Bush's Lies Caused The Iraq War

Look at you fucking people. Look at your god-damned selves. Not a fucking one of you Republicans even bothered to read the declassified government documents which prove that lies were used to justify the Iraq invasion of 2003.

Look at your very first response. Childish fucking prattle like, "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!" spurred several of you blithering talking monkeys to give that mindless shit a "thank you"? You people don't even have an argument because you can't argue against the Bush administration's own declassified government documents.

"Liberals are stupid." "Democrats voted for the war, too." "All we did was waterboard some people." "ISIS seized an old run-down building so it proves that Iraq has WMD."

None of this ultimately matters. It won't stop. You fucking people can't learn. It's sick. You people are insane and it doesn't matter what the truth really is because in your fucked-up minds, the "truth" is whatever you want it to be.

Washington, DC, November 5, 2007 - CBS News’ 60 Minutes exposure last night of the Iraqi agent known as CURVEBALL has put a major aspect of the Bush administration’s case for war against Iraq back under the spotlight.

Rafid Ahmed Alwan’s charges that Iraq possessed stockpiles of biological weapons and the mobile plants to produce them formed a critical part of the U.S. justification for the invasion in Spring 2003. Secretary of State Colin L. Powell’s celebrated and globally televised briefing to the United Nations Security Council on February 5, 2003, relied on CURVEBALL as the main source of intelligence on the biological issue.

Today the National Security Archive posts the available public record on CURVEBALL’s information derived from declassified sources and former officials’ accounts.

While most of the documentary record on the issue remains classified, the materials published here today underscore the precarious nature of the intelligence gathering and analytical process, and point to the existence of doubts about CURVEBALL’s authenticity before his charges were featured in the Bush administration’s public claims about Iraq.
The Record on CURVEBALL

Keep hiding behind the safety of your computers and your pride, you sick fucking lunatics.

Well, that didn't take long.
Knowing the weakness of your argument, it was a matter of time before you had an emotional melt down.
Here's a tissue for your issue.
Now you may respond with another profanity laced tirade.
Go ahead. You cannot help but have the last word. After all, you're a lib.
Between Clinton & the Iraq disaster came 9/11/01, Bush's first FUBAR. Then came the claim that Saddam was in league with al Qaeda, and then.....a poorly planned invasion. The little cowboy is back at home in a condo now, the 'rancher' pose abandoned. President OBAMA must deal with an extension of Bush's failures: ISIS.

That's a nice tidy little story. Is that the new Obama is just an innocent bystander talking point?
And yet again we have a Republican who can't face his own administration lying to him.

"Oh, boo hoo, liberal! BUSH LIED, SHEEPLE DIED! Boo hoo!" Your disdain for human life is proof that Conservatives are "pro-life".

Profanity is not strong enough to emphasize my disgust with Americans like you. Read the declassified government documents from your own government proving that they lied to us all to start a war that we have to pay for for the rest of our lives.

Do you think that Obama lies to us? Of course you do. He lies BIG, all the time, right? But Bush didn't lie, right? Bush was a saint, right? He was a good Texan Christian, right? He would never lie.

Reagan never lied to us either, right?
No, he specifically mentions "al Qaeda" and al Qaeda had been determined to have been the attackers on 9/11. In fact, we were fighting a ground war with troops on the ground in daily combat when the President made this connection in his speech. We live in a country where if you are in any way connected to a murder when a murder occurs, you are charged with murder, even if you weren't there. He claimed a link, a connection, to the 9/11 attackers. That implies the possibility of collusion. He and his administration eluded to collusion when they knew there was none.

The media did that, but Bush and the administration did not say Saddam was linked to 9-11.
Bush said that Saddam had ties to al-Queda, the lefty media made it into ties to 9/11.
Bush went from "September 11, 2001" to "Saddam Hussein" in less than three sentences in the same speech.

If that wasn't proof enough, there are declassified government documents from the Bush administration. Read them.

