Bush wasn't a very good president BUT

George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Karl Rove opened the door for the current crop of retards who have hijacked the party and the conservative movement.

Never has there been this many liars, hypocrites, and idiots concentrated so heavily on the Right. And never would we have had a complete incompetent like Barack Obama as President if he had not been preceded by an even bigger moron.

All thanks to that retard and his posse.

And, they brought us warrantless wiretapping, CIA secret prisons, extraordinary rendition, torture, and indefinite detention of American citizens without charge, access to counsel or contact with the outside world. You know...all the things the Constitution forbids?
George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Karl Rove opened the door for the current crop of retards who have hijacked the party and the conservative movement.

Never has there been this many liars, hypocrites, and idiots concentrated so heavily on the Right. And never would we have had a complete incompetent like Barack Obama as President if he had not been preceded by an even bigger moron.

All thanks to that retard and his posse.

And, they brought us warrantless wiretapping, CIA secret prisons, extraordinary rendition, torture, and indefinite detention of American citizens without charge, access to counsel or contact with the outside world. You know...all the things the Constitution forbids?

are you really so fucking stupid that you think none of those things happened before Bush? Are you that much of a brain dead idiot? Do you think that Kennedy and Johnson did not do those same things during viet nam?

Damn, you are one ignorant person if you believe half of the crap that you post.

Hating Bush is fine, but stop with the constant flow of lies.
George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Karl Rove opened the door for the current crop of retards who have hijacked the party and the conservative movement.

Never has there been this many liars, hypocrites, and idiots concentrated so heavily on the Right. And never would we have had a complete incompetent like Barack Obama as President if he had not been preceded by an even bigger moron.

All thanks to that retard and his posse.

And, they brought us warrantless wiretapping, CIA secret prisons, extraordinary rendition, torture, and indefinite detention of American citizens without charge, access to counsel or contact with the outside world. You know...all the things the Constitution forbids?

are you really so fucking stupid that you think none of those things happened before Bush? Are you that much of a brain dead idiot? Do you think that Kennedy and Johnson did not do those same things during viet nam?

Damn, you are one ignorant person if you believe half of the crap that you post.

Hating Bush is fine, but stop with the constant flow of lies.

Show me where those things were official US government policy before Bush.
Can't get more divisive than "you are either with us or against us"?

Except that was not aimed at the citizenry... idiot

"Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."

He said it more than once and one time was in reference to Americans being detained as terrorists without rights.
And, they brought us warrantless wiretapping, CIA secret prisons, extraordinary rendition, torture, and indefinite detention of American citizens without charge, access to counsel or contact with the outside world. You know...all the things the Constitution forbids?

are you really so fucking stupid that you think none of those things happened before Bush? Are you that much of a brain dead idiot? Do you think that Kennedy and Johnson did not do those same things during viet nam?

Damn, you are one ignorant person if you believe half of the crap that you post.

Hating Bush is fine, but stop with the constant flow of lies.

Show me where those things were official US government policy before Bush.

What difference does it make if it's "official" or covert? The end result is the same. Add to that, outside of water boarding, obama hasn't changed any of that shit. The only difference is now we drop a bomb on their heads instead of a SURVIVEABLE bucket of water.
And, they brought us warrantless wiretapping, CIA secret prisons, extraordinary rendition, torture, and indefinite detention of American citizens without charge, access to counsel or contact with the outside world. You know...all the things the Constitution forbids?

are you really so fucking stupid that you think none of those things happened before Bush? Are you that much of a brain dead idiot? Do you think that Kennedy and Johnson did not do those same things during viet nam?

Damn, you are one ignorant person if you believe half of the crap that you post.

Hating Bush is fine, but stop with the constant flow of lies.

Show me where those things were official US government policy before Bush.

communications were tapped during WW2,
Japanese americans were put in prison during WW2
there were secret prisons during WW1, WW2, Korea, Viet Nam, and the revolutionary war

None of this is new. Bush's mistake was making it public.
Can't get more divisive than "you are either with us or against us"?

