Bush Called Judges that disagreed with him "harmful to democracy"

I didn't even click on that idiot's post since I knew it was lying as usual.

Bush never challenged the authority of the courts, he did question rogue judges that didn't use legit legal opinions to rule from the bench which is typical of liberal hack judges.

You know like the 2 idiots Obamination put on the SCOTUS as "minority" hires with pathetic backgrounds and mush for brains. Nevermind the old lib woman on the SCOTUS that probably wears diapers because she doesn't know when she shits herself, but the dumb one won't question them.

Did Bush threaten the Supreme Court and challenge their authority in the throes of a major decision?

Edit: I watched the video. The OP is lying.

Imagine that.
I have a 55 year old conservative friend and his sickly wife and they are bending him over on healthcare costs. One moment he's hoping for Obamacare for himself and the next he's bragging/gloating that the Supreme's are going to overturn it.

And his wife just got approved for Disability. What a joke. And he would vote for Romney who would do away with that safety net. :cuckoo:

And if it gets overturned, or if the GOP get their way, he and his wife will go bankrupt because of healthcare. And his wife has pre existing conditions.

Why? Abortion. He's one of those Catholic fools who votes against his own financial interests because of social wedge issues like abortion.
and do you think "Obamacare" is going to make this guys medical costs be any better?...there will still be things they wont cover because,like their Private counterparts......"sorry not covered....its to fucking expensive"....

Sure. The proof of concept is in Massachusetts. When you introduce more people into the system..the cost will get lowered because the revenue stream is greater. The problem with our present system is that people are getting ill with no coverage. That leaves people with coverage to pick up the tab. It's not all that complicated.
you sure about that?....because the bad health problems....you know the ones that the evil health ins. companies wont cover because of cost?.....those will still be decided by a board of nameless people....and with all the people unemployed or making low wages....there may not be as much money in the system as you think there might be to pay for all this......
Actually, as the link to fucking idiot Randi Rhode's website makes clear, what President Bush SAID was that THOSE JUDGES who don't act in accordance with the Constitution are a threat to democracy. Specifically, those who don't interpret laws but who instead legislate laws from the bench represent a threat to democracy.

President Bush was clearly correct.

And, of course, he said NOTHING about judges who merely "disagreed" with him.

Yep. The OP intentionally lied. Now there's something you see every day.

And Obama..made the same critique.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAydC_LjIEk]Bush in 2007: Unelected Judges Making Law Are A Threat To Democracy - YouTube[/ame]

Can you remember arguing with these righties before we had the internet? Even with video proof they won't admit that what Obama said is almost exactly what Bush said.

And Obama has Citizens United to use as an example of their bad behavior. What was Bush referring to? What decision upset him? I think that might matter. Bet Bush is full of shit. Bet he was acting unconstitutional and the courts called him out. Like how he was spying on us using the Patriot Act. I remember he was bypassing warrents. And they were even allowed to get the warrent after the fact but even that was "too much red tape" for them to handle. Fact was, they didn't want a paper trail of who they were spying on because they were spying on everyone, including John Kerry.

is the Patriot Act still in effect Bobo?....
If you don't like a decision...it's "judicial activism"...if you do...it's "upholding the constitution"

Both sides do it. Claiming some sort of moral superiority on this issue is idiotic.
Moral equivalency, maybe. Superiority? No one has THAT distinction.

So at best, Obama's comments are a wash as an issue.
And trumpeting every little thing only makes Republicans look weak and vulnerable. If we have a beef with Obama...we better come up with something BETTER than him for the American people.
I don't see the Ryan plan as doing that.

