Bush's Lies Caused The Iraq War

President Bush could not have gone to war without the support of Congress and the Senate and you bloody well know it.

President Bush could not have gotten the support of Congress without lying to them about intelligence reports and Saddam's connections to al Qaeda the way he did in his State of the Union Address on live TV in front of the whole nation and world.

So, in you mind he couldn't be wrong he had to have been lying. Even though all of Congress had access to the same intel. Even though Hillary said exactly the same things and she had a direct line to the ex-president? Who even said the same things as Bush.

It is those with BDS that are making up lies.

Holy crap, Bush stood up in front of the whole friggin world on January 28, 2003 and said Saddam was supporting and connected to al Qaeda when all his intelligence agencies told him otherwise. It was a blatant lie made two months before the Iraq invasion. Everybody saw it live. It was the friggin STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS in front of the ENTIRE CONGRESS, SUPREME COURT AND BROADCAST BY EVERY MAJOR NEWS ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD. You can watch it on video. It's available all over the net. Even youtube has it. I've posted the link several times.
Given I saw the classified documents for the invasion before some of them were leaked to the world at the UN by Powell and I've seen classified documents on Iraq that you will never see.....shut the fuck up.

Go find a highway in CA and get run over by a truck today.

oh yeah, cocksucker....kooks like you inventing conspiracy stories that even liberals don't latch on to....
Like I said, you don't know enough about the subject to even discuss it with, junior.
Given I saw the classified documents for the invasion before some of them were leaked to the world at the UN by Powell and I've seen classified documents on Iraq that you will never see.....shut the fuck up.

Go find a highway in CA and get run over by a truck today.
What you saw, don't mean shit!

Bush told the British he was going to "fix the intel" so he could get support for attacking Iraq.

That's the smoking gun, which is the basis of all his lies.
Holy crap, Bush stood up in front of the whole friggin world on January 28, 2003 and said Saddam was supporting and connected to al Qaeda when all his intelligence agencies told him otherwise. It was a blatant lie made two months before the Iraq invasion. Everybody saw it live. It was the friggin STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS in front of the ENTIRE CONGRESS, SUPREME COURT AND BROADCAST BY EVERY MAJOR NEWS ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD. You can watch it on video. It's available all over the net. Even youtube has it. I've posted the link several times.
These fucking assholes were wrong then and they're wrong now.

Why would anyone listen to them again?
Look at you fucking people. Look at your god-damned selves. Not a fucking one of you Republicans even bothered to read the declassified government documents which prove that lies were used to justify the Iraq invasion of 2003.

Look at your very first response. Childish fucking prattle like, "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!" spurred several of you blithering talking monkeys to give that mindless shit a "thank you"? You people don't even have an argument because you can't argue against the Bush administration's own declassified government documents.

"Liberals are stupid." "Democrats voted for the war, too." "All we did was waterboard some people." "ISIS seized an old run-down building so it proves that Iraq has WMD."

None of this ultimately matters. It won't stop. You fucking people can't learn. It's sick. You people are insane and it doesn't matter what the truth really is because in your fucked-up minds, the "truth" is whatever you want it to be.

Washington, DC, November 5, 2007 - CBS News’ 60 Minutes exposure last night of the Iraqi agent known as CURVEBALL has put a major aspect of the Bush administration’s case for war against Iraq back under the spotlight.

Rafid Ahmed Alwan’s charges that Iraq possessed stockpiles of biological weapons and the mobile plants to produce them formed a critical part of the U.S. justification for the invasion in Spring 2003. Secretary of State Colin L. Powell’s celebrated and globally televised briefing to the United Nations Security Council on February 5, 2003, relied on CURVEBALL as the main source of intelligence on the biological issue.

Today the National Security Archive posts the available public record on CURVEBALL’s information derived from declassified sources and former officials’ accounts.

While most of the documentary record on the issue remains classified, the materials published here today underscore the precarious nature of the intelligence gathering and analytical process, and point to the existence of doubts about CURVEBALL’s authenticity before his charges were featured in the Bush administration’s public claims about Iraq.
The Record on CURVEBALL

Keep hiding behind the safety of your computers and your pride, you sick fucking lunatics.

