Bush started Arab Spring in 2003 when he got rid of Saddam


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
There is a direct correlation between Saddam being dragged out of the rathole and Gaddafi being dragged out of the drainpipe.
The tea party was a revolt against TAX CUTS.
Not Now, it's about abortion and a woman's rights and government intervention.

NO credit OF ANY KIND shall be given to Bush.

It all goes to the "peace prize" President who has turned into a regular killing machine.
There is a direct correlation between Saddam being dragged out of the rathole and Gaddafi being dragged out of the drainpipe.
Not quite true and in the future we will be rewarded with even greater hatred for our international meddling in local matters. These folks have been largely overthrowing western puppets. So far only the Bedouins seem immune.
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Bush was the first to get rid of the Arab tinpot dictators.

Saddam would still be running amuk in the middle East if Bush hadnt taken him out.

Ever hear of the domino effect???????????????/
Oh! The domino effect! Why didn't you mention that before! Now that you have referenced that....you must be 100% correct. Damn......you sure do know how to present a convincing argument.
Bush was the first to get rid of the Arab tinpot dictators.

Saddam would still be running amuk in the middle East if Bush hadnt taken him out.

Ever hear of the domino effect???????????????/

Yep, like a paper cut, he would have been a major problem for some time to come.
There is a direct correlation between Saddam being dragged out of the rathole and Gaddafi being dragged out of the drainpipe.

Actually, he made it worse. Iraq is now an extreme right wing Islamic theocracy with it's women in burkas, murdering it's gays and best friends with Iran. How this is a success, I'll never know. I guess in "Republicanland" it is.
Bush was a visionary - just like Reagan.

Thats funny, no really, uproarious. Bush had myopia when it came to the world.

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Mission Accomplished - punked the ballthooed Repubplican Guard in a week.

Totaly separete from the insurgency after.

Bush was jus givingprops to thetroops on the carrier

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