But...But....Open Borders Doesn't Mean Open Borders

"As the 2018 National Strategy for Counterterrorism of the United States of America report says

ISIS has been innovative and determined in its pursuit of attacks in the West. The group has exploited weaknesses in European border security to great effect by capitalizing on the migrant crisis to seed attack operatives into the region. For instance, two of the perpetrators of the 2015 ISIS attacks in Paris, France, [which killed over 130 people] infiltrated the country by posing as migrants.

The US-Mexico border is so alluring that long before ISIS came onto the scene, other Islamic terrorists were eying it—including as a potential gateway to smuggle anthrax into the US and kill 330,000 Americans—and operating in it.

The examples are many. In 2011, federal officials announced that FBI and DEA agents disrupted a plot to commit a “significant terrorist act in the United States,” tied to Iran with roots in Mexico. Months earlier a jihadi cell in Mexico was found to have a weapons cache of 100 M-16 assault rifles, 100 AR-15 rifles, 2,500 hand grenades, C4 explosives and antitank munitions. The weapons, it turned out, had been smuggled by Muslims from Iraq. According to the report, “obvious concerns have arisen concerning Hezbollah’s presence in Mexico and possible ties to Mexican drug trafficking organizations (DTO’s) operating along the U.S.-Mexico border.”
Islamic Terrorism from Mexico to the U.S. - Raymond Ibrahim

Pretty easy to see whose side the Democrats are on.
Trump and his drone collective keep reminding everyone he isn't capable of controlling the southern border of the country without spending billions of dollars on another fence exactly like the old fence that apparently didn't control illegal border crossings-

only blithering idiots can't figure that out .....

So, are you going to vote for the party that wants open borders????

Why are you afraid to answer that?

suffering fools isn't my forte' so write this down - the border isn't open.
Trump and his drone collective keep reminding everyone he isn't capable of controlling the southern border of the country without spending billions of dollars on another fence exactly like the old fence that apparently didn't control illegal border crossings-

only blithering idiots can't figure that out .....

So, are you going to vote for the party that wants open borders????

Why are you afraid to answer that?

suffering fools isn't my forte' so write this down - the border isn't open.

Everyone knows you're lying.

And everyone knows that is exactly what the Democrats want:

The insane promises of the further-Left-than-usual Democrats is jaw-dropping....but it is amusing to watch them say it and try to retract it at the same time.

Open borders.

No American sovereignty.....that's what they're for.
The push since the Hart-Celler's 1965 bill is aimed at replacing Americans who won't vote for them with more....malleable... folks.
That was proven when Hussein told illegal aliens to go and vote..."When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."
Yes, he said that.

Castro, this dunce, stated he wanted to end penalties for sneaking across the border....but claims that doesn't mean open borders.

Even CNN couldn't accept the lies.

CNN Team Rips Castro for Politics of Decriminalizing Illegal Border Crossing

I don't see any Democrat voters stepping up to defend the no-borders policy.

Because very few support no boarder.

But convincing the Trumpybear heard that open border means no border is your charge.

Did Obama have an Open Border policy?
Trump and his drone collective keep reminding everyone he isn't capable of controlling the southern border of the country without spending billions of dollars on another fence exactly like the old fence that apparently didn't control illegal border crossings-

only blithering idiots can't figure that out .....

So, are you going to vote for the party that wants open borders????

Why are you afraid to answer that?

So you want to close the border?
The hugggggge civil war in the Democrat Party is heartening for those of us who are Americans, watching the battle between the establishment (Biden) Democrats and the Karl Marx- Mao coterie who look poised to win the primaries.

The insane promises of the further-Left-than-usual Democrats is jaw-dropping....but it is amusing to watch them say it and try to retract it at the same time.

Open borders.

No American sovereignty.....that's what they're for.
The push since the Hart-Celler's 1965 bill is aimed at replacing Americans who won't vote for them with more....malleable... folks.
That was proven when Hussein told illegal aliens to go and vote..."When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."
Yes, he said that.

Castro, this dunce, stated he wanted to end penalties for sneaking across the border....but claims that doesn't mean open borders.

Even CNN couldn't accept the lies.

CNN Team Rips Castro for Politics of Decriminalizing Illegal Border Crossing

Any chance the Democrats run Stalin????

No one wants open borders, dumbass.
The hugggggge civil war in the Democrat Party is heartening for those of us who are Americans, watching the battle between the establishment (Biden) Democrats and the Karl Marx- Mao coterie who look poised to win the primaries.

The insane promises of the further-Left-than-usual Democrats is jaw-dropping....but it is amusing to watch them say it and try to retract it at the same time.

Open borders.

No American sovereignty.....that's what they're for.
The push since the Hart-Celler's 1965 bill is aimed at replacing Americans who won't vote for them with more....malleable... folks.
That was proven when Hussein told illegal aliens to go and vote..."When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."
Yes, he said that.

