Bush wasn't a very good president BUT

This must be opposite world.

Everything you say Bush DIDN'T do, is EXACTLY what he DID DO.


Bravo!!! :clap2:

He didn't cower in the face of Terrorism...he's so unflappable he sat there reading it a book! Huzza!

don't be such a dipshit. He was in a room with little kids, he did not want to scare or panic them. Doing the right thing for those kids did nothing to jeopardize our response to 9/11.

Now, would you like to talk about who gave the stand-down order in Benghazi? I didn't think so.

He ignored it in the classroom, he ignored it before he got in the class, he ignored the warning Condi tried to give and it was all for the children
Despite balooning spending and totally fucking up the wars with his nation building bullshit at least he was

Straight forward
Didn't whine about the media
Didn't intentionally try to divide the people
Stood on principle and didn't change his mind for elections
Didn't have THE MOST CORRUPT administration
Didn't cower in the face of terrorism

Bush and Obama have been a disaster for our nation. ESPECIALLY Obama.

At this point I wish we had Slick Willie back, at least he would try to meet on common ground
You must be sick Granpa.

You MFers really have forgotten how bad, dysfunctional and corrupt the Bush Administration was huh?

Here's a reminder...

Hugh's List of Bush Scandals | NetRootsMass

It covers the following scandals and corruption...

1. Patient neglect at Walter Reed Army Hospital
2. US Attorney firings
3. Libby/Plame Affair (Outing a CIA agent)
4. Iraq war
5. Afghanistan (leaving before the job was done)
6. Iran saber rattling
7. North Korea (mishandling nuclear issue)
8. The War on Terror (failure to capture Osama bin Laden, dubious allies)
9. Civilian contractors in Iraq (poor service for big bucks)
10. Military Commissions Act (torture, kangaroo courts, indefinite detention, and loss of habeas corpus)
11. Hurricane Katrina and the drowning of New Orleans
12. NSA warrantless wiretapping
13. SWIFT (international money transfers)
14. Black sites and rendition
15. Department of Homeland Security (a massive boondoggle)
16. K Street lobbyists (for government you can buy)
17. Dusty Foggo (No. 3 at the CIA)
18. Duke Cunningham (a corrupt politician)
19. Tom Delay (another corrupt politician)
20. Mark Foley and the House pages
21. Cheney Energy Task Force (and hiding info about it)
22. Tax cuts for the richest of the rich
23. Global warming (denial and stalling)
24. Terri Schiavo and the attempted trashing of family privacy rights
25. Budget deficits and a greatly increased national debt
26. Stacking of the Supreme Court (Roberts and Alito)
27. Medicare( lack of long term solvency)
28. Medicare Part D (Drug prescriptions)
29. Healthcare general mess
30. Doug Feith (stovepiping Iraq intel)
31. 2000 election (stolen)
32. 2004 election (rigging)
33. 9/11 Commission limitation and manipulation of
34. 9/11 Commission’s recommendations delayed implementation
35. Marginalization of the UN
36. Preventive war doctrine
37. Loss of US prestige
38. Inaction on Israeli-Palestinian peace process
39. Lack of spending on basic research
40. Alberto Gonzales
41. FDA restricting the mission
42. EPA restricting the mission
43. Porter Goss trashing the CIA
44. Militarization of intelligence
45. Rampant cronyism
46. Signing statements
47. Unilateral Executive
48. Abuse of the National Guard
49. Breaking the Army
50. Increase in the balance of trade deficit
51. Grassley Bankruptcy Bill (creditors favored over debtors)
52. Cross border Mexican truck safety
53. Rove’s security clearance (kept after his part in outing Valerie Plame)
54. Anti-immigration raids (children and parents separated)
55. Dubai Ports deal (a Middle East company in charge of US ports in the age of terrorism)
56. Patriot Act and its Extension
57. Privatization of Social Security (a bad idea endlessly recycled)
58. War on Science
59. David Safavian (Abramoff associate)
60. Claude Allen (White House adviser caught shoplifting)

The list has over 300, so you'll have to click the link. The link has explanations of each scandal in full detail.