Wow, you seriously need some xanax or a rubber room. lol
Given I saw the classified documents for the invasion before some of them were leaked to the world at the UN by Powell and I've seen classified documents on Iraq that you will never see.....shut the fuck up.

Go find a highway in CA and get run over by a truck today.
What you saw, don't mean shit!

Bush told the British he was going to "fix the intel" so he could get support for attacking Iraq.

That's the smoking gun, which is the basis of all his lies.

Lets not forget :up: Doug Feith was also planting pro-war propoganda in the foreign press in order to gin-up support for the optional war-for-profit that turned out to be anything but. (I should just put the below quote in my siggie to remind eXtreme Repub-voters here ;) )

Douglas J. Feith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bush administration

Feith joined the administration of President George W. Bush as Undersecretary of Defense for Policy in 2001. His appointment was facilitated by connections he had with other neoconservatives, including Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz. With his new appointment in hand, Feith proved influential in having Richard Perle chosen as chairman of the Defense Policy Board. Feith was criticized during the first term of the Bush administration for creating the Office of Strategic Influence. This office came into existence to support the War on Terror. The office's aim was to influence policymakers by submitting biased news stories into the foreign media. Feith played a significant role in the buildup to the Iraq war

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Well , Clinton said way before Bush was in office that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. So yeah. If anyone is to blame it is Clinton

Of course, it's all Obama's fault. Now that we have that out of the way, Republicans are free to review the declassified Bush government documents which prove that the information on Iraq's WMD was fabricated to justify the preemptive invasion and all consequences thereafter.

The material presented in this electronic briefing book includes both essential pre-war documentation and documents produced or released subsequent to the start of military action in March 2003. Pre-war documentation includes the major unclassified U.S. and British assessments of Iraq's WMD programs; the IAEA and UNSCOM reports covering the final period prior to their 1998 departure, and between November 27, 2002, and February 2003; the transcript of a key speech by President Bush; a statement of U.S. policy toward combating WMD; the transcript of and slides for Secretary Powell's presentation to the U.N. on February 5, 2003; and documents from the 1980s and 1990's concerning various aspects of Iraqi WMD activities.
Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction

The documents suggest that the public relations push for war came before the intelligence analysis, which then conformed to public positions taken by Pentagon and White House officials. For example, a July 2002 draft of the "White Paper" ultimately issued by the CIA in October 2002 actually pre-dated the National Intelligence Estimate that the paper purportedly summarized, but which Congress did not insist on until September 2002.
U.S. Intelligence and Iraq WMD

Washington, D.C., October 4, 2010 - For nearly a year before the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the British government of Prime Minister Tony Blair collaborated closely with the George W. Bush administration to produce a far starker picture of the threat from Saddam Hussein and his weapons of mass destruction (WMD) than was justified by intelligence at the time, according to British and American government documents posted today by the National Security Archive.

With the aim of strengthening the political case for going to war, both governments regularly coordinated their assessments, the records show, occasionally downplaying and even eliminating points of disagreement over the available intelligence. The new materials, acquired largely through the U.K. Freedom of Information Act and often featuring less redacted versions of previously released records, also reveal that the Blair administration, far earlier than has been appreciated until now, utilized public relations specialists to help craft the formal intelligence “white papers” about Iraq’s WMD program.

At one point, even though intelligence officials were skeptical, the British went so far as to incorporate in their white paper allegations about Saddam’s nuclear ambitions because they had been made publicly by President Bush and Vice President Cheney.
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART III: Shaping the Debate

Washington, DC, March 19, 2013 – The U.S. invasion of Iraq turned out to be a textbook case of flawed assumptions, wrong-headed intelligence, propaganda manipulation, and administrative ad hockery, according to the National Security Archive's briefing book of declassified documents posted today to mark the 10th anniversary of the war.