I bet you ignored the 3 sentences in between.
The huffypost did the same thing.
The left always seem to add their own thing in rather than what was really said.
You hear September 11, 2001- nothing, nothing, nothing, then boom links to al-Queda equals Saddam and 9/11.
Not what was really said that Saddam has ties to al-Queda.
It just boggles the mind.
Some have done the exact same thing right here in this post.
I bet you ignored the 3 sentences in between.
The huffypost did the same thing.
The left always seem to add their own thing in rather than what was really said.
You hear September 11, 2001- nothing, nothing, nothing, then boom links to al-Queda equals Saddam and 9/11.
Not what was really said that Saddam has ties to al-Queda.
It just boggles the mind.
Some have done the exact same thing right here in this post.
With all due "respect", whatever your argument is, no matter what it is, it is a heaping pile of shit compared to the Bush administration's own declassified documents.

Bush lied to invade Iraq. That fact is established by the Bush administration's own declassified documents. Stop trying to be right. You will never be right as long as you defend George W. Bush.
The media did that, but Bush and the administration did not say Saddam was linked to 9-11.
Bush said that Saddam had ties to al-Queda, the lefty media made it into ties to 9/11.
Bush went from "September 11, 2001" to "Saddam Hussein" in less than three sentences in the same speech.

If that wasn't proof enough, there are declassified government documents from the Bush administration. Read them.

I bet you ignored the 3 sentences in between.
The huffypost did the same thing.
The left always seem to add their own thing in rather than what was really said.
You hear September 11, 2001- nothing, nothing, nothing, then boom links to al-Queda equals Saddam and 9/11.
Not what was really said that Saddam has ties to al-Queda.
It just boggles the mind.
Some have done the exact same thing right here in this post.

What part of "Saddam aids and protects terrorist, including members of al Qaeda" seems confusing to you? If the statement is true, you should have no problem giving us a link to show how it is true. If it is not true, it is evidence the President told a blatant lie to connect the 9/11 attackers to Saddam. Is it possible you do not understand the words AIDS AND PROTECTS?
I bet you ignored the 3 sentences in between.
The huffypost did the same thing.
The left always seem to add their own thing in rather than what was really said.
You hear September 11, 2001- nothing, nothing, nothing, then boom links to al-Queda equals Saddam and 9/11.
Not what was really said that Saddam has ties to al-Queda.
It just boggles the mind.
Some have done the exact same thing right here in this post.
With all due "respect", whatever your argument is, no matter what it is, it is a heaping pile of shit compared to the Bush administration's own declassified documents.

Bush lied to invade Iraq. That fact is established by the Bush administration's own declassified documents. Stop trying to be right. You will never be right as long as you defend George W. Bush.

I am not defending Bush.
If you want to make an argument about him lying it was what he said about Saddam haveing Nuclear weapons.
But he never tied Saddam to 9/11.

This is what he said at the State of the Union Address in 2003.

Before September 11, 2001, many in the world believed that Saddam Hussein could be contained. But chemical agents and lethal viruses and shadowy terrorist networks are not easily contained. Imagine those 19 hijackers with other weapons, and other plans -- this time armed by Saddam Hussein. It would take just one vial, one canister, one crate slipped into this country to bring a day of horror like none we have ever known. We will do everything in our power to make sure that day never comes.

The speech is in the archives and on you tube in it's entirety.
Here is the full text of that speech
Online Speech Bank: George W. Bush -- 2003 State of the Union Address
You have to wonder why liberals are not pissed as hell that Obama did not conduct an investigation with an independent council and why Bush was never brought up on war crimes by the UN and the international community if it was so obvious he deliberately lied.

Let us behold the art of liberal double talk everyone.

Both Bush and Cheney have been convicted of war crimes by an international court. Your lack of basic knowledge on these issue continue's to be shocking.
And Obama prevented investigations and potential prosecutions for the war criminals in this country and the Hague.

That 'kangaroo court' was rather interesting. Here are some highlights from the article I found.

Kuala Lumpur — It’s official; George W Bush is a war criminal.

In what is the first ever conviction of its kind anywhere in the world, the former US President and seven key members of his administration were yesterday (Fri) found guilty of war crimes.

Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and their legal advisers Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, William Haynes, Jay Bybee and John Yoo were tried in absentia in Malaysia.

The tribunal is the initiative of Malaysia’s retired Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, who staunchly opposed the American-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.