Over 300, almost 400. Obama isn't even 1/10th there as yet.

Get a grip Grandpa...seriously.
Despite balooning spending and totally fucking up the wars with his nation building bullshit at least he was

Straight forward
Didn't whine about the media
Didn't intentionally try to divide the people
Stood on principle and didn't change his mind for elections
Didn't have THE MOST CORRUPT administration
Didn't cower in the face of terrorism

Bush and Obama have been a disaster for our nation. ESPECIALLY Obama.

At this point I wish we had Slick Willie back, at least he would try to meet on common ground

Honorable? The man who brought us torture, extraordinary rendition, Abu Graihb, and Gitmo?

Straightforward? whatever...

Didn't whine about media? OK

Didn't intentionally try to divide the people? The man flat out said you're either with us or you're against us. He was about as divisive as they come.

Stood on principle and didn't change his mind for elections? He campaigned as a small government conservative but gave us a huge new bureaucracy with the DHS and TSA. He also gave us 2 wars off the books and an unfunded Medicare part D benefit. Not very fiscally conservative.

Didn't have THE MOST CORRUPT administration? Maybe not. Not sure who owns that dubious distinction. His administration certainly had its share of corruption though: Enron and energy companies setting energy policy, sweetheart deals for war profiteering companies, Trillions in lost dollars, etc.

Didn't cower in the face of terrorism? Yeah, he just ignored it until it bit him in the ass. Then he "didn't spend much time" going after Bin Laden.

As far as Clinton is concerned, Republicans tried to destroy his presidency just like they are trying to destroy Obama now. Put his whole life under a microscope, undermine everything he tries to accomplish, stonewall and filibuster, don't allow any appointments to go forward. Surprised they haven't tried to impeach Obama yet for whatever petty reasons they can find.
He did, I just posted a list of 400 scandals during his Regime. Not sure who tops that. Bush II made even the scoundrel Reagan look good.
Clinton was better then the last two presidents little question about it. On the other hand he wasn't pro-science as he helped kill something's he shouldn't of.

He should of taken out Bin laden. That was another mistake.

I don't agree with him socially, but I'll admit that he was a hell of a lot better then Obama.
Here's a jem from the list, the last one on the list in fact.
400. An absent President said:
Of the 2922 days Bush was President he spent all or part of 1,020 on vacation (35% of his time in office). This includes 487 days at Camp David, 490 at his ranch in Crawford, and 43 days at his family’s compound in Kennebunkport. If there is one word which typifies this and Bush, it is AWOL. The man has been AWOL his whole life. You have only to look at his academic career or his lack of it. It nails his experience with Vietnam where he never took a strong position for the war and went, or against it and protested. It was the essence of his time in the National Guard (whether it was technically the case or not). It marked his approach to his business failures. As for the governorship of Texas, it looks good on a résumé and is a useful political springboard but it is a weak position, tailor made for an AWOL man. Unfortunately for us, the Presidency is a real full-time job. In it, Bush stayed true to form. He was not just physically absent from it much of the time. He was intellectually and morally absent from it all the time.
The results we can see all around us. He did not keep us safe from 9/11. He mired the nation in stupid wars he waged stupidly and interminably. He was not there for Katrina. He took a piratical financial industry and negligently set it loose on the economy to wreak havoc in the housing and oil markets and eventually bring the whole system to the point of collapse and the country to the edge of depression.
But the blame does not belong to him. It never does with an AWOL man. No, it belongs with us who, as a nation, for 8 years took a vacation from our ourselves and our responsibilities. We had not just an AWOL President with Bush but an AWOL age. Now Bush is gone, as AWOL as ever, and we are left to deal with his legacies.
Source: Hugh's List of Bush Scandals | NetRootsMass

And these dumb RW bastards have the nerve to talk about Obama's one or two day breaks per 4 months or so.

Sick I tell you...SICK!!!
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Despite balooning spending and totally fucking up the wars with his nation building bullshit at least he was

Straight forward
Didn't whine about the media
Didn't intentionally try to divide the people
Stood on principle and didn't change his mind for elections
Didn't have THE MOST CORRUPT administration
Didn't cower in the face of terrorism

Bush and Obama have been a disaster for our nation. ESPECIALLY Obama.