The Archive's documentary primer includes the famous Downing Street memo ("intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy"), the POLO STEP PowerPoint invasion plans (assuming out of existence any possible insurgency), an FBI interview with Saddam Hussein in captivity (he said he lied about weapons of mass destruction to keep Iran guessing and deterred), and the infamous National Intelligence Estimate about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction (wrong in its findings, but with every noted dissent turning out to be accurate).

"These dozen documents provide essential reading for anyone trying to understand the Iraq war," remarked Joyce Battle, Archive senior analyst who is compiling a definitive reference collection of declassified documents on the Iraq War. "At a moment when the public is debating the costs and consequences of the U.S. invasion, these primary sources refresh the memory and ground the discussion with contemporary evidence."

A decade after the U.S. invasion of Iraq (March 19, 2003), the debate continues over whether the United States truly believed that Iraq's supposed WMD capabilities posed an imminent danger, and whether the results of the engagement have been worth the high costs to both countries. To mark the 10 th anniversary of the start of hostilities, the National Security Archive has posted a selection of essential historical documents framing the key elements of one of America's most significant foreign policy choices of recent times. The records elucidate the decision to go to war, to administer a post-invasion Iraq, and to sell the idea to Congress, the media, and the public at large.
The Iraq War Ten Years After
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Well , Clinton said way before Bush was in office that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. So yeah. If anyone is to blame it is Clinton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0f5u_0ytUs

Of course, it's all Obama's fault. Now that we have that out of the way, Republicans are free to review the declassified Bush government documents which prove that the information on Iraq's WMD was fabricated to justify the preemptive invasion and all consequences thereafter.

The material presented in this electronic briefing book includes both essential pre-war documentation and documents produced or released subsequent to the start of military action in March 2003. Pre-war documentation includes the major unclassified U.S. and British assessments of Iraq's WMD programs; the IAEA and UNSCOM reports covering the final period prior to their 1998 departure, and between November 27, 2002, and February 2003; the transcript of a key speech by President Bush; a statement of U.S. policy toward combating WMD; the transcript of and slides for Secretary Powell's presentation to the U.N. on February 5, 2003; and documents from the 1980s and 1990's concerning various aspects of Iraqi WMD activities.
Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction

Washington, DC, March 19, 2013 – The U.S. invasion of Iraq turned out to be a textbook case of flawed assumptions, wrong-headed intelligence, propaganda manipulation, and administrative ad hockery, according to the National Security Archive's briefing book of declassified documents posted today to mark the 10th anniversary of the war.

The Archive's documentary primer includes the famous Downing Street memo ("intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy"), the POLO STEP PowerPoint invasion plans (assuming out of existence any possible insurgency), an FBI interview with Saddam Hussein in captivity (he said he lied about weapons of mass destruction to keep Iran guessing and deterred), and the infamous National Intelligence Estimate about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction (wrong in its findings, but with every noted dissent turning out to be accurate).

"These dozen documents provide essential reading for anyone trying to understand the Iraq war," remarked Joyce Battle, Archive senior analyst who is compiling a definitive reference collection of declassified documents on the Iraq War. "At a moment when the public is debating the costs and consequences of the U.S. invasion, these primary sources refresh the memory and ground the discussion with contemporary evidence."

A decade after the U.S. invasion of Iraq (March 19, 2003), the debate continues over whether the United States truly believed that Iraq's supposed WMD capabilities posed an imminent danger, and whether the results of the engagement have been worth the high costs to both countries. To mark the 10 th anniversary of the start of hostilities, the National Security Archive has posted a selection of essential historical documents framing the key elements of one of America's most significant foreign policy choices of recent times. The records elucidate the decision to go to war, to administer a post-invasion Iraq, and to sell the idea to Congress, the media, and the public at large.
The Iraq War Ten Years After
And 9/11...:eusa_whistle:
No fan of George II, but the justifications pre date his reign. The same false intel was promulgated when Clinton was in office.
If anything, blame the "intelligence" community for laying on the bullshit so thick even skeptical folks could be fooled into believing it.