President Lamin told a packed courtroom: “As a tribunal of conscience, the Tribunal is fully aware that its verdict is merely declaratory in nature. The tribunal has no power of enforcement, no power to impose any custodial sentence on any one or more of the 8 convicted persons. What we can do, under Article 31 of Chapter VI of Part 2 of the Charter is to recommend to the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission to submit this finding of conviction by the Tribunal, together with a record of these proceedings, to the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, as well as the United Nations and the Security Council.

In response to questions about the difference between the Bush and Obama Administrations, he added: “If President Bush was the President of extra-judicial torture then US President Barak Obama is the President of extra judicial killing through drone strikes. Our work has only just begun.”

Bush Convicted of War Crimes in Absentia | Foreign Policy Journal

Have you heard about the Obama trial yet?
Take a good look, everyone. These Republican Taliban Teabagger monkeys are trying to post a youtube video to argue against the Bush administration's own documents.

Why can't America get anything done? Because this is the level of stupidity that We the People have to deal with.

Oh stop whining. Your president is a fake. Admit you backed a liar and made a mistake. Grow up and take responsibility.

Shut the fuck up and read those links.

Ahhh.....There's another one. Nice
Yes - Terrorists but not 9/11. which is what we are talking about.
Bush never said Saddam was linked to 9/11
That's all the link that they needed. Stop trying to be right. Bush lied to you. Stop trying to defend him. His own administration's documents prove it. Stop typing and read them.

It's your lives and money that they're spending on their lies. STILL. It's 2014 now. When are Americans going to ask the most obvious question, "How do we ever know if we've won?"

No..YOU are lying to you.
Bush didn't protect a fucking thing. He lied to invade and torture Iraq.

Obama is simply following Bush's plan, which wasn't even Bush's plan, because Bush isn't that smart, but the plan of the war profiteers who surrounded him.

Stop thinking that Obama is any different than Bush. The only difference is their skin color.

They can now vote, young girls are being educated.
Our troops helped to build schools.
Now it's all going south because this administration does not understand what this is really all about.
Under Saddam, Iraq was secular, now it's not. The women now must be covered.
Bush went from "September 11, 2001" to "Saddam Hussein" in less than three sentences in the same speech.

If that wasn't proof enough, there are declassified government documents from the Bush administration. Read them.

I bet you ignored the 3 sentences in between.
The huffypost did the same thing.
The left always seem to add their own thing in rather than what was really said.
You hear September 11, 2001- nothing, nothing, nothing, then boom links to al-Queda equals Saddam and 9/11.
Not what was really said that Saddam has ties to al-Queda.
It just boggles the mind.
Some have done the exact same thing right here in this post.

What part of "Saddam aids and protects terrorist, including members of al Qaeda" seems confusing to you? If the statement is true, you should have no problem giving us a link to show how it is true. If it is not true, it is evidence the President told a blatant lie to connect the 9/11 attackers to Saddam. Is it possible you do not understand the words AIDS AND PROTECTS?

It's taken out of context.
What he really said;
Our Nation and the world must learn the lessons of the Korean peninsula, and not allow an even greater threat to rise up in Iraq. A brutal dictator, with a history of reckless aggression, with ties to terrorism, with great potential wealth, will not be permitted to dominate a vital region and threaten the United States.

Read the whole state of union address from 2003 at the link I put up.
I wonder how many of those terrorists Obama droned were linked to 911.

Notice folks how they do not give one shit about that?

Look up the collateral damage done by those.

Again, I support Obama doing that. I say....killem all.

Then again I am not a bloviated double talking hypocritical dick head liberal.
Do you even think? You just said that you support the indiscriminate killing of civilians.

No, you're not a bloviating double-talking hypocritical dickhead liberal. You're a psychotic Fascist terrorist who wants to kill civilians to get his way.

You should try thinking more.
Sort of like when Saddam declared a xenophobic war vs the Kurds using chemical explosives( WMD's) to kill an estimated million CIVILIANS..
Here's me opening a can of SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Of course, it's all Obama's fault. Now that we have that out of the way, Republicans are free to review the declassified Bush government documents which prove that the information on Iraq's WMD was fabricated to justify the preemptive invasion and all consequences thereafter.

