Bush and Officials Lied leading up to Iraq war

Because the loonies in the white house linked it to the 9/11 attacks.

And your point is? What? That the whitehouse duped a good percentage of the public, including about half of democrats?

I agree.

When Bush denied there was any link to 9/11...I think the war in Iraq has been propagated as failure in execution...I agree...but the justification was there...based on faulty intelligence. I think our disagreement comes from who controls intelligence
The majority...74% of Amercians supported it from the onset...

Again it seems like there is a deliberate avoidance or twist to what is said. The poll said that 74 percent of Americans supported it. It did not conclude that 74 percent of Democrats supported it. As I explained before, there are some unanswered variables. First of all, how many that were polled were Democrats? In addition to that, and perhaps more informative, would be how many democrats said that they supported it? That would answer the question.
Again it seems like there is a deliberate avoidance or twist to what is said. The poll said that 74 percent of Americans supported it. It did not conclude that 74 percent of Democrats supported it. As I explained before, there are some unanswered variables. First of all, how many that were polled were Democrats? In addition to that, and perhaps more informative, would be how many democrats said that they supported it? That would answer the question.

No I said by the sheer majority of 74%, at least 50% of democrats had to support it

Who gives a shit who voted what. This idiot/troll is trying to make out that somehow the Dems agreed with the war. And while some did, the MAIN responsibility for that war fits clearly on the shoulders of the GoP. They were the main instigators and signed off on it. This guy is just pulling your chain and somehow trying to make out the Dems were part of it too. A lot weren't. And the bottom line is Repub congress, Repub president. 'nuff said IMO..

And yet a majority of Senators and 81 Representatives DID vote FOR the war. Imagine that. A LOT of Dems were in fact FOR the war.
Meanwhile this whole thread is based on OPINION. Or have you decided to claim you can prove your claim?

I have, numerous times. You chose to willfully refuse to acknowledge the meaning of words.... you willfully refuse to acknowledge that making a statement that creates a false impression IS a lie. So we will just have to agree to disagree with THAT.
I have, numerous times. You chose to willfully refuse to acknowledge the meaning of words.... you willfully refuse to acknowledge that making a statement that creates a false impression IS a lie. So we will just have to agree to disagree with THAT.

And so if you have this "proof" why hasn't it been used to impeach Bush? Why is it that every investigation has stated Bush did NOT lie? Including the Dems? Why is only the liberals on this board know the truth and have this "proof"?

Now we are to it again. Are you claiming it is a FACT Bush lied or your Opinion Bush lied?
And so if you have this "proof" why hasn't it been used to impeach Bush? Why is it that every investigation has stated Bush did NOT lie? Including the Dems? Why is only the liberals on this board know the truth and have this "proof"?

Now we are to it again. Are you claiming it is a FACT Bush lied or your Opinion Bush lied?

because LYING is not a crime.

And, by my understanding of the english language and the definition of the word LIE that states a lie is a statement serving to create a false impression, Bush and his administration talking heads repeatedly lied when they made assertions as to the certainty - and known location - os Saddam's stockpiles of WMD's. And I think, under that same definition, Cheney's statement's about Atta meeting with Iraqi intelligence agents in Prague served to create the false impression that there was a connection between Saddam and AQ and therefore the implication of Saddam's complicity in that.

Even if you believed it to be true, if you were to state that there was no doubt that the sun revolved around the earth, that statement would be a lie.

oh...and have you solved that math problem yet?
because LYING is not a crime.

And, by my understanding of the english language and the definition of the word LIE that states a lie is a statement serving to create a false impression, Bush and his administration talking heads repeatedly lied when they made assertions as to the certainty - and known location - os Saddam's stockpiles of WMD's. And I think, under that same definition, Cheney's statement's about Atta meeting with Iraqi intelligence agents in Prague served to create the false impression that there was a connection between Saddam and AQ and therefore the implication of Saddam's complicity in that.

Even if you believed it to be true, if you were to state that there was no doubt that the sun revolved around the earth, that statement would be a lie.

oh...and have you solved that math problem yet?

Your the only one that is disfunctional. But do keep on claiming otherwise, it is fun to watch you make ignorant statements and go on for weeks about some so called slight, all the while YOU are telling people to fuck off and other chose terms.
Your the only one that is disfunctional. But do keep on claiming otherwise, it is fun to watch you make ignorant statements and go on for weeks about some so called slight, all the while YOU are telling people to fuck off and other chose terms.

a majority of congressional democrats voted against the use of force. Are you going to retract your previous statements that claimed that was not a true statement? yes or no?

and is this accurate or not:

Even if you believed it to be true, if you were to state that there was no doubt that the sun revolved around the earth, that statement would be a lie.
a majority of congressional democrats voted against the use of force. Are you going to retract your previous statements that claimed that was not a true statement? yes or no?

and is this accurate or not:

Even if you believed it to be true, if you were to state that there was no doubt that the sun revolved around the earth, that statement would be a lie.

The person would not be lying if THEY believed it to be true. A Lie requires the knowledge that the statement is not true.

And once more for the stupid and slow, MY STATEMENT was that in the SENATE a majority of Democrats did in fact vote for the war. So I have nothing to retract because that Statement is based on the vote provided that I made it from.
The person would not be lying if THEY believed it to be true. A Lie requires the knowledge that the statement is not true.

And once more for the stupid and slow, MY STATEMENT was that in the SENATE a majority of Democrats did in fact vote for the war. So I have nothing to retract because that Statement is based on the vote provided that I made it from.

Actually. if you were to say "I believe that the sun revolves around the earth", THAT would not be a lie. Once you claim that there is any degree of objective certainty around that claim, it becomes a lie.

your reply about the senate was in direct response to my statement that a majority of congressional democrats voted against it. Do you have a hard time with reading comprehension, or was that just an attempt by you to blow smoke?
And once more for the stupid and slow, MY STATEMENT was that in the SENATE a majority of Democrats did in fact vote for the war. So I have nothing to retract because that Statement is based on the vote provided that I made it from.

go read post #944 again. Carefully read what I wrote in the passage that you quoted, and then read your reply. Explain yourself. I'll wait
So what? Who was running the show? And what info did they base their vote on?

Once more for the truly ignprant/ The Congress receives INDEPENDENT briefings and is free to ask for ANY info or brief they want from any source. Irregardless of Maineman's continued claim, LYING to Congress is in fact a crime. Especially if your IN the Government.

So what your claiming is that the idiot Bush some how was smart enough to convince 16 independent agencies to LIE for him to Congress, the premiere one run by a Clinton appointee. That the moron Bush somehow got every Government in the world to LIE for him to Congress. That somehow Bush managed 8 years before even being in office to get Clinton and his Cabinet and officials to LIE for him for the future.

Neat trick that.
Once more for the truly ignprant/ The Congress receives INDEPENDENT briefings and is free to ask for ANY info or brief they want from any source. Irregardless of Maineman's continued claim, LYING to Congress is in fact a crime. Especially if your IN the Government.

So what your claiming is that the idiot Bush some how was smart enough to convince 16 independent agencies to LIE for him to Congress, the premiere one run by a Clinton appointee. That the moron Bush somehow got every Government in the world to LIE for him to Congress. That somehow Bush managed 8 years before even being in office to get Clinton and his Cabinet and officials to LIE for him for the future.

Neat trick that.

republicans in congress were all but unanimous in their support for the resolution. A majority of congressional democrats voted against it. Let me say that again: A majority of congressional democrats voted against it.
And THAT is something, as a patriotic veteran, I am very proud of!

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