Bush's Lies Caused The Iraq War

If Bush and his people didn't screw up the political transition in Iraq by blocking the Sunnis from the "new Iraq" at the start.....liberal and losertarian scum would have no shoebox to stand on regarding the Iraq War II.

You're forgetting something. Obama negotiated in 2011. Then the Obama administration said this......"Iraq is one of Obama's great achievements." Time for you little tykes to grow up.
I wonder how many of those terrorists Obama droned were linked to 911.

Notice folks how they do not give one shit about that?

Look up the collateral damage done by those.

Again, I support Obama doing that. I say....killem all.

Then again I am not a bloviated double talking hypocritical dick head liberal.
I'm a fuckhead liberal!

And I condemn those drone strikes.

I also condemn the Iraq invasion, which was the most cowardly act of violence, this country has ever committed.

Poor poor innocent saddam hussein. Poor guy. Probably even a good guy in your little drum circles.

That...is how hypocritical and pathetic you are.

Tell you what, from now on you cannot complain about groups of people being tortured and murdered at the hands of any tyrant.

Wait a minute. You do complain about that, only when it is brown people being water boarded at Gitmo. Cause you only think white republican presidents are tyrants. Then.....you make a whole lot of noise.

Of course....why don't you pathetic hypocrites ever shout about our own soldiers being water boarded in training?

Let me answer since you will not know how to answer that with out sounding like the hypocritical cock sucking doosh you are.

It is because you are a hypocritical cock sucking doosh.
I know Obama fucked up, I'm pointing out the liberal/losertarian copout for Obama is only because Bush made some political errors with Iraq that were eventually fixed.

If Bush and his people didn't screw up the political transition in Iraq by blocking the Sunnis from the "new Iraq" at the start.....liberal and losertarian scum would have no shoebox to stand on regarding the Iraq War II.

You're forgetting something. Obama negotiated in 2011. Then the Obama administration said this......"Iraq is one of Obama's great achievements." Time for you little tykes to grow up.
Bush's Lies Caused The Iraq War
And this will forever be GWB’s war, where he is solely responsible for its consequences, regardless the administration in office.
We all understand fully how it will be reported by the left wing media and believed by the liberal puppets regardless of the actual facts about wmds and who propagated wmds before Bush took office.

Your pathetic liar in chief is responsible for everything now. That is also a fact you puppets will ignore.

We all know that about you double talking hypocrites.
"Liberal liberals are left-wing liberals!" No one has ignored Obama's role in any of this but blame is due where blame is due. Obama wouldn't have to deal with this shit if Bush didn't lie to the entire world.

The GOP lost. Bush lost. They lied. They lied and lost. Declassified government documents say he lied and he lost. They lost. You lost. Just stop.

You lost. Mormney wasn't going to win in Iraq either. Nor were John McCain, Sarah Palin, the Pizza Man, or Frothy Mixture. No one was going to win in Iraq. Bush lied and this is all his fault.

Declassified Bush government documents. Read them.
What part of "Saddam aids and protects terrorist, including members of al Qaeda" seems confusing to you? If the statement is true, you should have no problem giving us a link to show how it is true. If it is not true, it is evidence the President told a blatant lie to connect the 9/11 attackers to Saddam. Is it possible you do not understand the words AIDS AND PROTECTS?

It's taken out of context.
What he really said;
Our Nation and the world must learn the lessons of the Korean peninsula, and not allow an even greater threat to rise up in Iraq. A brutal dictator, with a history of reckless aggression, with ties to terrorism, with great potential wealth, will not be permitted to dominate a vital region and threaten the United States.

Read the whole state of union address from 2003 at the link I put up.

It's not taken out of context. He said what he said. You just don't want to believe what you see in his speech. He claimed Saddam was giving aid and protection to al Qaeda and you know that was a lie. It is at .56 in this clip.


Saddam did aid and had ties to al-Qaeda.
He never said that Saddam was part of the group that was in on 9/11.
The media kept insisting on saying it and they were lying.
When you try to transfer blame off of the Bush administration, you are only proving that you cannot accept reality. The Bush administration lied. They fabricated evidence. They told lies to the UN. They knowingly gave information that they knowingly knew to be false as a justification for the invasion. They lied. The proof is already established. History has decided. And as even more important documents become declassified, they will only continue to show that the Bush administration used every possible means at their disposal to give legal justification for invading Iraq, and when they still couldn't find any legal justification, they just said "Saddam Hussein is a bad guy" and invaded anyway.