At this point I wish we had Slick Willie back, at least he would try to meet on common ground
This must be opposite world.

Everything you say Bush DIDN'T do, is EXACTLY what he DID DO.


Bravo!!! :clap2:

He didn't cower in the face of Terrorism...he's so unflappable he sat there reading it a book! Huzza!

For a couple of minutes not to alarm school children. But I thought you were against the wars? You can't accuse him of not over reacting and then say he over react. You people are weird. :eek:
Despite balooning spending and totally fucking up the wars with his nation building bullshit at least he was

Straight forward
Didn't whine about the media
Didn't intentionally try to divide the people
Stood on principle and didn't change his mind for elections
Didn't have THE MOST CORRUPT administration
Didn't cower in the face of terrorism

Bush and Obama have been a disaster for our nation. ESPECIALLY Obama.

At this point I wish we had Slick Willie back, at least he would try to meet on common ground

Honorable? The man who brought us torture, extraordinary rendition, Abu Graihb, and Gitmo?

Straightforward? whatever...

Didn't whine about media? OK

Didn't intentionally try to divide the people? The man flat out said you're either with us or you're against us. He was about as divisive as they come.

Stood on principle and didn't change his mind for elections? He campaigned as a small government conservative but gave us a huge new bureaucracy with the DHS and TSA. He also gave us 2 wars off the books and an unfunded Medicare part D benefit. Not very fiscally conservative.

Didn't have THE MOST CORRUPT administration? Maybe not. Not sure who owns that dubious distinction. His administration certainly had its share of corruption though: Enron and energy companies setting energy policy, sweetheart deals for war profiteering companies, Trillions in lost dollars, etc.

Didn't cower in the face of terrorism? Yeah, he just ignored it until it bit him in the ass. Then he "didn't spend much time" going after Bin Laden.

As far as Clinton is concerned, Republicans tried to destroy his presidency just like they are trying to destroy Obama now. Put his whole life under a microscope, undermine everything he tries to accomplish, stonewall and filibuster, don't allow any appointments to go forward. Surprised they haven't tried to impeach Obama yet for whatever petty reasons they can find.
He did, I just posted a list of 400 scandals during his Regime. Not sure who tops that. Bush II made even the scoundrel Reagan look good.

we get it-----you hate Bush. we understand. Now, can we talk about obama's scandals and his incompetence?

Or can we talk about how Kennedy and Johnson were responsible for 58,000 american deaths for nothing in viet nam. or how Clinton got a BJ from a 19 year old in the oval office?
Despite balooning spending and totally fucking up the wars with his nation building bullshit at least he was

Straight forward
Didn't whine about the media
Didn't intentionally try to divide the people
Stood on principle and didn't change his mind for elections
Didn't have THE MOST CORRUPT administration
Didn't cower in the face of terrorism

Bush and Obama have been a disaster for our nation. ESPECIALLY Obama.

At this point I wish we had Slick Willie back, at least he would try to meet on common ground
You must be sick Granpa.

You MFers really have forgotten how bad, dysfunctional and corrupt the Bush Administration was huh?

Here's a reminder...

Hugh's List of Bush Scandals | NetRootsMass

It covers the following scandals and corruption...

