Bush took 4 times more vacation days than Obama

and it costs 200 million $/day. :mad:

No but the one to Africa did cost taxpayers 100 million . I dout it cost that much for Bush to go to Texas over 100 times that much. Just saying Obama Africa trip could cost up to 100 million dollars

Why would you doubt that?

Bush spent alot of time on his ranch. That must of been a logistics nightmare to get up to speed.

DEAL with FACTS NOT "suppositions">>>"Logistics" nightmare?
Whatever it was, the pilots were back minutes later, unflustered. "It is kind of like being in a big fire station," Hagin observed after the apparent false alarm.

Such is life on the 11-acre staff encampment set up to support the president when he is in Crawford.
The encampment is a cluster of double-wide mobile homes, adjacent to the president's 1,600-acre ranch, where a handful of traveling White House staffers, Secret Service agents and communications staffers both work and sleep during Bush's stays here.

Most members of the president's large entourage of personal, military, security and press aides stay in hotels about 20 miles away, but a skeleton crew is always close by, providing a kind of mini-West Wing for the president while he is here -- which he is often.

Since becoming president, Bush has made 64 visits here, spending all or part of 413 days of his presidency at his ranch, according to the White House.
When Bush Is in Crawford, Select Staffers Are in Trailers
Simply to the point that he doesn't make it any easier for his security personnel than any other president during the Holidays.

Bush went to visit the troops, on thanks giving, heck if i was on his security i would've loved to went to show support for our great troops, but you being a liberal you cannot see the good in making our troops feel good on thanks giving while they are away from their family.

That was pretty nice of him.

It would have been nice of him to attend their funerals too.

Don't go there
Bush attended plenty of memorial services
I don't know of any president attending a average joe kia's funeral
Do you?

How many funerals has Obama attended?
How many memorial services
Bet i can count the latter on one hand
PolitiFact | Al Sharpton defends Obama family vacation, saying George W. Bush spent more time away

At this same point in his presidency Bush took 367 days of vacations vs. 92 for Obama.

When he did, it was usually at Camp David, which is set up like a mini-White House, and presidents can work from there.

The beauty of Bush, though, was that when he WAS in DC, he was actually working at being a president, not flying around the country, saying, "look at me" as he campaigned non-stop. Bush loved America and didn't want to see her as a Third World country.

You, nor I, may not agree with all of his policy decisions, but one could never question his patriotism or ambitions; they were pro-America. Some of them may be helping to support you, financially, right now, as we speak...

you're wrong ... he went to his ranch in Crawford Texas seem you forgot where Cindy Sheehan waited for Bush's patriotic ambitious ass ... as you called it
Simply to the point that he doesn't make it any easier for his security personnel than any other president during the Holidays.

Bush went to visit the troops, on thanks giving, heck if i was on his security i would've loved to went to show support for our great troops, but you being a liberal you cannot see the good in making our troops feel good on thanks giving while they are away from their family.

That was pretty nice of him.

It would have been nice of him to attend their funerals too.
Would be nice for Obama to do as well but he hardly recognizing them unless it is high profile. Obama still works with wounded warriors. The vets love him . He respected them and they respected him..Obama hates the military ..
When he did, it was usually at Camp David, which is set up like a mini-White House, and presidents can work from there.

The beauty of Bush, though, was that when he WAS in DC, he was actually working at being a president, not flying around the country, saying, "look at me" as he campaigned non-stop. Bush loved America and didn't want to see her as a Third World country.

You, nor I, may not agree with all of his policy decisions, but one could never question his patriotism or ambitions; they were pro-America. Some of them may be helping to support you, financially, right now, as we speak...

Written with the same Authority as befitting a Minister of Truth. You may believe you can rewrite history, but as usual your wrong. One graphic example is sufficient, here are two: "My Pet Goat" and Katrina.

still blaming bush for Katrina when it was their own state and city government who failed them...Bush sent in the National Guard that saved many lives and you lefties STIL shit on Bush and the National guard for your disgusting politics...but don't blame Obama for any of the scandals in the government under him or for our Ambassador being killed with him being CIC...
you people are so pathetic

there you go again trying to rewrite history again .... bush never sent in anything for 5 days... those are the facts ... Obama had nothing to do with our Ambassador being killed ... if you want to debate that issue you will lose that one too ... just like the last one where you said Bush when to Camp David for his vacations ... George W. Bush spent 879 days at his Crawford Ranch. This doesn't mean this was a vacation for him, he constantly flew in staff member, held press conferences, The total number of days of vacation or retreat President Bush took, while in office over a period of 8 years was 977 days, or 32% of his total time in office now those are the real facts deal with them
For FUCK's SAKE! Would you people knock it the fuck off already?

The President, regardless of party, is never really on "vacation." Not in this age of instant communication. It doesn't happen. Obama is at best "away from the White House." Same goes for Bush, Clinton before him, Bush Sr. before him, and probably Reagan and Carter as well.

