Bush didn't just lie........

All discussions and threads about Bush being a liar that lied us into the war in Iraq end the same way. His defenders deflect into discussions about policies and politics unrelated to the topic of him being a liar that lied to get us into a war with Iraq.
Nah... Bush did not lie to get us into a war with Iraq. The liars that say he did are just making shit up.
At the first STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS following the 9/11 attacks, Bush stated in his live speech that Saddam was giving aid and protection to terrorist, including al Qaeda. He mentioned al Qaeda specifically, telling us their was collusion between Saddam and al Qaeda. There was none. When you or anyone else can show that Saddam was giving any kind of aid and protection to al Qaeda I may be convinced to revisit the issue. Until that time I consider Bush's lie during the speech to be the open salvo in the scam that followed.
All discussions and threads about Bush being a liar that lied us into the war in Iraq end the same way. His defenders deflect into discussions about policies and politics unrelated to the topic of him being a liar that lied to get us into a war with Iraq.

Bush got the war he was itching for since he was elected President

He was willing to tell any lie to get that war
Do you have any Proof of your accusation or are you just relying on Michael Moore's bull shit made up crap?

What did Bush lie about?

The threat of an Iraq attack on the US
Yellow cake
Aluminum tubes
Iraqs involvement in exporting terrorism

He knew all these were lies before he ordered the invasion
All discussions and threads about Bush being a liar that lied us into the war in Iraq end the same way. His defenders deflect into discussions about policies and politics unrelated to the topic of him being a liar that lied to get us into a war with Iraq.
Nah... Bush did not lie to get us into a war with Iraq. The liars that say he did are just making shit up.
At the first STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS following the 9/11 attacks, Bush stated in his live speech that Saddam was giving aid and protection to terrorist, including al Qaeda. He mentioned al Qaeda specifically, telling us their was collusion between Saddam and al Qaeda. There was none. When you or anyone else can show that Saddam was giving any kind of aid a protection to al Qaeda I may be convinced to revisit the issue. Until that time I consider Bush's lie during the speech to be the open salvo in the scam that followed.
Did Bush make that up himself or was he reporting on intelligence reports given to him? If you can prove Bush made it up, I'll agree with you that Bush lied about the intelligence reports he was given. If he did that, then he should have been tried for war crimes.
All discussions and threads about Bush being a liar that lied us into the war in Iraq end the same way. His defenders deflect into discussions about policies and politics unrelated to the topic of him being a liar that lied to get us into a war with Iraq.

Bush got the war he was itching for since he was elected President

He was willing to tell any lie to get that war
Do you have any Proof of your accusation or are you just relying on Michael Moore's bull shit made up crap?

What did Bush lie about?

The threat of an Iraq attack on the US
Yellow cake
Aluminum tubes
Iraqs involvement in exporting terrorism

He knew all these were lies before he ordered the invasion
I listened to Saddam make threats of attacks on the US. I listened to reports of Iraq shooting at our planes. I saw the yellow cake. I saw aluminum tubes. I saw that EVERYONE IN THE MIDDLE EAST had some involvement in exporting terrorism, and still do. Where's the lie again?
Clinton went after OBL AND al Qaeda. The GOP was so wrapped up in him getting him impeached over some blow jobs that they sabotaged the most serious efforts.


Yeah old billy, blew up a pill factory, a bunch of tents meanwhile being blown himself. Yeah quite the warrior.
It wasn't just a pill factory. That is the same lame line used by the GOP to threaten Congressional investigations and neutralize military effort to take out OBL and al Qaeda assets. A "pill factory" is in fact a pharmaceutical facility with the necessary equipment and machinery need to produce chemical and biological weapons. The almost 100 cruise missiles launched at Bin Laden and al Qaeda were meant to be the beginning of a campaign to find him and kill him. The intelligence community feared that a wide open investigation(s) of the type being used by Republicans would endanger agents and informers in the field as well as methods of gathering information about al Qaeda.
You guys won't read the link I provided because it is a timeline of pesky facts that debunk you nonsense. You will scream and whine for links and when you get them you run away from them. Prove to you the sky is blue and you will deflect into a conversation about the sky at night.

What you have posted and what is in the link you provided has been so debunked I find it interesting that you keep repeating it. Seems to me that your sources are at fault. True, the Lewinsky sexual harassment by the president was a underlying cause of him walking the dog but never the less the pill factory was never proved to be anything else. And guess what, If we are to believe the supplied article, Clinton lied and people actually did die.

Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


The key piece of physical evidence linking the al-Shifa facility to production of chemical weapons was the discovery of EMPTA in a soil sample taken from the plant during a CIA clandestine operation. EMPTA, or O-Ethyl methylphosphonothioic acid, is classified as a Schedule 2B compound according to the Chemical Weapons Convention and is a VX precursor.[4] Although several theoretical uses for EMPTA were postulated as well as several patented processes using EMPTA, such as the manufacture of plastic, no known industrial uses of EMPTA were ever documented nor any products that contained EMPTA. It is, however, not banned by the Chemical Weapons Convention as originally claimed by the U.S. government. Moreover, it does not necessarily follow from the presence of EMPTA near (but outside) the boundary of Al-Shifa that this was produced in the factory: EMPTA could have been "stored in or transported near al-Shifa, instead of being produced by it", according to a report by Michael Barletta.[5]

Under-Secretary of State Thomas Pickering claimed to have sufficient evidence against Sudan, including contacts between officials at Al-Shifa plant and Iraqi chemical weapons experts, with the Iraq chemical weapons program the only one identified with using EMPTA for VX production. The National Democratic Alliance (NDA), a Sudanese opposition in Cairo led by Mubarak Al-Mahdi, also insisted that the plant was producing ingredients for chemical weapons. According to Clinton Administration officials, the plant, moreover, was heavily guarded, and showed no signs of ordinary commercial activities. However, a British engineer, Thomas Carnaffin, who worked as a technical manager during the plant's construction between 1992 and 1996, stated that the plant was neither heavily guarded nor secret, and that he never observed evidence of the production of an ingredient needed for nerve gas. The group that monitors compliance with the treaty banning chemical weapons announced that Empta did have legitimate commercial purposes in the manufacture of fungicides and antibiotics, and the owner of the factory stated emphatically in interviews that the plant was not used for anything other than pharmaceuticals, and that there was no evidence to the contrary.[6] Former Clinton administration counter terrorism advisor Richard Clarke and former national security advisor Sandy Berger also noted the facilities alleged ties with the former Iraqi government. Clarke also cited Iraq's $199,000 contract with al Shifa for veterinary medicine under the UN's Oil for Food Program. David Kay, a former UN weapons inspector also said that Iraq may have assisted in the construction of the Al-Shifa plant, noting that Sudan would be unlikely to have the technical knowledge to produce VX.[7]

Officials later acknowledged, however, "that the evidence that prompted President Clinton to order the missile strike on the Shifa plant was not as solid as first portrayed. Indeed, officials later said that there was no proof that the plant had been manufacturing or storing nerve gas, as initially suspected by the Americans, or had been linked to Osama bin Laden, who was a resident of Khartoum in the 1980s."[8]

However, a Clinton State Department official had stated that a money manager for Bin Laden had claimed that Bin Laden had, indeed, invested in Al Shifa. And that the Al Shifa manager even lived in the same Sudan house Bin Laden himself had previously lived in.[9][10]

The U.S. State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Research wrote a report in 1999 questioning the attack on the factory, suggesting that the connection to bin Laden was not accurate; James Risen reported in the New York Times: "Now, the analysts renewed their doubts and told Assistant Secretary of State Phyllis Oakley that the C.I.A.'s evidence on which the attack was based was inadequate. Ms. Oakley asked them to double-check; perhaps there was some intelligence they had not yet seen. The answer came back quickly: There was no additional evidence. Ms. Oakley called a meeting of key aides and a consensus emerged: Contrary to what the Administration was saying, the case tying Al Shifa to Mr. bin Laden or to chemical weapons was weak."[11] The Chairman of El Shifa Pharmaceutical Industries, who is critical of the Sudanese government, more recently told reporters: "I had inventories of every chemical and records of every employee's history. There were no such [nerve gas] chemicals being made here."[12]

Nonetheless, Clinton's Secretary of Defense William Cohen testified to the 9/11 Commission in 2004, characterizing Al Shifa as a "WMD-related facility", which played a "chemical weapons role" such as to pose a risk that it, with the help of the Iraqi chemical weapons program connections he also testified to, might help Al Qaeda get chemical weapons technology.[13]

