Bush Names Wolfowitz President of al-Qaeda

Apr 27, 2007
In the hopes of undermining the international terror network, President George W. Bush today named former deputy defense secretary and World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz to be the new president of al-Qaeda. Mr. Wolfowitz, who has no experience running an international terror organization, struck many Washington insiders as an unlikely choice for the al-Qaeda job.

But in a White House ceremony introducing his nominee for the top
terror post, President Bush indicated that Mr. Wolfowitz's role in
planning the war in Iraq and bringing scandal to the World Bank showed
that he was "just the man" to bring chaos and disorder to al-Qaeda.

"I've seen Paul Wolfowitz in action" said Mr. Bush, a beaming Mr.
Wolfowitz at his side. "If anyone can mess up al-Qaeda, it's this guy."

Several key details in the president's plan still need to be worked
out, such as how exactly Mr. Wolfowitz will infiltrate al-Qaeda and
rise to the top position in its ranks.

"Al-Qaeda closely screens all of its top officers," said Hassan El-Medfaii, head of the terror network's human resources department. It's not like the Defense Department or the World Bank."

Even if he ascends to its top post, it remains to be seen whether Mr.
Wolfowitz will be happy at al-Qaeda, according to Professor Davis Logsdon, chairman of the Wolfowitz Studies Department at the University of Minnesota. "Al-Qaeda is not like the World Bank," Professor Logsdon said. "For one thing, it's much harder to meet girls there.".
Well, it makes sense since al-Qaeda is a creation of the CIA and Bush is its puppet-master so he can implement his evil plans for world domination!

maybe Manuel Antonio Noriega Moreno would be up for another job if Oliver North can't find anyone else in a short timeframe.

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