It's kinda of worse then that. They are demonizing Obama for holding the very same views they use to hold. Which is at best, hypocrisy..and at worst..blatant racism. It's apalling the illegitimacy they ascribe to this president. Granted, they've done it with most Democratic presidents and on a scale never seen in the inverse. Clinton was a good example. Not only did they treat him horrendously..they impeached him. But at least they never questioned his citizenship.

its called New World Politics Sallow.......these "Modern Day" Politicians can care less about you or me or even Dean and Truthmatters.....but they will tell you how they care and the other side dont,so vote for us.....BULLSHIT....both Parties should go straight to hell without their supper.....when they get there they can eat the shit each side will feed the other side.....i just hope it has some corn in it so they can get some roughage.....
The radical left conveniently overlooks the fact that republicans criticized federal judges not the Supreme Court. If the left wants to quote an administration they might try the FDR administration where Roosevelt tried to stack the Supreme Court with 20 justices (all appointed by him) when he didn't get his way.
If you don't like a decision...it's "judicial activism"...if you do...it's "upholding the constitution"

Both sides do it. Claiming some sort of moral superiority on this issue is idiotic.
Moral equivalency, maybe. Superiority? No one has THAT distinction.

So at best, Obama's comments are a wash as an issue.
And trumpeting every little thing only makes Republicans look weak and vulnerable. If we have a beef with Obama...we better come up with something BETTER than him for the American people.
I don't see the Ryan plan as doing that.

It's kinda of worse then that. They are demonizing Obama for holding the very same views they use to hold. Which is at best, hypocrisy..and at worst..blatant racism. It's apalling the illegitimacy they ascribe to this president. Granted, they've done it with most Democratic presidents and on a scale never seen in the inverse. Clinton was a good example. Not only did they treat him horrendously..they impeached him. But at least they never questioned his citizenship.

And what was Bush crying about anyways? Did they say he couldn't torture or spy on us or lock us away indefinately as "unlawful enemy combatents"? He did some very unconstitutional shit. And no impeachment. But it worked. The American people got sick of the Clinton/Gore era and didn't think GW could do any harm because at the time, things were good. They liked him. They could "drink a beer with him". Remember?

Obama is dealing with the Supreme Court that passed Citizens United. That decision alone should get Roberts, Alito, Thomas and Scalia and every other righty that agreed with Citizens United impeached. imo

a supreme court judge should not be a lifetime position...maybe 10 years then your out....they can get cozy in their "appointed" job just like anyone else....
Just like Heck of a Job Brownie. All Bush appointees were Cronies. Remember Alberto Gonzales and the attorney firings? The ones that got fired weren't going along with the program. Busted.

come on Bobo.....you dont think some of these useless people that Obama has with him are people he calls friends or owes?.......:eusa_eh:
I'm still cracking up someone had the nerve to post something here from Randi Rhodes

man oh man..scraping the very bottom of the barrel there.:lol:

You can disparage Rhodes, but can't dispute anything she said. How typical.

Republicans Threaten Judges, Accuse Obama of Judicial Intimidation | Crooks and Liars

Crooks and liars and Randi Rhodes. Talk about the wackos.

I listened to her all the time on Air America though, wow, what a fruit loop. I remember the night she ranted all night that Sean Hannity is a liar, he calls himself a journalist. In the middle of ranting on different subjects, he's jump back to "a journalist, he says he's a JOURNALIST!!!"

Actually anyone who ever listens to him knows he says repeatedly he's not a journalist, he's a commentator. And he uses that all the time in discussing media bias. They say they are journalists, he's honest, he's a commentator. Yes, she is a whack job. But she cracked me up. I was disappointed when they booted her ass. Then of course they folded anyway.

Unlike the left, I don't rejoice when my political opponents go off the air.

Sam Greenberg was another liberal I listened to in NY. He's never take a caller who wasn't a liberal. Sometimes someone would get by the screener saying a liberal point then make a conservative point on the air. He'd yell, that's not what you told my screener! I won't have a liar on the air! Then he'd hang up on them. But if they made a conservative point, they didn't get on the air either.

It's why liberals suck at radio and why Fox is bashing their brains in. It's not because they are liberal, it's because there is only one point of view told. MS-NBC all the liberal hosts actually make commercials for the Democratic party. Then there's PBS. Man, liberals suck at diversity when it comes to thought.