Sudan has since invited the U.S. to conduct chemical tests at the site for evidence to support its claim that the plant might have been a chemical weapons factory; so far, the U.S. has refused the invitation to investigate. Nevertheless, the U.S. has refused to officially apologize for the attacks, suggesting that some privately still suspect that chemical weapons activity existed there.[8]

Directly after the strike the Sudanese government demanded that the Security Council conduct an investigation of the site to determine if it had been used to produce chemical weapons or precursors. Such an investigation was from the start opposed by the U.S. Nor has the U.S. ever let an independent laboratory analyze the sample allegedly containing EMPTA. Michael Barletta concludes that there is no evidence the al-Shifa factory was ever involved in production of chemical weapons, and it is known that many of the initial U.S. allegations were wrong.[5]
You can cheer lead for al Qaeda all you want, even a dumb person can understand that the machinery used to make biological and chemical weapons are the same ones used to make legitimate medicine. The bombed factory was funded and built by al Qaeda. Clinton and the USA were telling countries not to work with or support al Qaeda and bin laden. Tough crap that you and those like you objected. With support the attacks against him might have brought about some positive affect.
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All discussions and threads about Bush being a liar that lied us into the war in Iraq end the same way. His defenders deflect into discussions about policies and politics unrelated to the topic of him being a liar that lied to get us into a war with Iraq.
Nah... Bush did not lie to get us into a war with Iraq. The liars that say he did are just making shit up.
At the first STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS following the 9/11 attacks, Bush stated in his live speech that Saddam was giving aid and protection to terrorist, including al Qaeda. He mentioned al Qaeda specifically, telling us their was collusion between Saddam and al Qaeda. There was none. When you or anyone else can show that Saddam was giving any kind of aid a protection to al Qaeda I may be convinced to revisit the issue. Until that time I consider Bush's lie during the speech to be the open salvo in the scam that followed.
Did Bush make that up himself or was he reporting on intelligence reports given to him? If you can prove Bush made it up, I'll agree with you that Bush lied about the intelligence reports he was given. If he did that, then he should have been tried for war crimes.
The proof is that no such intelligence data has ever been reveled or noted. The fact is, it became obvious that there was no connection and no aid or protection. The only reason Bush and company were not charged with war crimes is because people did not want to drag the country into that mess and open that can of worms.
All discussions and threads about Bush being a liar that lied us into the war in Iraq end the same way. His defenders deflect into discussions about policies and politics unrelated to the topic of him being a liar that lied to get us into a war with Iraq.

Bush got the war he was itching for since he was elected President

He was willing to tell any lie to get that war
Do you have any Proof of your accusation or are you just relying on Michael Moore's bull shit made up crap?

What did Bush lie about?

The threat of an Iraq attack on the US
Yellow cake
Aluminum tubes
Iraqs involvement in exporting terrorism

He knew all these were lies before he ordered the invasion
I listened to Saddam make threats of attacks on the US. I listened to reports of Iraq shooting at our planes. I saw the yellow cake. I saw aluminum tubes. I saw that EVERYONE IN THE MIDDLE EAST had some involvement in exporting terrorism, and still do. Where's the lie again?

Maybe the lie that Saddam really was no threat to the US and hadn't ever been? Maybe that the yellow cake and aluminum tubes were in no way related to a nuclear program, Maybe because there were no mobile germ warfare labs in Iraq

Maybe becaue we didn't have to worry about the smoking gun being a mushroom cloud
All discussions and threads about Bush being a liar that lied us into the war in Iraq end the same way. His defenders deflect into discussions about policies and politics unrelated to the topic of him being a liar that lied to get us into a war with Iraq.
Actgually conservatives point out the obvious: Bush was saying what everyone else, including Democrats, were saying at the time. Then we get to watch them scuttle under a rock.
All discussions and threads about Bush being a liar that lied us into the war in Iraq end the same way. His defenders deflect into discussions about policies and politics unrelated to the topic of him being a liar that lied to get us into a war with Iraq.

Bush got the war he was itching for since he was elected President

He was willing to tell any lie to get that war
Do you have any Proof of your accusation or are you just relying on Michael Moore's bull shit made up crap?

What did Bush lie about?

