Bush's Lies Caused The Iraq War

The US left troops in Japan and Germany after WWII to help restore order and we still have military installations in those countries. We kept troops in Korea after that war and they are still there. Perhaps Obama should have got a status of forces agreement from the President of Iraq to leave a contingent of troops in Iraq to assist in restoring order.

According to the UN and all western intelligence agencies, it was unknown if there were any WMD's left in Iraq because Saddam was in 'material breach' of previous UN resolutions requiring disarmament. Since a lot of his WMD's had been removed, he was given one last chance to agree to unfettered UN inspections and he refused.
There was no official UN report or resolution that said he was in "breach", you're making shit up.
Poor poor innocent saddam hussein. Poor guy. Probably even a good guy in your little drum circles.

That...is how hypocritical and pathetic you are.
That has nothing to do with me.

That's just you wishing something about me.

That's all about you, not me.
Tell you what, from now on you cannot complain about groups of people being tortured and murdered at the hands of any tyrant.

Wait a minute. You do complain about that, only when it is brown people being water boarded at Gitmo. Cause you only think white republican presidents are tyrants. Then.....you make a whole lot of noise.
More dumbass make believe on your part.
Of course....why don't you pathetic hypocrites ever shout about our own soldiers being water boarded in training?
Let me answer since you will not know how to answer that with out sounding like the hypocritical cock sucking doosh you are.

It is because you are a hypocritical cock sucking doosh.
And you talk like your 15 years old.

Here is a guy that apparently does not know our own soldiers are water boarded in training.

The classic liberal double talk. Billo claims to not be a fan of saddam, but was not on the side of liberating the tortured from the tyrant. Classic. He has both sides of the issue covered in classic liberal ways.

He then asks why they do not complain about our own soldiers being water boarded during training?

He asked me that?

What was that, some kind attempt at a jedi mind trick? I asked him the question. He then asked me why?
The US left troops in Japan and Germany after WWII to help restore order and we still have military installations in those countries. We kept troops in Korea after that war and they are still there. Perhaps Obama should have got a status of forces agreement from the President of Iraq to leave a contingent of troops in Iraq to assist in restoring order.

According to the UN and all western intelligence agencies, it was unknown if there were any WMD's left in Iraq because Saddam was in 'material breach' of previous UN resolutions requiring disarmament. Since a lot of his WMD's had been removed, he was given one last chance to agree to unfettered UN inspections and he refused.
There was no official UN report or resolution that said he was in "breach", you're making shit up.

It isnt that you don't know anything. It's just that you're a stupid lying fool.
And the UN, with all of its resolutions and demands and inspections, did not vote to authorize the military invasion of Iraq, so Bush and Blair formed the "Coalition of the Willing" and invaded anyway.

Why do you people keep trying to argue against declassified government documents? Declassified government documents say that Bush and Blair lied to the world about the threat posed by Saddam's WMD in order to invade, a desire which had taken hold as early as October 2001.

Declassified government documents.
And another thing, waterboarding was the most humane thing that Americans did to Iraqi POWs.

"Torture" involved a lot more than waterboarding. For example, the Bush administration lied to the world to invade Iraq and then snatched whoever they wanted to off of the streets, stripped them naked, zip-tied them to a metal chair, put a boxing glove on and then beat the POW to death, all in an attempt to find out why people were fighting against America.

Secret renditions, disappearances, torture, secret prisons, prisons in Communist Cuba, endless war against whoever over lies, etc. are not the American Way.
Declassified government documents. Do those words mean anything? An informed electorate knows what its government is doing behind closed doors. The government classifies information so that the electorate does not know. Many of those classified documents become declassified after a period of time. The declassified documents are online for the electorate to read.

History has decided that Bush lied to invade and torture Iraq.
Once you understand that the majority of Americans did not vote for Obama, you will have answered your question. Then again I doubt you understand much as Brit or as far left drone.

Although the far left does not understand much beyond their programming no matter what country they choose to reside in.
OK are you saying the majority of Americans who voter for President Obama (twice) are thick as shit?

Do you place any blame on Obama? If so what?
why are you scared of answering my question ?
Here is a guy that apparently does not know our own soldiers are water boarded in training.
You have no valid argument, so you just make shit up.
The classic liberal double talk. Billo claims to not be a fan of saddam, but was not on the side of liberating the tortured from the tyrant. Classic. He has both sides of the issue covered in classic liberal ways.
You don't give a shit about Iraqis, American's, our troops, our heritage, our reputation around the world, you're just some dumbass corporate bitch, spewing the company line.

And you're one pretty fucked up American who is so cavalier about putting our troops in harms way over bullshit corporate lies.
He then asks why they do not complain about our own soldiers being water boarded during training?

He asked me that?
I asked you why you're trying to bring in dumbass, irrelevant shit, to this discussion?

What was that, some kind attempt at a jedi mind trick? I asked him the question. He then asked me why?
What grade are you in? You talk like your 15!
The US left troops in Japan and Germany after WWII to help restore order and we still have military installations in those countries. We kept troops in Korea after that war and they are still there. Perhaps Obama should have got a status of forces agreement from the President of Iraq to leave a contingent of troops in Iraq to assist in restoring order.

