Bush's Lies Caused The Iraq War

Rightwingers like to distract from the event that Bush tried to link Saddam to - 9/11. Even the dumbest of rightwingers should now be convinced that Saddam HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11. However, if any of them still think so - please provide credible proof.

It ain't rocket science...
Amazon.com: Hubris: The Inside Story of Spin, Scandal, and the Selling of the Iraq War (9780307346827): Michael Isikoff, David Corn: Books

This book tells the whole story quite succinctly. For the 10 bucks, it's worth it. They pushed for a war on unsubstantiated claims many of whom came from very unreliable sources. They were looking for any excuse to justify an incursion. Joe Wilson flatly told them before the incursion that he found no evidence to support the yellowcake claims. Then there was Curveball who's testimony was dismissed by the intelligence community because he was unreliable yet it was included in the report to justify going into Iraq. There is a whole litany of irrefutable proof outside of those two examples that all these "reports" were mostly fabricated and stitched together to make a shaky case for the incursion.

Does the book explain why one of Saddam's top military leaders must have lied when he said the WMD's were transported to Syria before the invasion?
He wrote his own book and said it several years after we went to war in Iraq. He also had no contact with Bush's administration.

If you would read the book, it would leave no doubt as to how the whole war went down. They left noting out. It is very thorough.
Let's see... If my memory of history is correct, the US entered the Viet Nam war by first sending in "advisors". Obama is sending in "advisors". So, I wonder in 5 years if Obama will be blamed for creating the modern day Viet Nam for Americans when we have more troops in Iraq getting killed every day? This is no longer "Bush's War". It's going to be Obama's War.

It became his war when he didn't press Maliki to keep troops...he had to keep ill-advised promises to those that blindly voted for his insanity.

'Democrats stopped funding to 'Nam in '75...we see what happened there...Obama retreated from Iraq...and now it comes back to haunt him in much the same way.

History does indeed repeat.
And never will they ever admit to his shortcomings. It will always be either Reagan's or Bush's fault. He could appoint himself dictator and hold power for 30 years and never would anything that happens under his watch be his fault.
Why that would be just wonderful...they subvert the Constitution anyway...I am still waiting for the proclamation from Obama (with a cell phone, and a PEN), to declare the Constitution Null and VOID due to National Security concerns...It's how wannabe Dictator Narcissists roll.
Obama isn't much on dictation, for a dictator. He wants ISIS stopped and 300 green Berets might not be enough. Do we go back in, yes or no? Bush ceased being President 5 years & 5 months ago. "What are we gonna do now"? as the song goes.
Right wingers like to distract from the event that Bush tried to link Saddam to - 9/11. Even the dumbest of right wingers should now be convinced that Saddam HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11. However, if any of them still think so - please provide credible proof.

It ain't rocket science...

Bush never linked Saddam to 9/11

Did President Bush Link Saddam Hussein to 9/11? | Flopping Aces

Mr, Russet: do we have any evidence linking Saddam Hussein or Iraqis to this operation?

Vice President Cheney: NO

Meet the Press
September 16, 2001
Right wingers like to distract from the event that Bush tried to link Saddam to - 9/11. Even the dumbest of right wingers should now be convinced that Saddam HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11. However, if any of them still think so - please provide credible proof.

It ain't rocket science...

Bush never linked Saddam to 9/11

Did President Bush Link Saddam Hussein to 9/11? | Flopping Aces

Mr, Russet: do we have any evidence linking Saddam Hussein or Iraqis to this operation?

Vice President Cheney: NO

Meet the Press
September 16, 2001

Surely you're not that uninformed. I heard and saw Bush live on TV when he first tried to link Saddam to 9/11. I encourage you to Google "bush links saddam to 9/11"...
Right wingers like to distract from the event that Bush tried to link Saddam to - 9/11. Even the dumbest of right wingers should now be convinced that Saddam HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11. However, if any of them still think so - please provide credible proof.

It ain't rocket science...

Bush never linked Saddam to 9/11

Did President Bush Link Saddam Hussein to 9/11? | Flopping Aces

Mr, Russet: do we have any evidence linking Saddam Hussein or Iraqis to this operation?

Vice President Cheney: NO

Meet the Press
September 16, 2001

Surely you're not that uninformed. I heard and saw Bush live on TV when he first tried to link Saddam to 9/11. I encourage you to Google "bush links saddam to 9/11"...
Then LINK IT shit for brains...or is tech your failing?
You have to wonder why liberals are not pissed as hell that Obama did not conduct an investigation with an independent council and why Bush was never brought up on war crimes by the UN and the international community if it was so obvious he deliberately lied.