The threat of an Iraq attack on the US
Yellow cake
Aluminum tubes
Iraqs involvement in exporting terrorism

He knew all these were lies before he ordered the invasion
I listened to Saddam make threats of attacks on the US. I listened to reports of Iraq shooting at our planes. I saw the yellow cake. I saw aluminum tubes. I saw that EVERYONE IN THE MIDDLE EAST had some involvement in exporting terrorism, and still do. Where's the lie again?

Maybe the lie that Saddam really was no threat to the US and hadn't ever been? Maybe that the yellow cake and aluminum tubes were in no way related to a nuclear program, Maybe because there were no mobile germ warfare labs in Iraq

Maybe becaue we didn't have to worry about the smoking gun being a mushroom cloud
Maybe Saddam was merely misunderstood. Maybe Saddam wasnt actually undermining sanctions with the help of the French, the Germans, and the UN. Maybe Saddam hadnt fired on US jets in the no fly zone. Maybe Saddam didnt actually have a WMD program. Maybe Saddam wasnt a state sponsor of terrorism for 20 years.
Nah. Really Nutjobber is pushing his usual line of shit, already disproven over and over.
You understand we won, right?
And Tuatara wimps out and runs away again.
Lefties are so easy to pwn.
Of course you won. I saw the Mission Accomplished sign hanging up there. I remember how the Iraqi people welcomed all the american soldiers with open arms. I;m certainly happy there was no insurgency or terrorist groups resisting. Also congrats on getting those WMDs.
We achieved every objective we set, asswipe.
Let's look at the objectives stated by Donald Rumsfeld.

1st Objective - end the regime of Saddam Hussein by striking with force on a scope and scale that makes clear to Iraqis that he and his regime are finished

That was accomplished, there were many innocent Iraqis killed but hey that doesn't matter as long as the objective was met

2nd objective - Iraq's arsenal of biological and chemical weapons, and any program to develop nuclear weapons, are also targets, as the American military has been ordered ''to identify, isolate and eventually eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction

Well they were no where to be found, so this objective is null and void

3rd objective - Troops will then ''search for, capture, drive out terrorists who have found safe harbor in Iraq,

Well this objective certainly didn't work as there are more terrorists before the war even started.

4th objective - the allied forces will ''collect such intelligence as we can find related to terrorist networks in Iraq and beyond.''

Another lie so this one is null and void.

5th objectiive - collect such intelligence as we can find related to the global network of illicit weapons of mass destruction activity.''

Another lie. This objective was never completed. Null and void

6th objective - to end sanctions and to immediately deliver humanitarian relief, food and medicine to the displaced and to the many needy Iraqi citizens.

Wasn't there millions of dollars in money meant for humanitarian relief that went missing. More money was spent on contractors and their hired thugs.

7th objective - Military forces also will ''secure Iraq's oil fields and resources, which belong to the Iraqi people, and which they will need to develop their country after decades of neglect by the Iraqi regime

Yes you did secure the Oil fields and resources. You ignored securing librairies and museums and important historical buildings. BP and Exxon hold leases on many of the oil fields and production. They clearly don't belong to the Iraqi people. You clearly showed those liberals the war had nothing to do with oil.

8th objective - to help the Iraqi people create the conditions for a rapid transition to a representative self-government that is not a threat to its neighbors and is committed to ensuring the territorial integrity of that country.

This objective was never stated before the war. It was an afterthought. The Iraqi people demanded to write their own constitution with elected officials. It was not. It was written by US appointed Iraqi officials. The Iraqis were already attempting to hold their own grassroots local elections but they were cancelled by Paul Bremner. Instead the US put in their own interim government. Originally the US had plans to install Chalabi as Iraqi prime minister but their objective changed. So yes this objective was finally met but it was never the original intention of the US. Certainly not before the war.
First off DOnald Rumsfeld doesnt speak for the entire US government. Look at the iraq resolution and the goals there. We met every one of them.
But as to your contention, we met every one of Rumsfeld's as well.
We ended Saddam's regime
We accounted for the biological and chemical weapons.
We captured terrorists hiding in Iraq, specifically the mastermind if the Achille Lauro hijacking
We drove out terrorists. Until Obumble let them back in.
We collected lots of data on terrorist networks
We ended sanctions
We secured Iraq'a oil fields. Iraq is producing more today than before the war
We helped Iraq create a stable government. They had two free and fair elections, the first since the 1950s. Then Obozo decided to cut and run. Then Obozo decided to depose Maliki. Then Obozo decided ISIS was the JV Team. Then Obozo decided not to put boots on the ground. Then Obozo decided to side with Assad. Then Obozo...you get the idea.
If you do not like these objectives they can you list any that Bush stated before the war. Also how can the main objectives of WMDs and ties to Al Qaeda be accomplished when they were not there. It's liking me stating I'm going to rid Antarctica of pythons and declaring my objective accomplished when I arrived there.
And Tuatara wimps out and runs away again.
Lefties are so easy to pwn.
Of course you won. I saw the Mission Accomplished sign hanging up there. I remember how the Iraqi people welcomed all the american soldiers with open arms. I;m certainly happy there was no insurgency or terrorist groups resisting. Also congrats on getting those WMDs.
We achieved every objective we set, asswipe.
Let's look at the objectives stated by Donald Rumsfeld.

