Bust Up the US No Go Zones

According to those who have investigated there are, Stat. Now what is needed is a clearer definition of what is a no go zone. I believe people are getting hung up on the terminology rather than examining the danger that Americans are facing right now.

Right, exactly my point as well.

Absolutely. We agree on this. It's getting lost in translation. On the other comment. Of course I know you are a Jew and I also know what you believe and respect you for it.

You also know that I have never said once on this board that I hated Muslims. I do not despise Muslims. I despise Islam. It's a religious politico cancer that destroys anything it touches. As for Muslims? I believe God loves them and wants to save them through salvation in Christ. That is what all born again Christians believe.

Born again Christians never had a crusade against any human life. Ever. That was the Roman Catholic Church that did that (they have always used armies,inquisitions, burning people at the stake, torturing them, burying them alive, violence, backhanded - underhanded methods) and that is why I make the distinction - even though some Catholics probably wish that I would not. I have Jewish friends who lost family in the holocaust and later watched as the Jesuits and Vatican gave refuge, aided and abetted the nazis helping them financially to escape - to places like Argentina. It's despicable, Stat. The Jesuits helped Eichmann escape to Argentina and he admitted this openly to the Mossad team that captured him.

They have misrepresented Jesus Christ and the Gospel because they deny the Word of God and encourage others to follow their evil ways making them twice the sons of hell they already are.

Are you saying that Catholics, who are by far the majority of Christians across the world, are somehow not Christians?

Crazy, Scene Two. Take one, go!


It only took you one scene. See your own thread - Pope is a Communist. Thanks.

Pope is a Communist. Thanks.

Yes he is having a communist party tele conference on Thursday
They are plotting against the American people which means they are plotting against the America. They are the enemy and should be handled by the military. Let them sort it out. Gitmo is the best place for them until then.
That is only if they surrender peacefully. If they fight, they should be slaughtered, like any enemy, in any war.

Yes, I do not believe in the courageous restraint medal. I cannot believe our military ever accepted such an idea. If our military is under fire they need to shoot back.
You know I just noticed that they moved this thread from politics to Conspiracy Theories Hey dumbshit moderators! US no go zones are FACT (long-established), and we have shown mountains of evidence of that, right here. Now please get your heads out of your asses, and put this thread back where it belongs.
I do not think it matters. It's being read. That is what counts.
They are plotting against the American people which means they are plotting against the America. They are the enemy and should be handled by the military. Let them sort it out. Gitmo is the best place for them until then.
That is only if they surrender peacefully. If they fight, they should be slaughtered, like any enemy, in any war.

Yes, I do not believe in the courageous restraint medal. I cannot believe our military ever accepted such an idea. If our military is under fire they need to shoot back.
You know I just noticed that they moved this thread from politics to Conspiracy Theories Hey dumbshit moderators! US no go zones are FACT (long-established), and we have shown mountains of evidence of that, right here. Now please get your heads out of your asses, and put this thread back where it belongs.

Are these two the only idiots here who think that there are jihadist training camps currently operating in the US?

Anyone else?


Our little Adolph here seems to have a hard time understanding the difference between public and private.
When it comes to defending the American people from enemy combatants, there is no difference, dumbass.

Are you saying that every Muslim in America is an enemy combatant? Adolph would be proud of you.
But that's not the topic of your crappy OP. You have claimed that there are no-go zones in the USA where non-muslims cannot go. So, where are they? You have showed not one public place where Shariah law has been established in the USA.

Are you saying that every American is an enemy combatant against you, and your jihadist friends ?

You see, here is where you show your stupidity the most. I have no jihadist friends. I am a Jew and am strongly against all forms of terrorism. Only, unlike a seditious traitor like you who would rip up the US Constitution to get what he wants, I respect it, little Adolph.
Ripping the US Constitution (Article 6, Section 2) is what YOU are doing, Mohammed. You have no respect for it. But why would you ? You're a jihadist, right ? That's how you show yourself to be. And as the jihadist that you are, you are also in violation of US Codes 2384 & 2385 - that makes you a seditious traitor. You should be arrested for treason, tired, convicted, and executed.
After we get the enclaves ripped up (but the buildings saved), I say we make them animal shelters for mostly homeless cats. They could also have provisions for spay & neuter clinic, and then release the cats back out , if they can't get adopted. The land could be made into public parks or sold in pieces to the public to bolster up the state treasuries.
After we get the enclaves ripped up (but the buildings saved), I say we make them animal shelters for mostly homeless cats. They could also have provisions for spay & neuter clinic, and then release the cats back out , if they can't get adopted. The land could be made into public parks or sold in pieces to the public to bolster up the state treasuries.

Go change your depends
After we get the enclaves ripped up (but the buildings saved), I say we make them animal shelters for mostly homeless cats. They could also have provisions for spay & neuter clinic, and then release the cats back out , if they can't get adopted. The land could be made into public parks or sold in pieces to the public to bolster up the state treasuries.

