Bush Sucks Up To The Left

Bush is sucking up to the left.....for what reason one can only guess.......but once Bush announced that these protests were a good thing, the disguise he wore while president has been totally removed. I see no difference between Bush, McCain, and Romney. They're all fakes.

Disagreeing with you does not make one a fake.
They had their time, now it is time for some people who have been solving real world problems all their lives, like Trump, to take the lead and see what they can do.
Can you give us a hint, on what real world problems, that you claim Trump has been solving, all his life???
Bush is sucking up to the left.....for what reason one can only guess.......but once Bush announced that these protests were a good thing, the disguise he wore while president has been totally removed. I see no difference between Bush, McCain, and Romney. They're all fakes.

Disagreeing with you does not make one a fake.
It does, in the alternative Trump World.
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Bush is sucking up to the left.....for what reason one can only guess.......but once Bush announced that these protests were a good thing, the disguise he wore while president has been totally removed. I see no difference between Bush, McCain, and Romney. They're all fakes.

George realizing tRump is unfit to be president, no matter what party he is, isn't sucking up to the left. It's swallowing your pride and doing what's right for the country.

Trump is a better president than Bush was and that makes the Bush dynasty crazy with envy

Based on what?

On his emotional attachment to someone who hates all the same people he does.

You hate trump voters

I do hate stupid racists & bigots
They had their time, now it is time for some people who have been solving real world problems all their lives, like Trump, to take the lead and see what they can do.
Can you give us a hint, on what real world problems, that you claim Trump has been solving, all his life???
Trump has solved how to cheat people, how to cheat on his wives & his supporters not care.
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Bush is sucking up to the left.....for what reason one can only guess.......but once Bush announced that these protests were a good thing, the disguise he wore while president has been totally removed. I see no difference between Bush, McCain, and Romney. They're all fakes.

Even George W Bush is smart enough to know what A piece of shit Trump really is.

Every time a Republican speaks out for the country and against Trump, you assfucks trash them.

At this rate, Trump will have insulted half the well known, well liked Republicans.

He has trashed all the Bush family, Colin Powell, Gen Mattis, Mitt Romney, etc etc etc.

All these people have a base of people thart like them. A Hell of a lot better than the Don the Con.

Unlike the left, at least Trump isn't trying to turn this nation into a Marxist piece of crap like China, Venezuela, Vietnam or, North Korea. The lefty idiots are now talking, defunding law enforcement. When the crime in those cities skyrockets and the non-criminal citizens are cowering in their basements at the chaos in their streets, they can't blame Trump, they can only blame themselves and their leftist local governments for being so stupid as to do away with law enforcement. In my opinion, those idiotic cities do need to burn down and good riddance.

Quit the Venezuela bullshit lies. You Trump people are so duped.

Trump is trying to make us like China. He wants to speak & people do it. He wanted to send. 10,000 troops into our cities. How the fuck do you support that?

Replacing our police. Maybe you can pull your head out of Trump's ass long enough to look at police statistics vs other countriers. We live in a near police state. Police depasrtments are more powerful than those elected to govern. Throwing out the failed system may be the answer.

Dude, do you make this shit up on your own, are voices telling you this in your head, or are you reading this from a prepared memo from ANTIFA?

It is called being intelligent. Something Trumpettes are not.
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Bush is sucking up to the left.....for what reason one can only guess.......but once Bush announced that these protests were a good thing, the disguise he wore while president has been totally removed. I see no difference between Bush, McCain, and Romney. They're all fakes.

Bush is nothing more than a lifelong political parasite that has existed by leeching off of the public and the taxpayers.
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Bush is sucking up to the left.....for what reason one can only guess.......but once Bush announced that these protests were a good thing, the disguise he wore while president has been totally removed. I see no difference between Bush, McCain, and Romney. They're all fakes.

George realizing tRump is unfit to be president, no matter what party he is, isn't sucking up to the left. It's swallowing your pride and doing what's right for the country.

Trump is a better president than Bush was and that makes the Bush dynasty crazy with envy

Based on what?