Castro, this dunce, stated he wanted to end penalties for sneaking across the border....but claims that doesn't mean open borders.

Even CNN couldn't accept the lies.

CNN Team Rips Castro for Politics of Decriminalizing Illegal Border Crossing

Any chance the Democrats run Stalin????

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

If you want illegals to stop coming then we need to go after the thing drawing them here. Illegal employers. They are traitors to America.

And when they get caught they say they were given fake ID. They knew.
The hugggggge civil war in the Democrat Party is heartening for those of us who are Americans, watching the battle between the establishment (Biden) Democrats and the Karl Marx- Mao coterie who look poised to win the primaries.

The insane promises of the further-Left-than-usual Democrats is jaw-dropping....but it is amusing to watch them say it and try to retract it at the same time.

Open borders.

No American sovereignty.....that's what they're for.
The push since the Hart-Celler's 1965 bill is aimed at replacing Americans who won't vote for them with more....malleable... folks.
That was proven when Hussein told illegal aliens to go and vote..."When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."
Yes, he said that.

Castro, this dunce, stated he wanted to end penalties for sneaking across the border....but claims that doesn't mean open borders.

Even CNN couldn't accept the lies.

CNN Team Rips Castro for Politics of Decriminalizing Illegal Border Crossing

Any chance the Democrats run Stalin????

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

If you want illegals to stop coming then we need to go after the thing drawing them here. Illegal employers. They are traitors to America.

And when they get caught they say they were given fake ID. They knew.

Did you want to say anything about the Democrat Party wishing to erase borders and sovereignty, and decriminalize illegals sneaking in?


Why is that?
The hugggggge civil war in the Democrat Party is heartening for those of us who are Americans, watching the battle between the establishment (Biden) Democrats and the Karl Marx- Mao coterie who look poised to win the primaries.

The insane promises of the further-Left-than-usual Democrats is jaw-dropping....but it is amusing to watch them say it and try to retract it at the same time.

Open borders.

No American sovereignty.....that's what they're for.
The push since the Hart-Celler's 1965 bill is aimed at replacing Americans who won't vote for them with more....malleable... folks.
That was proven when Hussein told illegal aliens to go and vote..."When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."
Yes, he said that.

Castro, this dunce, stated he wanted to end penalties for sneaking across the border....but claims that doesn't mean open borders.

Even CNN couldn't accept the lies.

CNN Team Rips Castro for Politics of Decriminalizing Illegal Border Crossing

Any chance the Democrats run Stalin????

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

If you want illegals to stop coming then we need to go after the thing drawing them here. Illegal employers. They are traitors to America.

And when they get caught they say they were given fake ID. They knew.

Did you want to say anything about the Democrat Party wishing to erase borders and sovereignty, and decriminalize illegals sneaking in?


Why is that?

Because I don't believe that is their position.

Democrats Must Destroy Trump’s ‘Open Borders’ Myth

What’s the definition of “open borders”?

It’s just a buzz phrase to rile up people who want to get rid of illegal immigrants, cut back on legal immigrants, and make America white again. It’s the new weapon of choice, replacing the tired-out zinger of the 1990s: “amnesty.”
Here’s how I define “open borders.” For me, “open” means open. There would be no guards, no fencing, and no impediments of any kind. Anyone who wants to cross the international boundary—for any reason, and with whatever intent—could do so. It would be like it was before May 28, 1924, the date that the U.S. Border Patrol was formed: Come one, come all.

That would be insanity. And that’s why no one is calling for it.

Even the most radical Democrats—and I hear often from many of them—will concede that the United States has the right to preserve its sovereignty and protect its borders. They may have strong ideas about the best way to do that, but no one wants to just fling open the doors and let in the whole world.

And yet, criticize the Trump administration for bungling the humanitarian crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border, and its supporters will tag you for supposedly favoring “open borders.”
As usual, you couldn't be more wrong.

It certainly was during the Democrat debate.


"Some Democrats Want to Decriminalize Illegal Border Crossings. Would It Work?"

Why some Democrats want to decriminalize crossing the US border

Most Democrats Want Border-Crossings Decriminalized, Poll Says

Did you want to say anything about the Democrat Party wishing to erase borders and sovereignty, and decriminalize illegals sneaking in?


Why is that?

Oddly enough, some liberals seem to have have bought into this narrative that being more welcoming and more humane to immigrants and refugees is somehow the same as calling for “open borders.” Recently, ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos interviewed Julian Castro. The host asked the 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful if pushing to change illegal entry from a crime to a civil violation didn’t amount to “open borders?” There is that phrase again.
As usual, you couldn't be more wrong.

It certainly was during the Democrat debate.


"Some Democrats Want to Decriminalize Illegal Border Crossings. Would It Work?"

Why some Democrats want to decriminalize crossing the US border

Most Democrats Want Border-Crossings Decriminalized, Poll Says

Did you want to say anything about the Democrat Party wishing to erase borders and sovereignty, and decriminalize illegals sneaking in?