Except that was not aimed at the citizenry... idiot

"Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."

thats what i think too.....it was aimed at the other Countries.....did he not say this at the UN?.....
Historians have rated Bush fifth worst US president. We'll see where Obama ends up in the ratings.

Don't really think that is the case though.. it is more likely because of the leftover parts of BDS that was spewed so much by the wingers and winger media

Bush does not deserve to be in the bottom 5.. the bottom 5 are pretty damn bad... and all of them are from after the civil war but before the mid 20th century...

Bush is one of the 3 worst in my lifetime... I actually would rate him worse than Nixon.. but then again my lifetime only includes presidents from Johnson forward....

Bush was a below average President thanks to his fiscal idiocy.. certain things he did fairly well, but other things he did pretty damn bad...

All that being said.. he is still rated higher than Carter and Obama in my book

Nixon has more bodies under his belt. That's not saying that Bush didn't try. :doubt:
are you really so fucking stupid that you think none of those things happened before Bush? Are you that much of a brain dead idiot? Do you think that Kennedy and Johnson did not do those same things during viet nam?

Damn, you are one ignorant person if you believe half of the crap that you post.

Hating Bush is fine, but stop with the constant flow of lies.

Show me where those things were official US government policy before Bush.

What difference does it make if it's "official" or covert? The end result is the same. Add to that, outside of water boarding, obama hasn't changed any of that shit. The only difference is now we drop a bomb on their heads instead of a SURVIVEABLE bucket of water.

It makes a helluva a difference to anyone with any sense or appreciation for what America stands for.
Historians have rated Bush fifth worst US president. We'll see where Obama ends up in the ratings.

Don't really think that is the case though.. it is more likely because of the leftover parts of BDS that was spewed so much by the wingers and winger media

Bush does not deserve to be in the bottom 5.. the bottom 5 are pretty damn bad... and all of them are from after the civil war but before the mid 20th century...

Bush is one of the 3 worst in my lifetime... I actually would rate him worse than Nixon.. but then again my lifetime only includes presidents from Johnson forward....

Bush was a below average President thanks to his fiscal idiocy.. certain things he did fairly well, but other things he did pretty damn bad...

All that being said.. he is still rated higher than Carter and Obama in my book

Nixon has more bodies under his belt. That's not saying that Bush didn't try. :doubt:

And Lincoln and FDR had even more 'bodies under their belts'.. since you want to use that criteria
Show me where those things were official US government policy before Bush.

What difference does it make if it's "official" or covert? The end result is the same. Add to that, outside of water boarding, obama hasn't changed any of that shit. The only difference is now we drop a bomb on their heads instead of a SURVIVEABLE bucket of water.

It makes a helluva a difference to anyone with any sense or appreciation for what America stands for.

It makes no difference unless you're suggesting that honesty is a net negative. Nothing has changed. We're just less open about it because a liberal is in charge.
Show me where those things were official US government policy before Bush.

What difference does it make if it's "official" or covert? The end result is the same. Add to that, outside of water boarding, obama hasn't changed any of that shit. The only difference is now we drop a bomb on their heads instead of a SURVIVEABLE bucket of water.

It makes a helluva a difference to anyone with any sense or appreciation for what America stands for.

Waterboarding is not torture, no one has ever been permanently damaged physically or mentally by waterboarding. Being blown to tiny pieces by a drone is torture--it may be short, but its torture for a few miliseconds
Despite balooning spending and totally fucking up the wars with his nation building bullshit at least he was

Straight forward
Didn't whine about the media
Didn't intentionally try to divide the people
Stood on principle and didn't change his mind for elections
Didn't have THE MOST CORRUPT administration
Didn't cower in the face of terrorism

Bush and Obama have been a disaster for our nation. ESPECIALLY Obama.

