Bush wasn't a very good president BUT

Didn't intentionally try to divide the people? Sure, as long as you were with him, otherwise you were with the terrorists!

President George W. Bush, in an address to a joint session of Congress on September 20, 2001 said, "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."

The phrase "you're either with us, or against us" and similar variations are used to depict situations as being polarized and to force witnesses, bystanders, or others unaligned with some form of pre-existing conflict to either become allies of the speaking party or lose favor. The implied consequence of not joining the team effort is to be deemed an enemy.

But don't be too hard on Bush, he wasn't the first to say it...

Benito Mussolini declared in speeches across fascist Italy: "O con noi o contro di noi"—You're either with us or against us.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, in a speech discussing the Chief Committee for Political Education, told the assembled delegates that "It is with absolute frankness that we speak of this struggle of the proletariat; each man must choose between joining our side or the other side. Any attempt to avoid taking sides in this issue must end in fiasco." wiki

" Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. "

Not in the context you idiots like to place it in

Despite balooning spending and totally fucking up the wars with his nation building bullshit at least he was

Straight forward
Didn't whine about the media
Didn't intentionally try to divide the people
Stood on principle and didn't change his mind for elections
Didn't have THE MOST CORRUPT administration
Didn't cower in the face of terrorism

Bush and Obama have been a disaster for our nation. ESPECIALLY Obama.

At this point I wish we had Slick Willie back, at least he would try to meet on common ground

Lying us into war that killed thousands of Americans and Iraqis is 'Honorable'?

Didn't intentionally try to divide the people? Sure, as long as you were with him, otherwise you were with the terrorists!

President George W. Bush, in an address to a joint session of Congress on September 20, 2001 said, "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."

The phrase "you're either with us, or against us" and similar variations are used to depict situations as being polarized and to force witnesses, bystanders, or others unaligned with some form of pre-existing conflict to either become allies of the speaking party or lose favor. The implied consequence of not joining the team effort is to be deemed an enemy.

But don't be too hard on Bush, he wasn't the first to say it...

Benito Mussolini declared in speeches across fascist Italy: "O con noi o contro di noi"—You're either with us or against us.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, in a speech discussing the Chief Committee for Political Education, told the assembled delegates that "It is with absolute frankness that we speak of this struggle of the proletariat; each man must choose between joining our side or the other side. Any attempt to avoid taking sides in this issue must end in fiasco." wiki

Jesus said much the same....only he said me not us....
I dunno. Lying about Womd, and planting stories via Judith Miller and attempting to paint those who opposed a baseless and insane war as terrorist sympathizers doesn't exactly endear the guy to me. I got issues with Obama, but bushii was enough bush even for me. (-:
Thank you! Bush attacked the average citizen for disagreeing with his policies from the start. It was you're either with us or against us. People were very fearful, including many in the media, especially the media, as they are nothing but a bunch of cowards anyway. He bullied them when we needed them to hold his feet to the fire. It was a total and complete failure from top to bottom. I haven't forgiven the Corproate Media for what they did and allowed Bush to get away with. I don't think I ever will.

Remember "free speech zones?" That was for people who even wore T-SHIRTS that Shrub'n'Co didn't like.

The Constitution be damned.

It was the WORST.

Marc Bush did suck..... but Obama has alienated half the Country with some of the things he has said.....so maybe they both are not very good at talking to the opposition.....in my opinion they both have piss poor leadership skills....
Didn't intentionally try to divide the people? Sure, as long as you were with him, otherwise you were with the terrorists!

President George W. Bush, in an address to a joint session of Congress on September 20, 2001 said, "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."

The phrase "you're either with us, or against us" and similar variations are used to depict situations as being polarized and to force witnesses, bystanders, or others unaligned with some form of pre-existing conflict to either become allies of the speaking party or lose favor. The implied consequence of not joining the team effort is to be deemed an enemy.

But don't be too hard on Bush, he wasn't the first to say it...

Benito Mussolini declared in speeches across fascist Italy: "O con noi o contro di noi"—You're either with us or against us.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, in a speech discussing the Chief Committee for Political Education, told the assembled delegates that "It is with absolute frankness that we speak of this struggle of the proletariat; each man must choose between joining our side or the other side. Any attempt to avoid taking sides in this issue must end in fiasco." wiki

" Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. "

Not in the context you idiots like to place it in


Are we a 'nation'?
Didn't intentionally try to divide the people? Sure, as long as you were with him, otherwise you were with the terrorists!

President George W. Bush, in an address to a joint session of Congress on September 20, 2001 said, "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."

The phrase "you're either with us, or against us" and similar variations are used to depict situations as being polarized and to force witnesses, bystanders, or others unaligned with some form of pre-existing conflict to either become allies of the speaking party or lose favor. The implied consequence of not joining the team effort is to be deemed an enemy.

But don't be too hard on Bush, he wasn't the first to say it...