I don't know, I think Liberals hold true to some ethics and won't spread lies, distortions and misinformation. Your rw radio host are paid big bucks not only from advetisers but also by the Kock Bros... to spread such...
You can disparage Rhodes, but can't dispute anything she said. How typical.

Republicans Threaten Judges, Accuse Obama of Judicial Intimidation | Crooks and Liars

Crooks and liars and Randi Rhodes. Talk about the wackos.

I listened to her all the time on Air America though, wow, what a fruit loop. I remember the night she ranted all night that Sean Hannity is a liar, he calls himself a journalist. In the middle of ranting on different subjects, he's jump back to "a journalist, he says he's a JOURNALIST!!!"

Actually anyone who ever listens to him knows he says repeatedly he's not a journalist, he's a commentator. And he uses that all the time in discussing media bias. They say they are journalists, he's honest, he's a commentator. Yes, she is a whack job. But she cracked me up. I was disappointed when they booted her ass. Then of course they folded anyway.

Unlike the left, I don't rejoice when my political opponents go off the air.

Sam Greenberg was another liberal I listened to in NY. He's never take a caller who wasn't a liberal. Sometimes someone would get by the screener saying a liberal point then make a conservative point on the air. He'd yell, that's not what you told my screener! I won't have a liar on the air! Then he'd hang up on them. But if they made a conservative point, they didn't get on the air either.

It's why liberals suck at radio and why Fox is bashing their brains in. It's not because they are liberal, it's because there is only one point of view told. MS-NBC all the liberal hosts actually make commercials for the Democratic party. Then there's PBS. Man, liberals suck at diversity when it comes to thought.

I don't know, I think Liberals hold true to some ethics and won't spread lies, distortions and misinformation. Your rw radio host are paid big bucks not only from advetisers but also by the Kock Bros... to spread such...


Just like Heck of a Job Brownie. All Bush appointees were Cronies. Remember Alberto Gonzales and the attorney firings? The ones that got fired weren't going along with the program. Busted.

come on Bobo.....you dont think some of these useless people that Obama has with him are people he calls friends or owes?.......:eusa_eh:
Randi tells the truth more in an afternoon than Rush, Beck, and Savage do in a lifetime- you believ a pile of horseshytte.

sure she does Frankie.....she bullshits and spins just as much as they do.....and learn to either spell or use a spell checker......
And your post leaves no doubt about you. What he said made perfect sense. I am a registered psychiatric and medical RN and have patient's trying to figure out if they can eat after purchasing all their medications. Your sick need to support the greedy among us is disgusting.

Have you suggested that they contact the pharmaceutical company that makes their medication? They will be able to get their Rx's at a very attractive price or free if they are that poor. And generics only cost $4 a month.

You believe a pile of Pubcrappe LOL! Overturning Health reform will cost tens of thousands of lives, and hundreds of billions of dollars, anti-science brainwashed twit....
keep expressing yourself like the Braniac you are Frankie.....you fucking dittohead....
WTF? And we're talking about fixing the stupidest, most ridiculously overpriced and corrupt health "system" in the world. Go read something, kiddo.

Is that why so many foreign leaders come to the US for treatment?

Pub dupe horseshytte...85-90% love their systems, think we're barbaric- and 34% here approve of ours....

got something proving that Frankie.....just thought i would ask.....your known for making statements you cant back up....must be that Cheerios Masters Degree you have.....
My secretarial skills suq, dittohead, and it's a Masters I have. Liberals don't have to lie, we have facts and history on our side- see sig pp1, 3. You got BS talking points and stupid insults, brainwashed morons, Randi does a fine job. Too bad you don't get it in Bug Tussle, WV. LOL
My secretarial skills suq, dittohead, and it's a Masters I have. Liberals don't have to lie, we have facts and history on our side- see sig pp1, 3. You got BS talking points and stupid insults, brainwashed morons, Randi does a fine job. Too bad you don't get it in Bug Tussle, WV. LOL

You can disparage Rhodes, but can't dispute anything she said. How typical.