Wow! That's a great idea! Maybe you aren't completely nuts after all!
The jihadists who we capture from the enclaves should be interrogated to the point of having their brains fall out. Anybody see Jack Bauer ripping up those ragheads in the CTU interrogation room ? I can think of a better way to get them to talk. Put them in a cage next to a hungry grizzly bear with their arm sticking into the big boy's cage. Let him chew on the warm for a while. If the jihad loons really want to go see Allah and get their 72 virgins, et's have them do it the hard way - if they won't give us the information we need (TO SAVE INNOCENT LIVES)

BTW - Hey ragheads! They made a mistake about those 72 virgins.
It wasn't 72 virgins. It was one virgin. 72 YEARS OLD.
After we get the enclaves ripped up (but the buildings saved), I say we make them animal shelters for mostly homeless cats. They could also have provisions for spay & neuter clinic, and then release the cats back out , if they can't get adopted. The land could be made into public parks or sold in pieces to the public to bolster up the state treasuries.

Go change your depends
What's this ? Some kind of age discrimination BIGOTRY ? I thought you liberals were supposed to have that taboo.Just use it when it suits ya ?
After we get the enclaves ripped up (but the buildings saved), I say we make them animal shelters for mostly homeless cats. They could also have provisions for spay & neuter clinic, and then release the cats back out , if they can't get adopted. The land could be made into public parks or sold in pieces to the public to bolster up the state treasuries.

Wow! That's a great idea! Maybe you aren't completely nuts after all!
Yeah. And my best idea was turning the jihady creeps over to Jack Bauer. GO JACK!! Sic'm!
Youse guys are taking the wrong approach to Gullible's Travels here. Watch this.

Hey Projectionist...
The internet just called. Alex Jones said to tell you you were right, and all the no-go zones have just been shut down. The Moooslims have been sent into space to inhabit a planet in the Genesis 4 system. And you're reading this on the internet so you know it's all true.

Now you can go set on the porch and play oldtime fiddle music. :eusa_boohoo:
Are you a Muslim Islamist ?

No I'm a voice on the internet. Therefore you must obey me. Must obey... must obey...
Now we hear about Muslim camps with members practicing how to kidnap victims, combat training, fabrication of explosives. Where is the FBI?

Warning HLS and they are not listening. Our FBI is not the problem here. Eric Holder is dragging his feet on even dealing with the un-indicted co - conspirators listed from the HLF trials in 2009. Paperwork on his desk since 2009 and untouched. I believe MOA is on that list, I know that CAIR is. The FBI cannot even get the State Department to do it's job. Why?
So Eric Holder is in the way of rounding up American Muslims and putting them in concentration camps?
Yeah. Didn't you know ?
You wing nuts found a way to make me appreciate Eric Holder. I never thought it possible. Of course any AG would keep a lid on nutbags like you, so don't count on being able to round up people you don't like any time soon.
Now we hear about Muslim camps with members practicing how to kidnap victims, combat training, fabrication of explosives. Where is the FBI?

Warning HLS and they are not listening. Our FBI is not the problem here. Eric Holder is dragging his feet on even dealing with the un-indicted co - conspirators listed from the HLF trials in 2009. Paperwork on his desk since 2009 and untouched. I believe MOA is on that list, I know that CAIR is. The FBI cannot even get the State Department to do it's job. Why?
So Eric Holder is in the way of rounding up American Muslims and putting them in concentration camps?
Yeah. Didn't you know ?
You wing nuts found a way to make me appreciate Eric Holder. I never thought it possible. Of course any AG would keep a lid on nutbags like you, so don't count on being able to round up people you don't like any time soon.
So you'd rather let them develop their training camps all over the US, shooting their various guns, practicing attack and killing techniques, and becoming better terrorists. You're OK with having them do HERE, what thousands of our military troops lost their lives in Afghanistan to stop. That's what you're saying.

From that standpoint, it's hard to peg you as anything but an Islamist, if not jihadist. Got a black flag on your livingroom wall ? You know. The one ISIS says will fly over the White House, eventually ?
Belongs in Conspiracy forum.
FALSE! US no go zones are long-established fact. If you have only been viewing liberal media, which intentionally screens this info out, that's YOUR problem, not the readers of this forum.
Except there are no 'No go zones'.

Yes, there are. Watch the video. Educate yourself.
No there aren't which is why this has been moved to the conspiracy section. Move out of your grandma's basement.
Manifest destiny? I have never heard of it before. Your talking to the wrong poster. Read the quotes and follow who says what. You're lost here.
Home schooled? That would explain a lot.
Thread cleaned. Ladies and gentlemen please add content if you are going to flame. Off topic posts will be removed and subjected to warnings and/or infractions. Thank you.
Belongs in Conspiracy forum.
FALSE! US no go zones are long-established fact. If you have only been viewing liberal media, which intentionally screens this info out, that's YOUR problem, not the readers of this forum.
Except there are no 'No go zones'.

Yes, there are. Watch the video. Educate yourself.
No there aren't which is why this has been moved to the conspiracy section. Move out of your grandma's basement.
It should not have been moved to the conspiracy section. The US enclaves are there. what exists is not a conspiracy theory.
Belongs in Conspiracy forum.
FALSE! US no go zones are long-established fact. If you have only been viewing liberal media, which intentionally screens this info out, that's YOUR problem, not the readers of this forum.
Except there are no 'No go zones'.

Yes, there are. Watch the video. Educate yourself.
No there aren't which is why this has been moved to the conspiracy section. Move out of your grandma's basement.
It should not have been moved to the conspiracy section. The US enclaves are there. what exists is not a conspiracy theory.
No, moving it to conspiracies was very appropriate and I applaud the mods for doing so. Nutbags like you don't belong in the mainstream.

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