On his emotional attachment to someone who hates all the same people he does.

You hate trump voters

I do hate stupid racists & bigots

You display no indication of that being true.
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Bush is sucking up to the left.....for what reason one can only guess.......but once Bush announced that these protests were a good thing, the disguise he wore while president has been totally removed. I see no difference between Bush, McCain, and Romney. They're all fakes.

Bush is nothing more than a lifelong political parasite that has existed by leeching off of the public and the taxpayers.

That might be a tad harsh.
Well that was an honest opinion and shows what Trump should be saying but can't brink himself to take the middle road.

Expecting too much from Senior Trump. He has problems and he is not afraid to attack, embellish , and refer to himself in the 3rd person. That way he can focus on what really is important. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what I can do for you.

He really does like to refer to himself in the third person

…Trump/Russia story was an excuse used by the Democrats as justification for losing the election. Perhaps Trump just ran a great campaign?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 3, 2017

He seems to can't get enough of himself. That why he has to say his name and refer to himself as the real me. So the question ask if the real DT is tweeting? then who is the guy in the white house.

Oh he must be the fake DT
Oh, really?-
Donald Trump: (00:00)
Thank you very much. My fellow Americans, my first and highest duty as president is to defend our great country and the American people. I swore an oath to uphold the laws of our nation and that is exactly what I will do. All Americans were rightly sickened and revolted by the brutal death of George Floyd. My administration is fully committed that for George and his family, justice will be served. He will not have died in vain, but we cannot allow the righteous cries and peaceful protestors to be drown out by an angry mob. The biggest victims of the rioting are peace loving citizens in our poorest communities and as their president, I will fight to keep them safe. I will fight to protect you. I am your president of law and order and an ally of all peaceful protesters. But in recent days, our nation has been gripped by professional anarchists, violent mobs, arsonists, looters, criminals, rioters, Antifa and others.
A number of state and local governments have failed to take necessary action to safeguard their residents. Innocent people have been savagely beaten like the young man in Dallas, Texas, who was left dying on the street or the woman in upstate New York, viciously attacked by dangerous thugs. Small business owners have seen the dreams utterly destroyed. New York’s finest have been hit in the face with bricks, brave nurses who have battled the virus are afraid to leave their homes. A police precinct has been overrun here in the nation’s Capitol, the Lincoln Memorial and the World War II Memorial have been vandalized. One of our most historic churches was set a blaze. A federal officer in California, an African American enforcement hero was shot and killed. These are not acts of peaceful protest, these are acts of domestic terror. The destruction of innocent life and the spilling of innocent blood is an offense to humanity and a crime against God...

...This includes Antifa and others who are leading instigators of this violence. One law and order and that is what it is. One law, we have one beautiful law and once that is restored and fully restored, we will help you, we will help your business and we will help your family. America is founded upon the rule of law. It is the of our prosperity, our freedom and our very way of life, but where there is no law, there is no opportunity, where there is no justice there is no Liberty, where there is no safety there is no future. We must never give in to anger or hatred if malice or violence rains, then none of us is free. I take these actions today with firm resolve and with a true and passionate love for our country by far our greatest days lie ahead. Thank you very much and now I’m going to pay my respects to a very, very special place. Thank you very much.

Donald Trump: (00:00)
Thank you very much. My fellow Americans, my first and highest duty as president is to defend our great country and the American people. I swore an oath to uphold the laws of our nation and that is exactly what I will do. All Americans were rightly sickened and revolted by the brutal death of George Floyd. My administration is fully committed that for George and his family, justice will be served. He will not have died in vain, but we cannot allow the righteous cries and peaceful protestors to be drown out by an angry mob. The biggest victims of the rioting are peace loving citizens in our poorest communities and as their president, I will fight to keep them safe. I will fight to protect you. I am your president of law and order and an ally of all peaceful protesters. But in recent days, our nation has been gripped by professional anarchists, violent mobs, arsonists, looters, criminals, rioters, Antifa and others.

{Does he have proof of Antifa breaking the law ? and if he did why doesn't the aw and order President arrest them?

