal/Executive.shtml

Executive Office of the President

* The President
* The Vice President
* The White House Home Page
* Offices within the Executive Office of the President
* The President's Cabinet

Executive Departments

* Department of Agriculture (USDA)
* Department of Commerce (DOC)
* Department of Defense (DOD)
* Department of Education (ED)
* Department of Energy (DOE)
* Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
* Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
* Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
* Department of Justice (DOJ)
* Department of Labor (DOL)
* Department of State (DOS)
* Department of the Interior (DOI)
* Department of the Treasury
* Department of Transportation (DOT)
* Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

Independent Agencies and Government Corporations

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Commission on Civil Rights
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
The last time congress tried to use the purse strings against a president, was Eisenhower, who also, ironically, tried to invoke this unitary executive theory. It didn't work. The Supreme Court made them pay.

But you're going to extremes here to make a case that the Congress controls the CIA. Does that mean they control every other government agency and employee, including the President, under your premise?

No as I stated in an earlier post the CIA controls the CIA, not Congress or the President....But if you want to draw infrences then you would have to say Congress does because they pay them

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