1st Objective - end the regime of Saddam Hussein by striking with force on a scope and scale that makes clear to Iraqis that he and his regime are finished

That was accomplished, there were many innocent Iraqis killed but hey that doesn't matter as long as the objective was met

2nd objective - Iraq's arsenal of biological and chemical weapons, and any program to develop nuclear weapons, are also targets, as the American military has been ordered ''to identify, isolate and eventually eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction

Well they were no where to be found, so this objective is null and void

3rd objective - Troops will then ''search for, capture, drive out terrorists who have found safe harbor in Iraq,

Well this objective certainly didn't work as there are more terrorists before the war even started.

4th objective - the allied forces will ''collect such intelligence as we can find related to terrorist networks in Iraq and beyond.''

Another lie so this one is null and void.

5th objectiive - collect such intelligence as we can find related to the global network of illicit weapons of mass destruction activity.''

Another lie. This objective was never completed. Null and void

6th objective - to end sanctions and to immediately deliver humanitarian relief, food and medicine to the displaced and to the many needy Iraqi citizens.

Wasn't there millions of dollars in money meant for humanitarian relief that went missing. More money was spent on contractors and their hired thugs.

7th objective - Military forces also will ''secure Iraq's oil fields and resources, which belong to the Iraqi people, and which they will need to develop their country after decades of neglect by the Iraqi regime

Yes you did secure the Oil fields and resources. You ignored securing librairies and museums and important historical buildings. BP and Exxon hold leases on many of the oil fields and production. They clearly don't belong to the Iraqi people. You clearly showed those liberals the war had nothing to do with oil.

8th objective - to help the Iraqi people create the conditions for a rapid transition to a representative self-government that is not a threat to its neighbors and is committed to ensuring the territorial integrity of that country.