The law and order president who tried to get the Ukraine government to do open an investigation into his political opponent Biden and his Son

The same law and order president who can't criticize white supremacists

Among the Twitter users who unthinkingly swallowed the blogger’s misleading video — which was edited to remove footage of a white man who was beaten charging at black and white protesters with a machete before they pummeled him — was the president of the United States, who tweeted about the clip with an outraged call for “LONG TERM jail sentences” for the protesters.

The edited clip was the work of Elijah Schaffer, a freelance producer for Glenn Beck’s Blaze TV and a pro-Trump political activist who hosts a YouTube talk show dedicated to mocking left-wing protesters.}

A number of state and local governments have failed to take necessary action to safeguard their residents. Innocent people have been savagely beaten like the young man in Dallas, Texas, who was left dying on the street or the woman in upstate New York, viciously attacked by dangerous thugs. Small business owners have seen the dreams utterly destroyed. New York’s finest have been hit in the face with bricks, brave nurses who have battled the virus are afraid to leave their homes. A police precinct has been overrun here in the nation’s Capitol, the Lincoln Memorial and the World War II Memorial have been vandalized. One of our most historic churches was set a blaze. A federal officer in California, an African American enforcement hero was shot and killed. These are not acts of peaceful protest, these are acts of domestic terror. The destruction of innocent life and the spilling of innocent blood is an offense to humanity and a crime against God...

...This includes Antifa and others who are leading instigators of this violence
. One law and order and that is what it is. One law, we have one beautiful law and once that is restored and fully restored, we will help you, we will help your business and we will help your family. America is founded upon the rule of law. It is the of our prosperity, our freedom and our very way of life, but where there is no law, there is no opportunity, where there is no justice there is no Liberty, where there is no safety there is no future. We must never give in to anger or hatred if malice or violence rains, then none of us is free. I take these actions today with firm resolve and with a true and passionate love for our country by far our greatest days lie ahead. Thank you very much and now I’m going to pay my respects to a very, very special place. Thank you very much.

He is pointing the finger at ANTIFA with no proof that they are the ones rioting and killing

That is not a law and order president, Placing blame

then he tweets

Among the Twitter users who unthinkingly swallowed the blogger’s misleading video — which was edited to remove footage of a white man who was beaten charging at black and white protesters with a machete before they pummeled him — was the president of the United States, who tweeted about the clip with an outraged call for “LONG TERM jail sentences” for the protesters.

The edited clip was the work of Elijah Schaffer, a freelance producer for Glenn Beck’s Blaze TV and a pro-Trump political activist who hosts a YouTube talk show dedicated to mocking left-wing protesters.

But Schaffer’s account of what prompted the fight and the man’s condition were both false, according to statements from the Dallas Police Department and a protester who also witnessed the incident and posted his own more complete but less viral video on Instagram.

Tamika Dameron, a Dallas police spokesperson, told The Intercept that the man who was beaten took to the streets of the Victory Park neighborhood on Saturday, “carrying a machete to allegedly protect his neighborhood from protesters. The victim confronted protesters while holding the machete and was subsequently assaulted by the protesters.”

Witnesses told police investigators that the attack began when the man “came to the protest wielding a large knife/machete at several protesters,”
Can you give us a hint, on what real world problems, that you claim Trump has been solving, all his life???
I was referring to a class of people, successful business people, not just Trump, who is of that class. I point to these people in contrast to politicians whose only reall accomplishments are appeasing and pandering to enough constituent blocks to get elected and re-elected.

We never should have allowed a professional political class to develop in this country.

As for Trumps accomplishments, they are well documented already.

The Wolman skating rink is one example of that.

