Bush started Arab Spring in 2003 when he got rid of Saddam

Next up - The Hitler in Iran and the punk in Syria????????????????????
There is a direct correlation between Saddam being dragged out of the rathole and Gaddafi being dragged out of the drainpipe.

Actually, he made it worse. Iraq is now an extreme right wing Islamic theocracy with it's women in burkas, murdering it's gays and best friends with Iran. How this is a success, I'll never know. I guess in "Republicanland" it is.

Show me the burkas in Iraq.
The tea party was a revolt against TAX CUTS.
Not Now, it's about abortion and a woman's rights and government intervention.

When did it change?

Details, memos the works, we need it all.

You can back up your BS right?
Guys like Saddam and Kaddafi dressed up in full dress-uniforms (over the top)

never fought in battle
There is a direct correlation between Saddam being dragged out of the rathole and Gaddafi being dragged out of the drainpipe.

Actually, he made it worse. Iraq is now an extreme right wing Islamic theocracy with it's women in burkas, murdering it's gays and best friends with Iran. How this is a success, I'll never know. I guess in "Republicanland" it is.

Show me the burkas in Iraq.

You guys should be ashamed of your "determined ignorance". This was only a 30 second search on Google. Republicans have torn through the world leaving behind pain and destruction and when you point that out, they say "Prove it". The ignorant fucks. They should be forced to wear Burkas for a year as penance. Shame on them. Shame on their ignorance. Shame on the US for allowing them to do this overseas and now here with voter suppression and new religious laws on women's rights. What a disgrace and they don't even know it. On purpose.




A colleague of mine emailed me a disgusting photo of how this issue is changing the shape of the Iraqi women who once were ones of the most fashionable women in the world in former cosmopolitan cities like Baghdad, Basra, and Mosul. I was so disgusted when I saw the photo. Inside me, I was shouting “Nooooooo. It shouldn’t be like this. We were not like this. Enough distortion and abuse to the women.”

This disaster continues. The Parties’ TV stations are doing the same thing. Iraqi Islamic Party’s Baghdad Sunni channel and SCIRI’s Al-Furat Shiite channel introduce their programs with fully-scarfed anchors to make the people get used to their ugly faces.

The new dictators of the “new” Iraq are doing things that Iraq’s former dictator did not do. As 24 Steps to Liberty said in his latest entry: “When they invaded Iraq, they didn’t have an already-formed Iraqi government to take place after Hussein’s was toppled… Their only advisors were Iraqis who’ve never been to Iraq in the last 40 years at least.”

World Prout Assembly: The veil of American Liberation descends upon Iraqi Women
the people in the middle east get credit for the Arab Spring.

Pretending Bush did it is silly.

This would have happened earlier if Bush had not spent the American good will on setting Arabs against our country with his heavy handed foreign policy.
the people in the middle east get credit for the Arab Spring.

Pretending Bush did it is silly.

This would have happened earlier if Bush had not spent the American good will on setting Arabs against our country with his heavy handed foreign policy.

Fuck, and I was ready to blame Carter for not backing the Shah of Iran. Who knew? :lol:
I don't think either Bush or Obama started the Arab Spring, nor do I think, if they did, it would be some type of accomplishment.
Next up - The Hitler in Iran and the punk in Syria????????????????????
Guys like Saddam and Kaddafi dressed up in full dress-uniforms (over the top) never fought in battle

So, when are you signing up there sonny? Or you just another of them pecker swallowing key board warriors? "Wooo hooo, I'm a badass advocating for somebody else to go die in my place!"


Squirrel headed bastard with no historical or practical knowledge of a damn thing.
Muammar Gaddafi and George W. Bush best buds.

Muammar Gaddafi and George W. Bush best buds.
Posted by Curt Anderson
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Curt Anderson
Muammar Gaddafi and George W. Bush best buds.
February 22, 2011 08:44PM Admin
Registered: 4 years ago
Posts: 12,299
From Time Magazine, May 16, 2006:
When I called on Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi in his Bedouin tent last year, he was at pains to explain how he and President Bush were on the same wavelength. In all his years as a bad boy in the eyes of the West, he said, Libya was simply doing what Bush did when he invaded Iraq. "Bush is saying that America is fighting for the triumph of freedom," Gaddafi said between sips of tea. "When we were supporting liberation movements in the world, we were arguing that it was for the victory of freedom. We both agree. We were fighting for the cause of freedom."
At the time, it may have sounded like the typical ramblings of the Libyan leader. But now, a year later, Gaddafi and Bush do apparently see eye to eye. On Monday, Gaddafi accomplished one of history's great diplomatic turnarounds when Secretary of State Condeleezza Rice announced that the U.S. was restoring full diplomatic relations with Libya and held up the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya as "a model" for others to follow. Rice attributed the ending of the U.S.'s long break in diplomatic relations to Gaddafi's historic decision in 2003 to dismantle weapons of mass destruction and renounce terrorism as well as Libya's "excellent cooperation in response to common global threats faced by the civilized world since September 11, 2001."
Read more: [www.time.com]
Republicans planned & started the "Arab Spring" It has gone to plan.

The Daily Telegraph
The American government secretly backed leading figures behind the Egyptian uprising who have been planning “regime change” for the past three years, The Daily Telegraph has learned.

The American Embassy in Cairo helped a young dissident attend a US-sponsored summit for activists in New York, while working to keep his identity secret from Egyptian state police.

