But, "We're in a good place!"


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

And this just three days ago. The leader of the free world, us, is the coronavirus leader of the free world with a leader who fiddles while we burn.

His focus, and the focus of his puppets and adherents, is his re-election. And, his driving force, is not the lives and safety of Americans, but the economy that he views as critical to his re-election. His cry, echoed by subservient Republican governors like in Florida, is "Reopen our schools!" "Our beautiful kids must have their educations, and their sacrificing parents must be permitted to return to work," or words to that effect.

And why? For their education? No, for the economy stupid! We need the buses running, using gasoline, parents taking the kids to school, using gasoline, parents returning to work, buying cars and using gasoline and eating lunch in restaurants, and buying new clothes for work and clothes for school. In short, IT'S TO BOOST THE ECONOMY TO HELP TRUMP'S RE-ELECTION EFFORT.

And, there is more very bad economic news for Trump. College football, and probably the NFL as well, is on the verge of shutting down for the 2020 season. And college basketball could well be next. Try calculating the cost to the American economy if that happens. I guess Trump could try to force them to play with an executive order or threats to withhold funding to the institutions. We will see.

So really, are we in a good place?
The Huffington Post wrote and article in 2008 about how unemployment effects the death rate. Essentially, for every 1% of unemployment you have an increase of 50,000 deaths, so if we have 20% unemployment because the government insists on it, then we are at around a million dead per year due to such things as suicide, drug abuse, etc.

And the children who are not properly educated won't be able to find work. Studies show children are falling behind not being let go to school.

So yea, let's go back to school. Let's get on with our lives. You are free to hide under a rock somewhere.

And this just three days ago. The leader of the free world, us, is the coronavirus leader of the free world with a leader who fiddles while we burn.

His focus, and the focus of his puppets and adherents, is his re-election. And, his driving force, is not the lives and safety of Americans, but the economy that he views as critical to his re-election. His cry, echoed by subservient Republican governors like in Florida, is "Reopen our schools!" "Our beautiful kids must have their educations, and their sacrificing parents must be permitted to return to work," or words to that effect.

And why? For their education? No, for the economy stupid! We need the buses running, using gasoline, parents taking the kids to school, using gasoline, parents returning to work, buying cars and using gasoline and eating lunch in restaurants, and buying new clothes for work and clothes for school. In short, IT'S TO BOOST THE ECONOMY TO HELP TRUMP'S RE-ELECTION EFFORT.

And, there is more very bad economic news for Trump. College football, and probably the NFL as well, is on the verge of shutting down for the 2020 season. And college basketball could well be next. Try calculating the cost to the American economy if that happens. I guess Trump could try to force them to play with an executive order or threats to withhold funding to the institutions. We will see.

So really, are we in a good place?

I think that those who pretend it isn't a crisis know that if they are wrong, they won't be around to hear "I told you so," and it just makes them want to believe in the fairy tale that much harder.

And this just three days ago. The leader of the free world, us, is the coronavirus leader of the free world with a leader who fiddles while we burn.

His focus, and the focus of his puppets and adherents, is his re-election. And, his driving force, is not the lives and safety of Americans, but the economy that he views as critical to his re-election. His cry, echoed by subservient Republican governors like in Florida, is "Reopen our schools!" "Our beautiful kids must have their educations, and their sacrificing parents must be permitted to return to work," or words to that effect.

And why? For their education? No, for the economy stupid! We need the buses running, using gasoline, parents taking the kids to school, using gasoline, parents returning to work, buying cars and using gasoline and eating lunch in restaurants, and buying new clothes for work and clothes for school. In short, IT'S TO BOOST THE ECONOMY TO HELP TRUMP'S RE-ELECTION EFFORT.

And, there is more very bad economic news for Trump. College football, and probably the NFL as well, is on the verge of shutting down for the 2020 season. And college basketball could well be next. Try calculating the cost to the American economy if that happens. I guess Trump could try to force them to play with an executive order or threats to withhold funding to the institutions. We will see.

So really, are we in a good place?

We are in a great place.

New York, New Jersey and the northeast suck.

And this just three days ago. The leader of the free world, us, is the coronavirus leader of the free world with a leader who fiddles while we burn.

His focus, and the focus of his puppets and adherents, is his re-election. And, his driving force, is not the lives and safety of Americans, but the economy that he views as critical to his re-election. His cry, echoed by subservient Republican governors like in Florida, is "Reopen our schools!" "Our beautiful kids must have their educations, and their sacrificing parents must be permitted to return to work," or words to that effect.

And why? For their education? No, for the economy stupid! We need the buses running, using gasoline, parents taking the kids to school, using gasoline, parents returning to work, buying cars and using gasoline and eating lunch in restaurants, and buying new clothes for work and clothes for school. In short, IT'S TO BOOST THE ECONOMY TO HELP TRUMP'S RE-ELECTION EFFORT.

And, there is more very bad economic news for Trump. College football, and probably the NFL as well, is on the verge of shutting down for the 2020 season. And college basketball could well be next. Try calculating the cost to the American economy if that happens. I guess Trump could try to force them to play with an executive order or threats to withhold funding to the institutions. We will see.

So really, are we in a good place?

We are in a great place.

New York, New Jersey and the northeast suck.

Also California

And this just three days ago. The leader of the free world, us, is the coronavirus leader of the free world with a leader who fiddles while we burn.
FAKE NEWS... we are sadly no longer leaders of the free world. Apparently that's Canada, or Germany.
No place on this planet has ever promoted freedom as we have.

LOL- okay- and? Free is unencumbered. We only "promote" it- that isn't being it.