Why is that?

He probably won't be our nominee.
What’s the definition of “open borders”?

It’s just a buzz phrase to rile up people who want to get rid of illegal immigrants, cut back on legal immigrants, and make America white again. It’s the new weapon of choice, replacing the tired-out zinger of the 1990s: “amnesty.”

Playing dumb may be your best approach, but insanity is your best defense.

Your best hope is to sign on to one of those concussion lawsuits....
Oddly enough, some liberals seem to have have bought into this narrative that being more welcoming and more humane to immigrants and refugees is somehow the same as calling for “open borders.” Recently, ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos interviewed Julian Castro. The host asked the 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful if pushing to change illegal entry from a crime to a civil violation didn’t amount to “open borders?” There is that phrase again.

Stop tap-dancing and answer the question.

Did you want to say anything about the Democrat Party wishing to erase borders and sovereignty, and decriminalize illegals sneaking in?


Why is that?
Here’s how I define “open borders.” For me, “open” means open. There would be no guards, no fencing, and no impediments of any kind. Anyone who wants to cross the international boundary—for any reason, and with whatever intent—could do so. It would be like it was before May 28, 1924

Not me. I define that as no border. Which is obviously not what we have. But we don't have a closed border either. We have and open, controlled border.
The hugggggge civil war in the Democrat Party is heartening for those of us who are Americans, watching the battle between the establishment (Biden) Democrats and the Karl Marx- Mao coterie who look poised to win the primaries.

The insane promises of the further-Left-than-usual Democrats is jaw-dropping....but it is amusing to watch them say it and try to retract it at the same time.

Open borders.

No American sovereignty.....that's what they're for.
The push since the Hart-Celler's 1965 bill is aimed at replacing Americans who won't vote for them with more....malleable... folks.
That was proven when Hussein told illegal aliens to go and vote..."When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."
Yes, he said that.

Castro, this dunce, stated he wanted to end penalties for sneaking across the border....but claims that doesn't mean open borders.

Even CNN couldn't accept the lies.

CNN Team Rips Castro for Politics of Decriminalizing Illegal Border Crossing

Any chance the Democrats run Stalin????

Here's a plan:

  1. Rescind the 1965 Immigration Reform Act and shutdown all immigration immediately.
  2. Enforce E-Verify documentation of an employee applications.
  3. Outlaw and deport all illegal alien pregnant woman who are here to birth their “anchor baby.”
  4. Stop all chain migration and diversity migrations.
  5. Stop all welfare, food stamps, medical care and schooling for all illegal aliens within the United States.
  6. Enforce US Code 8, Section 1324 in order to take jobs away or the ability to live in the USA by anyone in violation of our laws. The estimated 25 million illegal aliens would have no other choice but to leave on their own dime. The Great Displacement of Americans: Devolving Western Civilization - DC Dirty Laundry
Here’s how I define “open borders.” For me, “open” means open. There would be no guards, no fencing, and no impediments of any kind. Anyone who wants to cross the international boundary—for any reason, and with whatever intent—could do so. It would be like it was before May 28, 1924, the date that the U.S. Border Patrol was formed: Come one, come all.

That would be insanity. And that’s why no one is calling for it.

Even the most radical Democrats—and I hear often from many of them—will concede that the United States has the right to preserve its sovereignty and protect its borders. They may have strong ideas about the best way to do that, but no one wants to just fling open the doors and let in the whole world.

And yet, criticize the Trump administration for bungling the humanitarian crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border, and its supporters will tag you for supposedly favoring “open borders.”

"That would be insanity. And that’s why no one is calling for it."

You're certain about that????

"Why some Democrats want to decriminalize crossing the US border
(CNN)As Democratic presidential hopefuls spar in the leadup to 2020, there's one immigration proposal that keeps coming up.
Should the US repeal the section of the Immigration and Nationality Act that makes illegally crossing the border a crime?
It's an idea that's been floated in immigration policy circles for a while. Julian Castro pushed it into the national spotlight during the first Democratic presidential debates in June, and it came up again in Tuesday night's debate. The notion seems to be gaining steam."
Why some Democrats want to decriminalize crossing the US border - CNNPolitics

And they all agree that taxpayers need to pay for the healthcare for illegal aliens.
Americans be damned!!!
Oddly enough, some liberals seem to have have bought into this narrative that being more welcoming and more humane to immigrants and refugees is somehow the same as calling for “open borders.” Recently, ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos interviewed Julian Castro. The host asked the 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful if pushing to change illegal entry from a crime to a civil violation didn’t amount to “open borders?” There is that phrase again.

Stop tap-dancing and answer the question.

Did you want to say anything about the Democrat Party wishing to erase borders and sovereignty, and decriminalize illegals sneaking in?


Why is that?

I dare you to tell our border patrol we have open borders

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