These were the same kind of folks who got all their "intel" hanging out in the Hotel Caravelle bar in Saigon thirty years earlier.
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Shit-eating kook...

The intel gathered by the UK and US showed Saddam was moving, digging up, burying shit non-stop before IAEA inspection teams would arrive in country and on location.

Saddam had spies on the IAEA team that told him in advance where the inspections would take place and Saddam would stall numerous times which caused Bill Clinton to drop bombs on Iraq to make them comply with the UN.

Shit-eaters like you with your kook information are a joke to me, because Saddam wouldn't go through all that trouble and different intel agencies come up with the same conclusions using different collection methods/sources if he really had no WMD "left" from his stockpiles.

WMD was found in Iraq just not at the expected levels. Saddam most likely moved the shit to Syria with help from Russia. You know Russia that is currently helping Assad and was helping Saddam prior to his removal from power.

This is all too deep for your inbred brain, so I advise you to find a good spot on the 405 and just go out...

Given I saw the classified documents for the invasion before some of them were leaked to the world at the UN by Powell and I've seen classified documents on Iraq that you will never see.....shut the fuck up.

Go find a highway in CA and get run over by a truck today.
What you saw, don't mean shit!

Bush told the British he was going to "fix the intel" so he could get support for attacking Iraq.

That's the smoking gun, which is the basis of all his lies.
Wow, you seriously need some xanax or a rubber room. lol
LOL fucking DERP! LOL! More Americans died in Iraq over Bush's lies than died on 9/11 which Iraq wasn't involved with. Fucking LOL! Hooray for constant war over lies!

The Bush administration lied, you stupid talking monkeys. They lied. The proof is there. Stop responding, stop trying to be right, and just read. What I want and need is some JUSTICE in this shitbrick country. While your big government wants to throw me in a cage for using the only medicine that keeps me from going into convulsions, your big government is also lying to the world and torturing POWs in an endless bullshit war like we're a nation of mongrels straight out of 1984.

It doesn't matter what Clinton said because Clinton was a liar, too. How many of you Republicans here don't think so? The GOP impeached Clinton for lying about a blowjob, so do you think that Clinton told the truth about Iraq? Bush lied about Iraq, regardless of anything said by anyone else on Earth.
Shit-eating kook...

The intel gathered by the UK and US showed Saddam was moving, digging up, burying shit non-stop before IAEA inspection teams would arrive in country and on location.

Saddam had spies on the IAEA team that told him in advance where the inspections would take place and Saddam would stall numerous times which caused Bill Clinton to drop bombs on Iraq to make them comply with the UN.

Shit-eaters like you with your kook information are a joke to me, because Saddam wouldn't go through all that trouble and different intel agencies come up with the same conclusions using different collection methods/sources if he really had no WMD "left" from his stockpiles.

WMD was found in Iraq just not at the expected levels. Saddam most likely moved the shit to Syria with help from Russia. You know Russia that is currently helping Assad and was helping Saddam prior to his removal from power.

This is all too deep for your inbred brain, so I advise you to find a good spot on the 405 and just go out...

No WMD in Iraq means NO WMD IN IRAQ. There was nothing there that posed a threat to America.

There weren't any WMD attacks against American soldiers because there weren't any WMD in Iraq. Saddam Moriarty didn't have "spies at the top of the IAEA" or whatever the fuck. He was a contained madman without WMD. Saddam Hussein was not a threat to the US after 9/11 and was not involved with 9/11, but the Bush administration wanted Hussein gone so they fabricated the intelligence that they needed to justify their unjustifiable torture war.
Another dumb shit posting about Bush lying. It was proven otherwise, now the Dem dupes are the ones lying.

Nut jobs continue to play stupid.
Wow, you seriously need some xanax or a rubber room. lol
LOL fucking DERP! LOL! More Americans died in Iraq over Bush's lies than died on 9/11 which Iraq wasn't involved with. Fucking LOL! Hooray for constant war over lies!