Republicans Threaten Judges, Accuse Obama of Judicial Intimidation | Crooks and Liars

Crooks and liars and Randi Rhodes. Talk about the wackos.

I listened to her all the time on Air America though, wow, what a fruit loop. I remember the night she ranted all night that Sean Hannity is a liar, he calls himself a journalist. In the middle of ranting on different subjects, he's jump back to "a journalist, he says he's a JOURNALIST!!!"

Actually anyone who ever listens to him knows he says repeatedly he's not a journalist, he's a commentator. And he uses that all the time in discussing media bias. They say they are journalists, he's honest, he's a commentator. Yes, she is a whack job. But she cracked me up. I was disappointed when they booted her ass. Then of course they folded anyway.

Unlike the left, I don't rejoice when my political opponents go off the air.

Sam Greenberg was another liberal I listened to in NY. He's never take a caller who wasn't a liberal. Sometimes someone would get by the screener saying a liberal point then make a conservative point on the air. He'd yell, that's not what you told my screener! I won't have a liar on the air! Then he'd hang up on them. But if they made a conservative point, they didn't get on the air either.

It's why liberals suck at radio and why Fox is bashing their brains in. It's not because they are liberal, it's because there is only one point of view told. MS-NBC all the liberal hosts actually make commercials for the Democratic party. Then there's PBS. Man, liberals suck at diversity when it comes to thought.

I don't know, I think Liberals hold true to some ethics and won't spread lies, distortions and misinformation. Your rw radio host are paid big bucks not only from advetisers but also by the Kock Bros... to spread such...

apparently they did their job with you.....i listened to Randi Rhodes for a couple of days and ended that.....she is about as truthful and Spinful as the right wingers on the dial....and the Leftwing talkers are not paid to do the same?......they planted their flag right in your ass.....
My secretarial skills suq, dittohead, and it's a Masters I have. Liberals don't have to lie, we have facts and history on our side- see sig pp1, 3. You got BS talking points and stupid insults, brainwashed morons, Randi does a fine job. Too bad you don't get it in Bug Tussle, WV. LOL

I like ya man, but I have to state that the facts that you have in hand are more often than not the talking heads who live in a narrrow sheltered world that has little to do with reality.
Crooks and liars and Randi Rhodes. Talk about the wackos.

I listened to her all the time on Air America though, wow, what a fruit loop. I remember the night she ranted all night that Sean Hannity is a liar, he calls himself a journalist. In the middle of ranting on different subjects, he's jump back to "a journalist, he says he's a JOURNALIST!!!"

Actually anyone who ever listens to him knows he says repeatedly he's not a journalist, he's a commentator. And he uses that all the time in discussing media bias. They say they are journalists, he's honest, he's a commentator. Yes, she is a whack job. But she cracked me up. I was disappointed when they booted her ass. Then of course they folded anyway.

Unlike the left, I don't rejoice when my political opponents go off the air.

Sam Greenberg was another liberal I listened to in NY. He's never take a caller who wasn't a liberal. Sometimes someone would get by the screener saying a liberal point then make a conservative point on the air. He'd yell, that's not what you told my screener! I won't have a liar on the air! Then he'd hang up on them. But if they made a conservative point, they didn't get on the air either.

It's why liberals suck at radio and why Fox is bashing their brains in. It's not because they are liberal, it's because there is only one point of view told. MS-NBC all the liberal hosts actually make commercials for the Democratic party. Then there's PBS. Man, liberals suck at diversity when it comes to thought.

I don't know, I think Liberals hold true to some ethics and won't spread lies, distortions and misinformation. Your rw radio host are paid big bucks not only from advetisers but also by the Kock Bros... to spread such...



amazing aint it.....Left wing talkers have Ethics and dont spread lies and Distortions and misinformation.....

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