Busted: "We Control Them All!"...Trump Jr texted Meadows that overturning the 2020 election would be ‘very simple’

And the story says the defense lawyer was already given access to all 14,000 hours of video. The lawyer even said he's watched the 14,000 hours of video.

So if the defense lawyers have seen every last minute of the available video, and congress has seen every last minute of the available video, why does the public need to see it?

Then you have a linked article that says just that?
This is a CNN article why would anyone take this serious? The cartoon network gets better ratings.
More gaslighting and deflection. Do you support what your fellow magaturds did on Jan 6th? I bet you did, you magaturd fuck. You degenerates don't understand accountability. Always needing to project until dead or in the slammer. Just like your BLM counterparts on the left.
More gaslighting and deflection. Do you support what your fellow magaturds did on Jan 6th? I bet you did, you magaturd fuck. You degenerates don't understand accountability. Always needing to project until dead or in the slammer. Just like your BLM counterparts on the left.
For your informantion the FBI did an investigation into Jan. 6, and came to the conclusion that there was no organized plot involved. Did some people enter that capitol yes they did but not as part of a plan. So, you think the sham investigation by Pelosi with no crinimal investigative experience at all somehow know more than the FBI?
For your informantion the FBI did an investigation into Jan. 6, and came to the conclusion that there was no organized plot involved. Did some people enter that capitol yes they did but not as part of a plan. So, you think the sham investigation by Pelosi with no crinimal investigative experience at all somehow know more than the FBI?
Magaturds don't support the FBI. You're gaslighting the 'conclusion' because it fits the magaturd narrative of taking no responsibility for your actions. You nitwits have been led by the nose to believe being held accountable is impinging on your 'Libber-tees!' Well, that's not going to happen. Again, magaturds don't support the FBI.
Magaturds don't support the FBI. You're gaslighting the 'conclusion' because it fits the magaturd narrative of taking no responsibility for your actions. You nitwits have been led by the nose to believe being held accountable is impinging on your 'Libber-tees!' Well, that's not going to happen. Again, magaturds don't support the FBI.
So your saying that if the FBI came out and said it had proof of a planned insurrection you wouldn't believe it? What a hypocrite.
Again....the president needs a national emergency to be able to use the military inside the US. He cannot do anything without an okay from congress. The point of it is.....there are some crazy individuals in charge of our government. The craziest is the dumb bastard in the White House. He cannot order troops to parts of the US to conduct military operations unless Congress declares war. If the Marxist in Washington had their way....they would be ordering the Army and Marines to go door to door and take our guns....or root out evil parents or Trump supporters. The National Guard...which are controlled by the governors of each state is supposed to defend US territory. Pelosi refused to defend the Capital even when National Guard troops were offered. But she sure as shit felt she needed them to defend the place after her false-flag operation was completed.
Folks that study the Deep State write that it has gotten out of control, and has subverted the Constitution.

These, National Emergencies, must be renewed, on an annual basis, with an executive signature, or else congress will review them, possibly enabling them to expire. . . . and, like clock work, all of our presidents, no matter the political party, almost always renew them.

Usually they do this, with out any comment or justification.

A state of emergency is a situation in which a government is empowered to be able to put through policies that it would normally not be permitted to do, for the safety and protection of its citizens. A government can declare such a state during a natural disaster, civil unrest, armed conflict, medical pandemic or epidemic or other biosecurity risk. Justitium is its equivalent in Roman law—a concept in which the Roman Senate could put forward a final decree (senatus consultum ultimum) that was not subject to dispute yet helped save lives in times of strife.

States of emergency can also be used as a rationale or pretext for suspending rights and freedoms guaranteed under a country's constitution or basic law, sometimes through martial law or revoking habeas corpus. The procedure for and legality of doing so vary by country.

This is one of the prime reasons our Constitutional government has died. The power has been badly abused.

The PA ruling said mail in voting is illegal. All those votes should now be considered fraudulent and thrown out.
Yea, ok. Let's throw out countless votes because you don't like the end result.

That's not how elections work.
Yea, ok. Let's throw out countless votes because you don't like the end result.

That's not how elections work.
Every time a Republican has won the last two times...you folks wanted to have it thrown out. Al Gore went around the country cussing out Bush for over a year....and the media attacked Bush over Iraq and Katrina. Russian Collusion was invented to hamper the Trump Adm.

You @#&%$##^^&(*^&%$ never accept an election when a Republican wins.
So do everyone a favor and STFU!!!!
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The PA ruling said mail in voting is illegal. All those votes should now be considered fraudulent and thrown out.

It's under appeal by Gov. Wolf.......Primary is May 17th.
There won't be a change to the 2020 Presidential results, no one will want to touch that., even if ruled unconstotional by Pa Supreme court.
Every time a Republican has won the last two times...you folks wanted to have it thrown out. Al Gore went around the country cussing out Bush for over a year....and the media attacked Bush over Iraq and Katrina. Russian Collusion was invented to hamper the Trump Adm.

You @#&%$##^^&(*^&%$ never accept an election when a Republican wins.
So do everyone a favor and STFU!!!!
When did Al Gore try to overthrow the election, you moron? He conceded which your boy never did. As a matter of fact, Trump still claims he won & that shows he's nothing but a fucking liar who's not man enough to admit he got his ass beat.

And all your rants & pissing & moaning won't change a thing so maybe you should STFU.

I threw a bunch of quarters in my jar as a result of Trump spewing more of his bullshit at his latest rally. Thanks, Trump!

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