Bush and Officials Lied leading up to Iraq war

oh first you debate the validity of the poll then shown why it shows a majority of democrats supported the war you get pissed...funny

I could care less about the poll. I made a statement. YOU attempted to disprove the statement and questioned my claims of a "majority" by posting the senate vote only. you were wrong. be a man and admit it.
again... the senate roll call is irrelevant. Do you think I would be unaware of the senate totals, yet somehow know that a majority of congressional democrats voted against the war????

I made a statement...and as a rebuttal to it, you attempted to post half the truth. weak. be a man and admit you fucked up. this has got to be embarrassing for you, I know, but still....be a man and fess up. You were wrong all along, from #940 until now.

Show me where I said a majority of congressional democrats voted for the war...I didn't....when shown the senate roll call, I said a majority of democrats voted for it in the senate....Don't try and put words in my mouth...

Look at 940 I cited the Senate vote....
Show me where I said a majority of congressional democrats voted for the war...I didn't....when shown the senate roll call, I said a majority of democrats voted for it in the senate....Don't try and put words in my mouth...

Look at 940 I cited the Senate vote....

Cp responded to Maineman...not me in 917....
Show me where I said a majority of congressional democrats voted for the war...I didn't....when shown the senate roll call, I said a majority of democrats voted for it in the senate....Don't try and put words in my mouth...

Look at 940 I cited the Senate vote....

you posted the senate roll call in response to my claim that a majority of democrats had voted against it. you even questioned my use of the word majority this evening.

give it up. who gives a fuck about the senate? I made a statement that a majority of democrats in congress voted against the war. I am right. I have always been right about that and you have always been wrong to try and use the senate vote as a means of disproving MY statement.
I could care less about the poll. I made a statement. YOU attempted to disprove the statement and questioned my claims of a "majority" by posting the senate vote only. you were wrong. be a man and admit it.

The point about the poll is the very people in here griping about the war now, supported it from the onset....So look in the mirror and have a little self reflection...My friend
you posted the senate roll call in response to my claim that a majority of democrats had voted against it. you even questioned my use of the word majority this evening.

give it up. who gives a fuck about the senate? I made a statement that a majority of democrats in congress voted against the war. I am right. I have always been right about that and you have always been wrong to try and use the senate vote as a means of disproving MY statement.

Self reflection....
Cp responded to Maineman...not me in 917....

You have a point there but none the less, the first post concerning this was made by MM way back in post number 911. He made a comment about congress. It does not look like he had any disagreement about the senate. Other people brought up the senate later.
post 1084: by jreeves:



Originally Posted by maineman
the truth is what I stated and what you disagreed with. A majority of congressional democrats voted against the use of force resolution. You need a remedial math course.

Here is the senate vote...

In a vote that split Democrats, 29 voted for war while 21 voted against it.


hmm...majority think not

you used the senate vote and said, "majority think not" when you were clearly addressing MY statement and were, in fact, WRONG.

grow up. be a man. admit you were wrong. I'm waiting.

Who gives a shit who voted what. This idiot/troll is trying to make out that somehow the Dems agreed with the war. And while some did, the MAIN responsibility for that war fits clearly on the shoulders of the GoP. They were the main instigators and signed off on it. This guy is just pulling your chain and somehow trying to make out the Dems were part of it too. A lot weren't. And the bottom line is Repub congress, Repub president. 'nuff said IMO..

Who gives a shit who voted what. This idiot/troll is trying to make out that somehow the Dems agreed with the war. And while some did, the MAIN responsibility for that war fits clearly on the shoulders of the GoP. They were the main instigators and signed off on it. This guy is just pulling your chain and somehow trying to make out the Dems were part of it too. A lot weren't. And the bottom line is Repub congress, Repub president. 'nuff said IMO..

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Who gives a shit who voted what. This idiot/troll is trying to make out that somehow the Dems agreed with the war. And while some did, the MAIN responsibility for that war fits clearly on the shoulders of the GoP. They were the main instigators and signed off on it. This guy is just pulling your chain and somehow trying to make out the Dems were part of it too. A lot weren't. And the bottom line is Repub congress, Repub president. 'nuff said IMO..

two houses of Congress as you know it takes both houses of congress to pass a bill if 28 democrats would have voted no in the senate the authorization wouln't have passed....
two houses of Congress as you know it takes both houses of congress to pass a bill if 28 democrats would have voted no in the senate the authorization wouln't have passed....

Dr. Gump are you done with your self reflection....sounds as though you are...you are bad bad boy....no seriously, this has become a political polarizing object on which the Democrats have used...when in the beginning of the war they supported it....talk all round the topic the majority of you supported...that's all that needs to said
two houses of Congress as you know it takes both houses of congress to pass a bill if 28 democrats would have voted no in the senate the authorization wouln't have passed....

who cares? be a man. admit you fucked up. everyone is seeing you as a troll... is that really how you want to be thought of here?
Dr. Gump are you done with your self reflection....sounds as though you are...you are bad bad boy....no seriously, this has become a political polarizing object on which the Democrats have used...when in the beginning of the war they supported it....talk all round the topic the majority of you supported...that's all that needs to said

Yeah, and all you are trying to do peeves is spin and twist away from the person(s) mainly responsible.

Two guys rob a store. One guy sits in the car while the other goes in. The guy in the car has no gun is not expecting trouble and doesn't realise his partner is armed. His partner goes into the shop and kills 15 people because he is a psychopathic motherfucker. When they both get caught they are both culpable under law. That is a given. However the actions of one far outweigh the actions of hte other. What you are doing here is saying the guy in the car is the real bad guy, and giving the shooter a free pass. Don't wash with me Bub. Go sell your snakeoil to the naive holy rollers in the Deep South.
Your right I don't care what liberals think of me...Democrats supported the war from the onset...disprove it....I've showed you evidence

*Some* did. Most of us were smarter than that and couldn't understand why the ijit in the white house didn't stay focused on Afghanistan. You do understand *that*, right?
*Some* did. Most of us were smarter than that and couldn't understand why the ijit in the white house didn't stay focused on Afghanistan. You do understand *that*, right?

The majority...74% of Amercians supported it from the onset...

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