1. Patient neglect at Walter Reed Army Hospital
2. US Attorney firings
3. Libby/Plame Affair (Outing a CIA agent)
4. Iraq war
5. Afghanistan (leaving before the job was done)
6. Iran saber rattling
7. North Korea (mishandling nuclear issue)
8. The War on Terror (failure to capture Osama bin Laden, dubious allies)
9. Civilian contractors in Iraq (poor service for big bucks)
10. Military Commissions Act (torture, kangaroo courts, indefinite detention, and loss of habeas corpus)
11. Hurricane Katrina and the drowning of New Orleans
12. NSA warrantless wiretapping
13. SWIFT (international money transfers)
14. Black sites and rendition
15. Department of Homeland Security (a massive boondoggle)
16. K Street lobbyists (for government you can buy)
17. Dusty Foggo (No. 3 at the CIA)
18. Duke Cunningham (a corrupt politician)
19. Tom Delay (another corrupt politician)
20. Mark Foley and the House pages
21. Cheney Energy Task Force (and hiding info about it)
22. Tax cuts for the richest of the rich
23. Global warming (denial and stalling)
24. Terri Schiavo and the attempted trashing of family privacy rights
25. Budget deficits and a greatly increased national debt
26. Stacking of the Supreme Court (Roberts and Alito)
27. Medicare( lack of long term solvency)
28. Medicare Part D (Drug prescriptions)
29. Healthcare general mess
30. Doug Feith (stovepiping Iraq intel)
31. 2000 election (stolen)
32. 2004 election (rigging)
33. 9/11 Commission limitation and manipulation of
34. 9/11 Commission’s recommendations delayed implementation
35. Marginalization of the UN
36. Preventive war doctrine
37. Loss of US prestige
38. Inaction on Israeli-Palestinian peace process
39. Lack of spending on basic research
40. Alberto Gonzales
41. FDA restricting the mission
42. EPA restricting the mission
43. Porter Goss trashing the CIA
44. Militarization of intelligence
45. Rampant cronyism
46. Signing statements
47. Unilateral Executive
48. Abuse of the National Guard
49. Breaking the Army
50. Increase in the balance of trade deficit
51. Grassley Bankruptcy Bill (creditors favored over debtors)
52. Cross border Mexican truck safety
53. Rove’s security clearance (kept after his part in outing Valerie Plame)
54. Anti-immigration raids (children and parents separated)
55. Dubai Ports deal (a Middle East company in charge of US ports in the age of terrorism)
56. Patriot Act and its Extension
57. Privatization of Social Security (a bad idea endlessly recycled)
58. War on Science
59. David Safavian (Abramoff associate)
60. Claude Allen (White House adviser caught shoplifting)

The list has over 300, so you'll have to click the link. The link has explanations of each scandal in full detail.

Over 300, almost 400. Obama isn't even 1/10th there as yet.

Get a grip Grandpa...seriously.

'stolen' elections, 'breaking' he Army, 'war on science'.... just a few of the laughs from your 'list'... your biased list from a biased source shows your obvious bias and your idiocy
funny how the libtardians on this board try to ignore obama's failures and corruption by bringing up Bush 1000 times a day.

sorrry, libs its not working. Bush is no longer president, Bush is not responsible for obama's lies and corruption.

you cannot blame bush for obama being a terrible president.
Despite balooning spending and totally fucking up the wars with his nation building bullshit at least he was

Straight forward
Didn't whine about the media
Didn't intentionally try to divide the people
Stood on principle and didn't change his mind for elections
Didn't have THE MOST CORRUPT administration
Didn't cower in the face of terrorism

Bush and Obama have been a disaster for our nation. ESPECIALLY Obama.

At this point I wish we had Slick Willie back, at least he would try to meet on common ground
You must be sick Granpa.

You MFers really have forgotten how bad, dysfunctional and corrupt the Bush Administration was huh?

Here's a reminder...

Hugh's List of Bush Scandals | NetRootsMass

It covers the following scandals and corruption...

