Butthurt Rep. Adam Schiff not told about special ops kill of ISIS leader

I believe Shit-Head and Nancy would have leaked about the raid knowing the leak would have meant possible US military deaths. They are so full of hate they are willing to have US military killed just to make Trump look incompetent as CIC.
That is 100% bullshit Trump by this dastardly move, not informing opposition party, showed that he is the worst pos ever to enter our WH Deserves impeachment and jail
I believe they would have leaked it to.

I can't think of a reason why they wouldn't leak it.

President Trump is the "existential threat" to America in their view, not the caliph.

If they could find something to attack him on, like a failed mission, that would be a positive in their view. The fact that others might die, that's just collateral damage.
Very true. He could trust the Turks, Kurds, and Russia to respect operational security, but The President cannot trust the House Leadership. That's the price for their lying, they cannot be trusted with operational intelligence.
I believe Shit-Head and Nancy would have leaked about the raid knowing the leak would have meant possible US military deaths. They are so full of hate they are willing to have US military killed just to make Trump look incompetent as CIC.
That is 100% bullshit Trump by this dastardly move, not informing opposition party, showed that he is the worst pos ever to enter our WH Deserves impeachment and jail
I believe they would have leaked it to.

I can't think of a reason why they wouldn't leak it.

President Trump is the "existential threat" to America in their view, not the caliph.

If they could find something to attack him on, like a failed mission, that would be a positive in their view. The fact that others might die, that's just collateral damage.
Very true. He could trust the Turks, Kurds, and Russia to respect operational security, but The President cannot trust the House Leadership. That's the price for their lying, they cannot be trusted with operational intelligence.

Of course, President Trump had to give a certain amount of "heads up" to powers in the area.

But letting Chuck and Nancy would have have LOVED to see the operation collapse as it would have been a black mark against the Trumpster.

The fact that no one leaked the operation shows that President Trump has resolved this matter of leakage. He kept it as strictly a Military Operation, no CIA involvement whatsoever.

Keeping the CIA, the intelligence establishment and the libs out of the loop was the key to the whole plan.

This is why I am more certain than ever that President Trump knows exactly who the "whistleblower" is , because he keeps the WH information very tight.
I believe Shit-Head and Nancy would have leaked about the raid knowing the leak would have meant possible US military deaths. They are so full of hate they are willing to have US military killed just to make Trump look incompetent as CIC.
That is 100% bullshit Trump by this dastardly move, not informing opposition party, showed that he is the worst pos ever to enter our WH Deserves impeachment and jail
I believe they would have leaked it to.

I can't think of a reason why they wouldn't leak it.

President Trump is the "existential threat" to America in their view, not the caliph.

If they could find something to attack him on, like a failed mission, that would be a positive in their view. The fact that others might die, that's just collateral damage.
Very true. He could trust the Turks, Kurds, and Russia to respect operational security, but The President cannot trust the House Leadership. That's the price for their lying, they cannot be trusted with operational intelligence.
Zorro Look at all those trump can't trust Our dems our agencies all those who have left him and most of those staying The man is a pos no more no less and his supporters aren't too far behind ,,,,imho
Shits and Nanny would have done everything in their powers to make sure things got messed up
Shits and Nanny would have done everything in their powers to make sure things got messed up

and..................the great thing about all this is that the nature of the democratic party and its treasonous leadership has now been exposed like never before and the American People will remember this when they go to the polls.
I believe Shit-Head and Nancy would have leaked about the raid knowing the leak would have meant possible US military deaths. They are so full of hate they are willing to have US military killed just to make Trump look incompetent as CIC.
That is 100% bullshit Trump by this dastardly move, not informing opposition party, showed that he is the worst pos ever to enter our WH Deserves impeachment and jail
I believe they would have leaked it to.

I can't think of a reason why they wouldn't leak it.

President Trump is the "existential threat" to America in their view, not the caliph.

If they could find something to attack him on, like a failed mission, that would be a positive in their view. The fact that others might die, that's just collateral damage.
Very true. He could trust the Turks, Kurds, and Russia to respect operational security, but The President cannot trust the House Leadership. That's the price for their lying, they cannot be trusted with operational intelligence.

Of course, President Trump had to give a certain amount of "heads up" to powers in the area.

But letting Chuck and Nancy would have have LOVED to see the operation collapse as it would have been a black mark against the Trumpster.

The fact that no one leaked the operation shows that President Trump has resolved this matter of leakage. He kept it as strictly a Military Operation, no CIA involvement whatsoever.

Keeping the CIA, the intelligence establishment and the libs out of the loop was the key to the whole plan.