Let us behold the art of liberal double talk everyone.
Bush never linked Saddam to 9/11

Did President Bush Link Saddam Hussein to 9/11? | Flopping Aces

Mr, Russet: do we have any evidence linking Saddam Hussein or Iraqis to this operation?

Vice President Cheney: NO

Meet the Press
September 16, 2001

Surely you're not that uninformed. I heard and saw Bush live on TV when he first tried to link Saddam to 9/11. I encourage you to Google "bush links saddam to 9/11"...
Then LINK IT shit for brains...or is tech your failing?

Here ya go. The good part is a 2:30 "Saddam aids and protects terrorist including members of al Qaeda" President George W. Bush, State of the Union Address 2003

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Obama isn't much on dictation, for a dictator. He wants ISIS stopped and 300 green Berets might not be enough. Do we go back in, yes or no? Bush ceased being President 5 years & 5 months ago. "What are we gonna do now"? as the song goes.

I don't think that we should put troops on the ground in combat again.
President Obama should have done something to help in Syria, maybe drones there.
Now I think it's too little too late. The genie is out of the bottle so to speak.
Now they have crossed over into Iraq, it's now up to them to defend themselves. they have 15 Billion dollars of our military equipment that was left there.
If they really want their freedom from al-Qaeda terrorists they need to take control of it.

On the other side of the argument.
If al-Qaeda takes over that means our gas prices is going to go up and as they get stronger they will attempt to strike us again here in America.
We have evidence that this time it will be our electric grids. They will kill millions of Americans if they are successful at it.
It's a bad situation either way you look at it.
Obama isn't much on dictation, for a dictator. He wants ISIS stopped and 300 green Berets might not be enough. Do we go back in, yes or no? Bush ceased being President 5 years & 5 months ago. "What are we gonna do now"? as the song goes.

I don't think that we should put troops on the ground in combat again.
President Obama should have done something to help in Syria, maybe drones there.
Now I think it's too little too late. The genie is out of the bottle so to speak.
Now they have crossed over into Iraq, it's now up to them to defend themselves. they have 15 Billion dollars of our military equipment that was left there.
If they really want their freedom from al-Qaeda terrorists they need to take control of it.

On the other side of the argument.
If al-Qaeda takes over that means our gas prices is going to go up and as they get stronger they will attempt to strike us again here in America.
We have evidence that this time it will be our electric grids. They will kill millions of Americans if they are successful at it.
It's a bad situation either way you look at it.
And all the while? Obama has our borders WIDE OPEN...WTF?
You have to wonder why liberals are not pissed as hell that Obama did not conduct an investigation with an independent council and why Bush was never brought up on war crimes by the UN and the international community if it was so obvious he deliberately lied.

Let us behold the art of liberal double talk everyone.

The liberal ART of denial of REAL LIFE.
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Obama isn't much on dictation, for a dictator. He wants ISIS stopped and 300 green Berets might not be enough. Do we go back in, yes or no? Bush ceased being President 5 years & 5 months ago. "What are we gonna do now"? as the song goes.

I don't think that we should put troops on the ground in combat again.
President Obama should have done something to help in Syria, maybe drones there.
Now I think it's too little too late. The genie is out of the bottle so to speak.
Now they have crossed over into Iraq, it's now up to them to defend themselves. they have 15 Billion dollars of our military equipment that was left there.
If they really want their freedom from al-Qaeda terrorists they need to take control of it.

On the other side of the argument.
If al-Qaeda takes over that means our gas prices is going to go up and as they get stronger they will attempt to strike us again here in America.
We have evidence that this time it will be our electric grids. They will kill millions of Americans if they are successful at it.
It's a bad situation either way you look at it.
And all the while? Obama has our borders WIDE OPEN...WTF?

A very crucial election year and the liberals (democrats) are rallying their base and making it seem they care so much for the illegals. They are doing this with children in states governed by republicans with poor children in order to make republicans look like the bad guy.

Notice they are not doing this in california.

It truly is unreal how easy it is for them keep the same narrative. With moronic liberals like TheJedi who are too arrogant to see they are used as pawns for the democratic puppet masters, it is no wonder why they are so successful.

It is similar with the Lerner IRS debacle. They know they have her insulated and they let this leak out on purpose to prevent republican donors from donating.

They are pure scum.
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[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZKd71JxEYzE]olberman bush iraq lie - YouTube[/ame]

Here is our President lying to the world about the connection between Saddam and al Qaeda. It is at .56 on this video.
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yeah....it is no secret saddam had connections with AQ....

what is the point of this fruitless thread?
You have to wonder why liberals are not pissed as hell that Obama did not conduct an investigation with an independent council and why Bush was never brought up on war crimes by the UN and the international community if it was so obvious he deliberately lied.