The GOP is not allowed to forget that Saddam Hussein was butt-buddies with the Reagan administration. So was Iran. So was the jihad in Afghanistan. Reagan loved them all. He sold weapons to all of them, trained them on how to be terrorists, and propelled the jihad to new heights across the Middle East and beyond.

Bush used 9/11 as an excuse to invade Iraq. He lied. His own administration's documents prove it. Stop trying to defend him. He lied to you, too.
Does the book explain why one of Saddam's top military leaders must have lied when he said the WMD's were transported to Syria before the invasion?
Is that a serious question? Do you actually believe that Saddam Hussein secretly shipped his WMD, the reason for Bush going to war, into Syria before the invasion, with the CIA, IAEA, MI6, Pakistan's ISI, and every other intelligence network being ENTIRELY unaware of it?

Do you really think that Saddam Hussein was that smart? Do you really think that George W. Bush was that dumb?

Yes, I believe Saddam got his weapons out of Iraq. He had 2 years to do it .. Plenty of time to get them across the border. And BAM Syria used them on their people just last year
When you try to transfer blame off of the Bush administration, you are only proving that you cannot accept reality. The Bush administration lied. They fabricated evidence. They told lies to the UN. They knowingly gave information that they knowingly knew to be false as a justification for the invasion. They lied. The proof is already established. History has decided. And as even more important documents become declassified, they will only continue to show that the Bush administration used every possible means at their disposal to give legal justification for invading Iraq, and when they still couldn't find any legal justification, they just said "Saddam Hussein is a bad guy" and invaded anyway.

The GOP is not allowed to forget that Saddam Hussein was butt-buddies with the Reagan administration. So was Iran. So was the jihad in Afghanistan. Reagan loved them all. He sold weapons to all of them, trained them on how to be terrorists, and propelled the jihad to new heights across the Middle East and beyond.

Bush used 9/11 as an excuse to invade Iraq. He lied. His own administration's documents prove it. Stop trying to defend him. He lied to you, too.

The Far left loves to push their propaganda and forgets all about the OIL FOR FOOD SCANDEL.
Does the book explain why one of Saddam's top military leaders must have lied when he said the WMD's were transported to Syria before the invasion?
Is that a serious question? Do you actually believe that Saddam Hussein secretly shipped his WMD, the reason for Bush going to war, into Syria before the invasion, with the CIA, IAEA, MI6, Pakistan's ISI, and every other intelligence network being ENTIRELY unaware of it?

Do you really think that Saddam Hussein was that smart? Do you really think that George W. Bush was that dumb?

Yes, I believe Saddam got his weapons out of Iraq. He had 2 years to do it .. Plenty of time to get them across the border. And BAM Syria used them on their people just last year

Maybe they did not hear. Syria was just busted using chemical weapons. Oh, I say that cause that was the country that he had reportedly sent them to.

Where did Syria get those chemical weapons? Do they know for sure?
When you try to transfer blame off of the Bush administration, you are only proving that you cannot accept reality. The Bush administration lied. They fabricated evidence. They told lies to the UN. They knowingly gave information that they knowingly knew to be false as a justification for the invasion. They lied. The proof is already established. History has decided. And as even more important documents become declassified, they will only continue to show that the Bush administration used every possible means at their disposal to give legal justification for invading Iraq, and when they still couldn't find any legal justification, they just said "Saddam Hussein is a bad guy" and invaded anyway.

The GOP is not allowed to forget that Saddam Hussein was butt-buddies with the Reagan administration. So was Iran. So was the jihad in Afghanistan. Reagan loved them all. He sold weapons to all of them, trained them on how to be terrorists, and propelled the jihad to new heights across the Middle East and beyond.

Bush used 9/11 as an excuse to invade Iraq. He lied. His own administration's documents prove it. Stop trying to defend him. He lied to you, too.

The Far left loves to push their propaganda and forgets all about the OIL FOR FOOD SCANDEL.

They stand for nothing, which means they do not care about that. Along with all of the other scams, from fake green energy companies, to the IRS being used as the gestapo.

They do not care. They stand for nothing.
What do Republicans stand for? "Small government"? "Fiscal responsibility"? "Government accountability"? The drug war, the global war of terror, more prisons, prisons in Cuba, a larger military budget, owning women's uteri, abolishing the First Amendment so that the Bible can be taught in science class.......

