Bush's Lies Caused The Iraq War

I bet you ignored the 3 sentences in between.
The huffypost did the same thing.
The left always seem to add their own thing in rather than what was really said.
You hear September 11, 2001- nothing, nothing, nothing, then boom links to al-Queda equals Saddam and 9/11.
Not what was really said that Saddam has ties to al-Queda.
It just boggles the mind.
Some have done the exact same thing right here in this post.

What part of "Saddam aids and protects terrorist, including members of al Qaeda" seems confusing to you? If the statement is true, you should have no problem giving us a link to show how it is true. If it is not true, it is evidence the President told a blatant lie to connect the 9/11 attackers to Saddam. Is it possible you do not understand the words AIDS AND PROTECTS?

It's taken out of context.
What he really said;
Our Nation and the world must learn the lessons of the Korean peninsula, and not allow an even greater threat to rise up in Iraq. A brutal dictator, with a history of reckless aggression, with ties to terrorism, with great potential wealth, will not be permitted to dominate a vital region and threaten the United States.

Read the whole state of union address from 2003 at the link I put up.

It's not taken out of context. He said what he said. You just don't want to believe what you see in his speech. He claimed Saddam was giving aid and protection to al Qaeda and you know that was a lie. It is at .56 in this clip.

I would still like a Republican to answer the question, "Why did Bush leave so many WMD in Iraq if that was the reason for invading in the first place?"

We know why Obama left them there. It's because he's a Sharia Marxist Kenyan Muslim Martian who wants his terrorist friends to destroy America. But Bush had five years in Iraq to secure those WMD and he just left them there for a Marxist tyrant to hand over to ISIS? Why?

All of the GOP's arguments make George W. Bush look even worse. The claim that Saddam shipped WMD to Syria before the invasion is the worst. This would mean that the Bush administration was so inept that they were outsmarted by a two-bit dictator like Saddam Hussein and then invaded, and STILL missed all of those WMD for 5 years.

I would laugh at this situation if so many people hadn't died as a result of Bush's pride and Cheney's greed.
Surely you're not that uninformed. I heard and saw Bush live on TV when he first tried to link Saddam to 9/11. I encourage you to Google "bush links saddam to 9/11"...
Then LINK IT shit for brains...or is tech your failing?

Here ya go. The good part is a 2:30 "Saddam aids and protects terrorist including members of al Qaeda" President George W. Bush, State of the Union Address 2003

[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=YPJCPcYCupY]WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld - THE ULTIMATE CLIP (Edited) - YouTube[/ame]

And then the lying BushWacker followed that withthis:

"The reason I keep insisting that there was a relationship between Iraq and Saddam and al Qaeda: because there was a relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda,"
- George W Bush, June 17, 2004
Never forget it was not only Bush,Blair was a lying bastard as well.They and their supporter clutch at any straw to support their lies rather than face the reality of body bags and disabled vets.To a degree I can understand the physiology of the denier,it will be a terrible day for them when reality finally forces its way into their foetid brains.
You have to wonder why liberals are not pissed as hell that Obama did not conduct an investigation with an independent council and why Bush was never brought up on war crimes by the UN and the international community if it was so obvious he deliberately lied.

Let us behold the art of liberal double talk everyone.

Both Bush and Cheney have been convicted of war crimes by an international court. Your lack of basic knowledge on these issue continue's to be shocking.
And Obama prevented investigations and potential prosecutions for the war criminals in this country and the Hague.

How is Malaysia's campaign going with wanting to get more countries on board with their conviction of those war crimes?

I hear so far that no other countries have joined them.

So much for that international court conviction. You need more that one tiny little country in order for anything to happen with that.
You have to wonder why liberals are not pissed as hell that Obama did not conduct an investigation with an independent council and why Bush was never brought up on war crimes by the UN and the international community if it was so obvious he deliberately lied.

Let us behold the art of liberal double talk everyone.

Both Bush and Cheney have been convicted of war crimes by an international court. Your lack of basic knowledge on these issue continue's to be shocking.
And Obama prevented investigations and potential prosecutions for the war criminals in this country and the Hague.

How is Malaysia's campaign going with wanting to get more countries on board with their conviction of those war crimes?

I hear so far that no other countries have joined them.

So much for that international court conviction. You need more that one tiny little country in order for anything to happen with that.

Hey, a poster made a comment about about Bush never having been brought up on war crime. That was wrong. The former President does not have the freedom to travel anywhere in the world that he wants to without risk of arrest for war crimes. Doesn't matter whether you consider it a kangaroo court or don't have respect for the court that convicted him or think it's a joke. He was convicted in a court and can no longer travel to that nation or the ones who have extradition treaties with Malaysia and support and respect their judicial system.

What makes you think Malaysia has a campaign to get more countries on board with their conviction. The Muslim world is satisfied with Malaysia's action.
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Wikileaks: Obama Administration Secretly Worked To Prevent Prosecution of War Crimes By The Bush Administration | JONATHAN TURLEY

This is the required reading written by the leading authority on the leaks of secret documents that exposed Obama's efforts to prevent prosecution and war crime procedures against Bush and members of his administration.

