But Can A President Grant Himself Three Wishes: "Pardon Me, Pardon Me, and What Brand Does Gen. Grant Actually Drink(?)"


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Stepping back 240 years into the English language: Then mostly no one notices that no President has the right of pardon, other than what is polite, and a request. "Pardon Me" is a well-known aberration. Normal English usage does not even create a self-pardon for all further social indiscretions. Those do not even rise to the level of a Constitutional issue.

Mostly: No President assumes that office with a first-hour Executive Order creating a Pardon for any forthcoming federal offenses, intended in the Constitution. That is not in the job description, the oath of office, or in any multi-terms of precedents. "I am ignorant of the Law, and generally clueless about it," is more a matter for Amendment 25. The Constitutional authority is to "Grant" a pardon to others, not to "Assume" a pardon as a Constitutional Right for one-self. That would be, "Taking on the mantle" of a presidential pardon. The presidency becomes a lawless office, not law-bound.

So a link is noted--even detailing none of the above(!).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Christian Kingdom does do this here, all the time: Matt 25: 14-30!)
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I dont think Presidents should be able to pardon themselves, but I have not reviewed the text of the law.
Mainly, for all the other faults: Lincoln knew how to pardon General Grant!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Christian Kingdom does do this here, all the time: Matt 25: 14-30!)
Trump can pardon himself, his whole family, Kyle Rittenhouse, his sad team of lawyers, seditious Qs, all the criminals he can think of, oh, and me.

Or just pardon everyone in the USA. That would really boost his popularity among real Americans. That would be epic. Donald likes epic. Win/win.
The problem of the "Pardon" contention is the Constitutional document.

No President assumes that office with a first-hour Executive Order creating a Pardon for any forthcoming federal offenses, intended in the Constitution. That is not in the job description, the oath of office, or in any multi-terms of precedents. "I am ignorant of the Law, and generally clueless about it," is more a matter for Amendment 25. The Constitutional authority is to "Grant" a pardon to others, not to "Assume" a pardon as a Constitutional Right for one-self. That would be, "Taking on the mantle" of a presidential pardon. The presidency becomes a lawless office, not law-bound.
Since there is no presidential "Assumptive" presidential power-day one in office or going forward--then there is no presumption of any such presidential right, subsequent the execution of duties while in office!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Christian Kingdom does do this here, all the time: Matt 25: 14-30!)
So Amendment 25 vote today, Impeachment vote Tomarra, Historical denigration forever! Big money business donors are leaving GOP. . . .alone. No more political influence,

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Christian Kingdom does do this here, all the time: Matt 25: 14-30!)

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