At this point I wish we had Slick Willie back, at least he would try to meet on common ground

Now wait until the next time Gramps accuse someone of worship. Refer back to this thread.
Despite balooning spending and totally fucking up the wars with his nation building bullshit at least he was

Straight forward
Didn't whine about the media
Didn't intentionally try to divide the people
Stood on principle and didn't change his mind for elections
Didn't have THE MOST CORRUPT administration
Didn't cower in the face of terrorism

Bush and Obama have been a disaster for our nation. ESPECIALLY Obama.

At this point I wish we had Slick Willie back, at least he would try to meet on common ground
This must be opposite world.

Everything you say Bush DIDN'T do, is EXACTLY what he DID DO.


Bravo!!! :clap2:
Despite balooning spending and totally fucking up the wars with his nation building bullshit at least he was

Straight forward
Didn't whine about the media
Didn't intentionally try to divide the people
Stood on principle and didn't change his mind for elections
Didn't have THE MOST CORRUPT administration
Didn't cower in the face of terrorism

Bush and Obama have been a disaster for our nation. ESPECIALLY Obama.

At this point I wish we had Slick Willie back, at least he would try to meet on common ground
This must be opposite world.

Everything you say Bush DIDN'T do, is EXACTLY what he DID DO.


Bravo!!! :clap2:

He didn't cower in the face of Terrorism...he's so unflappable he sat there reading it a book! Huzza!
Despite balooning spending and totally fucking up the wars with his nation building bullshit at least he was

Straight forward
Didn't whine about the media
Didn't intentionally try to divide the people
Stood on principle and didn't change his mind for elections
Didn't have THE MOST CORRUPT administration
Didn't cower in the face of terrorism

Bush and Obama have been a disaster for our nation. ESPECIALLY Obama.

At this point I wish we had Slick Willie back, at least he would try to meet on common ground
This must be opposite world.

Everything you say Bush DIDN'T do, is EXACTLY what he DID DO.


Bravo!!! :clap2:

He didn't cower in the face of Terrorism...he's so unflappable he sat there reading it a book! Huzza!

don't be such a dipshit. He was in a room with little kids, he did not want to scare or panic them. Doing the right thing for those kids did nothing to jeopardize our response to 9/11.

Now, would you like to talk about who gave the stand-down order in Benghazi? I didn't think so.
Despite balooning spending and totally fucking up the wars with his nation building bullshit at least he was

Straight forward
Didn't whine about the media
Didn't intentionally try to divide the people
Stood on principle and didn't change his mind for elections
Didn't have THE MOST CORRUPT administration
Didn't cower in the face of terrorism

Bush and Obama have been a disaster for our nation. ESPECIALLY Obama.

At this point I wish we had Slick Willie back, at least he would try to meet on common ground

Honorable? The man who brought us torture, extraordinary rendition, Abu Graihb, and Gitmo?

Straightforward? whatever...

Didn't whine about media? OK

Didn't intentionally try to divide the people? The man flat out said you're either with us or you're against us. He was about as divisive as they come.

Stood on principle and didn't change his mind for elections? He campaigned as a small government conservative but gave us a huge new bureaucracy with the DHS and TSA. He also gave us 2 wars off the books and an unfunded Medicare part D benefit. Not very fiscally conservative.

Didn't have THE MOST CORRUPT administration? Maybe not. Not sure who owns that dubious distinction. His administration certainly had its share of corruption though: Enron and energy companies setting energy policy, sweetheart deals for war profiteering companies, Trillions in lost dollars, etc.

Didn't cower in the face of terrorism? Yeah, he just ignored it until it bit him in the ass. Then he "didn't spend much time" going after Bin Laden.

As far as Clinton is concerned, Republicans tried to destroy his presidency just like they are trying to destroy Obama now. Put his whole life under a microscope, undermine everything he tries to accomplish, stonewall and filibuster, don't allow any appointments to go forward. Surprised they haven't tried to impeach Obama yet for whatever petty reasons they can find.

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