But Melania wore a white dress! Hold the presses!

After calling the First Lady a whore, democrats wonder why she doesn't believe them when they say her husband had an affair with a porn star!

Only to the American left.
It was the porn star that said that :wink:

And, of course, Trump gave her hundreds of thousands of dollars in hush money
Are you saying that only if Clinton had paid of that Intern with hundreds of thousands he would not the the first to be impeached?
No I didn’t say anything about Clinton. We’re talking about that cum dumpster, whore of a wife you’re so proud to have as First Mistress.
And you are so proud of Hillary! How does thsat brain of yours work?
Who? Is that someone you have a crush on? You keep bringing her up even though we’re talking about Melania Trump, the first foreign whore to engage in step-mother porn in the White House with the President and Ivanka
What site is this showing!!??
It was the porn star that said that :wink:

And, of course, Trump gave her hundreds of thousands of dollars in hush money
Are you saying that only if Clinton had paid of that Intern with hundreds of thousands he would not the the first to be impeached?
No I didn’t say anything about Clinton. We’re talking about that cum dumpster, whore of a wife you’re so proud to have as First Mistress.
And you are so proud of Hillary! How does thsat brain of yours work?
Who? Is that someone you have a crush on? You keep bringing her up even though we’re talking about Melania Trump, the first foreign whore to engage in step-mother porn in the White House with the President and Ivanka
What site is this showing!!??
You have to have access to the private server. And the passwords are all Russian anywyas, since the server’s in Putin’s office.
After calling the First Lady a whore, democrats wonder why she doesn't believe them when they say her husband had an affair with a porn star!

Only to the American left.
It was the porn star that said that :wink:

And, of course, Trump gave her hundreds of thousands of dollars in hush money
Are you saying that only if Clinton had paid of that Intern with hundreds of thousands he would not the the first to be impeached?
No I didn’t say anything about Clinton. We’re talking about that cum dumpster, whore of a wife you’re so proud to have as First Mistress.
And you are so proud of Hillary! How does thsat brain of yours work?
Who? Is that someone you have a crush on? You keep bringing her up even though we’re talking about Melania Trump, the first foreign whore to engage in step-mother porn in the White House with the President and Ivanka
Well, you tell me since you are an expert on morality. What's more important...the morality and work ethic of the First Lady or the president?
Hillary is as morally bankrupt as a person can be, but you'd love her to be the president now. You are quite funny.
If Melania decides to leave the orange....these same cons here that are defending her, they will call her all sorta names.
Facts First? CNN Speculates Melania Wearing White to Protest Her Husband

This is just too funny! CNN speculates that Melania wore white to protest Trump! My God! Is that the best they can come up with? What about her hair? Does that tell you that Baron pissed her off, too?

CNN… try reporting the news instead of spending time on ridiculous jabs at the president because he win the election! How many reports have you done on our booming economy and stock market and the lowest black unemployment in decades? But Melania wore a white dress! Hold the presses! Facts First? CNN Speculates Melania Wearing White to Protest Her Husband

White is symbolic of...my fucking husband slept with stripper after the birth of a child dress.
One thing we can all agree on is that Melania is beautiful and bright. A nice change for the FLOTUS..
It was the porn star that said that :wink:

And, of course, Trump gave her hundreds of thousands of dollars in hush money
Are you saying that only if Clinton had paid of that Intern with hundreds of thousands he would not the the first to be impeached?
No I didn’t say anything about Clinton. We’re talking about that cum dumpster, whore of a wife you’re so proud to have as First Mistress.
And you are so proud of Hillary! How does thsat brain of yours work?
Who? Is that someone you have a crush on? You keep bringing her up even though we’re talking about Melania Trump, the first foreign whore to engage in step-mother porn in the White House with the President and Ivanka
Well, you tell me since you are an expert on morality. What's more important...the morality and work ethic of the First Lady or the president?
Hillary is as morally bankrupt as a person can be, but you'd love her to be the president now. You are quite funny.
I'd love for almost anybody else on the planet to be the President right now. Trump has no morality, and his work ethic seems to be all about watching daytime TV and weekly golf vacations.
If Melania decides to leave the orange....these same cons here that are defending her, they will call her all sorta names.
No they won't.

The fact that you said that shows us that you know they won't.

Everything lying lefties say is a lie.
I think this whole thing is hilarious. Only the left would call the First Lady a whore and in the next breath talk about the Clintons moral strengths! Only liberals use a portion of the brain... :rolleyes:
Only the left would call the First Lady a whore then expect her to believe them when they tell her, her husband is cheating on her. It's like "why would I believe You! You just lied and called me a whore."
Are you saying that only if Clinton had paid of that Intern with hundreds of thousands he would not the the first to be impeached?
No I didn’t say anything about Clinton. We’re talking about that cum dumpster, whore of a wife you’re so proud to have as First Mistress.
And you are so proud of Hillary! How does thsat brain of yours work?
Who? Is that someone you have a crush on? You keep bringing her up even though we’re talking about Melania Trump, the first foreign whore to engage in step-mother porn in the White House with the President and Ivanka
Well, you tell me since you are an expert on morality. What's more important...the morality and work ethic of the First Lady or the president?
Hillary is as morally bankrupt as a person can be, but you'd love her to be the president now. You are quite funny.
I'd love for almost anybody else on the planet to be the President right now. Trump has no morality, and his work ethic seems to be all about watching daytime TV and weekly golf vacations.
It's wonderful that you hurt like this.
No I didn’t say anything about Clinton. We’re talking about that cum dumpster, whore of a wife you’re so proud to have as First Mistress.
And you are so proud of Hillary! How does thsat brain of yours work?
Who? Is that someone you have a crush on? You keep bringing her up even though we’re talking about Melania Trump, the first foreign whore to engage in step-mother porn in the White House with the President and Ivanka
Well, you tell me since you are an expert on morality. What's more important...the morality and work ethic of the First Lady or the president?
Hillary is as morally bankrupt as a person can be, but you'd love her to be the president now. You are quite funny.
I'd love for almost anybody else on the planet to be the President right now. Trump has no morality, and his work ethic seems to be all about watching daytime TV and weekly golf vacations.
It's wonderful that you hurt like this.
Like what? :cuckoo:


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