Bush wasn't a very good president BUT

"obama's scandals and his incompetence" far less than Bush or Reagan.

"we talk" about how Eisenhower and Kennedy and Johnson and Nixon "were responsible for 58,000 american deaths for nothing in viet nam."

Some folks simply don't have context or nuance, do you, Redfish?
I dunno. Lying about Womd, and planting stories via Judith Miller and attempting to paint those who opposed a baseless and insane war as terrorist sympathizers doesn't exactly endear the guy to me. I got issues with Obama, but bushii was enough bush even for me. (-:

Because the statement by itself is stupid. White voters, married women by 55%, unmarried women by 66%, Hispanics and Asians by 80% plus, and so forth.

Only because they are "takers" and Obama bribed them with free healthcare, birth control and abortions, citizenship for "illegals" rather than self-deportation, and govt aid for their frightfully overachieving children who are screwing the curve for the rest of us. (-:

Because the statement by itself is stupid. White voters, married women by 55%, unmarried women by 66%, Hispanics and Asians by 80% plus, and so forth.

No it isn't, blacks were very motivated by Bush racism,not only to vote but to get Democrats to the polls. But if you mean it motivated all Democrats I can agree with that...

2000 10% of the vote was black in 2008 and 2012 it was 13%
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I stopped reading (but not laughing) after the first two entries.

Honorable and straight forward? Bush pledged, ON the record, that all wiretaps on Americans still required court orders (warrants) and that nothing had changed in that regard. Meanwhile, at the very same time, Bush authorized warrantless wiretaps on Americans. Now, how is it honorable or straight forward for Bush to state on camera a baldfaced lie? Keep in mind that he knows at the time that what he's saying is untrue. Yet we're supposed to believe that Bush and his advisers didn't lie us into the war in Iraq with their claims of WMDs?
why do you say that?

Because the statement by itself is stupid. White voters, married women by 55%, unmarried women by 66%, Hispanics and Asians by 80% plus, and so forth.

No it isn't, blacks were very motivated by Bush racism,not only to vote but to get Democrats to the polls. But if you mean it motivated all Democrats I can agree with that...

Now you are shifting, and the statement is still silly.
Didn't intentionally try to divide the people? The man flat out said you're either with us or you're against us. He was about as divisive as they come.

Another idiot refuses to use the whole quote in context

Another idiot who cries for context while not providing it himself or explaining why the context would change anything.

You are indeed an idiot..

The context shows that it was addressed to other countries and was about them being with the US against terrorism or they are supporting terrorism...

This is not some quote (as you idiots like to use it) about dividing the US citizenry or dividing the US...

Go fuck yourself, troll
Despite balooning spending and totally fucking up the wars with his nation building bullshit at least he was

Straight forward
Didn't whine about the media
Didn't intentionally try to divide the people
Stood on principle and didn't change his mind for elections
Didn't have THE MOST CORRUPT administration
Didn't cower in the face of terrorism

Bush and Obama have been a disaster for our nation. ESPECIALLY Obama.

At this point I wish we had Slick Willie back, at least he would try to meet on common ground

Lying us into war that killed thousands of Americans and Iraqis is 'Honorable'?

Didn't intentionally try to divide the people? Sure, as long as you were with him, otherwise you were with the terrorists!

President George W. Bush, in an address to a joint session of Congress on September 20, 2001 said, "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."

The phrase "you're either with us, or against us" and similar variations are used to depict situations as being polarized and to force witnesses, bystanders, or others unaligned with some form of pre-existing conflict to either become allies of the speaking party or lose favor. The implied consequence of not joining the team effort is to be deemed an enemy.

But don't be too hard on Bush, he wasn't the first to say it...