Human Freedom Index

The index published here presents a broad measure of human freedom, understood as the absence of coercive constraint. It uses 79 distinct indicators of personal and economic freedom in the following areas:

  • Rule of Law
  • Security and Safety
  • Movement
  • Religion
  • Association, Assembly, and Civil Society
  • Expression and Information

  • Identity and Relationships
  • Size of Government
  • Legal System and Property Rights
  • Access to Sound Money
  • Freedom to Trade Internationally
  • Regulation of Credit, Labor, and Business

The HFI is the most comprehensive freedom index so far created for a globally meaningful set of countries. The HFI covers 162 countries for 2016, the most recent year for which sufficient data are available and it includes three countries—Belarus, Iraq, and Sudan—that were added this year. The index ranks countries beginning in 2008, the earliest year for which a robust enough index could be produced.

On a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 represents more freedom, the average human freedom rating for 162 countries in 2016 was 6.89. Among countries included in this year’s and last year’s report, the level of freedom decreased slightly (−0.01) compared with 2015, with 63 countries increasing their ratings and 87 decreasing. Since 2008, the level of global freedom has also decreased slightly (−0.06), with 56 countries in the index increasing their ratings and 81 decreasing.

The jurisdictions that took the top 10 places, in order, were New Zealand, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Australia, Canada, the Netherlands and Denmark (tied in 6th place), Ireland and the United Kingdom (tied in 8th place), and Finland, Norway, and Taiwan (tied in 10th place). Selected countries rank as follows: Germany (13), the United States and Sweden (17), Republic of Korea (27), Japan (31), France and Chile (32), Italy (34), South Africa (63), Mexico (75), Kenya (82), Indonesia (85), Argentina and Turkey (tied in 107th place), India and Malaysia (tied in 110th place), United Arab Emirates (117), Russia (119), Nigeria (132), China (135), Pakistan (140), Zimbabwe (143), Saudi Arabia (146), Iran (153), Egypt (156), Iraq (159), Venezuela (161), and Syria (162).

Out of 10 regions, the highest levels of freedom are in North America (Canada and the United States), Western Europe, and Oceania. The lowest levels are in the Middle East and North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, and South Asia. Women-specific freedoms, as measured by seven indicators in the index, are strongest in North America, Western Europe, and Eastern Europe and are least protected in the Middle East and North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, and South Asia.
The country is not in a good place, but the President is concerned about his re-election campaign first and foremost....
Our Declaration of Independence also "promotes" ALL men are created equal and have certain UNalienable Rights- but, we don't act that way -
The country is not in a good place, but the President is concerned about his re-election campaign first and foremost....
As are ALL politicians- well, except the Saints with a D after their name. We, the stinky tourist (ala Harry Reid (D)) realize this, thanks to the Public Education System (subscribed to by BOTH sides of the Duopoly Party FAILS to teach that "we the stinky tourist" are the leaders-
It's unfortunate that reality is not contagious, and that some posters are immune to it.

Reality is, Coronavirus is here and will stay here as long as charlatans such as Trump&Co. continue to spread charlatanism; that is the quackery and knavery which are echoed by biddable fools and partisan hacks on Social Media.

And this just three days ago. The leader of the free world, us, is the coronavirus leader of the free world with a leader who fiddles while we burn.

His focus, and the focus of his puppets and adherents, is his re-election. And, his driving force, is not the lives and safety of Americans, but the economy that he views as critical to his re-election. His cry, echoed by subservient Republican governors like in Florida, is "Reopen our schools!" "Our beautiful kids must have their educations, and their sacrificing parents must be permitted to return to work," or words to that effect.

And why? For their education? No, for the economy stupid! We need the buses running, using gasoline, parents taking the kids to school, using gasoline, parents returning to work, buying cars and using gasoline and eating lunch in restaurants, and buying new clothes for work and clothes for school. In short, IT'S TO BOOST THE ECONOMY TO HELP TRUMP'S RE-ELECTION EFFORT.

And, there is more very bad economic news for Trump. College football, and probably the NFL as well, is on the verge of shutting down for the 2020 season. And college basketball could well be next. Try calculating the cost to the American economy if that happens. I guess Trump could try to force them to play with an executive order or threats to withhold funding to the institutions. We will see.

So really, are we in a good place?
Fewer deaths this year in US than last year even with the manufactured virus hoax there lefty.
I've read (headlines somewhere today) that most cases of covid are diagnosed in mask wearers-

And this just three days ago. The leader of the free world, us, is the coronavirus leader of the free world with a leader who fiddles while we burn.

His focus, and the focus of his puppets and adherents, is his re-election. And, his driving force, is not the lives and safety of Americans, but the economy that he views as critical to his re-election. His cry, echoed by subservient Republican governors like in Florida, is "Reopen our schools!" "Our beautiful kids must have their educations, and their sacrificing parents must be permitted to return to work," or words to that effect.

And why? For their education? No, for the economy stupid! We need the buses running, using gasoline, parents taking the kids to school, using gasoline, parents returning to work, buying cars and using gasoline and eating lunch in restaurants, and buying new clothes for work and clothes for school. In short, IT'S TO BOOST THE ECONOMY TO HELP TRUMP'S RE-ELECTION EFFORT.

And, there is more very bad economic news for Trump. College football, and probably the NFL as well, is on the verge of shutting down for the 2020 season. And college basketball could well be next. Try calculating the cost to the American economy if that happens. I guess Trump could try to force them to play with an executive order or threats to withhold funding to the institutions. We will see.

So really, are we in a good place?

I think that those who pretend it isn't a crisis know that if they are wrong, they won't be around to hear "I told you so," and it just makes them want to believe in the fairy tale that much harder.
You can go cower in the basement with your face diaper too.

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