Bush's Lies Caused The Iraq War

The OP is ridiculous and contains worse lies than the Bush Admin. has ever been accused of.

The Bush Admin. wanted to eliminate the Hussein regime from the moment they took office.

That was OFFICIAL U.S. POLICY and had been since Clinton's second term.

How hard is that to understand?

One Worlders can't tolerate rogue regimes unless it supports their cause...then it's go in and destroy them. Look at what Obama did to Mubarak, Moe Gaddafi...and attempted to do with ASSAD...and is attempting with Maliki?

People need to wake the HELL up.
The OP is ridiculous and contains worse lies than the Bush Admin. has ever been accused of.

The Bush Admin. wanted to eliminate the Hussein regime from the moment they took office.

That was OFFICIAL U.S. POLICY and had been since Clinton's second term.

How hard is that to understand?

Ya, but the President and his cronies aren't supposed to decide who when we send our kids of to die and kill for. We have a process. It is written in our constitution. These criminals lied to everyone to get permission from us to go kill massive numbers of innocent people. If they hadn't lied we would not have gone to war. If we hadn't gone to war huge numbers of people would not have gotten killed and maimed and our treasure would not have been squandered and given away to the President's cronies and campaign contributors.
Does the book explain why one of Saddam's top military leaders must have lied when he said the WMD's were transported to Syria before the invasion?
Is that a serious question? Do you actually believe that Saddam Hussein secretly shipped his WMD, the reason for Bush going to war, into Syria before the invasion, with the CIA, IAEA, MI6, Pakistan's ISI, and every other intelligence network being ENTIRELY unaware of it?

Do you really think that Saddam Hussein was that smart? Do you really think that George W. Bush was that dumb?

Did all of the intelligence network check out the civilian aircraft?
I believe the guy who wrote his book. He had nothing to do with our government.

The man who served as the no. 2 official in Saddam Hussein's air force says Iraq moved weapons of mass destruction into Syria before the war by loading the weapons into civilian aircraft in which the passenger seats were removed.

The Iraqi general, Georges Sada, makes the charges in a new book, "Saddam's Secrets," released this week. He detailed the transfers in an interview yesterday with The New York Sun.

"There are weapons of mass destruction gone out from Iraq to Syria, and they must be found and returned to safe hands," Mr. Sada said. "I am confident they were taken over."

Do I believe that the Bush administration lied about certain things on this?
Yes I do.
Just like all of the other administrations have done so before.
They all lie about something one way or another in order to get support for their agendas.

It's a matter of which agendas are used for good or bad policies.
In Bushes I think it was for the good of this nation. To get the Talban and al Queda weaker so that they could not take over and kill everyone who refuses to become a radical extremist Muslim.
These people intend to take control over everything in order to hasten their belief to bring in their Messiah who will rule over all of the worlds governments.
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First off, Bush never said Saddam was involved in 9/11, secondly, reports were that there was a presence of some al qaeda in Iraq, whose network was responsible for bringing down the towers, and he would not wait to let them get hold of any of Saddam's possible weapons. And some al qaeda were found to be in Iraq at the start of the war there.
One month, 7 day's after the start of the war-
Al Qaeda Operative Busted In Iraq - CBS News
ByJAIME HOLGUINCBSApril 27, 2003, 12:43 PM

Al Qaeda Operative Busted In Iraq

...Documents discovered recently in the bombed out headquarters of Iraq's intelligence service provide evidence of a direct link between Saddam Hussein's regime and bin Laden's terrorist network, a newspaper reported Sunday.*Papers found Saturday by journalists working for the Sunday Telegraph reveal that an al Qaeda envoy met with officials in Baghdad in March 1998, the newspaper reported.The paper said the documents show that the purpose of the meeting was to establish a relationship between Baghdad and al Qaeda based on their mutual hatred of the United States and Saudi Arabia.*The meeting went so well that it was extended by a week and ended with arrangements being discussed for bin Laden to visit Baghdad, the newspaper said.

The next paragraph:
That report appears to contradict another claim of Powell's — that "going back to the early and mid-1990s when bin Laden was based in Sudan, an al Qaeda source tells us that Saddam and bin Laden reached an understanding that al Qaeda would no longer support activities against Baghdad."

That contact would have predated the 1998 meeting, which was intended to establish a relationship.
So three years passed from this meeting until 9/11. How many more meetings were there between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden? A big fat zero? Wow, what a revelation.

