But......but......but.......I thought Republicans wanted to empty the swamp?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
All this whining about Trump being maligned. I was looking at a poll that said 79% of Trump's voters say they want him to stay president even if collusion is true. In other words, a traitor as president is fine.

Poll: 79% of Voters Support Trump Even If Russia Collusion Is True

Almost everyone from Goldman and Sachs is in his cabinet except Goldman and Sachs.

More have resigned or been fired over scandal in his first year than have in some presidents entire time in office.

His former campaign manager is considered a high flight risk even after a 10 million dollar bond. And so is Gates after 5 million.

Remember when Trump wrote that letter for his son?

Trump dictated misleading statement on son's meeting with Russian

He wrote lies. In that past, that's been called "obstruction of justice". Today's it's "That's just Trump snowflake, get over it!"

The Investigations Trump Can’t Stop

Remember, the GOP has been investigating the Clinton's for 30 years spending an unknown amount of taxpayer money. Trump hasn't been in office a year.

You need a spreadsheet to keep track of all the Trump scandals. And they haven't even begun to look at why those soldiers were attacked and murdered. At least in Libya, those guys refused to leave. In Africa, they weren't given that choice.

But the current healthcare debacle shows us the GOP hasn't much concern for American lives unless they can gain politically.

It's only just begun. Once that first guilty plea came in from the "coffee boy".
The first part sounds like typical partisan loyalty.
You gonna sit there and say if that was obama, you would have wanted him gone?
All this whining about Trump being maligned. I was looking at a poll that said 79% of Trump's voters say they want him to stay president even if collusion is true. In other words, a traitor as president is fine.

Poll: 79% of Voters Support Trump Even If Russia Collusion Is True

Almost everyone from Goldman and Sachs is in his cabinet except Goldman and Sachs.

More have resigned or been fired over scandal in his first year than have in some presidents entire time in office.

His former campaign manager is considered a high flight risk even after a 10 million dollar bond. And so is Gates after 5 million.

Remember when Trump wrote that letter for his son?

Trump dictated misleading statement on son's meeting with Russian

He wrote lies. In that past, that's been called "obstruction of justice". Today's it's "That's just Trump snowflake, get over it!"

The Investigations Trump Can’t Stop

Remember, the GOP has been investigating the Clinton's for 30 years spending an unknown amount of taxpayer money. Trump hasn't been in office a year.

You need a spreadsheet to keep track of all the Trump scandals. And they haven't even begun to look at why those soldiers were attacked and murdered. At least in Libya, those guys refused to leave. In Africa, they weren't given that choice.

But the current healthcare debacle shows us the GOP hasn't much concern for American lives unless they can gain politically.

It's only just begun. Once that first guilty plea came in from the "coffee boy".
But the current healthcare debacle shows us the GOP hasn't much concern for American lives
You mean Obamacare that was FORCED upon US by the Democraps under Pelosi, Reid and Obama? That healthcare debacle that only stupid liberal voters wanted? Geezus dean, you are certifiably the stupidest liberal next to Nancy Pelosi....

RW dumbshits want the swamp drained and the septic tank kept full to the brim with monkey shit like Trump.
You gonna sit there and say if that was obama, you would have wanted him gone?

Obviously yes.

We're not like you. That's something most conservatives can't understand. They're not moral themselves, so they can't comprehend how anyone else could be moral.
New swamp pick. Ryan Patrick, rick Perry gave him an empty (not voted in) empty district judgeship. in 2016 he lost badly when trying to keep his seat. Trump just put him up for top federal prosecutor for the Southern district. (very large district) & he has Never practiced law in a federal court. NOT qualified for the job.
Go look up other people being put up for important posts, there major qualifying points? knowing the job not important only that they like Trump.
New swamp pick. Ryan Patrick, rick Perry gave him an empty (not voted in) empty district judgeship. in 2016 he lost badly when trying to keep his seat. Trump just put him up for top federal prosecutor for the Southern district. (very large district) & he has Never practiced law in a federal court. NOT qualified for the job.

Neither was Obama at any point

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