Bush not supporting Trump is a good thing.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The real cold war going on today is not so much China against the US as it is globalization against Donald Trump. There is news today that George W. Bush and a handful the Republican old guard will not support Trump in the election of 2020. Because many Americans have an attention span that can be measured in nanoseconds, history has been written with the willing help of national media to favor the winners in the effort to hand over America to globalist elites. Bush is a major player.

The US has been mired in Middle East wars for as long as anyone alive can remember and people collecting Social Security today remember well the hostages Iran took in 1980 as well as Jimmy Carter’s incompetence in resolving the situation. The masterplan of US elites to cast the American people into servitude to those who own the oil in the ground in Arab countries was in full swing at the time. American politicians were getting filthy rich in the process.

Iran was in a shooting war with Iraq at the time and the US backed Iraq. That war lasted about eight years with Saddam Hussein attacking Iranian troops and Kurdish civilians with chemical weapons. Then in 1991 George Bush the elder dispatched April Glaspie, Ambassador to Iraq, to negotiate a settlement between Iraq and Kuwait over disputes that Kuwait was stealing Iraqi oil.

Glaspie essentially told Saddam that all Arabs look alike to Americans and the US has no opinion on which Arabs own the oil. Saddam promptly invaded Kuwait leading to the Gulf War to cover for Bush the elder’s ineptitude. Obviously, Saddam was thinking the US had his back like it did when he used chemical weapons.

Fast forward to 2001 and New York City was attacked by Saudi Arabia with the World Trade Center destroyed by large airplanes flown into buildings. Bush ignored the real enemy, Saudi Arabia, and attacked Iraq to hide his father’s dark tactlessness. It was all theater to rewrite history in Bush the Elder’s favor. Thousands died.

If the US government allowed Saddam Hussein to use chemical weapons it is not out of the question that it condones the use of germ warfare by the Chinese to get rid of Trump who could expose the whole rotten Deep State. So, George Bush not supporting Trump is actually a good thing.
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I'll gladly trade a few Never-Trump votes for many more democrat voters.
We didn't need the Never-Trumpers in 2016, and won't need them in 2020.
They are not on FXN defending their votes saying that the democrats are better, are they?

Governor Huckabee would beat them like baby seals for their stupidity.
The real cold war going on today is not so much China against the US as it is globalization against Donald Trump. There is news today that George W. Bush and a handful the Republican old guard will not support Trump in the election of 2020. Because many Americans have an attention span that can be measured in nanoseconds, history has been written with the willing help of national media to favor the winners in the effort to hand over America to globalist elites. Bush is a major player.

The US has been mired in Middle East wars for as long as anyone alive can remember and people collecting Social Security today remember well the hostages Iran took in 1980 as well as Jimmy Carter’s incompetence in resolving the situation. The masterplan of US elites to cast the American people into servitude to those who own the oil in the ground in Arab countries was in full swing at the time. American politicians were getting filthy rich in the process.

Iran was in a shooting war with Iraq at the time and the US backed Iraq. That war lasted about eight years with Saddam Hussein attacking Iranian troops and Kurdish civilians with chemical weapons. Then in 1991 George Bush the elder dispatched April Glaspie, Ambassador to Iraq, to negotiate a settlement between Iraq and Kuwait over disputes that Kuwait was stealing Iraqi oil.

Glaspie essentially told Saddam that all Arabs look alike to Americans and the US has no opinion on which Arabs own the oil. Saddam promptly invaded Kuwait leading to the Gulf War to cover for Bush the elder’s ineptitude. Obviously, Saddam was thinking the US had his back like it did when he used chemical weapons.

Fast forward to 2001 and New York City was attacked by Saudi Arabia with the World Trade Center destroyed by large airplanes flown into buildings. Bush ignored the real enemy, Saudi Arabia, and attacked Iraq to hide his father’s dark tactlessness. It was all theater to rewrite history in Bush the Elder’s favor. Thousands died.

If the US allowed Saddam Hussein to use chemical weapons it is not out of the question that it condones the use of germ warfare by the Chinese to get rid of Trump who could expose the whole rotten Deep State. So, George Bush not supporting Trump is actually a good thing.
I dunno if its a good thing or a bad thing. For me personally I don't care what past administrations say about current events.
Clinton's to old to be relevant.
Bush got us into endless wars.
Obama bungled his own civil unrest.

Endorsements in general are pretty meaningless to me.
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The real cold war going on today is not so much China against the US as it is globalization against Donald Trump. There is news today that George W. Bush and a handful the Republican old guard will not support Trump in the election of 2020. Because many Americans have an attention span that can be measured in nanoseconds, history has been written with the willing help of national media to favor the winners in the effort to hand over America to globalist elites. Bush is a major player.

The US has been mired in Middle East wars for as long as anyone alive can remember and people collecting Social Security today remember well the hostages Iran took in 1980 as well as Jimmy Carter’s incompetence in resolving the situation. The masterplan of US elites to cast the American people into servitude to those who own the oil in the ground in Arab countries was in full swing at the time. American politicians were getting filthy rich in the process.

Iran was in a shooting war with Iraq at the time and the US backed Iraq. That war lasted about eight years with Saddam Hussein attacking Iranian troops and Kurdish civilians with chemical weapons. Then in 1991 George Bush the elder dispatched April Glaspie, Ambassador to Iraq, to negotiate a settlement between Iraq and Kuwait over disputes that Kuwait was stealing Iraqi oil.

Glaspie essentially told Saddam that all Arabs look alike to Americans and the US has no opinion on which Arabs own the oil. Saddam promptly invaded Kuwait leading to the Gulf War to cover for Bush the elder’s ineptitude. Obviously, Saddam was thinking the US had his back like it did when he used chemical weapons.

Fast forward to 2001 and New York City was attacked by Saudi Arabia with the World Trade Center destroyed by large airplanes flown into buildings. Bush ignored the real enemy, Saudi Arabia, and attacked Iraq to hide his father’s dark tactlessness. It was all theater to rewrite history in Bush the Elder’s favor. Thousands died.

If the US allowed Saddam Hussein to use chemical weapons it is not out of the question that it condones the use of germ warfare by the Chinese to get rid of Trump who could expose the whole rotten Deep State. So, George Bush not supporting Trump is actually a good thing.
I dunno if its a good thing or a bad thing. For me personally I don't care what past administrations say about current events.
Clinton's to old to be relevant.
Bush got us into endless wars.
Obama bungled his own civil unrest.

Endorsements in general are pretty meaningless to me.

What makes Trump so threatening to the establishment is that he gets support from disgruntled observers that are sick and tired of being used and fooled. A lot of democrats fit that category.
The funny thing is many that were trashing Bush less then a week ago will suddenly feel that he was one of the greatest presidents ever. Yes they really are that shallow.
Bush is RINO who is still butt hurt because Trump schlonged his brother.

The only thing good you can say about Bush is that he was better than that nitwit Gore or that Traitor Clown Kerry would have been.
George Bush is just standing up for his brother Jeb. Trump destroyed Jeb mentally and politically. I would never expect any one in the Bush family to support Trump.
I loved Bush at the time....now I am red pilled.

Bush is part of the power elite and deep state.

Trump is not. I love when these long in the tooth politicians blast Trump. It makes me know Trump is over the Target when he takes fire.

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