This is why I am more certain than ever that President Trump knows exactly who the "whistleblower" is , because he keeps the WH information very tight.

The American people understand all this....they are not as stupid as the democrats think they are.

One thing about the democrats is very,very obvious now.....they are in a self destruct mode.

So afflicted with TDS they have gone nuts and do not even realize what they have done with their treasonous behavior.
So he didn't tell the gang of 8? But he told Putin and Erdogan?

And y'all cheer this on?

Okee dokee....

We had helicopters in the air...of course he told Erdogan and Putin.... good grief. Think!
But not the Speaker of the House?

That's just A OK with you Trumpsters? Not the full gang of 8?

Okee Dokee

Why did the Media and al-Baghdadi need to know about this in advance?

Telling Nancy Pelosi would have been giving the caliph a heads up. Our men in the Special Forces would have been endangered.

I can appreciate that her feelings may have been hurt, but tough shit, there are other priorities.

In an highly secretive operation like this one ....the only people that should are the ones who have a need to know....that certainly eliminates all the democrats as well as people like romney.
Schiff has become an impeachment specialist. That's all he does and that's all he'll ever be capable of. You can never trust a man like him with important information. He's a known leaker

Leaking is all Schiff does. That's why he is having Secret Hearings in the Capitol's subbasement . So he can selectively leak and lie about testimony to make Trump look as evil as possible

That guy is beyond stupid....made up a phoney conversation
to try and make Trump look bad and he does it in public on T.V. So pathetic...him and his bug eyes....one of the most ridiculous critters in Washington.
The president poked fun at the House intelligence chairman’s concerns about not being previously notified of the military raid targeting the now-dead ISIS leader.
Trump and Adam Schiff Get In Heated Exchange Over Al-Baghdadi Raid | HuffPost


There is little doubt that he would have discussed it with Pelosi and the democrat cabal and it would have been leaked to the Post or the Times beforehand. Knowing democrats the intent would have been to derail the mission in order to make the administration look bad.
I could easily see Schiff and Pelosi alerting al-Baghdadi of the operation, hoping for U.S. casualties so they could blame Trump for the death of American forces. They are capable of anything.
You’re bat shit crazy.
That is 100% bullshit Trump by this dastardly move, not informing opposition party, showed that he is the worst pos ever to enter our WH Deserves impeachment and jail
I believe they would have leaked it to.

I can't think of a reason why they wouldn't leak it.

President Trump is the "existential threat" to America in their view, not the caliph.

If they could find something to attack him on, like a failed mission, that would be a positive in their view. The fact that others might die, that's just collateral damage.
Very true. He could trust the Turks, Kurds, and Russia to respect operational security, but The President cannot trust the House Leadership. That's the price for their lying, they cannot be trusted with operational intelligence.

Of course, President Trump had to give a certain amount of "heads up" to powers in the area.

But letting Chuck and Nancy would have have LOVED to see the operation collapse as it would have been a black mark against the Trumpster.

The fact that no one leaked the operation shows that President Trump has resolved this matter of leakage. He kept it as strictly a Military Operation, no CIA involvement whatsoever.

Keeping the CIA, the intelligence establishment and the libs out of the loop was the key to the whole plan.

This is why I am more certain than ever that President Trump knows exactly who the "whistleblower" is , because he keeps the WH information very tight.

The American people understand all this....they are not as stupid as the democrats think they are.

One thing about the democrats is very,very obvious now.....they are in a self destruct mode.

So afflicted with TDS they have gone nuts and do not even realize what they have done with their treasonous behavior.
If this be treason make the most of it And when your cowardly traitor the blabbering moron trump gets impeached what will you so called americans say?
There is little doubt that he would have discussed it with Pelosi and the democrat cabal and it would have been leaked to the Post or the Times beforehand. Knowing democrats the intent would have been to derail the mission in order to make the administration look bad.
I could easily see Schiff and Pelosi alerting al-Baghdadi of the operation, hoping for U.S. casualties so they could blame Trump for the death of American forces. They are capable of anything.
You’re bat shit crazy.
Only leaker I remember was Trump leaking Israeli info to Russia
There is little doubt that he would have discussed it with Pelosi and the democrat cabal and it would have been leaked to the Post or the Times beforehand. Knowing democrats the intent would have been to derail the mission in order to make the administration look bad.
I could easily see Schiff and Pelosi alerting al-Baghdadi of the operation, hoping for U.S. casualties so they could blame Trump for the death of American forces. They are capable of anything.
You’re bat shit crazy.
Only leaker I remember was Trump leaking Israeli info to Russia
At your age I'm surprised you remember anything. Still, you're memory seems very selective.
There is little doubt that he would have discussed it with Pelosi and the democrat cabal and it would have been leaked to the Post or the Times beforehand. Knowing democrats the intent would have been to derail the mission in order to make the administration look bad.
I could easily see Schiff and Pelosi alerting al-Baghdadi of the operation, hoping for U.S. casualties so they could blame Trump for the death of American forces. They are capable of anything.
You’re bat shit crazy.
Only leaker I remember was Trump leaking Israeli info to Russia

Its impossible for a President to leak anything, by definition.