The rink had to be closed in the winter of 1980 when its concrete floor buckled; at that time, the renovation was estimated to cost up to $4.9 million and take two years. Due to the necessity of soliciting bids for three separate contracts and a series of planning errors, construction mishaps, and flooding caused by heavy rains, the renovations had not been completed by May 1986 when the city decided to use brinewater in plastic pipes. By that time, $12.9 million had been spent, with an additional $2 to $3 million estimated to complete the work by the winter of 1987.[6][19]
Donald Trump then offered mayor Ed Koch to rebuild Wollman Rink at his expense within six months, in return for the leases to operate the rink and an adjacent restaurant to recoup his costs. The final agreement was that the city would reimburse Trump for the costs up to the agreed limit and that he would donate the profits of rink and restaurant to charity and public works.[6][22] Trump asked his contractors, among them HRH Construction, to also do the work without making a profit, promising them publicity but not mentioning their contributions to the press afterwards.[23] The work was completed two months ahead of schedule and $750,000 under the estimated costs.[6][24] As part of the agreement to keep operating Wollman Rink, Trump agreed to also take a concession for the Lasker Rink as well, and the Trump Organization won concessions for the rinks in 1987.[25]
Skating rink operation: 1986–present
When the rink reopened in November 1986,[6][26] ticket prices were raised from $2.50 to $4.50, and attendance was up from 130,000 in 1980 to 250,000 in 1987. As part of its agreement with the city, the Trump Organization donated most of the profit to public works, including $50,000 for the rink’s electricity costs, and to charity, among them United Cerebral Palsy, Partnership for the Homeless, and Gay Men’s Health Crisis.[27] The Trump Organization held the concession until 1995.
Now you just lie. Everyone knows that if you are a racist that you are most likely a Republican.
“Everyone knows” is a meaningless statement

If you cant agree that blacks are not doing enough to help themselves then you are practicing the lib bigotry of low expectations
Can you give us a hint, on what real world problems, that you claim Trump has been solving, all his life???
I was referring to a class of people, successful business people, not just Trump, who is of that class. I point to these people in contrast to politicians whose only reall accomplishments are appeasing and pandering to enough constituent blocks to get elected and re-elected.

We never should have allowed a professional political class to develop in this country.

As for Trumps accomplishments, they are well documented already.

The Wolman skating rink is one example of that.

The rink had to be closed in the winter of 1980 when its concrete floor buckled; at that time, the renovation was estimated to cost up to $4.9 million and take two years. Due to the necessity of soliciting bids for three separate contracts and a series of planning errors, construction mishaps, and flooding caused by heavy rains, the renovations had not been completed by May 1986 when the city decided to use brinewater in plastic pipes. By that time, $12.9 million had been spent, with an additional $2 to $3 million estimated to complete the work by the winter of 1987.[6][19]
Donald Trump then offered mayor Ed Koch to rebuild Wollman Rink at his expense within six months, in return for the leases to operate the rink and an adjacent restaurant to recoup his costs. The final agreement was that the city would reimburse Trump for the costs up to the agreed limit and that he would donate the profits of rink and restaurant to charity and public works.[6][22] Trump asked his contractors, among them HRH Construction, to also do the work without making a profit, promising them publicity but not mentioning their contributions to the press afterwards.[23] The work was completed two months ahead of schedule and $750,000 under the estimated costs.[6][24] As part of the agreement to keep operating Wollman Rink, Trump agreed to also take a concession for the Lasker Rink as well, and the Trump Organization won concessions for the rinks in 1987.[25]
Skating rink operation: 1986–present
When the rink reopened in November 1986,[6][26] ticket prices were raised from $2.50 to $4.50, and attendance was up from 130,000 in 1980 to 250,000 in 1987. As part of its agreement with the city, the Trump Organization donated most of the profit to public works, including $50,000 for the rink’s electricity costs, and to charity, among them United Cerebral Palsy, Partnership for the Homeless, and Gay Men’s Health Crisis.[27] The Trump Organization held the concession until 1995.
sounds like city got a raw deal.... if they ended up paying for it, but still let Trump get the profits, to then donate some back to the city?? he got paid for the job, instead of donating the job? None of the rink etc, profit, should cross his hands.

Then, he got all the contractors who are the ones who actually built it, to do it with no profit for themselves, because he promised them each, a lot of publicity for them, then NOT recognizing them or giving any publicity for their generosity, and take all credit for it himself, was pretty darn crappy...

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