Benito Mussolini declared in speeches across fascist Italy: "O con noi o contro di noi"—You're either with us or against us.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, in a speech discussing the Chief Committee for Political Education, told the assembled delegates that "It is with absolute frankness that we speak of this struggle of the proletariat; each man must choose between joining our side or the other side. Any attempt to avoid taking sides in this issue must end in fiasco." wiki

" Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. "

Not in the context you idiots like to place it in


Are we a 'nation'?

Jesus Christ.. he was speaking to the other countries/religions.. if you cannot get that, you are more retarded than previously thought
I dunno. Lying about Womd, and planting stories via Judith Miller and attempting to paint those who opposed a baseless and insane war as terrorist sympathizers doesn't exactly endear the guy to me. I got issues with Obama, but bushii was enough bush even for me. (-:
Thank you! Bush attacked the average citizen for disagreeing with his policies from the start. It was you're either with us or against us. People were very fearful, including many in the media, especially the media, as they are nothing but a bunch of cowards anyway. He bullied them when we needed them to hold his feet to the fire. It was a total and complete failure from top to bottom. I haven't forgiven the Corproate Media for what they did and allowed Bush to get away with. I don't think I ever will.

Remember "free speech zones?" That was for people who even wore T-SHIRTS that Shrub'n'Co didn't like.

The Constitution be damned.

It was the WORST.

Marc Bush did suck..... but Obama has alienated half the Country with some of the things he has said.....so maybe they both are not very good at talking to the opposition.....in my opinion they both have piss poor leadership skills....
An honest person recognizes that it's next to impossible to talk to the opposition, especially when you have beaten them and they feel like they lost out. It doesn't matter what you say, they will find fault with it. So if we start from there with that acknowlegement, we're good.

With that said, Bush squandered his goodwill, Obama spent 4 years trying to gain the good will of the right. Now you may not see it that way IF you're right leaning, as there'd be almost nothing he could do or say to make you happy other than to resign. Many have said that on these very boards. You have to acknowledge this.

So to say that Obama intentionally divide the country is to put yourself in a bubble, away from reality, Obama didn't intentiionally do that. As you stated just now, the communication wasn't always good, how can it be, people make mistakes, different people view things differently, you can't please all the people all the time, you can't even please some of the people, some of the time.

Considering this, there's no way you can even begin to compare Bush II and Obama, Obama is leaps and bounds ahead of him.

Just for the record, you are right leaning...correct?
" Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. "

Not in the context you idiots like to place it in


Are we a 'nation'?

Jesus Christ.. he was speaking to the other countries/religions.. if you cannot get that, you are more retarded than previously thought

Sure, sure...an awful lot of citizens got the message. That's why Bush greatly expanded 'Free Speech Zones'. Were you living under a rock for 8 years, or masturbating to Bush's picture every night?
funny how the libtardians on this board try to ignore obama's failures and corruption by bringing up Bush 1000 times a day.

sorrry, libs its not working. Bush is no longer president, Bush is not responsible for obama's lies and corruption.

you cannot blame bush for obama being a terrible president.

Uh,....this thread has Bush in the title and invites a comparison between him and Obama. Yet, we're not allowed to talk about Bush at all?
funny how the libtardians on this board try to ignore obama's failures and corruption by bringing up Bush 1000 times a day.

sorrry, libs its not working. Bush is no longer president, Bush is not responsible for obama's lies and corruption.

you cannot blame bush for obama being a terrible president.

Uh,....this thread has Bush in the title and invites a comparison between him and Obama. Yet, we're not allowed to talk about Bush at all?
They're so embarrassed by the failure that was Bush that the mere mention of his names brings trauma and mental anguish to the Republicans and Rightwingers. They also suffer from a bit of Stockholm syndrome, as they know they don't like him, but they find themselves feeling the the necessity to defend him at every turn. Hence the mental anguish...and trauma.
Bush had no principles to to be true to. He lied and then laughed at us because there was nothing we could do about it. He DID cower in the face of terrorists. When going after bin Laden wasn't profitable, he simply quit looking. He lied about the debt and stuck the next guy with it. He lied about the wars he started.

He didn't whine about the media because he knew he was untouchable. Instead of whining, he just lied some more. Just think back to that smarmy little smirk he would get when he was lying. That was his "fuck you" face.

He DID try to divide the people. That was a recurring theme of his lies.

Good gawd, if he was so great, why is he can't leave the country for fear of being arrested?

Oh yeah, and he had a DICK for a veep.
Honorable men do not avoid wars they are of age for and support and then start an unnecessary war in Iraq with faulty intel sending thousands off to risk their lives, something he was unwilling to do when he had his chance.
Not to mention the anti-christ Cheney, the real power much of the time. Together, the worst catastrophe ever...

Examples of Obama's lies and dividing the country, hater dupes...?
Despite balooning spending and totally fucking up the wars with his nation building bullshit at least he was

Straight forward
Didn't whine about the media
Didn't intentionally try to divide the people
Stood on principle and didn't change his mind for elections
Didn't have THE MOST CORRUPT administration
Didn't cower in the face of terrorism

Bush and Obama have been a disaster for our nation. ESPECIALLY Obama.