This objective was never stated before the war. It was an afterthought. The Iraqi people demanded to write their own constitution with elected officials. It was not. It was written by US appointed Iraqi officials. The Iraqis were already attempting to hold their own grassroots local elections but they were cancelled by Paul Bremner. Instead the US put in their own interim government. Originally the US had plans to install Chalabi as Iraqi prime minister but their objective changed. So yes this objective was finally met but it was never the original intention of the US. Certainly not before the war.
First off DOnald Rumsfeld doesnt speak for the entire US government. Look at the iraq resolution and the goals there. We met every one of them.
But as to your contention, we met every one of Rumsfeld's as well.
We ended Saddam's regime
We accounted for the biological and chemical weapons.
We captured terrorists hiding in Iraq, specifically the mastermind if the Achille Lauro hijacking
We drove out terrorists. Until Obumble let them back in.
We collected lots of data on terrorist networks
We ended sanctions
We secured Iraq'a oil fields. Iraq is producing more today than before the war
We helped Iraq create a stable government. They had two free and fair elections, the first since the 1950s. Then Obozo decided to cut and run. Then Obozo decided to depose Maliki. Then Obozo decided ISIS was the JV Team. Then Obozo decided not to put boots on the ground. Then Obozo decided to side with Assad. Then Obozo...you get the idea.
If you do not like these objectives they can you list any that Bush stated before the war. Also how can the main objectives of WMDs and ties to Al Qaeda be accomplished when they were not there. It's liking me stating I'm going to rid Antarctica of pythons and declaring my objective accomplished when I arrived there.
Who said anything about al Qaeda? That was nowhere in Rumsfeld's objectives you psoted. Again, check the Iraq Resolution passed by Democrats in Congress. That lists the objectives. We accomplished every one of them.
The war was a victory. But since liberals dont like winning, because then they have to feel sorry for the losers, they cant admit we won.
All discussions and threads about Bush being a liar that lied us into the war in Iraq end the same way. His defenders deflect into discussions about policies and politics unrelated to the topic of him being a liar that lied to get us into a war with Iraq.
Actgually conservatives point out the obvious: Bush was saying what everyone else, including Democrats, were saying at the time. Then we get to watch them scuttle under a rock.
Nobody was saying there was collusion between Saddam and al Qaeda. Nobody. You are using the method used by the Bush supporters all the time. You are muddying the waters by combining Bush's claim of collusion between Saddam and al Qaeda and general excuses for war with Iraq and the potential for Iraq to assist some terrorist group. The State of the Union Speech was the foundation for linking Iraq with al Qaeda. The outright lie did not have to be repeated, it could simple be alluded to. Over a decade later people are asking for proof that Bush didn't have intelligence to back up his claim. Think about how ridiculous that is. Bush and his administration are allegedly holding back intelligence data that could clear his and their names.
All discussions and threads about Bush being a liar that lied us into the war in Iraq end the same way. His defenders deflect into discussions about policies and politics unrelated to the topic of him being a liar that lied to get us into a war with Iraq.
Actgually conservatives point out the obvious: Bush was saying what everyone else, including Democrats, were saying at the time. Then we get to watch them scuttle under a rock.
Nobody was saying there was collusion between Saddam and al Qaeda. Nobody. You are using the method used by the Bush supporters all the time. You are muddying the waters by combining Bush's claim of collusion between Saddam and al Qaeda and general excuses for war with Iraq and the potential for Iraq to assist some terrorist group. The State of the Union Speech was the foundation for linking Iraq with al Qaeda. The outright lie did not have to be repeated, it could simple be alluded to. Over a decade later people are asking for proof that Bush didn't have intelligence to back up his claim. Think about how ridiculous that is. Bush and his administration are allegedly holding back intelligence data that could clear his and their names.
The Czechs maintain to this day there was a link.
There was certainly a link between terrorism and Saddam.
Beleive it or not there were many reasons to go to war. I realize that's hard for you to comprehend but not my problem.
Bush got the war he was itching for since he was elected President

He was willing to tell any lie to get that war
Do you have any Proof of your accusation or are you just relying on Michael Moore's bull shit made up crap?

What did Bush lie about?

The threat of an Iraq attack on the US
Yellow cake
Aluminum tubes
Iraqs involvement in exporting terrorism

He knew all these were lies before he ordered the invasion
I listened to Saddam make threats of attacks on the US. I listened to reports of Iraq shooting at our planes. I saw the yellow cake. I saw aluminum tubes. I saw that EVERYONE IN THE MIDDLE EAST had some involvement in exporting terrorism, and still do. Where's the lie again?

Maybe the lie that Saddam really was no threat to the US and hadn't ever been? Maybe that the yellow cake and aluminum tubes were in no way related to a nuclear program, Maybe because there were no mobile germ warfare labs in Iraq

Maybe becaue we didn't have to worry about the smoking gun being a mushroom cloud
Maybe Saddam was merely misunderstood. Maybe Saddam wasnt actually undermining sanctions with the help of the French, the Germans, and the UN. Maybe Saddam hadnt fired on US jets in the no fly zone. Maybe Saddam didnt actually have a WMD program. Maybe Saddam wasnt a state sponsor of terrorism for 20 years.
Nah. Really Nutjobber is pushing his usual line of shit, already disproven over and over.
This really irks me. Bush apologists bring it up time and time again. The No-Fly Zones were proclaimed by the United States, United Kingdom, and France. The reason for them was Iraqi aircraft were forbidden from flying inside the zones. It has nothing to do with Iraq defending their territory against American aircraft. While many in the US cite United Nations Security Council Resolution 688 as authorizing the operations, the resolution contains no authorization.
Also of note not one human life was lost as a result of Iraqis firing upon the aircraft.
All discussions and threads about Bush being a liar that lied us into the war in Iraq end the same way. His defenders deflect into discussions about policies and politics unrelated to the topic of him being a liar that lied to get us into a war with Iraq.
Nah... Bush did not lie to get us into a war with Iraq. The liars that say he did are just making shit up.
At the first STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS following the 9/11 attacks, Bush stated in his live speech that Saddam was giving aid and protection to terrorist, including al Qaeda. He mentioned al Qaeda specifically, telling us their was collusion between Saddam and al Qaeda. There was none. When you or anyone else can show that Saddam was giving any kind of aid a protection to al Qaeda I may be convinced to revisit the issue. Until that time I consider Bush's lie during the speech to be the open salvo in the scam that followed.
Did Bush make that up himself or was he reporting on intelligence reports given to him? If you can prove Bush made it up, I'll agree with you that Bush lied about the intelligence reports he was given. If he did that, then he should have been tried for war crimes.
The proof is that no such intelligence data has ever been reveled or noted. The fact is, it became obvious that there was no connection and no aid or protection. The only reason Bush and company were not charged with war crimes is because people did not want to drag the country into that mess and open that can of worms.
I see so if I claim Obama raped someone and got away with it. That makes it true because we've seen no evidence to the contrary. Got it.
All discussions and threads about Bush being a liar that lied us into the war in Iraq end the same way. His defenders deflect into discussions about policies and politics unrelated to the topic of him being a liar that lied to get us into a war with Iraq.