All of the GOP's excuses for invading Iraq are shit. Declassified government documents from the Bush administration prove that they were lying to the entire world. If you people can't admit that fact then how do you expect to hold your government accountable? If you won't stop the big government's global war of terror then how do you expect to rein in government spending? If you don't end Nixon's drug war that was started by lies then how do you expect to promote individual freedom?
What do Republicans stand for? "Small government"? "Fiscal responsibility"? "Government accountability"? The drug war, the global war of terror, more prisons, prisons in Cuba, a larger military budget, owning women's uteri, abolishing the First Amendment so that the Bible can be taught in science class.......

All of the GOP's excuses for invading Iraq are shit. Declassified government documents from the Bush administration prove that they were lying to the entire world. If you people can't admit that fact then how do you expect to hold your government accountable? If you won't stop the big government's global war of terror then how do you expect to rein in government spending? If you don't end Nixon's drug war that was started by lies then how do you expect to promote individual freedom?

The far let propaganda as old as it gets.

Almost all the far left programmed talking points in one post.

What do Republicans stand for? "Small government"? "Fiscal responsibility"? "Government accountability"? The drug war, the global war of terror, more prisons, prisons in Cuba, a larger military budget, owning women's uteri, abolishing the First Amendment so that the Bible can be taught in science class.......

All of the GOP's excuses for invading Iraq are shit. Declassified government documents from the Bush administration prove that they were lying to the entire world. If you people can't admit that fact then how do you expect to hold your government accountable? If you won't stop the big government's global war of terror then how do you expect to rein in government spending? If you don't end Nixon's drug war that was started by lies then how do you expect to promote individual freedom?

The far let propaganda as old as it gets.

Almost all the far left programmed talking points in one post.

are you saying that the majority of Americans are thick as shit because they voted President Obama in twice. As a Brit your answer may amuse me.:badgrin:
What do Republicans stand for? "Small government"? "Fiscal responsibility"? "Government accountability"? The drug war, the global war of terror, more prisons, prisons in Cuba, a larger military budget, owning women's uteri, abolishing the First Amendment so that the Bible can be taught in science class.......

All of the GOP's excuses for invading Iraq are shit. Declassified government documents from the Bush administration prove that they were lying to the entire world. If you people can't admit that fact then how do you expect to hold your government accountable? If you won't stop the big government's global war of terror then how do you expect to rein in government spending? If you don't end Nixon's drug war that was started by lies then how do you expect to promote individual freedom?

The far let propaganda as old as it gets.

Almost all the far left programmed talking points in one post.

are you saying that the majority of Americans are thick as shit because they voted President Obama in twice. As a Brit your answer may amuse me.:badgrin:

Once you understand that the majority of Americans did not vote for Obama, you will have answered your question. Then again I doubt you understand much as Brit or as far left drone.

Although the far left does not understand much beyond their programming no matter what country they choose to reside in.
The far let propaganda as old as it gets.

Almost all the far left programmed talking points in one post.

are you saying that the majority of Americans are thick as shit because they voted President Obama in twice. As a Brit your answer may amuse me.:badgrin:

Once you understand that the majority of Americans did not vote for Obama, you will have answered your question. Then again I doubt you understand much as Brit or as far left drone.

Although the far left does not understand much beyond their programming no matter what country they choose to reside in.
OK are you saying the majority of Americans who voter for President Obama (twice) are thick as shit?
are you saying that the majority of Americans are thick as shit because they voted President Obama in twice. As a Brit your answer may amuse me.:badgrin:

Once you understand that the majority of Americans did not vote for Obama, you will have answered your question. Then again I doubt you understand much as Brit or as far left drone.

Although the far left does not understand much beyond their programming no matter what country they choose to reside in.
OK are you saying the majority of Americans who voter for President Obama (twice) are thick as shit?

Do you place any blame on Obama? If so what?
What do Republicans stand for? "Small government"? "Fiscal responsibility"? "Government accountability"? The drug war, the global war of terror, more prisons, prisons in Cuba, a larger military budget, owning women's uteri, abolishing the First Amendment so that the Bible can be taught in science class.......

All of the GOP's excuses for invading Iraq are shit. Declassified government documents from the Bush administration prove that they were lying to the entire world. If you people can't admit that fact then how do you expect to hold your government accountable? If you won't stop the big government's global war of terror then how do you expect to rein in government spending? If you don't end Nixon's drug war that was started by lies then how do you expect to promote individual freedom?

The far let propaganda as old as it gets.

Almost all the far left programmed talking points in one post.

And the far right talking point as old as it gets. "If you can't argue shit, call them a liberal. That'll show 'em."