Hussein and bin Laden were not friends. bin Laden hated Saddam Hussein for killing Muslims, and Saddam Hussein hated bin Laden because bin Laden was more popular than him. None of that changes the fact that the Bush administration's own declassified government documents prove that the intelligence on Iraq's WMD capabilities was doctored to justify Bush's invasion in 2003.
So George W. Bush and his big government USAPATRIOT Act spying network didn't know shit about a fucking thing, and STILL invaded Iraq?

That doesn't help Bush at all.
First off, Bush never said Saddam was involved in 9/11, secondly, reports were that there was a presence of some al qaeda in Iraq, whose network was responsible for bringing down the towers, and he would not wait to let them get hold of any of Saddam's possible weapons. And some al qaeda were found to be in Iraq at the start of the war there.
You're still trying for some reason. Why? Nothing that you say can counter Bush's own government documents. Someone found a half-burnt piece of paper that said that someone was in Iraq in 1998? No connections between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda, no connection between Iraq and 9/11, and yes, Bush tried with all of his feeble brain to come up with SOMETHING to tie Iraq to 9/11 to justify his invasion of Iraq. When he couldn't find anything at all, he said, "Look, this is the guy who tried to kill my dad", as if we're supposed to give a shit about his worthless father.

They lied at the UN, they lied to the American people, they lied, period.

Declassified government documents prove it. Read them.
The OP is ridiculous and contains worse lies than the Bush Admin. has ever been accused of.

The Bush Admin. wanted to eliminate the Hussein regime from the moment they took office.

That was OFFICIAL U.S. POLICY and had been since Clinton's second term.

How hard is that to understand?
And they lied to do it. Stop typing and read the DECLASSIFIED GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS.

Bush lied, Cheney lied, Rumsfeld lied, Powell lied, Wolfowitz lied, Rice lied, Tenet lied. They fucking lied. Stop trying to be right, stop trying to blame anyone else. The Bush administration's own paperwork shows that they LIED to invade Iraq in 2003. The paperwork is there for you to read. Stop typing and read.

And Obama and his administration are lying to get their policies too.
Bushes policies made sense in order to protect this country and all of western civilization.
Obama is doing his and it's harming this country.
Bush didn't protect a fucking thing. He lied to invade and torture Iraq.

Obama is simply following Bush's plan, which wasn't even Bush's plan, because Bush isn't that smart, but the plan of the war profiteers who surrounded him.

Stop thinking that Obama is any different than Bush. The only difference is their skin color.
Let's see... If my memory of history is correct, the US entered the Viet Nam war by first sending in "advisors". Obama is sending in "advisors". So, I wonder in 5 years if Obama will be blamed for creating the modern day Viet Nam for Americans when we have more troops in Iraq getting killed every day? This is no longer "Bush's War". It's going to be Obama's War.
The modern-day "Vietnam" was created by the CIA in 1979. It was called Operation Cyclone. The jihad was trained in guerrilla tactics that the CIA adopted from the Viet Cong. The idea was to bog down the Soviet Union in an endless war against a faceless insurgency. It worked very well, as Afghanistan is still proving 13 years after the US invaded.

Afghanistan: Lessons from the Last War
Bush didn't protect a fucking thing. He lied to invade and torture Iraq.

Obama is simply following Bush's plan, which wasn't even Bush's plan, because Bush isn't that smart, but the plan of the war profiteers who surrounded him.

Stop thinking that Obama is any different than Bush. The only difference is their skin color.

They can now vote, young girls are being educated.
Our troops helped to build schools.
Now it's all going south because this administration does not understand what this is really all about.
Let's see... If my memory of history is correct, the US entered the Viet Nam war by first sending in "advisors". Obama is sending in "advisors". So, I wonder in 5 years if Obama will be blamed for creating the modern day Viet Nam for Americans when we have more troops in Iraq getting killed every day? This is no longer "Bush's War". It's going to be Obama's War.

It became his war when he didn't press Maliki to keep troops...he had to keep ill-advised promises to those that blindly voted for his insanity.

'Democrats stopped funding to 'Nam in '75...we see what happened there...Obama retreated from Iraq...and now it comes back to haunt him in much the same way.

