I would like to see America become MORE nationalist say like Japan. Doing for YOUR country before others is NOT racist or bigoted its NEEDED to even have a country.
The far-right nationalist parties need to push out the self-destructive parties that are in power and drive out the migrants and so-called refugees whose sole purpose is to destroy the west.
It is unfortunate that the least desirable races are the most prolific.
It is unfortunate that the least desirable races are the most prolific.
there is justice here. If white people don't want to have children they should be eliminated.

If someone wants prosperity fo himself and his nation he has to reproduce.
You guys above need a chant, it helps bring thoughtless people together. I suggest given your desires this one:

Surprised it's taken so long. Haven't Europeans had enough of the Left yet? Look at what it's done to their nations? It's destroyed most of the Immigration Systems over there. It's a chaotic mess now. And the Left is fully responsible. But the Left does hand out a whole lotta Freebies. They continue getting elected. It's very sad.
I would like to see America become MORE nationalist say like Japan. Doing for YOUR country before others is NOT racist or bigoted its NEEDED to even have a country.
japan is about 95% homogeneous...they share a language, culture, history and heritage...They don't have "diversity" problems like we do.
Shows that you don't have a clue as to reality, how is it that the most overpopulated nations happen to be the poorest and most corrupt. A land can only sustain a certain number of people and once you exceed that number you start to face problems with health and welfare that needs to be paid for. In the UK we are facing a welfare crisis with so few working and paying into the pension pot that retired people are now struggling to live, all down to increasing immigration and migrant births.

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