According to the UN and all western intelligence agencies, it was unknown if there were any WMD's left in Iraq because Saddam was in 'material breach' of previous UN resolutions requiring disarmament. Since a lot of his WMD's had been removed, he was given one last chance to agree to unfettered UN inspections and he refused.
There was no official UN report or resolution that said he was in "breach", you're making shit up.

It is called UN Resolution 1441.

1. Decides that Iraq has been and remains in material breach of its
under relevant resolutions, including resolution 687 (1991), in particular
through Iraq’s failure to cooperate with United Nations inspectors and the IAEA,
and to complete the actions required under paragraphs 8 to 13 of resolution 687

And yet again we have a Republican who can't face his own administration lying to him.

"Oh, boo hoo, liberal! BUSH LIED, SHEEPLE DIED! Boo hoo!" Your disdain for human life is proof that Conservatives are "pro-life".

Profanity is not strong enough to emphasize my disgust with Americans like you. Read the declassified government documents from your own government proving that they lied to us all to start a war that we have to pay for for the rest of our lives.

Do you think that Obama lies to us? Of course you do. He lies BIG, all the time, right? But Bush didn't lie, right? Bush was a saint, right? He was a good Texan Christian, right? He would never lie.

Reagan never lied to us either, right?

Interesting point KNB. Right wingers are sure Obama is lying to them every single day.
But somehow their own man (Bush) would never lie.

Even after some right wingers will admit that ALL politicians lie.
And the UN, with all of its resolutions and demands and inspections, did not vote to authorize the military invasion of Iraq, so Bush and Blair formed the "Coalition of the Willing" and invaded anyway.

Why do you people keep trying to argue against declassified government documents? Declassified government documents say that Bush and Blair lied to the world about the threat posed by Saddam's WMD in order to invade, a desire which had taken hold as early as October 2001.

Declassified government documents.

The UN does not have an Army and does not have the authority to order a military invasion of any country.

Why do you keep arguing against the UN findings from their inspectors?
And yet again we have a Republican who can't face his own administration lying to him.

"Oh, boo hoo, liberal! BUSH LIED, SHEEPLE DIED! Boo hoo!" Your disdain for human life is proof that Conservatives are "pro-life".

Profanity is not strong enough to emphasize my disgust with Americans like you. Read the declassified government documents from your own government proving that they lied to us all to start a war that we have to pay for for the rest of our lives.

Do you think that Obama lies to us? Of course you do. He lies BIG, all the time, right? But Bush didn't lie, right? Bush was a saint, right? He was a good Texan Christian, right? He would never lie.

Reagan never lied to us either, right?

Interesting point KNB. Right wingers are sure Obama is lying to them every single day.
But somehow their own man (Bush) would never lie.

Even after some right wingers will admit that ALL politicians lie.

Obama got liar of the year, Bush only repeated what numerous leading Democrats told him. Were they all lying as well?
oh the "lie" thing

dont you left-wing losers have anything better to do than expose yourselves as the losers you are for not getting to the bottom of something you insist is so bad as to have caused thousands of deaths and maimings based on a "lie"/

how is that whole thingy going?
is Bush really that much smarter that you guys?
Here is a guy that apparently does not know our own soldiers are water boarded in training.
You have no valid argument, so you just make shit up.
The classic liberal double talk. Billo claims to not be a fan of saddam, but was not on the side of liberating the tortured from the tyrant. Classic. He has both sides of the issue covered in classic liberal ways.
You don't give a shit about Iraqis, American's, our troops, our heritage, our reputation around the world, you're just some dumbass corporate bitch, spewing the company line.

And you're one pretty fucked up American who is so cavalier about putting our troops in harms way over bullshit corporate lies.
He then asks why they do not complain about our own soldiers being water boarded during training?

He asked me that?
I asked you why you're trying to bring in dumbass, irrelevant shit, to this discussion?

What was that, some kind attempt at a jedi mind trick? I asked him the question. He then asked me why?
What grade are you in? You talk like your 15!

In your ignorant ugly stupid liberal face.

"We waterboard, incidentally, hundreds of our own military personnel. They waterboard themselves in training to toughen themselves up."
Duncan Hunter on Monday, August 31st, 2009 in an interview on MSNBC

Truth meter says....

In a discussion on MSNBC's Hardball program about whether the government ought to consider prosecuting people involved in enhanced interrogation techniques used on some terror suspects, former U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter, a Republican from California, argued that the issue really comes down to waterboarding.

"And," he said, "waterboarding is not torture."

In fact, said Hunter, a Vietnam veteran and former candidate for president, "We waterboard, incidentally, hundreds of our own military personnel. They waterboard themselves in training to toughen themselves up."