There are more than enough real issues to argue about, the time a President spends away from the White House sure as shit isn't one of them.

Fuck. I have seen gatherings of petty political hacks before, but you people are on the verge of taking the cake...
PolitiFact | Al Sharpton defends Obama family vacation, saying George W. Bush spent more time away

At this same point in his presidency Bush took 367 days of vacations vs. 92 for Obama.

When he did, it was usually at Camp David, which is set up like a mini-White House, and presidents can work from there.

The beauty of Bush, though, was that when he WAS in DC, he was actually working at being a president, not flying around the country, saying, "look at me" as he campaigned non-stop. Bush loved America and didn't want to see her as a Third World country.

You, nor I, may not agree with all of his policy decisions, but one could never question his patriotism or ambitions; they were pro-America. Some of them may be helping to support you, financially, right now, as we speak...

Written with the same Authority as befitting a Minister of Truth. You may believe you can rewrite history, but as usual your wrong. One graphic example is sufficient, here are two: "My Pet Goat" and Katrina.

And let us never forget that after being in office for six years we experienced the greatest economic crisis since 1929. You can spin and blame others for The Great Recession of 2007 - 2009 but the buck stopped at his desk. He is ultimately responsible for that failure and 911.

thought experiment time so; if bush was responsible for 911, why isn't obama responsible for this economy again? :eusa_eh:

and the my per goat thing is so played out, I'd thought even a simpleton like you would have heard by now....I mean seriously:rolleyes:
When he did, it was usually at Camp David, which is set up like a mini-White House, and presidents can work from there.

The beauty of Bush, though, was that when he WAS in DC, he was actually working at being a president, not flying around the country, saying, "look at me" as he campaigned non-stop. Bush loved America and didn't want to see her as a Third World country.

You, nor I, may not agree with all of his policy decisions, but one could never question his patriotism or ambitions; they were pro-America. Some of them may be helping to support you, financially, right now, as we speak...

Written with the same Authority as befitting a Minister of Truth. You may believe you can rewrite history, but as usual your wrong. One graphic example is sufficient, here are two: "My Pet Goat" and Katrina.

And let us never forget that after being in office for six years we experienced the greatest economic crisis since 1929. You can spin and blame others for The Great Recession of 2007 - 2009 but the buck stopped at his desk. He is ultimately responsible for that failure and 911.

thought experiment time so; if bush was responsible for 911, why isn't obama responsible for this economy again? :eusa_eh:

and the my per goat thing is so played out, I'd thought even a simpleton like you would have heard by now....I mean seriously:rolleyes:


You're too kind.
For FUCK's SAKE! Would you people knock it the fuck off already?

The President, regardless of party, is never really on "vacation." Not in this age of instant communication. It doesn't happen. Obama is at best "away from the White House." Same goes for Bush, Clinton before him, Bush Sr. before him, and probably Reagan and Carter as well.

There are more than enough real issues to argue about, the time a President spends away from the White House sure as shit isn't one of them.

Fuck. I have seen gatherings of petty political hacks before, but you people are on the verge of taking the cake...

I agree, and I don't post about presidential vacations for that reason. But liberals do tend to drone on when it's a Republican then get a stick up their butt when it's done back to them. It's actually pretty amusing how they're running around crying about Obama after the endless lame attacks on W.

Though liberal whining about the commander in chief of the military flying to an aircraft carrier was even lamer. It's a liberal gift, the ability to maximize lame.
PolitiFact | Al Sharpton defends Obama family vacation, saying George W. Bush spent more time away

At this same point in his presidency Bush took 367 days of vacations vs. 92 for Obama.

Impossible...Obabble has been on vacation his whole life...lets play spades bro....
whose obabblie ???

The ONE. The Obamessiah. The idiot in chief. President Barry Hussein Soetoro.

Fuck kid. That wasn't exactly hard. But the name was "Obabble." NOT "obabblie." Simple combination of letters confuse the shit out of you, huh kid?

Fucking liberal lemming drone bitch ass pussies. :eusa_whistle:
When he did, it was usually at Camp David

Or his ranch in TX

which is set up like a mini-White House, and presidents can work from there.

Presidents can work from anywhere. There are a couple of little things called a 'phone' and a 'computer'. You may have heard of them.
and you have to love them declaring how bush took more vacations, when Obama's only been in OFFICE FOR FIVE YEARS to Bush's EIGHT

good grief

No, dopey, the stat accounts for the time.

She doesnt care that shes making excuses...actually a bunch of different excuses. All factually worse than the last one.

Crawford was set up like the white house!
Bush loved us!
Bush do me!

These people cant even be honest. They howl when Obama takes a vaca and they think Obama leaves the white house with a Closed sign on the door. Bush takes a year on Vaca and oh oh oh he was working the WHOLE TIME...not Obama tho, America was closed

:lol: Ask the party of personal responsibility what, if anything, Bush is responsible for. They'll answer "Good Times" while pretending they arent shills

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