But we can afford this?


Gold Member
Sep 28, 2016
We can't afford to help developing countries reduce their greenhouse gas emission to help prevent a more difficult future for our children but we can afford to keep hauling Trump's fat ass (secret service & staff members, to the golf course nearly every weekend.
Why cant they reduce their own? Why in the hell was Germany to get 18 billion?

Maybe if they didn't spend millions on immigrants they could fix their share of climate chan....errr the wealth redistribution scam
We can't afford to help developing countries reduce their greenhouse gas emission to help prevent a more difficult future for our children but we can afford to keep hauling Trump's fat ass (secret service & staff members, to the golf course nearly every weekend.

Maybe Leonardo Declitero will stop using his private jets, that is a start-)
We can't afford to help developing countries reduce their greenhouse gas emission to help prevent a more difficult future for our children but we can afford to keep hauling Trump's fat ass (secret service & staff members, to the golf course nearly every weekend.

Maybe Leonardo Declitero will stop using his private jets, that is a start-)

And donate his millions
There is a whole lot of stuff this country can't afford yet the only things so many have a problem with is the things they don't like or agree with. Funny how when it's something we support money is no problem.
The IMF told Germany to start spending money because they are sitting on it.

We have people in this country that can't get medical care. I pay taxes. Enough.
We can't afford to help developing countries reduce their greenhouse gas emission
If we can make a profit doing so, why can't we afford to do so?

Show us a profit besides coming from CRONY CAPITALISM. The taxpayer has to foot the bill, which should make you happy being a far leftist, considering the vast majority of leftists are takers!
The IMF told Germany to start spending money because they are sitting on it.

We have people in this country that can't get medical care. I pay taxes. Enough.

And we have veterans hurting, people homeless....sorry but they should be the priority. Not some weather scam
We can't afford to help developing countries reduce their greenhouse gas emission to help prevent a more difficult future for our children but we can afford to keep hauling Trump's fat ass (secret service & staff members, to the golf course nearly every weekend.
except there was nothing telling these countries how to spend the $. they could blow it on hookers n rum for 5 years n not a damn thing we could do about it.
We can't afford to help developing countries reduce their greenhouse gas emission to help prevent a more difficult future for our children but we can afford to keep hauling Trump's fat ass (secret service & staff members, to the golf course nearly every weekend.

Do you have any idea just how petulant and petty you sound? It must be satire because you can't be serious.

If President Trump spends 100 Billion on golf over the next 8 years, it would still be better spent than funnelling it to 3rd world bureaucrats to squirrel away in offshore banks.
The IMF told Germany to start spending money because they are sitting on it.

We have people in this country that can't get medical care. I pay taxes. Enough.

And we have veterans hurting, people homeless....sorry but they should be the priority. Not some weather scam

I think climate change is real but as you said.....we have veterans, homeless people etc. Mofos way too free with our money and our people have to have services slashed? Oh, no.
The IMF told Germany to start spending money because they are sitting on it.

We have people in this country that can't get medical care. I pay taxes. Enough.

And we have veterans hurting, people homeless....sorry but they should be the priority. Not some weather scam

I think climate change is real but as you said.....we have veterans, homeless people etc. Mofos way too free with our money and our people have to have services slashed? Oh, no.

The climate has been changing since the beginning and if the current baloney was real they wouldn't have to fake data
We can't afford to help developing countries reduce their greenhouse gas emission to help prevent a more difficult future for our children but we can afford to keep hauling Trump's fat ass (secret service & staff members, to the golf course nearly every weekend.

Its worse than just a weekly golf vacation that includes Secret Service renting golf carts, renting rooms, tax money going into trump's many resorts. And, he's putting small businesses into bankruptcy. As we know, trump loves bankruptcy but honest people don't.

Melania refuses to get any closer to the fat cheeto than she has to so we're paying more than $million every day for her and the kid that's named after the doorman. Secret Service paying trump to stay in trump tower and that doesn't count what it costs the people of NYC.

We pay for the Secret Service to travel with crooks, Little DonDon and Eric the Sleaze to travel all over the world for daddy's business. That's the same business trump lied that he would divest himself of. The agents stay in hotels and fly and eat, at our expense.

We pay for Secret Service to guard Tiffany while she bar hops, goes to fashion shows and other important state business.

Then of course there's the two worst criminals of the family, Ivanka and Jared. My bet is that this bunch of grifters will find a way to get taxpayers to pay for their defense and for their country club prison stays.

Several million every single week for a jackass who is stupid and incompetent to have easy access to Twitter.

Also paid for by taxpayers.
We can't afford to help developing countries reduce their greenhouse gas emission to help prevent a more difficult future for our children but we can afford to keep hauling Trump's fat ass (secret service & staff members, to the golf course nearly every weekend.

Its worse than just a weekly golf vacation that includes Secret Service renting golf carts, renting rooms, tax money going into trump's many resorts. And, he's putting small businesses into bankruptcy. As we know, trump loves bankruptcy but honest people don't.

Melania refuses to get any closer to the fat cheeto than she has to so we're paying more than $million every day for her and the kid that's named after the doorman. Secret Service paying trump to stay in trump tower and that doesn't count what it costs the people of NYC.

We pay for the Secret Service to travel with crooks, Little DonDon and Eric the Sleaze to travel all over the world for daddy's business. That's the same business trump lied that he would divest himself of. The agents stay in hotels and fly and eat, at our expense.

We pay for Secret Service to guard Tiffany while she bar hops, goes to fashion shows and other important state business.

Then of course there's the two worst criminals of the family, Ivanka and Jared. My bet is that this bunch of grifters will find a way to get taxpayers to pay for their defense and for their country club prison stays.

Several million every single week for a jackass who is stupid and incompetent to have easy access to Twitter.

Also paid for by taxpayers.

If you stop crying, I'll buy you a Happy Meal.

We can't afford to help developing countries reduce their greenhouse gas emission to help prevent a more difficult future for our children but we can afford to keep hauling Trump's fat ass (secret service & staff members, to the golf course nearly every weekend.

Maybe Leonardo Declitero will stop using his private jets, that is a start-)

And donate his millions

RWNJs always have their hand out for more.



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