Bush got the war he was itching for since he was elected President

He was willing to tell any lie to get that war
Do you have any Proof of your accusation or are you just relying on Michael Moore's bull shit made up crap?

What did Bush lie about?

The threat of an Iraq attack on the US
Yellow cake
Aluminum tubes
Iraqs involvement in exporting terrorism

He knew all these were lies before he ordered the invasion
I listened to Saddam make threats of attacks on the US. I listened to reports of Iraq shooting at our planes. I saw the yellow cake. I saw aluminum tubes. I saw that EVERYONE IN THE MIDDLE EAST had some involvement in exporting terrorism, and still do. Where's the lie again?

Maybe the lie that Saddam really was no threat to the US and hadn't ever been? Maybe that the yellow cake and aluminum tubes were in no way related to a nuclear program, Maybe because there were no mobile germ warfare labs in Iraq

Maybe becaue we didn't have to worry about the smoking gun being a mushroom cloud
I see so a couple nutz in an airplane are "credible" threats that should cause us to give up our liberty for some small measure of security. But a nut case running a country the size of Iraq who has millions upon millions of tons of actual weaponry threatening the USA is not credible and we should just ignore that... ROFL
Who said anything about al Qaeda?
Bush and his buddys did.

The war on terror, you can't distinguish between al Qaeda and Saddam when you talk about the war on terror. And so it's a comparison that is -- I can't make because I can't distinguish between the two, because they're both equally as bad, and equally as evil, and equally as destructive. George W. Bush, President
Remarks By President Bush, The Oval Office
So, yes, there are contacts between Iraq and al Qaeda. We know that Saddam Hussein has a long history with terrorism in general. And there are some al Qaeda personnel who found refuge in Baghdad...There clearly are contacts between al Qaeda and Iraq that can be documented. Condoleeza Rice, US National Security Advisor
NewsHour with Jim Lehrer
Iraq and al Qaeda have discussed safe haven opportunities in Iraq, reciprocal nonaggression discussions. We have what we consider to be credible evidence that al Qaeda leaders have sought contacts in Iraq who could help them acquire weapons of mass destruction capabilities Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense
Comments To Reporters
We've learned that Iraq has trained al Qaeda members in bomb-making and poisons and deadly gases. George W. Bush, President
Cincinnati, Ohio Speech
We could wait and hope that Saddam does not give weapons to terrorists, or develop a nuclear weapon to blackmail the world. But I'm convinced that is a hope against all evidence George W. Bush, President
Cincinnati, Ohio Speech
we need to think about Saddam Hussein using al Qaeda to do his dirty work, to not leave fingerprints behind. George W. Bush, President
Remarks by the President in Michigan Welcome
This is a person who has had contacts with al Qaeda George W. Bush, President
Remarks by the President at New Mexico Welcome
He's got connections with al Qaeda. George W. Bush, President
Remarks by the President in Colorado Welcome
This is a guy who has had connections with these shadowy terrorist networks. George W. Bush, President
Remarks by the President at South Dakota Welcome
We know he's got ties with al Qaeda. George W. Bush, President
Remarks by the President at New Hampshire Welcome
in terms of its [Iraq's] support for terrorism, we have established that Iraq has permitted Al-Qaeda to operate within its territory. As the President said recently, "The regime has long-standing and continuing ties to terrorist organizations. And there are Al-Qaeda terrorists inside Iraq." The President has made his position on Iraq eminently clear, and in the coming weeks and months we shall see what we shall see. John Bolton, Undersecretary of State for Arms Control
Speech to the Hudson Institute
We know that he's had connections with al Qaeda. George W. Bush, President
Remarks by the President in Florida Welcome
He's had connections with shadowy terrorist networks like al Qaeda. George W. Bush, President
Remarks by the President in Atlanta, Georgia Welcome Remarks by the President in Atlanta, Georgia Welcome