Muslim court convicts Bush of war crimes. That's funny.
William Calley received a pardon for My Lai. Americans aren't going to convict their own. When atrocities are committed by Americans in other countries, those countries should be able to seek prosecution.

Or are Americans exempt from the international human rights laws that the US spearheaded in the first place?
Wikileaks: Obama Administration Secretly Worked To Prevent Prosecution of War Crimes By The Bush Administration | JONATHAN TURLEY

This is the required reading written by the leading authority on the leaks of secret documents that exposed Obama's efforts to prevent prosecution and war crime procedures against Bush and members of his administration.

Muslim court convicts Bush of war crimes. That's funny.
William Calley received a pardon for My Lai. Americans aren't going to convict their own. When atrocities are committed by Americans in other countries, those countries should be able to seek prosecution.

Or are Americans exempt from the international human rights laws that the US spearheaded in the first place?

Yes. Why don't they go get him. You're very naive if you take this propaganda seriously.
It's already been explained why America won't "go get them". The system protects itself. For an American court to prosecute an American for war crimes would be lambasted in the "liberal" media as treason. The outcry wouldn't be toward the sick fucks who committed war crimes, as is exemplified here on this forum, but at the "anti-American traitors" who think that Americans should be held accountable.



is propaganda.

Saying that Americans should tell the truth and adhere to the international human rights laws that the US pushed for after the horrors of World War II is simply the right thing to do. Can you explain the legal or even moral reasoning behind the Land of the Free running a military prison in Communist Cuba where American laws don't apply?
Wikileaks: Obama Administration Secretly Worked To Prevent Prosecution of War Crimes By The Bush Administration | JONATHAN TURLEY

This is the required reading written by the leading authority on the leaks of secret documents that exposed Obama's efforts to prevent prosecution and war crime procedures against Bush and members of his administration.

Muslim court convicts Bush of war crimes. That's funny.

You didn't read the link. It is far to complicated and sophisticated for you. It is written by one of the best known and respected legal minds in America. It has nothing to do with the war crime convictions in Malaysia. It is about how secret documents were leaked and exposed Obama for preventing the investigation and prosecution of Bush and members of his administration because he thought it would be bad for the nation and future Presidents. He did not want to implement a process and policy that would set a precedent. His actions to protect Bush, and the power of Presidents may have constituted an obstruction of justice and have been an impeachable offence.
You stupidity is astounding.
Yes - Terrorists but not 9/11. which is what we are talking about.
Bush never said Saddam was linked to 9/11

No, he specifically mentions "al Qaeda" and al Qaeda had been determined to have been the attackers on 9/11. In fact, we were fighting a ground war with troops on the ground in daily combat when the President made this connection in his speech. We live in a country where if you are in any way connected to a murder when a murder occurs, you are charged with murder, even if you weren't there. He claimed a link, a connection, to the 9/11 attackers. That implies the possibility of collusion. He and his administration eluded to collusion when they knew there was none.

The media did that, but Bush and the administration did not say Saddam was linked to 9-11.
Bush said that Saddam had ties to al-Queda, the lefty media made it into ties to 9/11.

Do you mean like the Right always does and then gives this rationalization?

October 21, 2008
RUSH: He didn't say it in those words, but that's exactly what he meant.
I wonder how many of those terrorists Obama droned were linked to 911.

Notice folks how they do not give one shit about that?

Look up the collateral damage done by those.

Again, I support Obama doing that. I say....killem all.

Then again I am not a bloviated double talking hypocritical dick head liberal.
I'm a fuckhead liberal!

And I condemn those drone strikes.

I also condemn the Iraq invasion, which was the most cowardly act of violence, this country has ever committed.
Bush's Lies Caused The Iraq War


And this will forever be GWB’s war, where he is solely responsible for its consequences, regardless the administration in office.

We all understand fully how it will be reported by the left wing media and believed by the liberal puppets regardless of the actual facts about wmds and who propagated wmds before Bush took office.

Your pathetic liar in chief is responsible for everything now. That is also a fact you puppets will ignore.

We all know that about you double talking hypocrites.
I wonder how many of those terrorists Obama droned were linked to 911.

Notice folks how they do not give one shit about that?

Look up the collateral damage done by those.

Again, I support Obama doing that. I say....killem all.

Then again I am not a bloviated double talking hypocritical dick head liberal.
I'm a fuckhead liberal!

And I condemn those drone strikes.

I also condemn the Iraq invasion, which was the most cowardly act of violence, this country has ever committed.

And both parties voted for it, but one party will not take responsibility. Gee, I wonder which.
If Bush and his people didn't screw up the political transition in Iraq by blocking the Sunnis from the "new Iraq" at the start.....liberal and losertarian scum would have no shoebox to stand on regarding the Iraq War II.

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