Businessman David McCormick: Trump endorsed Oz days after I made it clear I wouldnt say 2020 is stolen, new book Superpower In Peril ahead of 2024 run

We'll see ------- it's a long time to November, 2024. WHAT a circus we've got rolling in.

Indeed it is. But if McCormick doesn't support Trump next year, and further, seeks the support of establishment GOP'ers who hate us Trumpsters, I can't see voting for him. I guess there is time for him to earn my vote, if he wants it. Or maybe he just wants to "maintain his patriotic integrity" and lose respectfully?
Indeed it is. But if McCormick doesn't support Trump next year, and further, seeks the support of establishment GOP'ers who hate us Trumpsters, I can't see voting for him. I guess there is time for him to earn my vote, if he wants it. Or maybe he just wants to "maintain his patriotic integrity" and lose respectfully?
I'm for free thought and free speech for everyone, even those of us on the right.
I'm for free thought and free speech for everyone, even those of us on the right.

I can agree with that. McCormick certainly is entitled to run and have his own opinions on political issues.

OTOH, I have a right to choose to vote for someone or not. And I'm inclined at this point to be in the "not" category with Mr. McCormick should he run and be nominated.
Indeed it is. But if McCormick doesn't support Trump next year, and further, seeks the support of establishment GOP'ers who hate us Trumpsters, I can't see voting for him. I guess there is time for him to earn my vote, if he wants it. Or maybe he just wants to "maintain his patriotic integrity" and lose respectfully?

If he runs for senate it will be against Bob Casey who is in his 3 term I think.
Easier to have been a serious candidate this time
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Wasn't Trump vindicated when idiot democrats elected Fetterman? Aren't there more important political issues to deal with these days?
If he runs for senate it will be against Bob Casey who is in his 3 term I think.
Easier to been a serious candidate this time
Well, maybe not Casey. I suspect McCormick is watching the progress of Fetterman's hospitalization with great interest. He may well have to give up his seat; and then another Dem would be appointed close to the election, and what an interesting election that would be then with recent incumbent versus McCormick. I have some hopes of that Senate seat.
Wasn't Trump vindicated when idiot democrats elected Fetterman? Aren't there more important political issues to deal with these days?

Because President Trump had the proper position on almost every issue.
So whatever issue that you are concerned about, chances are better with someone that agrees with President Trump.
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Well, maybe not Casey. I suspect McCormick is watching the progress of Fetterman's hospitalization with great interest. He may well have to give up his seat; and then another Dem would be appointed close to the election, and what an interesting election that would be then with recent incumbent versus McCormick. I have some hopes of that Senate seat.

And this one is worse.

In Georgia, we had the Trump Endorsed Walker for the Senate. He lost to Warnock. When Republicans won every other statewide race. Let me repeat and expand upon that. Republicans won every other statewide race without a runoff. That means with a clear majority of voters. But the Trump Endorsed Walker lost. He came second in the General and last in the Runoff.

Oz was endorsed by Trump. And lost. Kari Lake. And the list goes on and on. A majority of Trump endorsed Candidates lost. While Republicans who ran on common sense and truth won.

Claiming that running against Trump is a sure way to lose is not supported by facts. It isn’t supported by the evidence.

The problem is that the Trump Supporters refuse to believe they are in the minority. They just won’t believe that a majority disagree with them.

Worse, the rabid Trump Supporters won’t even consider that Trump is not a great man, a great leader, or a poor judge of the public.

If you argue that the Candidates who lost were not good candidates, then you are stuck. If Trump said they were great and big time winners, how was he wrong?

Maybe McCormick is a better choice. Maybe not. But one thing we can say is he has more integrity. He wouldn’t lie. Now Honor and Integrity may not much of a place in Politics. But it certainly shows he is a better man than those Trump endorsed.
i have the book in pdf and audiobook format, if enough interest is shown in this thread, i'll post some excerpts from the book and we'll discuss and debate! woohoo! this guy is gonna run for Senate or House in Pennsylvania! he's a moderate/establishment-oriented GOP businessman with an eye toward foreign policy

election day 2020 was a beautiful day, the most secure election ever!

McCormick is part of the Bush/Cheney hedge fund money crowd on the GOP side. I want nothing to do with him.
more from McCormick's book:

"All these experiences came flooding back that Friday night in Westmoreland County. From Main Street to Wall Street to the proving grounds of the 82nd Airborne, I’ve seen this country from many angles. I’ve worked in finance, but I’ve also helped create jobs on Main Street Pennsylvania. I’ve done business around the world, but I’ve also played a unique and powerful role in defending America from the predations of the Chinese Communist Party. I’ve been in government but also in combat in Iraq. It’s been an extraordinary blessing to live a life that’s only possible in America.

Presumably because of these experiences, President Trump had interviewed me to be Treasury secretary, asked me to be his deputy secretary of defense, and appointed me to his Defense Policy Board. During my Senate run, I supported and campaigned on many of his policies, and my wife had served honorably as his deputy national security adviser. So I’ll admit I was surprised to hear the president attack me"
watch live here

Regardless of Mr. McCormick's experiences, is he really going to be able to work with President Trump in 2025 if he is elected to the Senate? If he isn't going to be able to, and he wants Sleepy Joe to schlong Trump next year, what is that going to say about his effectiveness?

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