We know that he has had contacts with terrorist networks like al Qaeda. George W. Bush, President
Remarks by the President at Tennessee Welcome
This is a man who has had contacts with al Qaeda. George W. Bush, President
Remarks by the President in Minnesota Welcome
And, not only that, he is -- would like nothing better than to hook-up with one of these shadowy terrorist networks like al Qaeda, provide some weapons and training to them, let them come and do his dirty work, and we wouldn't be able to see his fingerprints on his action. George W. Bush, President
Remarks by the President in South Dakota Welcome
He is a man who would likely -- he is a man who would likely team up with al Qaeda. He could provide the arsenal for one of these shadowy terrorist networks. He would love to use somebody else to attack us, and not leave fingerprints behind. George W. Bush, President
Remarks by the President at Illinois Welcome
This is a man who has had al Qaeda connections. George W. Bush, President
Remarks by the President at Missouri Welcome
He's had contacts with al Qaeda. George W. Bush, President
Remarks by the President at Arkansas Welcome
This is a man who has got connections with al Qaeda. George W. Bush, President
Remarks by the President in Texas Welcome
Evidence from intelligence sources, secret communications, and statements by people now in custody reveal that Saddam Hussein aids and protects terrorists, including members of al Qaeda. George W. Bush, President
State of the Union Speech
"Senior members of Iraqi intelligence and al-Qaeda have met at least eight times since the early 1990s. Iraq has sent bomb-making and document forgery experts to work with al-Qaeda" and "Iraq has also provided al-Qaeda with chemical and biological weapons training." Bush 2/16/2003

"I continue to believe — I think there's overwhelming evidence that there was a connection between al-Qaeda and the Iraqi government. I'm very confident that there was an established relationship there." Dick Cheney 1/21/2004

Just to list a few
That was nowhere in Rumsfeld's objectives you posted.
You rejected those objectives when you stated "First off Donald Rumsfeld doesnt speak for the entire US government" so I decided to tackle things Bush said before the war. Also if you clearly read the resolution you refer to Al Qaeda is mentioned. "Members of al-Qaeda, an organization bearing responsibility for attacks on the United States, its citizens, and interests, including the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, are known to be in Iraq."

Again, check the Iraq Resolution passed by Democrats in Congress. That lists the objectives. We accomplished every one of them.
I did. It doesn't list objectives. It lists the "many factors as justifying the use of military force against Iraq."
Bush got the war he was itching for since he was elected President

He was willing to tell any lie to get that war
Do you have any Proof of your accusation or are you just relying on Michael Moore's bull shit made up crap?

What did Bush lie about?

The threat of an Iraq attack on the US
Yellow cake
Aluminum tubes
Iraqs involvement in exporting terrorism

He knew all these were lies before he ordered the invasion
I listened to Saddam make threats of attacks on the US. I listened to reports of Iraq shooting at our planes. I saw the yellow cake. I saw aluminum tubes. I saw that EVERYONE IN THE MIDDLE EAST had some involvement in exporting terrorism, and still do. Where's the lie again?

Maybe the lie that Saddam really was no threat to the US and hadn't ever been? Maybe that the yellow cake and aluminum tubes were in no way related to a nuclear program, Maybe because there were no mobile germ warfare labs in Iraq

Maybe becaue we didn't have to worry about the smoking gun being a mushroom cloud
I see so a couple nutz in an airplane are "credible" threats that should cause us to give up our liberty for some small measure of security. But a nut case running a country the size of Iraq who has millions upon millions of tons of actual weaponry threatening the USA is not credible and we should just ignore that... ROFL

He had no means of delivery in spite of Bush's lies about his drone capability

Bush exploited post 9-11 fear to get what he wanted. He was willing to tell any lie to do so

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