Bush and Officials Lied leading up to Iraq war

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Department of Commerce (DOC)
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Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
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Department of the Treasury
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Independent Agencies and Government Corporations
Independent Agencies and Government Corporations
This is the website layout;

The President
The Vice President
The White House Home Page
Offices within the Executive Office of the President
The President's Cabinet
Executive Departments
Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Department of Commerce (DOC)
Department of Defense (DOD)
Department of Education (ED)
Department of Energy (DOE)
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Department of Justice (DOJ)
Department of Labor (DOL)
Department of State (DOS)
Department of the Interior (DOI)
Department of the Treasury
Department of Transportation (DOT)
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
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Independent Agencies and Government Corporations
Independent Agencies and Government Corporations

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The hyperlink to the Independent Executive Branch Agencies, show that CIA, Environmental Protection Agency, Securities and Exchange Commission, and many other agencies are part of the Executive Branch.
No as I stated in an earlier post the CIA controls the CIA, not Congress or the President....But if you want to draw infrences then you would have to say Congress does because they pay them

so..while we have 150K americans in Iraq, the REAL bad guys can hold a televised outdoor graduation ceremony for 300 suicide bombers in Afghanistan and we are so weakly represented there that not only do we not respond by killing everyone present, we don't even KNOW about it til the day after it happened? NO...we are NOT doing both. Put down the koolaid and wake the fuck up!

The biggest problem in Afghanistan is that all the member nations of NATO are not upholding their troop commitments so things are a bit thin there. As soon as the draw down in Iraq begins, most of it, unfortunately, will have to be shunted off to Afghanistan because you cowardly, worthless Euroweenie allies are, well...useless cowards, the UK excepted, of course.
Forget it.

You're a flat out liar, that is so drunk on bush worship, that you can't admit you were wrong. I'm wasting my time
AND THE PRESIDENT APPOINTS THE HEAD OF THE CIA! Are circular arguments your forte?

Damn your dumb, the President appoints the DCI under "advisement" of Congress and is confirmed by the Senate.....
Learn how to use the Web.

The hyperlink to the Independent Executive Branch Agencies, show that CIA, Environmental Protection Agency, Securities and Exchange Commission, and many other agencies are part of the Executive Branch.

If that's how simplistic your view is, that the person who selects the head of that agency has no power at all, then I don't see the point in discussing this further.
The biggest problem in Afghanistan is that all the member nations of NATO are not upholding their troop commitments so things are a bit thin there. As soon as the draw down in Iraq begins, most of it, unfortunately, will have to be shunted off to Afghanistan because you cowardly, worthless Euroweenie allies are, well...useless cowards, the UK excepted, of course.
and if we hadn't fucked up by invading Iraq when we didn't HAVE to, we would have had SHITLOADS of assets to throw into Afghanistan.

That is the point.
Forget it.

You're a flat out liar, that is so drunk on bush worship, that you can't admit you were wrong. I'm wasting my time

Go there it will tell you, and they should know best, they are an independent agency, not an executive branch agency.....

Ugh....this is about at pointless an argument as I have seen here. Who the hell cares? The CIA director is nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. But 99.9% of it is run by career, civil service, bureaucrats. Pretty much the same as every other Federal Agency.
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The hyperlink to the Independent Executive Branch Agencies, show that CIA, Environmental Protection Agency, Securities and Exchange Commission, and many other agencies are part of the Executive Branch.

there are many executive branch agencies but the CIA isn't one of them....Lmao
Name calling. I see, another compelling argument.

Sorry for the name calling but I showed you guys right off the CIA's website where it shows they are an independent agency and it's like it doesn't sink in.

But seriously I am sorry for calling you dumb.
and if we hadn't fucked up by invading Iraq when we didn't HAVE to, we would have had SHITLOADS of assets to throw into Afghanistan.

That is the point.

Going IN to Iraq was not the mistake. That was one of the most brilliant military campaigns in all of of human history.

It was Rumsfeld's idocy AFTER that, that was the big mess. Sen Chuck Hagel warned them they had no adequate plan for AFTER the fall Sadaam and were relying on unrealistic expectations from the Iraqi's themselves....all which proved to be correct.

Basically, we failed to secure and disarm the country in the year after toppling the government. To do that we would have to be almost as brutal to the populace as Sadaam was, much as we were in Japan following WWII. But we weren't. ANd THAT was the screw up. Not the toppling of the regime.
Sorry for the name calling but I showed you guys right off the CIA's website where it shows they are an independent agency and it's like it doesn't sink in.

But seriously I am sorry for calling you dumb.

Sokay. Maybe I'll pay ya back later.

I realize that the CIA is listed as an "independent" agency. We agree on that, but the point I've been trying to pound in is that the President picks the director, yes with congressional approval - when that's actually a factor. The president is naturally going to pick someone who will do his bidding and run it the way he wants it run, correct? And no, he didn't pick Tenet, but he could have replaced Tenet any time he wanted, so Tenet, as he admits, was eager to please the president.
Sokay. Maybe I'll pay ya back later.

I realize that the CIA is listed as an "independent" agency. We agree on that, but the point I've been trying to pound in is that the President picks the director, yes with congressional approval - when that's actually a factor. The president is naturally going to pick someone who will do his bidding and run it the way he wants it run, correct?

I am sure that Congress isn't confirm anybody they don't agree with, do we have to even mention that, Judicial appointees.
Sokay. Maybe I'll pay ya back later.

I realize that the CIA is listed as an "independent" agency. We agree on that, but the point I've been trying to pound in is that the President picks the director, yes with congressional approval - when that's actually a factor. The president is naturally going to pick someone who will do his bidding and run it the way he wants it run, correct?

The effectiveness of any political appointee over a Federal Agency is usually VERY minimal. They run themselves and only on rare occasion does an appointee posses the charisma and perseverance to change things in these massive bureaucracies. The agencies are run by career civil service who there long before the current administration and will be there long AFTER it leaves. They most ignore their politically appointed bosses because, in most cases, they never last more than two or three years.

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