Let us behold the art of liberal double talk everyone.
Only dipshit Republicans think that liberals are not pissed off at Barack Obama. He was elected specifically to "change" everything that took place at least since Nixon and all he did was give us more of the corporate same.

Why wasn't Bush brought up on war crimes? Because then every Democratic and Republican President would be brought to trial for their war crimes, too. The US would crumble under the truth of what the government has done. That is why Americans insist that Americans be tried under American law, but even due process is optional now. It doesn't apply to everyone. The worst criminals who shame the entire nation are given Presidential pardons. Look at Bush Sr. as soon as he got in there. He pardoned the worst criminals in the Reagan administration. The system protects itself.

It isn't Obama or Bush but the wealthy fuckers who run the government. It is a team effort of the haves to get more for themselves at the expense of the have-nots. It has been going on for decades and We the People voted twice for "change" that we are still waiting for. We gave this asshole his chance, he failed. We gave him another chance because the alternative was a monkey in magic underwear, and yet again, Obama failed to change the system.

Everyone, right, left and center, should be pissed off at Barack Obama for not changing Bush's unbelievable shit. But that's the design. One president passes on enhanced authority to the next, Congress and the Supreme Court approve, and so on and so forth until as much wealth and power is consolidated to as few hands as possible.

This is Fascism, a merger of corporate and state power.
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yeah....it is no secret saddam had connections with AQ....

what is the point of this fruitless thread?

The OP throwing a tantrum for all the world to see and ridicule him on.
I don't think that we should put troops on the ground in combat again.
President Obama should have done something to help in Syria, maybe drones there.
Now I think it's too little too late. The genie is out of the bottle so to speak.
Now they have crossed over into Iraq, it's now up to them to defend themselves. they have 15 Billion dollars of our military equipment that was left there.
If they really want their freedom from al-Qaeda terrorists they need to take control of it.

On the other side of the argument.
If al-Qaeda takes over that means our gas prices is going to go up and as they get stronger they will attempt to strike us again here in America.
We have evidence that this time it will be our electric grids. They will kill millions of Americans if they are successful at it.
It's a bad situation either way you look at it.
And all the while? Obama has our borders WIDE OPEN...WTF?

A very crucial election year and the liberals (democrats) are rallying their base and making it seem they care so much for the illegals. They are doing this with children in states governed by republicand with poor children in order to make republicans look like the bad guy.

Notice they are not doing this in california.

It is similar with the Lerner IRS debacle. They know they have her insulated and they let this leak out on purpose to prevent republican donors from donating.

They are pure scum.
All orchestrated for the mindless among us that could care a WIT of the rule of law...which puts Obama again into the spotlight as thumbing his nose to the law he won't enforce...but to create a CRISIS that only HE and the Statists can handle and make WORSE at OUR expense.

Obama and the left fool themselves...and the gullible.
Bush didn't protect a fucking thing. He lied to invade and torture Iraq.

Obama is simply following Bush's plan, which wasn't even Bush's plan, because Bush isn't that smart, but the plan of the war profiteers who surrounded him.

Stop thinking that Obama is any different than Bush. The only difference is their skin color.

They can now vote, young girls are being educated.
Our troops helped to build schools.
Now it's all going south because this administration does not understand what this is really all about.
And Bush had a clue? You obviously don't want to read Bush's declassified documents because they show that post-invasion planning was a complete catastro-fuck at least since 2002.

Everything that has happened in Iraq since Bush invaded is the fault of the Bush administration. You can't argue against Bush's declassified documents so you make up shit about building schools. Hooray! They have schools! They voted! It's almost like Dick Cheney's predictions from 1994 about Iraq becoming even more of a nightmare after Saddam Hussein was removed aren't happening now, right?

Rebuilding their country is the least that the US could do after annihilating hundreds of thousands of people over lies.

And yes, torture.
The Torture Archive
yeah....it is no secret saddam had connections with AQ....

what is the point of this fruitless thread?

The OP throwing a tantrum for all the world to see and ridicule him on.
Declassified government documents from the Bush administration itself say that every one of those pieces of shit deserves to hang for crimes against humanity, but guess what? So does Obama under the same human rights laws. Why hasn't this happened? Because stupid Americans can't admit that they are wrong. You want small government but you support the drug war and the PATRIOT Act, you want fiscal responsibility but you lie to start expensive wars that never end, you want government accountability but you won't hold your government accountable.

The evidence is there from the Bush administration itself. You just don't want to believe it.

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