And in other news, scientists report that the sun rises in the east.
I see what you did there. You took something very important and tried to diminish it by referencing something trivial. It's a tactic used by those who don't have any intelligent responses. Like a liberal. Are you a stupid liberal? I think liberals are pretty damned stupid. Look at how unbelievably stupid the Teabagger wing of the Republican party is, and yet liberals can't get their sick Communist agenda passed? Liberals are pretty damned stupid. America is like that movie, Dumb and Dumber. Liberals are dumb and Conservatives are dumber, and yet they keep bumbling their way into other countries without realizing, "Wow, we're really fucking stupid!"

That's what happens when you spend trillions of dollars more on bombs than on books.

Yawn Yawn Yawn
You have to wonder why liberals are not pissed as hell that Obama did not conduct an investigation with an independent council and why Bush was never brought up on war crimes by the UN and the international community if it was so obvious he deliberately lied.

Let us behold the art of liberal double talk everyone.

Both Bush and Cheney have been convicted of war crimes by an international court. Your lack of basic knowledge on these issue continue's to be shocking.
And Obama prevented investigations and potential prosecutions for the war criminals in this country and the Hague.

International Kangaroo Court
And yet again we have a Republican who can't face his own administration lying to him.

"Oh, boo hoo, liberal! BUSH LIED, SHEEPLE DIED! Boo hoo!" Your disdain for human life is proof that Conservatives are "pro-life".

Profanity is not strong enough to emphasize my disgust with Americans like you. Read the declassified government documents from your own government proving that they lied to us all to start a war that we have to pay for for the rest of our lives.

Do you think that Obama lies to us? Of course you do. He lies BIG, all the time, right? But Bush didn't lie, right? Bush was a saint, right? He was a good Texan Christian, right? He would never lie.

Reagan never lied to us either, right?

You are an equal opportunity hypocrite.
There is no longer any point in you discussing anything on here.
Please cease posting.
Find another hobby.
still saying he lied .... a plant isn't a weapon .
Moving the proverbial goal posts gets you no additional mileage here.
Neither does splitting hairs.
Your side loses and loses BIG on this.
Yiou should be cutting your losses and licking your boo boos.
There aren't any goal posts, douche. It's a fucking war in real life with people dying over rich men's lies. If you're so worried about ISIS having control of a chemical weapons plant then you need to be seriously asking the question, "Why did George W. Bush leave so many WMD in Iraq if that was the entire purpose of invading Iraq in the first place?"

Insults.....you're only defense for your arguments.
I never mentioned ISIS...
And yes, you most certainly did move the goal posts.
And yet again we have a Republican who can't face his own administration lying to him.

"Oh, boo hoo, liberal! BUSH LIED, SHEEPLE DIED! Boo hoo!" Your disdain for human life is proof that Conservatives are "pro-life".

Profanity is not strong enough to emphasize my disgust with Americans like you. Read the declassified government documents from your own government proving that they lied to us all to start a war that we have to pay for for the rest of our lives.

Do you think that Obama lies to us? Of course you do. He lies BIG, all the time, right? But Bush didn't lie, right? Bush was a saint, right? He was a good Texan Christian, right? He would never lie.

Reagan never lied to us either, right?

You are an equal opportunity hypocrite.
There is no longer any point in you discussing anything on here.
Please cease posting.
Find another hobby.

He called the people that died in the Iraq war sheeple.

There is a lot more than one reason I put that waste of shit on ignore.

I would suggest you do it. You would have a more interesting conversation with a wall.

That guy is completely useless. Totally.
I wonder how many of those terrorists Obama droned were linked to 911.

Notice folks how they do not give one shit about that?

Look up the collateral damage done by those.

Again, I support Obama doing that. I say....killem all.

Then again I am not a bloviated double talking hypocritical dick head liberal.
Do you even think? You just said that you support the indiscriminate killing of civilians.

No, you're not a bloviating double-talking hypocritical dickhead liberal. You're a psychotic Fascist terrorist who wants to kill civilians to get his way.

You should try thinking more.
Sort of like when Saddam declared a xenophobic war vs the Kurds using chemical explosives( WMD's) to kill an estimated million CIVILIANS..
Here's me opening a can of SHUT THE FUCK UP.

You can't provide a link for your crap 'cause your just full of crap bullshitter and don't really know nothin' about nothin'.

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