Benito Mussolini declared in speeches across fascist Italy: "O con noi o contro di noi"—You're either with us or against us.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, in a speech discussing the Chief Committee for Political Education, told the assembled delegates that "It is with absolute frankness that we speak of this struggle of the proletariat; each man must choose between joining our side or the other side. Any attempt to avoid taking sides in this issue must end in fiasco." wiki
I dunno. Lying about Womd, and planting stories via Judith Miller and attempting to paint those who opposed a baseless and insane war as terrorist sympathizers doesn't exactly endear the guy to me. I got issues with Obama, but bushii was enough bush even for me. (-:
Thank you! Bush attacked the average citizen for disagreeing with his policies from the start. It was you're either with us or against us. People were very fearful, including many in the media, especially the media, as they are nothing but a bunch of cowards anyway. He bullied them when we needed them to hold his feet to the fire. It was a total and complete failure from top to bottom. I haven't forgiven the Corproate Media for what they did and allowed Bush to get away with. I don't think I ever will.

Remember "free speech zones?" That was for people who even wore T-SHIRTS that Shrub'n'Co didn't like.

The Constitution be damned.

It was the WORST.
Despite balooning spending and totally fucking up the wars with his nation building bullshit at least he was

Straight forward
Didn't whine about the media
Didn't intentionally try to divide the people
Stood on principle and didn't change his mind for elections
Didn't have THE MOST CORRUPT administration
Didn't cower in the face of terrorism

Bush and Obama have been a disaster for our nation. ESPECIALLY Obama.

At this point I wish we had Slick Willie back, at least he would try to meet on common ground

His adminstration lied to the parents of Pat Tillman and used his death as a recruiting tool. Manipulated his crayon color terror alert level to win elections. Hardly honorable.

"You're with us or with the Terrorist"...definition of division.

They say the memory is first to go. Go look for yours.
This must be opposite world.

Everything you say Bush DIDN'T do, is EXACTLY what he DID DO.


Bravo!!! :clap2:

He didn't cower in the face of Terrorism...he's so unflappable he sat there reading it a book! Huzza!

don't be such a dipshit. He was in a room with little kids, he did not want to scare or panic them. Doing the right thing for those kids did nothing to jeopardize our response to 9/11.

Now, would you like to talk about who gave the stand-down order in Benghazi? I didn't think so.

Do you think Obama gave a stand down order?
Another idiot refuses to use the whole quote in context

Another idiot who cries for context while not providing it himself or explaining why the context would change anything.

You are indeed an idiot..

The context shows that it was addressed to other countries and was about them being with the US against terrorism or they are supporting terrorism...

This is not some quote (as you idiots like to use it) about dividing the US citizenry or dividing the US...

Go fuck yourself, troll

You asked for it and then didn't provide it yourself. Where is the whole quote?
I dunno. Lying about Womd, and planting stories via Judith Miller and attempting to paint those who opposed a baseless and insane war as terrorist sympathizers doesn't exactly endear the guy to me. I got issues with Obama, but bushii was enough bush even for me. (-:
Thank you! Bush attacked the average citizen for disagreeing with his policies from the start. It was you're either with us or against us. People were very fearful, including many in the media, especially the media, as they are nothing but a bunch of cowards anyway. He bullied them when we needed them to hold his feet to the fire. It was a total and complete failure from top to bottom. I haven't forgiven the Corproate Media for what they did and allowed Bush to get away with. I don't think I ever will.

Remember "free speech zones?" That was for people who even wore T-SHIRTS that Shrub'n'Co didn't like.

The Constitution be damned.

It was the WORST.

Worse than Obama...not the Worst. Harding would make any informed citizen cringe with his level of corruption.

Rove would be the first to tell you that he saw elections as a 50.1 percent proposition. Getting 50.1% of the vote got you 100% of the presidency.

Bush's White House outed a CIA agent for the words of her husband; pardoned the guy who was instrumental in that outing, cooked intel to get us into a war of choice in Iraq...it goes on and on. Honorable as a chief exec? Hardly. All Presidents leave with dirty hands to some degree. The Pat Tillman affair really sealed it with me; there was a clear right v. wrong and he intentionally lied to the man's parents and never apologized. Honorable? Not even Christian.

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