1. Patient neglect at Walter Reed Army Hospital
2. US Attorney firings
3. Libby/Plame Affair (Outing a CIA agent)
4. Iraq war
5. Afghanistan (leaving before the job was done)
6. Iran saber rattling
7. North Korea (mishandling nuclear issue)
8. The War on Terror (failure to capture Osama bin Laden, dubious allies)
9. Civilian contractors in Iraq (poor service for big bucks)
10. Military Commissions Act (torture, kangaroo courts, indefinite detention, and loss of habeas corpus)
11. Hurricane Katrina and the drowning of New Orleans
12. NSA warrantless wiretapping
13. SWIFT (international money transfers)
14. Black sites and rendition
15. Department of Homeland Security (a massive boondoggle)
16. K Street lobbyists (for government you can buy)
17. Dusty Foggo (No. 3 at the CIA)
18. Duke Cunningham (a corrupt politician)
19. Tom Delay (another corrupt politician)
20. Mark Foley and the House pages
21. Cheney Energy Task Force (and hiding info about it)
22. Tax cuts for the richest of the rich
23. Global warming (denial and stalling)
24. Terri Schiavo and the attempted trashing of family privacy rights
25. Budget deficits and a greatly increased national debt
26. Stacking of the Supreme Court (Roberts and Alito)
27. Medicare( lack of long term solvency)
28. Medicare Part D (Drug prescriptions)
29. Healthcare general mess
30. Doug Feith (stovepiping Iraq intel)
31. 2000 election (stolen)
32. 2004 election (rigging)
33. 9/11 Commission limitation and manipulation of
34. 9/11 Commission’s recommendations delayed implementation
35. Marginalization of the UN
36. Preventive war doctrine
37. Loss of US prestige
38. Inaction on Israeli-Palestinian peace process
39. Lack of spending on basic research
40. Alberto Gonzales
41. FDA restricting the mission
42. EPA restricting the mission
43. Porter Goss trashing the CIA
44. Militarization of intelligence
45. Rampant cronyism
46. Signing statements
47. Unilateral Executive
48. Abuse of the National Guard
49. Breaking the Army
50. Increase in the balance of trade deficit
51. Grassley Bankruptcy Bill (creditors favored over debtors)
52. Cross border Mexican truck safety
53. Rove’s security clearance (kept after his part in outing Valerie Plame)
54. Anti-immigration raids (children and parents separated)
55. Dubai Ports deal (a Middle East company in charge of US ports in the age of terrorism)
56. Patriot Act and its Extension
57. Privatization of Social Security (a bad idea endlessly recycled)
58. War on Science
59. David Safavian (Abramoff associate)
60. Claude Allen (White House adviser caught shoplifting)

The list has over 300, so you'll have to click the link. The link has explanations of each scandal in full detail.

Over 300, almost 400. Obama isn't even 1/10th there as yet.

Get a grip Grandpa...seriously.

'stolen' elections, 'breaking' he Army, 'war on science'.... just a few of the laughs from your 'list'... your biased list from a biased source shows your obvious bias and your idiocy

Tells me the fucker has no life & and could care less we are living under a DICKtator wannabe.

Could it be because Marc is a racist...? :eusa_think:
we get it-----you hate Bush. we understand. Now, can we talk about obama's scandals and his incompetence?

Or can we talk about how Kennedy and Johnson were responsible for 58,000 american deaths for nothing in viet nam. or how Clinton got a BJ from a 19 year old in the oval office?
No. You don't.

I posted a list of 400 scandals and corruption....400!!

Obama is NO WHERE near that.

The thing to get is that you hate Obama, that's the only rationale that would lead you to believe that Obama's Administration is worse than Bush's. That and you are punch drunk and high on crack-cocaine.
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funny how the libtardians on this board try to ignore obama's failures and corruption by bringing up Bush 1000 times a day.

sorrry, libs its not working. Bush is no longer president, Bush is not responsible for obama's lies and corruption.

you cannot blame bush for obama being a terrible president.

Obama needs to bring our troops home and invest within infrastructure @ technology. This is how you compete with the rest of the world. As he's doing so he needs to demand "fair trade" from China that gives our nation a chance to compete.

-Lower the corporate tax down to 22%. Make that a steal floor that is illegal to get around.
-Demand China to open up their economy to our goods! fair trade right???
-Demand China to stop floating their fucking currency.
-Stop the bail-outs and allow business to die based on merits. There's thousands of renewable energy corporations. Why favor the idiots?
-Demand higher standards within education

Obama needs to drop kick Bush's policies within economics of bail-outs. They were complete bull shit. He needs to look at the playing field we're to compete against; China, Japan, South Korea, Tawain, Singapore, U.A.E, Germany, Britain, France, etc. Then he needs to make economic policies to kick their asses.
Despite balooning spending and totally fucking up the wars with his nation building bullshit at least he was

Straight forward
Didn't whine about the media
Didn't intentionally try to divide the people
Stood on principle and didn't change his mind for elections
Didn't have THE MOST CORRUPT administration
Didn't cower in the face of terrorism

Bush and Obama have been a disaster for our nation. ESPECIALLY Obama.