At this point I wish we had Slick Willie back, at least he would try to meet on common ground

He was not honorable. An honorable man would have owned up to the Iraq War being a mistake.

He was not straight forward. He said he'd get Osama, then said getting him wasn't a priority.

Didn't whine about the media? True, but conservatives do, non-stop. It's your policies that are the problem, not the media. Quit your whining.

Stood on principle and didn't change his mind for elections? Bulls___. Medicare D was all about winning older voters , not standing by conservative principles.

Didn't have THE MOST CORRUPT administration? Nixon still holds that trophy, I guess. For the most incompetent, clodhopping bunch of know-nothing, bible school buffoons in one White House, the award goes to the administration of GWB.

Didn't cower in the face of terrorism? Yes, he did. How many "surprise" visits to Iraq did he make? I thought they wanted democracy and freedom? Bush had to sneak in and out. A coward would not have had to surprise people with his visits. Cheney too. Cheney was always in some hidey-hole. He's was a draft dodger.

You conservatives need to come to grips with just how bad a President Bush was. You're not quite there.
I trade Obama for Bush any day..

can we?...lol
Last edited:
Bush respected the military and he gave credit to the military members where credit was due, made a point of being at military graduations and along with his family supported them as much as possible

Obama is toilet paper in comparison..
Despite balooning spending and totally fucking up the wars with his nation building bullshit at least he was

Straight forward
Didn't whine about the media
Didn't intentionally try to divide the people
Stood on principle and didn't change his mind for elections
Didn't have THE MOST CORRUPT administration
Didn't cower in the face of terrorism

Bush and Obama have been a disaster for our nation. ESPECIALLY Obama.

At this point I wish we had Slick Willie back, at least he would try to meet on common ground
You must be sick Granpa.

You MFers really have forgotten how bad, dysfunctional and corrupt the Bush Administration was huh?

Here's a reminder...

Hugh's List of Bush Scandals | NetRootsMass

It covers the following scandals and corruption...

1. Patient neglect at Walter Reed Army Hospital
2. US Attorney firings
3. Libby/Plame Affair (Outing a CIA agent)
4. Iraq war
5. Afghanistan (leaving before the job was done)
6. Iran saber rattling
7. North Korea (mishandling nuclear issue)
8. The War on Terror (failure to capture Osama bin Laden, dubious allies)
9. Civilian contractors in Iraq (poor service for big bucks)
10. Military Commissions Act (torture, kangaroo courts, indefinite detention, and loss of habeas corpus)
11. Hurricane Katrina and the drowning of New Orleans
12. NSA warrantless wiretapping
13. SWIFT (international money transfers)
14. Black sites and rendition
15. Department of Homeland Security (a massive boondoggle)
16. K Street lobbyists (for government you can buy)
17. Dusty Foggo (No. 3 at the CIA)
18. Duke Cunningham (a corrupt politician)
19. Tom Delay (another corrupt politician)
20. Mark Foley and the House pages
21. Cheney Energy Task Force (and hiding info about it)
22. Tax cuts for the richest of the rich
23. Global warming (denial and stalling)
24. Terri Schiavo and the attempted trashing of family privacy rights
25. Budget deficits and a greatly increased national debt
26. Stacking of the Supreme Court (Roberts and Alito)
27. Medicare( lack of long term solvency)
28. Medicare Part D (Drug prescriptions)
29. Healthcare general mess
30. Doug Feith (stovepiping Iraq intel)
31. 2000 election (stolen)
32. 2004 election (rigging)
33. 9/11 Commission limitation and manipulation of
34. 9/11 Commission’s recommendations delayed implementation
35. Marginalization of the UN
36. Preventive war doctrine
37. Loss of US prestige
38. Inaction on Israeli-Palestinian peace process
39. Lack of spending on basic research
40. Alberto Gonzales
41. FDA restricting the mission
42. EPA restricting the mission
43. Porter Goss trashing the CIA
44. Militarization of intelligence
45. Rampant cronyism
46. Signing statements
47. Unilateral Executive
48. Abuse of the National Guard
49. Breaking the Army
50. Increase in the balance of trade deficit
51. Grassley Bankruptcy Bill (creditors favored over debtors)
52. Cross border Mexican truck safety
53. Rove’s security clearance (kept after his part in outing Valerie Plame)
54. Anti-immigration raids (children and parents separated)
55. Dubai Ports deal (a Middle East company in charge of US ports in the age of terrorism)
56. Patriot Act and its Extension
57. Privatization of Social Security (a bad idea endlessly recycled)
58. War on Science
59. David Safavian (Abramoff associate)
60. Claude Allen (White House adviser caught shoplifting)

The list has over 300, so you'll have to click the link. The link has explanations of each scandal in full detail.

Over 300, almost 400. Obama isn't even 1/10th there as yet.

Get a grip Grandpa...seriously.

And, he had a dick for a vice president.

Bush did such deep damage to the US, it will be generations before we dig out.

Why is it the rw's fall so madly in love with the worst presidents? Reagan was as bad or worse and the fools ignore everything he did to the country but they'll make up constant "scandals" about Obama.

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