On his return to Cairo in December 2008, the activist told US diplomats that an alliance of opposition groups had drawn up a plan to overthrow President Hosni Mubarak and install a democratic government in 2011.

He has already been arrested by Egyptian security in connection with the demonstrations and his identity is being protected by The Daily Telegraph.

Secret US document discloses support for protesters behind the Egypt uprising.
xxxxxxxxxxxx contended that the GOE will never undertake significant reform, and therefore, Egyptians need to replace the current regime with a parliamentary democracy. He alleged that several opposition parties and movements have accepted an unwritten plan for democratic transition by 2011;.....

xxxxxxxxxxxx claimed that several opposition forces -- including the Wafd, Nasserite, Karama and Tagammu parties, and the Muslim Brotherhood, Kifaya, and Revolutionary Socialist movements -- have agreed to support an unwritten plan for a transition to a parliamentary democracy, involving a weakened presidency and an empowered prime minister and parliament, before the scheduled 2011 presidential elections

The "Secret Document" mentioned this "Revolutionary Activist" speaking at a late January Congressional hearing on House Resolution 1303 regarding religious and political freedom in Egypt.

This Resolution H. Res. 1303: Calling on the Egyptian Government to respect human rights and freedoms of religion was introduced Jun 24, 2008 by Rep. Frank Wolf [R-VA10].

It was also introduced in several previous secessions of congress. On Jul 28, 2005 it was introduced as H. Res. 413: Expressing the concern of House of Representatives regarding the amount of United States foreign assistance provided to Egypt over the past 25 years without meaningful political reforms by the Government of Egypt, by Rep. Ted Poe [R-TX2].

So this is defiantly looking like a republican master plan.
Actually, he made it worse. Iraq is now an extreme right wing Islamic theocracy with it's women in burkas, murdering it's gays and best friends with Iran. How this is a success, I'll never know. I guess in "Republicanland" it is.

Show me the burkas in Iraq.

You guys should be ashamed of your "determined ignorance". This was only a 30 second search on Google. Republicans have torn through the world leaving behind pain and destruction and when you point that out, they say "Prove it". The ignorant fucks. They should be forced to wear Burkas for a year as penance. Shame on them. Shame on their ignorance. Shame on the US for allowing them to do this overseas and now here with voter suppression and new religious laws on women's rights. What a disgrace and they don't even know it. On purpose.




A colleague of mine emailed me a disgusting photo of how this issue is changing the shape of the Iraqi women who once were ones of the most fashionable women in the world in former cosmopolitan cities like Baghdad, Basra, and Mosul. I was so disgusted when I saw the photo. Inside me, I was shouting “Nooooooo. It shouldn’t be like this. We were not like this. Enough distortion and abuse to the women.”

This disaster continues. The Parties’ TV stations are doing the same thing. Iraqi Islamic Party’s Baghdad Sunni channel and SCIRI’s Al-Furat Shiite channel introduce their programs with fully-scarfed anchors to make the people get used to their ugly faces.

The new dictators of the “new” Iraq are doing things that Iraq’s former dictator did not do. As 24 Steps to Liberty said in his latest entry: “When they invaded Iraq, they didn’t have an already-formed Iraqi government to take place after Hussein’s was toppled… Their only advisors were Iraqis who’ve never been to Iraq in the last 40 years at least.”

World Prout Assembly: The veil of American Liberation descends upon Iraqi Women

Those pictures were not taken in Iraq. You've been misled.
Is this where the blame for the Arab Uprising turning once stable countries into terrorist havens begins to shift to BUUUUUUUUUUUUSH?
Attacking Iraq was the best AlQaeda recruiting tool EVER. The Telegraph is ANOTHER BS Murdoch Rag from the Pub BS echo chamber...
Muammar Gaddafi and George W. Bush best buds.

Muammar Gaddafi and George W. Bush best buds.
Posted by Curt Anderson
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Curt Anderson
Muammar Gaddafi and George W. Bush best buds.
February 22, 2011 08:44PM Admin
Registered: 4 years ago
Posts: 12,299
From Time Magazine, May 16, 2006:
When I called on Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi in his Bedouin tent last year, he was at pains to explain how he and President Bush were on the same wavelength. In all his years as a bad boy in the eyes of the West, he said, Libya was simply doing what Bush did when he invaded Iraq. "Bush is saying that America is fighting for the triumph of freedom," Gaddafi said between sips of tea. "When we were supporting liberation movements in the world, we were arguing that it was for the victory of freedom. We both agree. We were fighting for the cause of freedom."
At the time, it may have sounded like the typical ramblings of the Libyan leader. But now, a year later, Gaddafi and Bush do apparently see eye to eye. On Monday, Gaddafi accomplished one of history's great diplomatic turnarounds when Secretary of State Condeleezza Rice announced that the U.S. was restoring full diplomatic relations with Libya and held up the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya as "a model" for others to follow. Rice attributed the ending of the U.S.'s long break in diplomatic relations to Gaddafi's historic decision in 2003 to dismantle weapons of mass destruction and renounce terrorism as well as Libya's "excellent cooperation in response to common global threats faced by the civilized world since September 11, 2001."
Read more: [www.time.com]

They all seem to forget that real live terrorists like Osama Bin Laden and Gaddafi got a pass during the Bush administration while a whipping boy like Saddam..got the noose.

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