At this point I wish we had Slick Willie back, at least he would try to meet on common ground
You must be sick Granpa.

You MFers really have forgotten how bad, dysfunctional and corrupt the Bush Administration was huh?

Here's a reminder...

Hugh's List of Bush Scandals | NetRootsMass

It covers the following scandals and corruption...

1. Patient neglect at Walter Reed Army Hospital
2. US Attorney firings
3. Libby/Plame Affair (Outing a CIA agent)
4. Iraq war
5. Afghanistan (leaving before the job was done)
6. Iran saber rattling
7. North Korea (mishandling nuclear issue)
8. The War on Terror (failure to capture Osama bin Laden, dubious allies)
9. Civilian contractors in Iraq (poor service for big bucks)
10. Military Commissions Act (torture, kangaroo courts, indefinite detention, and loss of habeas corpus)
11. Hurricane Katrina and the drowning of New Orleans
12. NSA warrantless wiretapping
13. SWIFT (international money transfers)
14. Black sites and rendition
15. Department of Homeland Security (a massive boondoggle)
16. K Street lobbyists (for government you can buy)
17. Dusty Foggo (No. 3 at the CIA)
18. Duke Cunningham (a corrupt politician)
19. Tom Delay (another corrupt politician)
20. Mark Foley and the House pages
21. Cheney Energy Task Force (and hiding info about it)
22. Tax cuts for the richest of the rich
23. Global warming (denial and stalling)
24. Terri Schiavo and the attempted trashing of family privacy rights
25. Budget deficits and a greatly increased national debt
26. Stacking of the Supreme Court (Roberts and Alito)
27. Medicare( lack of long term solvency)
28. Medicare Part D (Drug prescriptions)
29. Healthcare general mess
30. Doug Feith (stovepiping Iraq intel)
31. 2000 election (stolen)
32. 2004 election (rigging)
33. 9/11 Commission limitation and manipulation of
34. 9/11 Commission’s recommendations delayed implementation
35. Marginalization of the UN
36. Preventive war doctrine
37. Loss of US prestige
38. Inaction on Israeli-Palestinian peace process
39. Lack of spending on basic research
40. Alberto Gonzales
41. FDA restricting the mission
42. EPA restricting the mission
43. Porter Goss trashing the CIA
44. Militarization of intelligence
45. Rampant cronyism
46. Signing statements
47. Unilateral Executive
48. Abuse of the National Guard
49. Breaking the Army
50. Increase in the balance of trade deficit
51. Grassley Bankruptcy Bill (creditors favored over debtors)
52. Cross border Mexican truck safety
53. Rove’s security clearance (kept after his part in outing Valerie Plame)
54. Anti-immigration raids (children and parents separated)
55. Dubai Ports deal (a Middle East company in charge of US ports in the age of terrorism)
56. Patriot Act and its Extension
57. Privatization of Social Security (a bad idea endlessly recycled)
58. War on Science
59. David Safavian (Abramoff associate)
60. Claude Allen (White House adviser caught shoplifting)

The list has over 300, so you'll have to click the link. The link has explanations of each scandal in full detail.

Over 300, almost 400. Obama isn't even 1/10th there as yet.

Get a grip Grandpa...seriously.

I was going to respond till the list got stupid. There are some valid points on there but far more idiot manipulations than anything.

I'm not into micromanaging the image of every president. Thwy all do dumb shit. Sufficient to say obamas insanity has had a far worse impact on the American people. From targeting his enemies (people like me) with the irs to shoving unconstitutional bullshit down EVERY Americans throat to INTENTIONALLY dividing the people with his own words. Racially set us back a couple decades and trying to silence the media.

Unlike most on here I'm not interested in all the dirt under every presidents fingernails but Bush & Obama have had a far worse impact on every Americans life than any in recent history with obama being the worst if for nothing more than his spending, divisiveness and Obamacare. He has us in a perpetual welfare state that is growing when it should be shrinking. His policies are strangling our economy and way of life

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