The POTUS alone determines what is classified and what is not.
He's the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

Ahh, poor baby !

House Intelligence chair says he wasn't told about al-Baghdadi operation

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff were not informed in advance of the U.S. special operations forces raid in northwestern Syria in which ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi died, Schiff said on ABC’s "This Week"

"My understanding [Pelosi] wasn’t [told].

House Intelligence chair says he wasn't told about al-Baghdadi operation
Yes....Trump should have told the assholes that are trying to destroy him about a Top Secret mission.

What's stopping them from running in front of cameras and screaming about it to the press hoping to stop it from being a success???
What's stopping them from running in front of cameras and screaming about it to the press hoping to stop it from being a success???

They might think that the President was bullshitting them about the plan. If Trump had blabbed to Schiff and Pelosi about it, Trump would have done so with the advance knowledge they would take the information straight to the Media.

They might keep it quiet if they thought that Trump was trying to manipulate them into repeating misinformation and they wouldn't want to trick a friend of their like al-Baghdadi.
There is little doubt that he would have discussed it with Pelosi and the democrat cabal and it would have been leaked to the Post or the Times beforehand. Knowing democrats the intent would have been to derail the mission in order to make the administration look bad.
I could easily see Schiff and Pelosi alerting al-Baghdadi of the operation, hoping for U.S. casualties so they could blame Trump for the death of American forces. They are capable of anything.
You’re bat shit crazy.
Only leaker I remember was Trump leaking Israeli info to Russia
At your age I'm surprised you remember anything. Still, you're memory seems very selective.
Here meat,get an education

Officials cringe as Trump spills sensitive details of al-Baghdadi raid

Oct 29th 2019 8:18AM
There is little doubt that he would have discussed it with Pelosi and the democrat cabal and it would have been leaked to the Post or the Times beforehand. Knowing democrats the intent would have been to derail the mission in order to make the administration look bad.
I could easily see Schiff and Pelosi alerting al-Baghdadi of the operation, hoping for U.S. casualties so they could blame Trump for the death of American forces. They are capable of anything.
You’re bat shit crazy.
Only leaker I remember was Trump leaking Israeli info to Russia
At your age I'm surprised you remember anything. Still, you're memory seems very selective.
Here meat,get an education

Officials cringe as Trump spills sensitive details of al-Baghdadi raid

Oct 29th 2019 8:18AM
NBC? You really have lost your mind.
National security meat head? and NBC ??/ you with the other trump traitors who downgrade what has made America great?
A U.S. Army official and White House national security official plans to tell members of Congress conducting an impeachment inquiry that he was on the phone call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine’s leader in which Trump asked for an investigation into the Bidens, and that he raised concerns about it.

Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, who is the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, considered the request so damaging to American national security that he reported it to a superior, according to his opening statement obtained by NBC News. The New York Times first reported the contents of his written statement.

Vindman is expected to testify Tuesday that he was on the July 25 call between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelenskiy, making him the first witness to the call to appear before Congressional investigators in the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.

"I was concerned by the call. I did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen, and I was worried about the implications for the U.S. government’s support of Ukraine," Vindman's opening statement says.

"I realized that if Ukraine pursued an investigation into the Bidens and Burisma, it would likely be interpreted as a partisan play which would undoubtedly result in Ukraine losing the bipartisan support it has thus far maintained. This would all undermine U.S. national security. Following the call, I again reported my concerns to NSC’s lead counsel," Vindman's opening statement says.

The call is at the center of the impeachment inquiry against Trump launched by House Democrats. Critics say that Trump’s alleged pressure on the Ukrainians amounted to an abuse of power designed to help him in the 2020 presidential election.

Vindman is the National Security Council director for European affairs. He joined the National Security Council in July of 2018.

He will tell Congress that he is not the unnamed whistle-blower whose complaint sparked what would become the impeachment inquiry now underway, according to the statement, and that he does not know who the whistle-blower is.

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