The Bush administration lied, you stupid talking monkeys. They lied. The proof is there. Stop responding, stop trying to be right, and just read. What I want and need is some JUSTICE in this shitbrick country. While your big government wants to throw me in a cage for using the only medicine that keeps me from going into convulsions, your big government is also lying to the world and torturing POWs in an endless bullshit war like we're a nation of mongrels straight out of 1984.

It doesn't matter what Clinton said because Clinton was a liar, too. How many of you Republicans here don't think so? The GOP impeached Clinton for lying about a blowjob, so do you think that Clinton told the truth about Iraq? Bush lied about Iraq, regardless of anything said by anyone else on Earth.

WTF?! You're foaming like John Wayne Gacey because you think the Gubmint wants to take your fucking weed??? LMFAO:cuckoo::eek: You need more than weed.. trust me.. Get a fucking lobotomy.. it could only help in your case.
So, in you mind he couldn't be wrong he had to have been lying. Even though all of Congress had access to the same intel. Even though Hillary said exactly the same things and she had a direct line to the ex-president? Who even said the same things as Bush.

It is those with BDS that are making up lies.
Bush told the British he was going to "fix the intel" around the policy, then he went out and did it.

It was pre-meditated, illegal and the worst thing a President has done in office.
None of which you have any hope of proving.
Another dumb shit posting about Bush lying. It was proven otherwise, now the Dem dupes are the ones lying.

Nut jobs continue to play stupid.

No it wasn't. Show us the dumb ass link that proves Bush didn't lie. There are lots of links here actually showing him lie of video. There are long lists of quotes of his various lies with detailed links and sources. So who proved he didn't lie and made you not believe you ly'n eyes?
You're a lying sack of shit, the Army and Marines found difference caches of WMDs.

Scum like you said it didn't count because it was "out-dated." :cuckoo: Oh my bad....a psycho fuck shit eater like you doesn't even think it even existed.

Your knowledge about Saddam and IAEA connections is as deep as your knowledge of WMD "found" in Iraq.

Shit-eating kook...

The intel gathered by the UK and US showed Saddam was moving, digging up, burying shit non-stop before IAEA inspection teams would arrive in country and on location.

Saddam had spies on the IAEA team that told him in advance where the inspections would take place and Saddam would stall numerous times which caused Bill Clinton to drop bombs on Iraq to make them comply with the UN.

Shit-eaters like you with your kook information are a joke to me, because Saddam wouldn't go through all that trouble and different intel agencies come up with the same conclusions using different collection methods/sources if he really had no WMD "left" from his stockpiles.

WMD was found in Iraq just not at the expected levels. Saddam most likely moved the shit to Syria with help from Russia. You know Russia that is currently helping Assad and was helping Saddam prior to his removal from power.

This is all too deep for your inbred brain, so I advise you to find a good spot on the 405 and just go out...

No WMD in Iraq means NO WMD IN IRAQ. There was nothing there that posed a threat to America.

There weren't any WMD attacks against American soldiers because there weren't any WMD in Iraq. Saddam Moriarty didn't have "spies at the top of the IAEA" or whatever the fuck. He was a contained madman without WMD. Saddam Hussein was not a threat to the US after 9/11 and was not involved with 9/11, but the Bush administration wanted Hussein gone so they fabricated the intelligence that they needed to justify their unjustifiable torture war.
Please tell, shitbag....I'm sure you will give us evidence Bush used his Jedi mind tricks on the British. :cuckoo:
If you never heard of this, then you don't know enough about the subject to even participate in a discussion about it.

Downing Street memo

The "Downing Street memo" (or the "Downing Street Minutes"), sometimes described by critics of the Iraq War as the "smoking gun memo", is the note of a secret 23 July 2002 meeting of senior British Labour government, defence and intelligence figures discussing the build-up to the war, which included direct reference to classified United States policy of the time. The name refers to 10 Downing Street, the residence of the British prime minister.

The memo recorded the head of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) as expressing the view following his recent visit to Washington that "[George W.] Bush wanted to remove Saddam Hussein, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy."
Maybe you should back out now and go to some "bounce ball" thread?
Maybe you should post a primary source rather than a Wiki interpretation.

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