Bush trying to convert Jews for endtimers

Bush's Jews for Jesus Speaking Gig Troubles his Pro-Israel Friends - Abby Ohlheiser - The Atlantic Wire

This is an assault. As bad as the morms baptising people after they're dead.

Why do these jerks think they have the right?

Remind me what the problem of a private individual speaking to a private group is.

Remind me of where it says I can't hold an opinion?

The right has absolutely no standards, no integrity.

Says the hack that posts "Bush is trying to convert Jews to Christianity".

Bush's Jews for Jesus Speaking Gig Troubles his Pro-Israel Friends - Abby Ohlheiser - The Atlantic Wire

This is an assault. As bad as the morms baptising people after they're dead.

Why do these jerks think they have the right?

Remind me what the problem of a private individual speaking to a private group is.

Remind me of where it says I can't hold an opinion?

The right has absolutely no standards, no integrity.

The fact that Bush would take the time to speak to A Jewish audience about this is demonstrating both high standards and a great deal of class and integrity. Remember there is such a group called "Jews for Jesus."

I just got a phone call - Bush is the keynote speaker at some fundie endtimer convention and is helping them to convert Jews to christianty.

'Saving one Jewish soul at a time' or some such.

I'm going to look for a link but has anyone heard about this?

Why would anything Bush did surprise you?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBm5ZSWbD14]George Bush Fails - YouTube[/ame]

The man knows theology about as well he does anything else.

I just got a phone call - Bush is the keynote speaker at some fundie endtimer convention and is helping them to convert Jews to christianty.

'Saving one Jewish soul at a time' or some such.

I'm going to look for a link but has anyone heard about this?

Why would anything Bush did surprise you?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBm5ZSWbD14]George Bush Fails - YouTube[/ame]

The man knows theology about as well he does anything else.

I loved the Bushisms.
The left's seeming endless obsession with George W Bush is exceeded only by their seeming endless obsession with Sarah Palin.

Almost as bad as trying to blame a sitting president for legislation passed by an ex president, disingenuous at best.

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