History does indeed repeat.
Does the book explain why one of Saddam's top military leaders must have lied when he said the WMD's were transported to Syria before the invasion?
He wrote his own book and said it several years after we went to war in Iraq. He also had no contact with Bush's administration.
Say what? Yeah, when despotic leaders get in trouble, they send all their weapons to an enemy or rival country?

Not to mention, how is it possible for a convoy of semi-trailors, to drive over a 1000 miles across open desert, in one of the most watched areas in the world, with satellites that could read a license plate from space and have no one notice?

Just ridiculous!
He absolutely lied about the wmds.

So did a plethora of DEMOCRATS including yer BOY Clinton...Just REVISE history...right?:eusa_hand:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSwSDvgw5Uc"]Democrats, WMD's & The Iraq War - YouTube[/ame]


lol Ouch..

There's no ouch involved. You two are the biggest idiots on this site. You're just mad because your lies make no sense. The wars in the Middle East belong to your president. The dope you voted for, GW Bush.
First off, Bush never said Saddam was involved in 9/11, secondly, reports were that there was a presence of some al qaeda in Iraq, whose network was responsible for bringing down the towers, and he would not wait to let them get hold of any of Saddam's possible weapons. And some al qaeda were found to be in Iraq at the start of the war there.
You're still trying for some reason. Why? Nothing that you say can counter Bush's own government documents. Someone found a half-burnt piece of paper that said that someone was in Iraq in 1998? No connections between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda, no connection between Iraq and 9/11, and yes, Bush tried with all of his feeble brain to come up with SOMETHING to tie Iraq to 9/11 to justify his invasion of Iraq. When he couldn't find anything at all, he said, "Look, this is the guy who tried to kill my dad", as if we're supposed to give a shit about his worthless father.

They lied at the UN, they lied to the American people, they lied, period.

Declassified government documents prove it. Read them.

You are so full of it, KNB. I have read much more than you ever will, regarding government documents. You only see what you want to see. You are just as bad as any Alex Jones, et al, out there. Surprised you haven't claimed he also brought down building 7 and the pentagon as well.
Let's see... If my memory of history is correct, the US entered the Viet Nam war by first sending in "advisors". Obama is sending in "advisors". So, I wonder in 5 years if Obama will be blamed for creating the modern day Viet Nam for Americans when we have more troops in Iraq getting killed every day? This is no longer "Bush's War". It's going to be Obama's War.

It became his war when he didn't press Maliki to keep troops...he had to keep ill-advised promises to those that blindly voted for his insanity.

'Democrats stopped funding to 'Nam in '75...we see what happened there...Obama retreated from Iraq...and now it comes back to haunt him in much the same way.

History does indeed repeat.
And never will they ever admit to his shortcomings. It will always be either Reagan's or Bush's fault. He could appoint himself dictator and hold power for 30 years and never would anything that happens under his watch be his fault.
Does the book explain why one of Saddam's top military leaders must have lied when he said the WMD's were transported to Syria before the invasion?
He wrote his own book and said it several years after we went to war in Iraq. He also had no contact with Bush's administration.
Say what? Yeah, when despotic leaders get in trouble, they send all their weapons to an enemy or rival country?

Not to mention, how is it possible for a convoy of semi-trailors, to drive over a 1000 miles across open desert, in one of the most watched areas in the world, with satellites that could read a license plate from space and have no one notice?

Just ridiculous!

FLASHBACK: Where did Saddam's WMD go? To Syria ... - World Tribune | World Tribune
PJ Media » Satellite Photos Support Testimony That Iraqi WMD Went to Syria
Saddam used civilian planes and about 50 trucks.
Does the book explain why one of Saddam's top military leaders must have lied when he said the WMD's were transported to Syria before the invasion?
He wrote his own book and said it several years after we went to war in Iraq. He also had no contact with Bush's administration.
Say what? Yeah, when despotic leaders get in trouble, they send all their weapons to an enemy or rival country?

Not to mention, how is it possible for a convoy of semi-trailors, to drive over a 1000 miles across open desert, in one of the most watched areas in the world, with satellites that could read a license plate from space and have no one notice?

Just ridiculous!

FLASHBACK: Where did Saddam's WMD go? To Syria ... - World Tribune | World Tribune
PJ Media » Satellite Photos Support Testimony That Iraqi WMD Went to Syria
Saddam used civilian planes and about 50 trucks.

I didn't read your links, so this may have been mentioned, but they also had interviews with some of Saddam's people that stated they had been moved to Syria as well.

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