Honestly, what is wrong with you? What happened in your lives to make you Republicans SO fucked up? You feel no guilt at all for everything that you've done? You people are arguing that Iraq was functional when Bush left office. Why? Because Obama said so for political reasons, as if Obama is the opposite of Bush? Obama carried on Bush's endless illegal war against whoever and you people argue that Obama screwed this war up? Why? Like Bush didn't? "Bush won but Obama lost." As if daily IED attacks across Iraq are indicative of a functioning Democracy?

"What do liberals blame Obama for?" If you'd bother to read and stop taking every criticism of Bush as a personal slight against you then you would know that most "liberals" on this forum blame Obama for not giving us the "change" that we voted for, and on top of that, he killed an American teenager without reason, without charges, without a trial, without judicial oversight, with a bit of authority handed to him by George W. Bush and the big government GOP.

But it's all Obama's and the Democrats' fault, right? Because Obama's a Marxist, right? Like Hitler was a Socialist, right? Like there were WMD in Iraq that posed an imminent threat to the United States, right? Like the Mujahideen didn't hate America when Reagan was training them to be terrorists, right?

Republicans did everything correctly until 2008, and then Obama destroyed America for Sharia Jews in Hollywood, or whatever. You Republicans on this forum are some really fucked up people. How did your minds get like this?
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What do Republicans stand for? "Small government"? "Fiscal responsibility"? "Government accountability"? The drug war, the global war of terror, more prisons, prisons in Cuba, a larger military budget, owning women's uteri, abolishing the First Amendment so that the Bible can be taught in science class.......

All of the GOP's excuses for invading Iraq are shit. Declassified government documents from the Bush administration prove that they were lying to the entire world. If you people can't admit that fact then how do you expect to hold your government accountable? If you won't stop the big government's global war of terror then how do you expect to rein in government spending? If you don't end Nixon's drug war that was started by lies then how do you expect to promote individual freedom?

The far let propaganda as old as it gets.

Almost all the far left programmed talking points in one post.

And the far right talking point as old as it gets. "If you can't argue shit, call them a liberal. That'll show 'em."

Honestly, what is wrong with you? What happened in your lives to make you Republicans SO fucked up? You feel no guilt at all for everything that you've done? You people are arguing that Iraq was functional when Bush left office. Why? Because Obama said so for political reasons, as if Obama is the opposite of Bush? Obama carried on Bush's endless illegal war against whoever and you people argue that Obama screwed this war up? Why? Like Bush didn't? "Bush won but Obama lost." As if daily IED attacks across Iraq are indicative of a functioning Democracy?

"What do liberals blame Obama for?" If you'd bother to read and stop taking every criticism of Bush as a personal slight against you then you would know that most "liberals" on this forum blame Obama for not giving us the "change" that we voted for, and on top of that, he killed an American teenager without reason, without charges, without a trial, without judicial oversight, with a bit of authority handed to him by George W. Bush and the big government GOP.

But it's all Obama's and the Democrats' fault, right? Because Obama's a Marxist, right? Like Hitler was a Socialist, right? Like there were WMD in Iraq that posed an imminent threat to the United States, right? Like the Mujahideen didn't hate America when Reagan was training them to be terrorists, right?

Republicans did everything correctly until 2008, and then Obama destroyed America for Sharia Jews in Hollywood, or whatever. You Republicans on this forum are some really fucked up people. How did your minds get like this?

The US left troops in Japan and Germany after WWII to help restore order and we still have military installations in those countries. We kept troops in Korea after that war and they are still there. Perhaps Obama should have got a status of forces agreement from the President of Iraq to leave a contingent of troops in Iraq to assist in restoring order.

According to the UN and all western intelligence agencies, it was unknown if there were any WMD's left in Iraq because Saddam was in 'material breach' of previous UN resolutions requiring disarmament. Since a lot of his WMD's had been removed, he was given one last chance to agree to unfettered UN inspections and he refused.
Poor poor innocent saddam hussein. Poor guy. Probably even a good guy in your little drum circles.

That...is how hypocritical and pathetic you are.
That has nothing to do with me.

That's just you wishing something about me.

That's all about you, not me.
Tell you what, from now on you cannot complain about groups of people being tortured and murdered at the hands of any tyrant.

Wait a minute. You do complain about that, only when it is brown people being water boarded at Gitmo. Cause you only think white republican presidents are tyrants. Then.....you make a whole lot of noise.
More dumbass make believe on your part.
Of course....why don't you pathetic hypocrites ever shout about our own soldiers being water boarded in training?
Let me answer since you will not know how to answer that with out sounding like the hypocritical cock sucking doosh you are.

It is because you are a hypocritical cock sucking doosh.
And you talk like your 15 years old.

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