He added, "The Geneva Convention .. .was analyzed by the lawyers in place, and they came to the conclusion, especially about waterboarding, because that's the primary thing, that, since we do it to our own soldiers, by the hundreds, incidentally, and it doesn't hurt them, and they — and it makes them tougher, and it doesn't hurt anybody — Khalid Sheikh Mohammed gained weight after he was waterboarded — we decided that, since we do that to our own soldiers in training... we‘re not going to consider that torture. "

Hunter later challenged host Chris Matthews saying, "But the point is, if we do it, are we torturing American soldiers? You have to answer yes if you consider waterboarding to be torture."

Matthews said the difference is that U.S. service people know they are in training. They know they aren't going to be killed. "That captured person who is one of our enemies has no idea what we‘re doing when we submit him to water torture."

Said Hunter: "If we use it with our own soldiers in training, as we do waterboarding, then it should be allowed with people who have killed thousands of Americans."

We decided to examine Hunter's claim about waterboarding our service personnel as part of their training and found that he is right.

U.S. special operations troops have, in the past, sometimes used a form of waterboarding as part of survival exercises, called Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape training. The idea is to prepare them in the event they are ever captured and interrogated with such means.


Not that this asshole would care, cause quite frankly he and his types do not care one bit if our own soldiers are water boarded. Why? Well, real simple. We are talking about a group of people that voted for Obama for two superficial reasons. One, he had a D next to his name, which means he hates a America, hates capitalism and is good enough socialist for them. The second reason is he is black. That is it, cause if you ever ask for any list of qualifications that led them to believe he was so qualified to be president, they have no real response other than childlike responses.

So back why they do not care about our own soldiers being water boarded and why don't you see mass protests and concerns about that? Well for the same superficial reasons. One they are American soldiers and the left hate American soldiers. The reason they hate them is because they are mainly right leaning and most of them are white in their minds.

That is it and that is all. You think it may have more to do with that? Well, you tell me why the same morons that yell and chant incessantly about the brown terrorists being water boarded but they do not say one fucking word about our own soldiers being water boarded in training?

I will be waiting for one person to explain to me why the liberals feign outrage over the poor brown non-christian terrorists being water boarded and not one word about American soldiers (mainly white right and Christian) being water boarded.
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Water boarding is torture. Always has been. Why do idiots deny it. Can't they read. Why do we pay the least bit of attention to these morons?
Water boarding is torture. Always has been. Why do idiots deny it. Can't they read. Why do we pay the least bit of attention to these morons?

No it is not. You are wrong and we are right. Now, why don't you answer the poignant questions?

If you are so concerned about it being torture, why do your types always feign outrage ONLY WHEN brown terrorists are water boarded?

Why don't any of you show any of that same so called concern over our own soldiers water boarded in training?

Go ahead.....and explain that.

Wait a minute. Tell all of us again how you would have been able to helicopter in provisions to the people in the superdome even though you would not have known the dire problems the people in the superdome were in, since there was no communication, roads were washed out, and power was out.

Tell all of us again how the mayor was not responsible and try and convince how the media did not use it as a nice golden opportunity to blame everything on Boooooooosh again.

Also, tell all of us in detail the great things Obama did for the people in New Jersey after Sandy. I mean the 3 hour helicopter ride? Then he went straight back to Vegas for the party.....errrrr fundraiser.

LOL at your ignorance.
Water boarding is torture. Always has been. Why do idiots deny it. Can't they read. Why do we pay the least bit of attention to these morons?

No it is not. You are wrong and we are right. Now, why don't you answer the poignant questions?

If you are so concerned about it being torture, why do your types always feign outrage ONLY WHEN brown terrorists are water boarded?

Why don't any of you show any of that same so called concern over our own soldiers water boarded in training?

Go ahead.....and explain that.

Wait a minute. Tell all of us again how you would have been able to helicopter in provisions to the people in the superdome even though you would not have known the dire problems the people in the superdome were in, since there was no communication, roads were washed out, and power was out.

Tell all of us again how the mayor was not responsible and try and convince how the media did not use it as a nice golden opportunity to blame everything on Boooooooosh again.

Also, tell all of us in detail the great things Obama did for the people in New Jersey after Sandy. I mean the 3 hour helicopter ride? Then he went straight back to Vegas for the party.....errrrr fundraiser.

LOL at your ignorance.

We torture our own soldiers as part of training.

We know what was going on at the Superdome because we watched it on LIVE TV.

Helicopters did land at the Superdome. They just got there late.

Torture is illegal. You are wrong, as usual. Where in the world did you get convinced that water boarding was not torture? Oh, you listened to what the torturers told you and heard it on FOX.
OIL got us involved with Saddam. What the fuck is wrong with all of you? There is absolutely no other fucking reason why anyone in the United States of America gives a shit about the Middle East. Americans don't care about 20k-30k random gun deaths per year, every year, so Americans certainly do not give a shit about 3,000 stock traders in two buildings 13 years ago. This wasn't about 9/11, freedom, democracy, terrorism, WMD or Saddam Hussein. It is about the international oil market. It is about natural resources and corporate exploitation of those resources for private profit.

Declassified government documents prove that the Bush administration manipulated information on Iraq's WMD capabilities to justify their otherwise unjustifiable "preemptive" invasion. In short, Bush lied to invade Iraq.

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